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Rated: 13+ · Book · Emotional · #1967937
Here you will find my daily journal of small stones and inspiration!
I hope you will take the time to enjoy my blog!

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November 30, 2014 at 11:08pm
November 30, 2014 at 11:08pm
Day 744: Monday, December 1, 2014
Prompt: It's Cyber Monday. Write a story, poem, lyrics, or rant about what could go either right or wrong on Cyber Monday? Have fun.

I know I saw it on their site,
I bought it online to avoid a fight.
I went to the store to go get it,
and the clerk there had a fit!
"We haven't gotten a shipment yet
and all our orders can't be met"
Now, I can't get what I wanted,
and my plans have all been stunted!
Cyber Monday is for the birds
and some clerks are real big turds!

And I work retail....
November 22, 2014 at 11:16am
November 22, 2014 at 11:16am
Blog City Prompt - Write what whispers your name in the night...

My books that I am currently reading whisper my name at night. They call out form the pages urging me to continue reading. They call out waking me from fitful sleep. Until I turn the final page they continue to beckon me with their plot lines and characters. How do I stop them, how will I sleep again?
November 21, 2014 at 9:33pm
November 21, 2014 at 9:33pm
I really thought that I was going to nail NaNoWriMo. In my head I have a wonderful novel based on my mother's childhood. I have the main ideas written on index cards. They are all sorted by which chapter they would be in. I just can not seem to get the right words on to the pages. I think I will continue to research and eek out the chapters and then turn it into my novel!
July 15, 2014 at 1:50pm
July 15, 2014 at 1:50pm
I always said I would never color my hair. I highlight on occasion but I never wanted to fully color it for fear the roots would come in and force me to continually color it. What I have done this summer may change my mind. Time will tell.

In mid-June I bought a bottle of hair lightener which was peroxide in a bottle. The bottle clearly read do not use on medium brown or darker hair, I decide what the hey? The first time I sprayed it on only a few strands to highlight the very front hair. It worked very well. I then decided to spray the whole of my mop of dark brown hair! It has turned the most beautiful shade of blondish-brown. Now, my roots are growing in. That mousey brown hair of late winter is returning. The problem being, I love my hair this beautiful color. I think a trip to my favorite hair stylist is in order.

Time to find out if it is true.... Blondes have more fun!
July 6, 2014 at 4:05pm
July 6, 2014 at 4:05pm
Well, this summer is off to a pretty good start. I am finishing up my week long vacation. In the past week I have stayed up all night fighting cancer with my committee buddies at The Relay for Life of Henrietta and Brighton. We raised over 50k! I plan on heading up the Entertainment Committee next year as well. I headed to my cousin's house on Monday- Wednesday and had a blast. I plan on returning at the latest in October for the Homecoming game that my cousin Ehrich will be coaching. I went to the fireworks at the local park and ,no pun intended, HAD A BLAST! Yesterday, I inspected my veggie garden and found all kinds of veggies growing on the plants!

Yup, it's gonna be a cool summer!
June 28, 2014 at 11:32am
June 28, 2014 at 11:32am
Procrastination- Fatal Flaw or Necessary Evil?

Yikes! I would have to say with me Fatal Flaw fits the bill! I always wait until the last moment to do things. I planned on making little coffee cozies for all the Committee members for the Relay for Life. All I needed to do was crochet 16 8 row segments, sew them into a cylinder and then crochet 16 really easy ribbons and sew them on. Each one takes about 30 minutes to make. I can crochet them watching tv. I decided to make these in January. Well, today is Relay day, I have 1 made, 8 cozies made and no ribbons. Now, each night since January I have watched at least 30 minutes of TV. I could have made 180 of these! I should have made 16! I made ONE! Maybe I should have written fatal flaw as FATAL FLAW! Now, the good part is no one was expecting me to make these, but maybe if I had told them they were getting them I would have completed the project!

At least I did not procrastinate with my duties as the Entertainment Chairperson. As far as I can tell, everything is set for tonight! We are going to have pinatas and wheelbarrow races and glow in the dark ring toss! If this sounds interesting to you, look up Cancer Relay for Life in your area! (Yup, I know, a plug!)

Have a great weekend!
June 27, 2014 at 12:14pm
June 27, 2014 at 12:14pm
Where do I find solace?

Often, it depends on the season. In the Fall and Winter, I tend to lose myself in my writing and reading. A really wonderful book can take me from the everyday miseries of life. Unless, of course, I am reading Misery. Closer to Christmas, I like to drive around town and gaze at people's Christmas lights. In one town, they have a whole neighborhood lit from one end to the other and they have a radio station you can tune in and listen to Christmas Carols set to the light displays. I work retail, I don't have time to set things up like that, but I enjoy seeing what others can do!

During Spring and Summer, I find my solace in the Great Outdoors! Even if I am just sitting on the deck in the backyard I feel miles away from any worries! I also enjoy my gardening. Watching the little peat pot plants flourish in the rich soil gives me strength. Finally, when the fruits of my labors spring forth I just get so excited!

June 26, 2014 at 11:31am
June 26, 2014 at 11:31am
Odds are we're going to be...

eating a great deal of zucchini bread at our house this summer. I planted six zucchini plants in my garden and they florish in this weather we experienced this week. The rain and warm temperatures caused the plants to double if not triple their size just since Sunday! Flowers formed on all but two of the plants and I fear I may have squash cooming out my ears in the next few weeks.

Luckily, some of my co-workers expressed delight in my garden and expect to reap the results of my green thumb! I received requests for both the vegetables and the bread when completed! I hope the tomatoes and watermelon continue thriving as the squash are! Nothing like tasting homegrown fresh veggies right off the vine. I don't even bother washing them, just wipe 'em on my shirt and pop 'em in my mouth.

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June 25, 2014 at 11:38am
June 25, 2014 at 11:38am
Oh where, oh where did our blog prompts go? Oh where oh where can they be?

This is only the second time I have participated in the 30 day Blogging Challenge, and it is the first time in the Unofficial Month. I thoroughly loved the idea of each blogger getting a different day to choose a prompt, however, we seemed to have hit a glitch. So I ask again...

Oh where, oh where did our blog prompts go? Oh where oh where can they be?
June 24, 2014 at 7:57pm
June 24, 2014 at 7:57pm
Well, I couldn't find an official prompt to the unofficial month but I read something interesting on someone's blog... great I can't remember whose. But it said something about not having a meal anymore and just having a pill supply all you nutrients. To that I have just two words...maybe three... OH HELL NO!

I love to eat too much, I like all kinds of foods. Fatty, greasy, sweet, tart, nice ripe and juicy. Yep, I love my foods! I can't even imagine not eating 3 meals plus snacks each and every day. I want my watermelon and my Doritos and my steak and hot dogs, my french fries my milk duds and ice cream. Gotta have my ice cream. Chocolate, vanilla cherry, coffee, sherbet! Yup! I gotta have my food, you can take your little pill and shove it up what is probably your little ass.

Meanwhile, I am going to sit on my somewhat not so little ass and grab an ice cream and gobble it down.

Bon appetite!
June 23, 2014 at 10:51pm
June 23, 2014 at 10:51pm
Just a quick note on what I will be doing this weekend. I am the Entertainment Chair for the Relay for Life of Henrietta and Brighton. We will be running the relay from 6pm Saturday until 6 am on Sunday. I have all kinds of fun laps lined up through the night!

Some examples include; Fun Hat Lap, Beach Lap , Super Hero Lap with pinata! , glow in the dark ring toss, pj/cookies and milk lap/ party dances (think hokey pokey and chicken dance). Limbo Lap....

Don't you wish you could join us?

The best part is I hot two pinatas, one is a black dragon the other is a birthday cake. These are very symbolic because I am going to have any Cancer Survivors take the first whack to slay the dragon and we are helping raise money so the Cancer Society can help people celebrate more birthdays!

I hope everyone has as much fun as I will!
June 22, 2014 at 10:11pm
June 22, 2014 at 10:11pm
Since there was no blog prompt today for the 30 day Blogging Challenge , I decided to kill two birds with one stone and write my blog and do the daily "Challenge" as well. I picked the following prompt to write about...

Why did the alligator cross the river?

Well, you see the alligatorwas sunning himself on the west bank of the river when a bird came and landed on his back. The bird explained to the alligator that he was there to eat the bugs off the alligator and in return the alligator should not try to eat him. The alligator at first thought this would be an ideal situation. The bird kept the bugs off of his back all morning lond and the alligator had no itching or discomfort. Then the bird began to talk.

This was one chatty bird, blah blah blah blah. All morning long for hours on end the bird kept talking. First, one subject then another. Blah blah blah. The alligator soon thought that the bugs on his back would be much less annoying than the bird and his constant blabber. Blah blah blah. Soon , the sun reached it's pinnacle in the sky and the alligator felt very warm. Blah, blah blah the bird kept talking. Then the alligator had an epiphany. He was not bothered by bugs when he was in the water.

The alligator began to move toward the edge of the river, the bird became aware of the movement and questioned what was occurring. The alligator, who was beginning to get hungry, told the bird he was going to ferry to bird across the river. The bird felt this might be fun and stayed on the back of the alligator. Slowly, the alligator began to sink into the water. Any bugs that were on his back flew or crawled off. The alligator then licked his lips and chomped at the bird. Just before he ate the bird the bird exclaimed "We had a deal".

The alligator spoke, " we did indeed but the water keeps my back free, and doesn't talk as much!" CHOMP!

Why did the alligator cross the river? To get the buggy bird off his back!
June 21, 2014 at 11:36am
June 21, 2014 at 11:36am
June 21, 2014 is the Summer Solstice, the longest day of the year. After June 21, the days will get shorter until the Winter Solstice. Some people celebrate the solstice.

How will you celebrate the longest day of the year? Will you write verse? Will you write prose? Will you have a BBQ? Will you protest?

If I did not have to work this is how I would celebrate the Summer Solstice. I would go up to my brother's cottage and hang out for a while. We would have hot dogs and hamburgers for lunch and steak for dinner! As the sun begins to set we would gather wood for a huge bonfire. Some of the logs would be five foot long and we would create a teepee of the driftwood and then light the fire. You would be able to see the flames from the other side of the lake.

Once the fire was burning we would dance and tell stories while sitting on blankets around it. Some of the stories would be funny and others would be scary. Soon, the teepee would fall into itself and the burning embers would go from flaming to a orange-red glow. Now would be the time for toasting marshmallows.

We would grab at least one bag of large marshmallows, a package of Hershey's chocolate and a box of graham crackers! Roasting the marshmallows over the embers to charred perfection, we would then slide the gooeyness in between the layers of chocolate and graham cracker. Yummy! Be careful not to put your roasting stick down into the sand because the sand will stick to the goo.

Now I wish I didn't have to work tonight!
June 20, 2014 at 10:38pm
June 20, 2014 at 10:38pm
I am black and white and
cute as can be.
I eat bamboo and
climb a tree.
My face is mostly
white you see.
But my ears are black
as black can be.
I am endangered
and live in zoos.
In Atlanta, we were
born in twos.

June 19, 2014 at 9:39pm
June 19, 2014 at 9:39pm
What would be my mutant power and why?

Warning: This maybe a bit sexist

My mutant power would be extreme beauty and extreme intelligence. These in combination would be tough for any male to complete with. We all know that even smart women are not thought of as the first resource because men only pay attention to the pretty girls. So, I would be unbelievably beautiful and get the attention of the villain and then BAM! I would use my super-intelligence to outwit him. I would have to admit that there are flaws to my plan. What if the villain does not prefer women or what if the villain is a woman? These two circumstances would throw a giant wrench in my plan.

However, if Hollywood is any indicator my plan could work. I would be like Jean Grey in X-men. My mutant name; Blonde BrainShell
June 18, 2014 at 8:14pm
June 18, 2014 at 8:14pm
Volunteer Work....

I just came off of the best volunteering job I have ever done in my life. I am a volunteer for Honor Flight. In case you don;t know what that group does, here it is in a nutshell. The group sends WWII and Korean Vets to Washington DC to visit the memorials erected in their honor. The Veterans do not pay a thing for their trip and the guardians (usually one of their children) donate $300 to fly with them.

Anyways, on Sunday was my first assignment. It was the Welcome Home celebration for Mission 35. I arrived at the airport in time to see the 200+ Patriot Guard members ride past the airport terminal. My duty for the day was to help the veterans from the arrival gate to the elevators. I was positioned at the third elevator and it was a blast. Those vets were so elated and overcome after seeing the memorials and then being welcomed back home to over a thousand people at the airport. As they passed my area I made sure I thanked each one for his or her service and more than once the veterans thanked me for being part of Honor Flight. One Korean Vet told me that 50 years ago he returned from Korea to Seattle and there was nothing like this there welcoming him home.

Downstairs, at the airport, there were two rows of Patriot Guard and Boy Scouts and the Knights of Columbus for the vets to walk through before heading to a ceremony in their honor. I have never felt so fulfilled as I did when I left the airport. I only hope that everyone who reads this can find something they can feel as fulfilled in any type of work as I did that day!

"Invalid Item"   by A Guest Visitor
June 17, 2014 at 8:47pm
June 17, 2014 at 8:47pm
Is is ever better to take the low road versus taking the road?


I would think this would depend upon your definition of the low and high roads. Are we taking the meaning literally or metaphorically?
I have chosen to be quite literal today. So, yes, there are indeed times in which taking the low road is the better choice. If there is a chance of avalanches or mudslides on the high road then the low road would be wiser. If there are bears on the high road, then take the low road. If the high road goes through some rough neighborhoods, you are best to stay on the low road. I would say if it is winter and the high road has snow and cold temperatures, staying on the low road would be the wise choice. If the low road is the shorter path then choose it. The path of least resistance is always a great choice as well.

Somehow, I don't think this is what you had in mind though, is it?
June 16, 2014 at 9:07pm
June 16, 2014 at 9:07pm
What moves within my soul?
What movement other than my own?
From deep within my bowels,
comes my deepest darkest secrets.
Though it is dark is it evil?
Can goodness come from
so far within? How can light
reach the Shadows Within?
June 15, 2014 at 7:48pm
June 15, 2014 at 7:48pm
Would you really like to know about my favorite three cereals... well if you keep reading this you will!

I don't eat much cereal, mainly because I don't like milk and cereal without milk is like well... yucky! I do have favorites though. I enjoy a bowl of instant oatmeal, especially when made with heavy whipping cream instead of water or milk. I like Crave. I eat it straight from the box. But my all time favorite would have to be Lucky Charms. I have liked Lucky Charms since I was little. And boy do I have a story about Lucky Charms.

When I was younger, my mom would pour me a bowl of Lucky Charms and the first thing I would do would be to eat all the marshmallows out. Then I would take the bowl of dry cereal into the frontroom and place it on the floor. I then proceeded to eat the cereal out of the bowl on the floor ... like a cat. I would meow around the room and purr and get yelled at for eating out of the bowl like that. For some reason the dry cereal pieces reminded me of meow mix commercials.
June 14, 2014 at 10:18pm
June 14, 2014 at 10:18pm
Ah, the ability to shut my eyes and dream. To be able to sleep in the comfort of my own bed with my comforter up to my nose. I sleep soundly, but in my dreams I am more alive than in waking. I meet the people I wish to meet and have conversations with them. I have love affairs with rich, wonderful men, who treat me as a queen. I live in mansions with fountains in the yard. My days are spent enjoying the finer things in life. Then the alarm sounds.

I awaken to my mundane and dreary life. The life where I spend all day at work and return home. I do housework and go shopping and trudge through each waking hour. Then, it is time to sleep again...

Ah, the ability to shut my eyes and dream. To be able to sleep in the comfort of my own bed with my comforter up to my nose. I sleep soundly, but in my dreams I am more alive than in waking. I meet the people I wish to meet and have conversations with them. I have love affairs with rich, wonderful men, who treat me as a queen. I live in mansions with fountains in the yard. My days are spent enjoying the finer things in life. Then the alarm sounds.

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