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Rated: 18+ · Book · Personal · #1071680
Being a stay at home mom is never as cut and dry as you think it is.
Originally my pregnancy blog, now continuing on as the life of a mom and her two wacky kiddos thing till I don't want to write in it anymore *Pthb*. So come on in and see what's going on in my world for a bit if you like...Be careful where you step, as the kids have all their Pokemon cards out! Feel free to hug a Hello Kitty plush! Come join in the fun, Super Mario Bros. and Hello Kitty style!

Merit Badge in Parenting
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 Congratulations on your pregnancy*^*Smile*^*. You already are a wonderful mom to your son and I know this baby will be very blessed also 
*^*Heart*^*SS           Merit Badge in Family
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  In the midst of how you are feeling right now, know that it can be fixed & I'm proud of you for writing the poem that reflects how you feel. The love of your children clearly shines through. *^*Heart*^*            Merit Badge in Journaling
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  I'm so glad to be back blogging and reading yours. The kids have grown so much! I'm so glad that you, myself and T are still here journaling together!

the wonderful badges my "Sister", silversara, graced me with. Thanks Sis, I *Heart* you!

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Thanks to all of you for your support, your comments, your love, your generosity and your time! Never met a greater bunch of people then on here! Besides, who else would want to listen to a rambling crazy mom, both during and especially after pregnancy? *Laugh*
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August 26, 2010 at 5:43pm
August 26, 2010 at 5:43pm
So a lot has happened since I last wrote. Journey's fourth birthday came and passed. I think she had a good one. She got a bike, and then got to pick out some clothes and a zhu-zhu pet. Said zhu-zhu pet is currently already wearing down (they just don't make toys like they used to!), but she's been on her bike a couple of times already and enjoys every minute of it. We took the kids out riding last night, and Journey was the one that howled with distraught when we told her it was dark out and time to get inside. That's the normal kid response...Ryan is grateful to not be outside anymore. He's such a weird little kid. *Laugh*

It's so cool to watch her ride her little bike. It's finally a big kid's bike with training wheels on it, and she's gotten the hang of pedaling and steering quite well. It's exciting to watch her go, just like her brother, around the pathway. I'm so proud of her.

Today was her first day of school, and I think she did quite well. We had to run her out to the bus because he came early, and I got yelled at because I was trying to take a picture of her while she was sitting in her seat, but I didn't care. The bus driver will get over it, as tomorrow I won't be carrying a camera with me. I just hope he doesn't come early again, as I'm not prepared for that. We had a great morning though, she ate her toast, drank her milk, we watched World World and Dragon Tales, then picked out a snack from the Bag of Snack that I created for her to choose from every day and packed her snack bag. Once the afternoon came, and the bus came, she got on with no problems, not one tear, no cringing, anything. She was such a big girl, and sat down in her seat just as she should to get going. I was bursting with pride.

The two hours and forty-five minutes it took from the time she left to the time I went to go get her stretched forever it seemed. The house was eerily quiet, and I kept calling out to Journey to go potty, but then remembered she wasn't here. When it was time to go pick them up, it felt so strange walking by myself to their school, I'm so used to having Journey in tow with me at all times. When the principal walked her and Ryan out, Journey ran to me and hugged me tight. I missed her so much! I was so happy to see a smile on her face, and glad to know that everything went okay for her today. I asked her all about her day, but didn't get much information but a bunch of "yup"s, so I'm assuming her day went well. I wish she had that sort of communication skill set to get the answers I wish I could hear, but with time that will come I suppose. We met some friends at the front office of our apartment building, and she admitted to them that she missed me very much, to which I almost cried. I missed her very much too...but I'm so proud to see her grow and head to school.

All in all, she is growing up so fast. *Heart*

P.S. it has been confirmed by her pediatrician that she is developmentally behind by nearly half a year or more. In two weeks we have a doctors appointment to discuss if she could possibly be mildly autistic or not. We will also be discussing this with the developmental pediatrician in December.
August 13, 2010 at 11:33pm
August 13, 2010 at 11:33pm
*BalloonB**BalloonR**BalloonV*Today is my 8th account birthday here on WdC! I can't believe I've been here 8 whole years. It's grown from being a place to store all my writing, to making friends here in blogland (blogville?) and sharing all about my kids instead. Though I don't utilize WdC to it's fullest potential like I did at the beginning, I'm still grateful for all it does for me-especially housing all my works. I appreciate that immensely. *BalloonV**BalloonR**BalloonB*

Got in the news today that Journey is in afternoon Pre-K. I'm in two minds about it. One the one hand, I like that I can still sleep till 7:45 a.m. I won't have to get her ready to go out the door until much later. She'll eat lunch with me before she goes, so she won't go in hungry. On the other hand, when there are early dismissal days, she won't be attending school, which does kind of upset me. I feel that she's developmentally behind in some aspects, so I wanted her to get as much schooling as she possibly could. Having these days off is not what I was looking for. Also, I'm sad that she's going to miss all her favorite little shows. If there were any three I could pick for her to be able to watch, it would be Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, Ni Hao Kai-Lan and Freshbeat Band. She's more than likely going to miss two of the three. I wish we could afford to get DVR so I could record these for her while she's not here, but at the same time I suppose she should get used to it, as next year Kindergarten is full day, and she won't be able to see ANY shows at that point.

Again, either way I'm fine with it. I have a few downsides to each, but it's a trade off regardless. The only thing that gets me upset is the few days she'll have off of school. I hope she proves me wrong and catches up with the rest of her class. December can't come soon enough to give me some answers.

I'll be going in to have a talk with her teacher when open house happens on the 24th. I'll be explaining about the potty training and also about the possibility of developmental delays, just so we're on the same page and she has a heads up. Hopefully we'll have no problems with that.

Just thought I'd fill you all in. *Smile*
August 9, 2010 at 8:49pm
August 9, 2010 at 8:49pm
I forgot to mention that we took Journey to see her very first movie in a theater on Saturday-Toy Story 3. She did really good! She sat through the whole thing with no problems or qualms, eating popcorn and enjoying the show. I was very proud of her, as I wasn't sure how she'd be sitting in a theater as opposed to sitting at home and watching it from our DVD player (which she's been doing since she was very small and we first got Kiki's Delivery Service).
August 9, 2010 at 5:40pm
August 9, 2010 at 5:40pm
These are the things my strange daughter has interest in:

-Traffic signs. More specifically yield and stop signs.

-Water towers. I have no idea why.

-Phone books. She is fascinated with them.

-Hand sanitizer. She's unnaturally obsessive with it.

More normal things she has interest in:

*The phone.

*Crayons and paper

*Stuffed animals

This is not to mention her favorite television shows, playing with her brother, and so forth. I just thought I'd make a list of the strange things she's interested in so I'll remember when she's older and let her know.
August 3, 2010 at 5:43pm
August 3, 2010 at 5:43pm
So, some good news.
First off, for the last week or so, Journey has been making trips to the bathroom without being told. She usually does it later in the evening, when everyone is busy with something (Don's watching T.V., Ryan's reading a book, I'm making dinner) and we'll get really surprised hearing her flush the toilet all on her own. She's doing it a lot more now, which is a good thing. I still have to tell her to go potty during the day, but it's getting to the point that she's going on her own now, and that's a great step! Unfortunately, she's still peeing her pull ups, so we've got to work on that, but we're one step closer to being fully potty trained!

Another thing is, she hasn't pooped her pants in almost a month. Dead serious. Every time she poops now, she poops in the potty. I'm so proud of her for that, it means so much to me! (I know it sounds weird, being so proud over poop in a potty *Laugh*) It feels so good not to have to change poopy pull ups anymore.

Big steps people, big steps. Here's hoping Pre-K will get her fully potty trained, and everything will be good to go.

Last night I had a dream that the teacher told me there were two other kids in the class that were still in pull ups too, so not to worry about it. I wonder if that will be true, and if they will tell me not to worry about it. I worry about it all the time, even though I can't control it and I'm resigned to sending her in pull ups until she is potty trained. Some kids are just late bloomers, that's all that I can tell them. She's well within the realm of normal, some kids don't potty train till they're 4 and a half, so she's still within the limits. And she's making progress, so it's not like she's stagnant and there's something seriously wrong. This is also something I'm going to bring up to the developmental pediatrician if she's not potty trained by that time. My hope is that by the time December comes around, she will be.
July 26, 2010 at 4:32pm
July 26, 2010 at 4:32pm
I got pretty choked up yesterday, talking to Don about how I wasn't ready for her to go to school yet. I wanted to spend more time with her at home, watch her shows with her, play puzzles with her, eat lunch with her and try to teach her and maybe potty train her a little more before I send her to school. Yesterday, I wanted to keep her little, and to stay with me and keep me company.

Today, I realized how selfish it is, and how much I want her to and how much she NEEDS to go to school. This will definitely be beneficial to her. She needs the social interaction, she needs the structured environment, the rules and discipline, and general lessons she's going to gain from this experience. I can't offer her much in the way of what she's going to get when she goes to school; I know, I've tried. I've done the best I could to teach her how to count to twenty, and all of her upper case and lower case alphabet, sharing and caring, shapes, colors, numbers, one to one correspondence. Now it's up to her to show that she knows it, or to get a refresher course in it. This is the best way to teach her what school is all about, and to be prepared for Kindergarten. I'm hoping this will also get her on the road to potty training, and give her more emotional maturity. I feel that emotionally, she's around the age of two and a half, maybe starting to be 3. She's not nearly as mature as the other four year olds that will be attending Pre-K with her. Hopefully this will help her grow up.

Some days, like yesterday, I just want it to be like it was last year, when we just enjoyed each others company and watched her favorite shows, dancing around the living room and counting to five in mandarin. Eating lunch together and playing puzzles. Coloring with such voracity that the crayons became nubs, singing all kinds of nursery tunes. I'm going to miss last year immensely, even though we struggled with potty training. I'm going to miss her waking up at 10 and asking me for pink milk and toast. Now (if she has morning Pre-K) I'm going to have to get her up at 7:30 each morning, get her dressed, fix her hair, and hope she eats her toast or her yogurt or her nutragrain bar on time before the bus comes. I'm still unsure if I'll have to pack two snack bags or not (I don't know if they'll be doing snack time for Ryan in class anymore or not...I'm kind of hoping that they don't anymore. He's getting too old to have snack time in class I think. I don't ever recall having snack time in class in second grade.), but I know I'll have to pack her one every day now...no lunch till Kindergarten. She'll either come home and eat lunch with me as soon as she gets off the bus, or she'll eat lunch before she goes into school depending on morning or afternoon status.

We bought a backpack for her to get her ready, and she was very excited about it. It's Ni Hao Kai Lan, so of course she loved it. It came with a free snack tote, which is the reason we bought it, not to mention it was on sale from $25.99 to $14.99. I laughed when I saw how the backpack engulfed her entire back, as tiny as she is. I'm still wondering what to send her in on her first day of Pre-K. I want to take pictures.

I'm sure in the next month my feelings of her going to Pre-K will wax and wane. Some days I'll wish her to stay home with me so we can have more time together, and a chance to get her potty trained. Some days I'll know that this is what's best for her, and in order for her to grow up and potty train, she's better off going to school.
July 16, 2010 at 2:03pm
July 16, 2010 at 2:03pm
Had the IEP meeting yesterday to determine if Journey needed an IEP for school or not. According to them she doesn't. They say she seems to be on track with everything, and if there's any problems when she enters school or the developmental pediatrician we're taking her to in December diagnoses her with anything, then we'll talk about an IEP again.

Part of me is relieved because I was hoping that she's average and on track. They seem to think she's fine, and that Pre-K will straighten her out and get her on the right track, even with potty training. I want to agree with them, nod my head vigorously and sing along with the choir. Maybe all of this is worry for no reason.

But then there's this nagging little part of me that keeps saying "You KNOW there's something wrong. You've known it since she was a month old. You keep telling everyone but no one is listening, and it's not going to be till she's already 3 and a half months into school that she's going to get diagnosed with it and everyone is finally going to see what you've been worried about all along." Something just isn't sitting right with me. I don't think it's as cut and dry as everyone keeps claiming it to be, even though I'd love it to be. I'd love to be proven wrong on this, and she starts understanding everything that's said to her and she does things with gusto, including pottying. I'd love to be wrong on all of this, but something inside me tells me I'm not. I know it, why doesn't everybody else know it?


All I can do is keep pursuing it. It seriously sucks that we can't see a developmental pediatrician until December 15th, but unfortunately with specialists, that's the way it works. I'm concerned that that appointment is going to fall through because I haven't received any kind of paperwork or confirmation about the appointment at this point like they told me they would send out. So much that I'm stressed out about with this situation. Only so much I can do about it though.

I just hope that the teachers realize that she may need a little more work than the rest of her peers, and are kind about it. I don't want them to label her as stubborn or refusing. I was never worried about Ryan in school, and he's done really good, but I'm afraid Journey is behind, and I'm scared for her. I hope they're right, I hope Pre-K turns her around, and everything will be okay.

I wish this potty training thing would already finish up and be done with. I'm so sick of pull-ups and messes. I'm sick of regular underwear and messes. I just want this to be done with already, and she's so stubborn about it. I seriously believe she doesn't have the sensation of a full bladder yet, and that she doesn't hold it to get that sensation. I think she pees every little while, as soon as she feels something in her bladder, regardless of how much it is. All I can do is keep guessing and sending her off to the toilet, in hopes that she hasn't already peed herself or pooped herself. More than half the time, she is and she does. I don't know what else to do.

That was another thing we talked about at the meeting. They didn't seem all too thrilled that she wasn't potty trained yet. I wish I could make her potty trained. They threw out suggestions, like limiting her liquid intake, and timing her liquid intake. I've done the limiting one already, and it doesn't matter. If anything, she only drinks about 10 oz of milk a day and 6 oz of juice, so it's not like she's getting all that much liquid in her system as it is anyway. "The key is for her to feel a full bladder" they said. Well, like I suggested, she doesn't let her bladder get full, she just pees as she goes along. How do I make her hold it till her bladder is full? I CAN'T. I can't do ANY of this for her, and they're sitting here telling ME like I have control?? Do they not understand that this is not a LAZY issue, this is a bodily function issue?? I can't make her do ANYTHING. I can tell her to go sit on the toilet when I THINK she needs to go because she's had some liquid in her system, but that doesn't mean she has to listen. She can decide to pee herself right then and there instead of sitting on the toilet and letting it out. She can decide to not pee at all while sitting on the toilet. And what do I do then pray tell? I can't FORCE liquid out of her body. The reason I sigh and say "She's going to school with pull ups" is because I HAVE NO CONTROL OVER THIS. She will do this when she's damn good and ready, she's proven this to me time and time again, and I can do everything I want to do, I can limit liquid, I can cut her off, I can tell her when to go to the bathroom, I can put her in panties, I can make her sit there on the toilet for hours, I can take toys and movies away, I can sit her in time out, I can bribe her, IT DOESN'T MATTER. She will do this when she's damn good and ready, and I HAVE NO CONTROL. It just seriously makes me want to cry. I don't understand why no one gets this. Do you think I WANT a 4 year old that's not potty trained? Do you think that I find this easier, or more fun, or entertaining? NO! I want this done as badly or more bad than ANYONE does. I'm tired of people looking at me like I'M the lazy one who just refuses to take time out of my day to train her properly. That's NOT it. I've TRIED EVERYTHING. LITERALLY EVERYTHING. I don't know what else to do other than bang my head against the wall until I break my skull and let my brains ooze out. The only thing I can think that may help her is going to school and seeing the other kids go. That's the ONLY thing I can think, and that's the only thing I haven't tried yet. I can't try it because she's not in a daycare type setting in order to get that, and I can't afford to put her in daycare just to get her potty trained. If I could afford it, then I would've done it already.

So basically put...the meeting was helpful to my hopeful side, but otherwise made me want to cry with frustration.
July 3, 2010 at 2:56pm
July 3, 2010 at 2:56pm
Wrote an entry in my paper journal that strangely seemed more appropriate for here. I've been confused a lot with that kind of thing lately; writing journal entries in different spots when they'd be more appropriate for others. Anywho...

The entry I wrote was about how I've never fully appreciated Journey at her own age. I've spent so much time trying to grow her up as fast as I could that I never really took the time to appreciate what age she was at when she was at it. When she was first born, I couldn't wait for her to be old enough to play with Ryan, and then when she was in the bassinet I couldn't wait for her to get into the crib, and when she was in the crib I couldn't wait for her to get into her own room. I feel like I've rushed rushed rushed through her entire life so far, and just now am I standing back to appreciate the fact that she's going to be four years old this August. I've spent so much time trying to be prepared for the now and looking towards the future that I never really just let her naturally grow without having worries or concerns. Granted, it's evident there is something to be worried about, but I've never just taken the time to stand back and just watch her. I've always been pushing to get her to the next stage, and the next stage, and up to speed. When I look back, everything seems to be a big ball of blur; I can't really recall any space of time filled with nostalgic recollection the way I do with Ryan. I don't know if it's because Ryan was such an advanced child and Journey was never able to catch up to that, or what the case was, but I've spent more time trying to figure out how we're going to work with Journey than I have just letting her BE Journey.

I also haven't invested the time to get used to the idea that she's gong to be leaving me for school this coming August. I know that a huge part of me is glad and knows she needs this, but the smaller part of me that wants to sob is just staying silent right now. I know I should cry and let it out of my system; it would be better for me. This will be the first time we'll be apart from each other. I've never ever been away from her, even when she was in the hospital for jaundice. I'm going to miss spending my days with her, even if she is only gone for three hours a day. I just can't seem to let it out of my system though, and I don't know why.

Don seems more capable of seeing Journey for who she is and not what difficulties she may have. He just lets her be her, without questions or worries. I wish I could do that too. I'm that way with Ryan, but I'm not that way with Journey. I wish I could be that way with her.
June 12, 2010 at 3:06pm
June 12, 2010 at 3:06pm
A couple of things. Firstly, Journey was accepted into Pre-K. I don't know which session she's in, morning or afternoon, and won't find out till later this summer, but we received a letter in the mail telling us that she is priority one to be admitted into Pre-K, and we will receive further information later this summer. What kind of elates me yet irks me is that she made it in based on our economic status, not on her test scores. Thus, I don't know what her test scores were or if they mattered in this decision. I'm glad that she made it in, because she really needs Pre-K and it's going to do her a lot of good, but at the same time it bugs me to know that it wasn't her scores or herself that got her in, but our economic status. I know I shouldn't complain too much though, because at least she's in, and that's what really matters the most I suppose.

Secondly, I took her to her pediatrician and confided in him how I was concerned for her growth and development. He gave me a few numbers to get in touch with some places that do evaluations and testings for her. I spent a couple of weeks trying to get a hold of anyone to get her in for an evaluation. Just last week I was finally able to. We took her in Tuesday to a program called "Child Find", and got an overview assessment of her, to which we found she has a problem with receptive language. She understands that you're asking her or telling her something, and she realizes that she has to reply, but she doesn't understand what you're asking or saying. This is evident in the way that you ask her the question "Where are you going for lunch?" and her reply is "Yes." We think this may be the key culprit in her potty training delay as well. We can tell her numerous times that pee and poop go in the potty, but I don't think she quite understands that she can do these in the potty instead of in her pants. We're still in the first stage of potty training with her as well, and she's still in pull-ups, and she's still wetting them and pooping them. I don't dare chance regular underwear because she hasn't quite grasped what she's supposed to do. I don't think she has the capacity to understand what we're asking of her yet, and frankly I don't know when she will have the capacity to understand. I'm almost certain she's going to go to Pre-K in pull-ups, and I worry constantly that she's going to end up in Kindergarten the exact same way. I'm not sure what else to do with her other than what we're already doing, because it's the only course of action that seems to have any positive results.
But anyway, getting back to the diagnosis, from here on, we will hold meetings to see where she's sitting and how we can best provide help to her. They're setting up what's called and IP plan (I'm not exactly sure what "IP" stands for at this time), but it's a personal plan with some time for a speech therapist or another type of therapist to come in and help work with her to get her up to speed. We'll be doing this all throughout the summer and well into her first year of school this fall. We were advised it should go seamlessly from the summer and transition from the school board to her Pre-K class by fall. Personally, I am thrilled about this. I'm so glad to see that advocating for my child is getting results, whereas with her old pediatrician, he would just shoo away any concerns I had for her. I hate that I'm right, and that there are some concerns that need addressing, and that nothing is just normal, but at the same time if there's something that is wrong, I'm glad I stuck with my guns and pursued it in order to get results. I just want school to be as good for her and enjoyable for her as it is for Ryan. I know it's not going to come easy, and she may have to work harder than a lot of her classmates in a few areas, but I don't want her to struggle all on her own. I'm glad we caught this, and we're going to have the school helping us to make a better way for her. The biggest thing that relieves me is, I was concerned that her teachers were going to think that she was being stubborn and a hold out when it would come to her work, and they would think her a problem child instead of realizing that she may not be capable of completing the task that they're asking of her. Now that we've established that this is what her problem is, it won't go unnoticed, and they'll be able to recognize that what they ask of her may not be something she understands or is capable of doing at that time. That's all I can really hope for in order for her to gain success at school so far.

The rest of the testing was assuring. She's very good at descriptive words. The woman that runs Child Find was astounded at how Journey would say things like "That's a big red wagon...that's a tall yellow ladder", whereas most kids her age would just say "wagon" or "ladder". In some aspects, she's very advanced for her age. Other times, she seems like she's about a year behind her age group. But she seems to be on track for numerous things. Her pre-writing skills are normal, her fine motor skills are well, her gross motor skills are fine, it just seems to be her receptive language that's a problem. I'm glad to hear that it seems to be her only problem, and that everything else looks to be on track. I was seriously worried that she was behind in many aspects.

Oh, and it pays to tell her every body part as you wash it in the bath every bath time. *Smile* I'm glad to see some of my work is paying off.
May 15, 2010 at 6:02pm
May 15, 2010 at 6:02pm
Pre-K round up was yesterday.
Because they were doing it in their own school (as opposed to borrowing another elementary school's gym like when Ryan went to Pre-K round up), they were able to separate all steps into different rooms. This means that Journey was tested without me being there with her. Though I can understand it from the testing point of view, some parents tend to coach their children while in the same room, I was curious to see how she'd respond. I've been testing her on the same things that they tested Ryan on when he did Pre-K round up. I was right there when they tested him, and all the things they asked him to do in the testing stuck in my mind, so I used them to teach Journey. I was in another room filling out paperwork when they took her back to test, and Don said when they brought her back to the play area, the teacher told him that she did fine, and was very friendly. I'm a worrywart mother, so to hear the word "fine" is quite vague to me, and I'm not sure what it stands for. I really want to know how well she tested, and wished I could've been in there to see, but I know that they have parents stay out of the testing area for a reason. I just wish we could get the results so I would know.

We're not going to find out if she made it into Pre-K or not till summertime, so there's plenty of time to go before they send the notice letting me know. Don's certain she got in; me, not so much. However, they never asked if she was potty trained the way they asked when Ryan went for Pre-K round up. I don't know if they assume that everyone at this age is potty trained, or if it really matters that they are or not, but they didn't ask and I didn't have the opportunity to volunteer the information that she's barely on the starting path. I hope that she gets it by this summer, and that she's in panties instead of pull-ups, but I can't guarantee anything. This is all up to Journey, not me. I'm going to feel kind of stupid sending her in a pull-up though if she's not ready for it when school comes. I hope they don't get upset with me. (On a side note, my dad works at a school, and currently there are two kindergartners and a 1st grader that still wear pull-ups to class in his school. This is a kind of nightmare/relief to me. I'll be horrified if she's still in pull-ups by kindergarten, but at the same time it's a relief to know I'm not the only person in the world that has a child that's taking a long time to get potty trained, and if you have to send them in pull-ups to get through the school day, then so be it I suppose.)

So hopefully, Journey's school days will have begun. And hopefully, she gets potty trained fully this summer so she'll be in underwear by the time Pre-K comes along. It's so hard when you're not the person that can control how this happens or not. *Worry* Even though steps are taken and we've been doing everything we can, I still can't help but worry until everything is in place.

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