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Rated: E · Book · Personal · #1227698
Life, Prose, Poetry, Philosophy, Opinion, Faith
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#1228264 by SHEA

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Thanks Tornado Day for sponsoring me in the "Rising Star Group" and being my friend.

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November 12, 2009 at 1:48pm
November 12, 2009 at 1:48pm
"So the opposite of worry and fear is to seek God - not an anxious seeking but a joyful, trusting seeking, like a child playing hide-and-seek with a parent. Seek first God's kingdom. I love this promise from God: "Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. I will be found by you" (Jer. 29:12 - 14). God longs to be found, like a mother playing with her child. God deeply desires to listen to us, to be discovered by us. When we do discover him, discover that deep relationship of love, we will find that it satisfies us in a way that stuff never can. We will realize we have enough if we have God.

So how do we live a simple life? Seek first God's kingdom, seek to live according to his ways. In other words, walk humbly with God, and all your other priorities will fall into line. This is not a one-time deal. It's a constant journey. Keep seeking God. Seek his kingdom, his will, his love, every day. Seek and you will find. You'll not only find God; you'll find that you have more than enough. "

- Keri Wyatt Kent - Simple Compassion

November 11, 2009 at 11:33am
November 11, 2009 at 11:33am
No Tomorrow

Knows there's
No tomorrow.
There's just today
Lived out again.
Through the
Tall grass
This meadow yields.
Unrevealed till
Called upon
Once more
And tomorrow,
November 11, 2009 at 9:28am
November 11, 2009 at 9:28am
Come on again,
and be the one
everyone adores.
Show us brilliant
waves of love,
Passion, praise and more.
Let us hear gentle words
That build us strong,
and sure.
That soothing twinkle
you possess,
That helps the heart
feel cured.

Come-on now
stop the tears
That have built up
over years.
When that is done
You'll know that
you have won;
Rain-man and Tear-man
None then could claim
it's theirs;
Simple and always

...calls us in;
quietly petting all hearts beating here.

November 8, 2009 at 7:42am
November 8, 2009 at 7:42am
"The test, I don’t deny it, proves to be very hard: you have to go uphill, “against the grain”.

— What is my advice? That you must say: omnia in bonum, everything that happens, “everything that happens to me”, is for my own good... Therefore do accept what seems so hard to you, as a sweet and pleasant reality."

- St. Josemaria Escriva

November 7, 2009 at 6:43pm
November 7, 2009 at 6:43pm
This is awesome!

I invite you to enjoy it. I pasted the lyrics below.


"There must be lights burning brighter somewhere
Got to be birds flying higher in a sky more blue
If i can dream of a better land
Where all my brothers walk hand in hand
Tell me why, oh why, oh why can't my dream come true

There must be peace and understanding sometime
Strong winds of promise that will blow away
All the doubt and fear
If i can dream of a warmer sun
Where hope keeps shining on everyone
Tell me why, oh why, oh why won't that sun appear

We're lost in a cloud
With too much rain
We're trapped in a world
That's troubled with pain
But as long as a man
Has the strength to dream
He can redeem his soul and fly

Deep in my heart there's a trembling question
Still i am sure that the answer gonna come somehow
Out there in the dark, there's a beckoning candle
And while i can think, while i can talk
While i can stand, while i can walk
While i can dream, please let my dream
Come true, right now
Let it come true right now
Oh yeah"

Elvis and Celine Dion:

November 6, 2009 at 4:30pm
November 6, 2009 at 4:30pm

The ravine

Does roar

At me.

In vile,


And snot.

That birds




Then I raised

A gun for not.

The ravine

Had flown

To see.

The ravine

Does roar

At me

In vile

And blood,

And snot.

November 6, 2009 at 3:11pm
November 6, 2009 at 3:11pm
Just One

Do you see what
I wanted to see,
Do you see the shine
Of the sun?

Do you see how
I prayed I could be,
But just not enough
For true love?

Do you see how
My heart still does beat,
Pumping fast my blue
Newfoundland blood?

Dripping red mess,
'cause the course
Wasn't met,
Without you, now

I am just one.

November 6, 2009 at 9:33am
November 6, 2009 at 9:33am
"Many years ago, my mother collected Russian matryoshka dolls. If you're familiar with these dolls, you know there's more to them than meets the eye. Made of wood, these dolls are cut across the middle so that when you pull off the top half, it opens to reveal a smaller doll inside. When you take out and open the next doll, you find an even smaller doll inside. This continues, of course, until the last, smallest doll is revealed. Looking at the largest doll from the outside, you'd never guess what's inside.

Because each doll is inside a larger doll, what happens to one doll happens to the others. If you lift the doll up and place it on a shelf, all the other dolls inside are raised up as well. If you dispose of the doll in a fire, the dolls inside are also burned.

Matryoshka dolls help me understand what it means to be in Christ. The Bible tells us that we're "hidden with Christ in God" (Colossians 3:3). I imagine most of us don't think much about what it means to be hidden in God. But the Scriptures emphasize our being in Christ about six times more often than the fact that Christ is in us. Obviously, this is an important truth that God wants us to grasp.

It was God who changed our spiritual location. He transported us from a position in Adam to a place within Christ. Because of our original position in Adam, we were like Adam. Through our new location in Christ, we become like Christ. We are spiritually alive and righteous."

-Andrew Farley

November 5, 2009 at 10:05am
November 5, 2009 at 10:05am
I have been breed through community, and genetics, to observe standards; to observe rules of conduct, and behavior. Civilities that were instilled in me as I grew into the individual penning you these words. - Always being fair to people. - Always reflecting respect. - Always being truthful. - Always standing up for ones convictions.

These are components that literaly rule, and govern, my waking hours. I try as best I can to be one who, regardless of my physical quandaries, observes these items we speak of here.

These are not standards I use as pick and choose, depending upon the external forces that may stir emotion. These are things that as a person living in community must use.

When I encounter people who claim to be, and call themselves professionals, who display mannerisms that are so far outside what is acceptable behavior, not just for this person calling themselves a professional, but anyone. I feel it my duty and responsibility to inform them that their conduct is unprofessional, and unacceptable.

There have been times when, because of my stance, I have had to endure hardships, but sometimes conduct must be addressed regardless the sting personally. Many times when standing up for principles, and civil standards, all professionals must adhere to, I've been treated as the one who is wrong. The one who should never have the gall to question the behavior that is unacceptable, when called to count...

November 5, 2009 at 8:30am
November 5, 2009 at 8:30am
The Web

A wonderful web we weave,
In thought of yesteryear,
A pounding young heart
In first found love,
Devotion blindly shared.
Then crimped in pain love's ecstasy
Love's valiant once fine fair.
Echoes images & audio,
Still projecting fragments
Gone forbear.

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