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Rated: 18+ · Book · Activity · #1109488
What I have to say...do you want to comment...
Come and support all my favorite Raffles, Contests, Activites, and my Ramblings of anything else I have to say.

I will be adding a banner to this journal as soon as find one!


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July 24, 2007 at 12:12am
July 24, 2007 at 12:12am
Well first of all. NEVER do this when you are tired!!! There are so many different items you need to sort when you have it all together!!!

Nylon fishing line separate from black hemp stiring. All the different beads and crimps. The different style and color of wire and earrings with hooks. Glass beads, silver beads, wood beads, puka beads, and many olher stykes!

Then you have your bead bord to make the necklace and different latches for clipping the necklaces and bracelets and earrings together! All this and still keep from not going off or giving up! How can I Do this with my OCD!!! This is really difficult when I have to mix different shades of the same color!!! I can't stand it!!!!!!

Then there is getting in the mood of letting the girls make their own jewelry!! They want these for school. SO this should be intereting. They are excited about this. I can't wait to see what they make for school to wear. I know that they will be sneaking their lipgloss to school too... I see this coming and their purses...I am sure I am going to have to help dad get convinced to let them take their purses to school.

That is still 3 weeks away! For now I think it is going to be a great break. But i tink I am going to miss my girls when they start school. (sshhhh do not tell I said this...) I will deny saying that last sentence in a few weeks! *Pthb*
July 22, 2007 at 12:53pm
July 22, 2007 at 12:53pm
Well you know when they say do not let the "greeneyed monster get the best of you!" Well guess who finally said that she was really jealous and let me tell you I was so shocked that she was literally looking like a devil in disguise. What got me is that she's letting this evil spirit take over her!

When has this started, as soon as Alicia was born. This is their 3 month old cousin. So now Brianna is not the baby girl anymore. She is jealous of Bubby, who by the way, has to fight for the attention from his dad too. She is jealous becuase Samantha is the oldest and gets to do more things. And when their Papa in TX comes in to town and he comes and spend more time with the newest addition to the grand kids.

Well I have had to punish Brianna more than the other two because of the attitude more than anything. She does not like my house. She does not like her room. She does not like where we live at. She does not like this or that. So I told her to be happy we have a home. She knows that we are lucky to have a home. Especially since she has 2 homes, one for her mother and one for her daddy!

So I told her that Alicia needs more help since she can not talk, walk, tell what she wants, crawl or anything else but cry. I told her that bubby has have attention more than her and her sister becuase he is 4 and they are 7 and 8! I also told her that there are times that she needs more attention than her sister because she does not know what to do. Samantha is the oldest but still sometimes needs more attention too!

She then goes the famous saying "It's Not Fair"! I told her life is not fair, and nothing is perfect but God and Heaven! Even Heaven is not always perfect either! She asked me to read me out of my bible about being jealous so I did. She was so surprise that I actually understood what was in the bible. Then she thought that she was not going to go to heaven because jesus and God were mad at her. I had to explain that everyone has faults and everyone sins. She goes Jesus and God are perfect. I agreed with her on that part.

So I showed her by using my hands and showing how she thinks that everyone is up here and she is down there. I showed her that they were all on the same level and that she was still baby girl for our family but she is also the big girl becuase she is teaching her brother by how she leads. Wrong thing to say because then we went into a whole nother conversation.

I had to explain to her that whatever she does bubby follows! She did the same thing with Samantha was always getting in trouble. In fiact the had gotten into SO MUCH MORE trouble than what she bubby get into . She said she understood, but I do not think she did. I think she just did not want to talk about it anymore.

I am not sure what to do if this happens again! I give up at times. I know she gets that from me!! But I know a little more why she is acting like this!!
July 19, 2007 at 10:39pm
July 19, 2007 at 10:39pm
Come everyone I have already bought the first 100 tickets!! So someone else needs to buy some tickets because I do not want to win my gps back! Then again if I am the only who has bought tickets I guess I will win my 25% and my friend will win the other 25%.

I want to dare anyone who will buy atleast 10 tickets so that we can raise atleast 300 tickets and that would mean 1 friend would be nominated for everyone who buys tickets!!! SO anyone going to take my dare?

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Love always to all,

Veronica R. Adams

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teihzbael has many other awesome stories in his port too!

July 19, 2007 at 10:32pm
July 19, 2007 at 10:32pm
I really want to see the whole summer long and their dad knew I wanted to go see and he said it would be to graphic for bubby to go see. Then I talk to him tonight and find out that he was planning to go take them! He knew I wanted to go see this.

The only coolest movie in the whole wide world that is a remake of my tomboy stage in life that to me the Power Rangers were captured by the idea of fighting robots! WHich is why I was so determined that my youngest brother was going to get his megazord for christmas that year they came out!!

I think that Transformers is going be the most Awesome movie around!!! How many movies are made to realife from a cartoon based on robots that can turn into cars, plains, and hopefully trains too!!! I know a little kiddo who is going to be getting transformers from Santa...

Yeppers me!! I hasve been a good girl so I am going to get trnasformers! This way I Can share them with bubby. We could have some fun during the day time!! He will have to be really nice so I can share them with him. He has been begging for them. I really want to get some too!!! hehe....

Yes I am a big kid at heart!! I can't wait!

By the way, Santa I promise to do more writing this year and expand my horizons while I am at A-1 Academy! So If I do really good can I PLEASSSSSEEEEEE have my transformers!!! I will share them with my kids!!!!!! I will also help the kiods with learning to paint too!!!!!!!!

One other thing, Please will you find someone who will be a nice and wants to be with me and my kids. Ooops, never mind, I think I like not having to answer to anyone...hehehehe....

Love always to all,

Veronica R. Adams

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teihzbael has many other awesome stories in his port too!

July 17, 2007 at 11:30pm
July 17, 2007 at 11:30pm
After spending the last week trying to get everything ready hear in the house! Moving everything downstairs so it was not cramped so I would not have to move out of my house!!

SO what happeneds, well I need a hand rail becuase in my kitchen there is 4 steaps that goes down to my back door and my door to my basement. Because if you have 2 ore more stepa you have to have the handrail. I agree with that siince that has been on my move in check list. THis way I can put a gate up for the kids not to go out there.

My awning on my porch had painting peeling on it so it has to be sanded and repainted. I can do this myself. The provided the paint I will get it done. My sidewalk has to be done. I had hte 60 year old inspector that came to do this. So we now have 30 days to fill cracks, put braces down, and smooth out the sidewalk so I Can get this stupid vouceher, Positive thing is that my air conditioneer was fixed, Furnace motor was fixed, new handrail, fresh paint, and a new sidewalk!

I do have peromission to paint, and layflooring in my house. I get to paint my basement. I am going to fix the crawlspace by taking out the wood and add plastic so my heat will be better in the winter. I might just add the plastic to the wood.

Pretty much I am told to make the house look I am living here and not just like I was in the transistional housing...hehehe... I understand why they want me to feel at home here with my home. I am not going to loose my house anytime soon. Just have to the section 8 stuff done!!!

I hope that everyone is having a great month so far!!! If not yet, I wish you the best for the rest of the month!!!

3 weeks before school starts here in Indiana!!!!!!! WWWWOOOOOHHHHOOOOOO!!!!!

Love always to all,

Veronica R. Adams

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teihzbael has many other awesome stories in his port too!

July 10, 2007 at 7:49pm
July 10, 2007 at 7:49pm
all over again. She wants to hit something but she stops herself . She just broke down and told me she has been needing to do this since they moved to the apartment. Which is really interesting since her dad says there is nothing wrong with her.

Her dad got mad at her and sent her to bed the one time she threatened it at his house and he grounded her for the rest of the day, minues eating and going to the bathroom.

Well if she is Bipolar or Borderline Personality Disorder, that is not the way to take care of it. If she OCD, that is not the way to do it either. I really think that she is not sure how to handle this at all.

I really do not know how to handle this but, I want to help her so she can count on me no matter what. I want to take her one evening to work out someways to work on getting this anger out and not wanting to hurt herself. It really scares me.

Love always to all,

Veronica R. Adams

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teihzbael has many other awesome stories in his port too!

July 10, 2007 at 5:45pm
July 10, 2007 at 5:45pm
Can you believe that the other night, i accidently knocked my brand new glasses off my chair, and then do you know what I did? I steped on the frame oif them and bent them. I just got them on Saturday!!!

That happened on Sunday! I Did good!

Love always to all,

Veronica R. Adams

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teihzbael has many other awesome stories in his port too!

July 10, 2007 at 5:30pm
July 10, 2007 at 5:30pm
Come and check out Precious Gifts Raffle and Writing Contest with their new mommies!!

The raffle will be going 50% to Angel Army, 25% to the Winner, and 25% to the Winner's Nominated Friend! friend

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So come on over to buy some tickets!!! Support Angel Army!!!!!

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Come and enter you preious gifts poetry, short story, or both!!

So everyone come and still support the contest and raffle, I am still part of these and will be helping out!!!

Love always to all,

Veronica R. Adams

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teihzbael has many other awesome stories in his port too!

July 9, 2007 at 2:00pm
July 9, 2007 at 2:00pm
Well it ihas been over amonth since my house has been decluttered. I am trying so hard not to fall back into my cluttered habits again. I have been trying to keep up with keeping each room clean. I am trying to do one room at a time. I am not doing so well. I have the kitchen back to the way it was. Cleaner, but just cluttered up. My bedroom has clothes thrown around and my boxes that were left in theire. My kids are cleaning their room up everyday.

I have been keeping the Front room kept up. My bathroom is giving me lots of troiuble. But it is clean just plumbing troubles. Go figure after a year is now messing up.

I am keeping up with the laundry too. I have a give a way box that I am going to sit out in my front yard.


I am trying to get ready for my Section 8 Housing voucher too!! Stress...stress....stress...

Love always to all,

Veronica R. Adams

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teihzbael has many other awesome stories in his port too!

July 9, 2007 at 1:18pm
July 9, 2007 at 1:18pm
I have moved a few items of mine to Angela's Niece needs Praye and Jess port. I have done this incase of me losing my account in anyway, so that they can take over making sure that WDC is being helped. Especially the Groups that I am passionate about! I am not going into detail about how I could loose the account, so you will have to trust me.

Angel Army and Rising Stars are the two groups that I am most actived in along with trying to be active in Simpley everything Review group too. Angela will be taking over and making sure with the cnotes that all the groups I am actived in will be helped. Angela will be donating to other awesome groups too here on WDC!!!

Angela's Niece needs Praye did not kow she was being gifted all of this until I had finally told her! She is my very bestist frienders here on WDC! She has been here for me and I have been here for her!! I want her to be the one to contnue everything for helping WDC!! (((((Angela))))

Jess is my lil sis that has been helping me out with the whole Precious Gifts Benefit Raffle and Writing Contest. She has been a TON of help for me with EVERYTHING!!! If it was not for Jessica, The contest and raffle would be a shaamble now! She will be helping Angela with keeping up with everything! This way when one is busy the other can work on this.

Now as for my premium, I am no t sure how I am going to be earning all the gps to get this, but I will do this. If not I will have to figure out how to condense my upgrade for now so I can start adding my work.

So if anyone has any ideas on what I can do to earn all my gps for the premium atleast to extend one more month, feel free to let me know!! I am not sure what to do for earning gps except for reviewing, since I usually do not do this for myself.

I appreciate everyone who has asked me not to leave!!! YOU can really cheer someone up who was not sure that there was more than a handful that I have been friends with! You have really cheered me up!!!

Love always to all,

Veronica R. Adams

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teihzbael has many other awesome stories in his port too!

July 4, 2007 at 11:41am
July 4, 2007 at 11:41am
IF you notice that Angela's Niece needs Praye has taken over the raffles that I have. This has not change anything. I will be sending her the tickets in order and the GPS to give out to the winners.

Due to circumstances I have had to make some changes so that my contest and raffles that I have started out of love for Writing.com are saved and passed on. NOthing has changed I will be finishing up Round 3!

Angela will be taking over after this round. I am not sure IF I am able to stay past my upgrade end of my premium so I am trying to make sure that everything is transferred to someone who will be able to run it and will pass gps on to the groups.

I will update my blog as I get through what I have to do. My stress level is really getting to me and I have to figure out another way to handle it other than staying on line all the time. I love WDC, but I have to work on getting myself taken care of first and then my kids and our family.

Thank you everyone!! I love WDC!!

Love always to all,

Veronica R. Adams

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teihzbael has many other awesome stories in his port too!

June 30, 2007 at 6:47pm
June 30, 2007 at 6:47pm
What is the fucking point trying to Kill Just to make yourself happy!!!! God only knows what else is going to go on!!!

Lets see London is has had 2 cars with bombs taken into custody. Scottland just had a Jeep explodes into the air port trying to attack and kill people! Setting himself on fire along with the damn Jeep!

Hopefully everything going with the Concert for the rememberance of Princess Diane does not have anything happen!!!

Thankgoodness only one person was hurt. Guess where the dummy who has set himself on fire is going to the HOSPITAL!!! Let the fucker burn to depth!!!!!!!!

Lets pray to god that the US or any other Country does not get attacked this weekend!!!

Where is Bush, they said enjoying the weekend with his father but has been breifed!!! Who knows what they have planned on him. Or anyone else of importance!!! I pray to God again NOTHING!!!

Doesn't this make you think that we do not have freedom anymore becuase we have to constantly have Home land security hightening the security color by color!!! This is again fucking redicious!!!

What else are we going to have to do stay in our fucking homes on all holidays to make sure no one gets killed and not be able to celebrate our Independance!!!!

What Independace anymore!!! What Freedom? someone let me know!

Love always to all,

Veronica R. Adams

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June 25, 2007 at 8:52pm
June 25, 2007 at 8:52pm
I have been working on this for 2.5 years of sitting on a waiting list, updating my address, and doing everything so that I can get this!!!

I am so happy because of being on a fixed income my rent will go down thank goodness!!! I am going to stay here at my house!!! I am so happy that i will ahve more money to help with getting things for my kids!!!

Well I am off to bed!! Have a great night!

Love always to all,

Veronica R. Adams

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June 25, 2007 at 8:49pm
June 25, 2007 at 8:49pm
Thank you Lord for helping Raven be with us forever as of right now!!!!!!!!!

Raven is a true angel!!!!!!!!! Raven is in Full Remission!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thank you Lord again for helping her come back to us 100%%%%%%%%%%

Love always to all,

Veronica R. Adams

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June 19, 2007 at 12:56pm
June 19, 2007 at 12:56pm
Raven has now left I see even after proving that she does have leukemia. I am not sure why since she has proof. I will say one thing about this.

For everyone who had helped with donations and and Raffle tickerts for helping Raven. Raven did give me the rest of the gps to put towards a Month of my Premium so I had time to earn more. I want you all to know that Precious Gifts Benefit Raffle will be donated back in everyones name that contributed to the raffle I did to help!!!

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I would like to have everyone to email me who were part of this so that I can make sure I have you all on the donation letter to Angel Army! This is my way of Saying Thank You for all the help!!!

I will also being doing several other Activities to make up for all the gps that were lost in the awards given to her too. Including A-1 Academy for their scholarship, and anything else that has been done!

Thank you eveyone!!!


winter is going through some trouble with her Lukemia with her Chemo, and is fighting for her life.

Please come and visit the Raffle and buy a ticket to help support her upgrade or premium membership and many other surprizes that are planned so that she knows her WDC family loves her and wants her here too!

Runs from June 17th through 11:59pm June 22nd

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If you would like to make a donation:

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Please come and help raise gps for winter!!!

Love always to all,

Veronica R. Adams

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June 15, 2007 at 4:44pm
June 15, 2007 at 4:44pm
everything. *scratching my head* as I am thinking of away to find what I need and still keep the house clean! this will be interesting. I will figure it out though! This is awsome that I have finally moved into this little house I have. I just need to re arrange some furtniture and get my knick knacks out and my shelves up! I am just not wanting it to look cluttery again.

I am going to try to get my judging done and my reviews done for others who have won from my auction donations. I have misplaced my notebook that had this all in it while cleaning out stuff. I am sure that I will find it this weekend. I will have to go back and read my reviews on Round 2 judging so that I can remember the Top 6 I had to go back and rejudge again.

I will be hopefully getting round 3 done this weekend too!!!

Hopefully I have gotten my review template down pack now. I have a few other little things to add to them as I am critiqueing it.

Well I am off to spend a little more time with my kiddos before they are gone for the weekend!!! *doing the happy dance* It has been a long week with my kids and pushing me to that limit!!

I hope that everyone has a great weekend!

Happy Fathers Day Early!!!

Love always to all,

Veronica R. Adams

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May 23, 2007 at 11:44am
May 23, 2007 at 11:44am
I am so excited!!!!! I have never placed in any contest since I have been here on WDC!!!!!! I am so happy!!!!!!

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Definitely a Confidence Boost!!!!!!!! This really made my day!!!!

Love always to all,

Veronica R. Adams

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May 2, 2007 at 1:29am
May 2, 2007 at 1:29am
I will be adding the ticket holders and how many tickets on here as soon as I have finished Round two tomorrow!!

Jeremknight 20 Tickets

As soon as I get all the winners from the auction donations then we will pick the winner! There are so far 800 tickets so far in to this round which is 80K going to the charities, upgrade group, and winner

Love always to all,

Veronica R. Adams

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April 29, 2007 at 11:58am
April 29, 2007 at 11:58am
I have all the winners listed as the emails came for the order of reviews...I will be adding tickets to the raffle as soon as I figure out how to do this fairly since I have over 700 tickets that were won in the donations. I will have it listed as soon as I can! I will be awarding all awards after the 3rd...They switched my check dates which really messed me up for bills too.

If you want to email me to find out where you are at on the list that is cool! I will not be leaving you hanging...I have been there on taht, it is not cool. I have alot do real life that is going on right now that is taking up some of my time.

Every other weekend is my kids weekend here, except this time we have each had them 2 weekends in a row. I recieved my paperwork for my Section 8 housng voucher, so I am trying to get my house ready for that too. I have been on the list for 2.5 years almost.

This is a big thing I need due to the fact that my rent is have of my SSD check. Monday afternoons I can not do anything until the evenings and have my son to deal with everyday. He is dealing with the fact that he has a new cousin that is taking up his time with his grandma.

I will have every one completed by the 20th of May hopefully, and still have to judge my contest too! I want everyone to know that i am not trying to put off anyone at all and everything will be done!!!!

I promise!!! I always keep my promises!!!! Have a glorious day!!!!

Love always to all,

Veronica R. Adams

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April 26, 2007 at 11:17pm
April 26, 2007 at 11:17pm
getting your yellow cases!!! I am so happy you have all done an awesome job around here on WDC and great at writing and participating!!!! I hope that you have gotten lots of Congrats!!!!!

Love always to all,

Veronica R. Adams

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