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Rated: GC · Book · Music · #1974611
My first blog about my life, my favorite music, my opinions, my feelings. Whatever.
This is the first blog I've ever had! You'll have to bear with me because I'm still learning how to do this whole thing. I'll admit that it's bit of a mess right now. I started blogging for "The Soundtrack of Your Life and I couldn't just let it end there! I don't think there's any point in keeping a separate blog for all of the blogging groups I want to join. I'm going to keep them all in this one so I can grow into an eclectic pot of confusion.

What you'll find here:
*Bursto*My opinions on everything.
*Burstv*Blog prompts for various groups.
*Burstp*A different song everyday that means something to me.
*Burstg*Experiences I've had in life


This blog is rated GC and will contain offensive language, stories, and opinions. Please don't read if you're easily offended! My intentions aren't to offend anyone, so trust my warning and turn back now or forever hold your peace! *Bigsmile*

Things I'll be using this blog for:

*Checkb*"The Soundtrack of Your Life
*Checkr*"Blog City ~ Every Blogger's Paradise
*Check1*"30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS

I want to hear from you!

As I mentioned before, this is my first blog. I'd love to hear from anyone who reads this. Leave a comment, rating, or review. Let me know what you like to read about. Have a suggestion for me to write about? I'd love to hear it. The best thing about a blog is the exchanging of opinions between bloggers and readers. I want to keep us all interested. Plus, it's just nice to get a little love sometimes. Let's get to know each other.*Smile*

*Heart* Charlie

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September 4, 2014 at 1:03pm
September 4, 2014 at 1:03pm
Artist: Franz Ferdinand
Album: Tonight
Song: Ulysses
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September 4, 2014 Prompt: Who was your favorite cartoon character?

I'm a little bit out of the loop on this one because I'm not super into cartoons. I guess I watched some when I was younger, if a cartoon is defined as any animated TV show. I guess even The Simpsons and Family Guy would be considered cartoons. Shows like Doug, Recess, and Hey Arnold were a big part of my childhood and I would wake up and watch them with a bowl of cereal most Saturday mornings. Recess would be on before I went to school every day and so would The Magic School Bus, which was an educational cartoon.

Did any of you watch Daria? Daria was proper sarcastic and witty. The show came on MTV when I was a young kid. I guess if I had to pick a single favorite right now, I'd go with Charlie Brown. He was so old for his age, if you know what I mean. He acted like a middle age dude going through an existential crisis. He's like the sweetest kid but he has all these crazy anxieties. Plus, we share a first name, so I'm a fan.

14 Of My Favorite Cartoon Scenes (Click on them. They're links!)

          *Bullet* 1. Charlie Brown being too neurotic to kick the football in case Lucy moves it.   Spoiler alert: Lucy is a bitch.

          *Bullet* 2. Hank Hill screaming "BWAAA" every time something shocking happens.  

          *Bullet* 3. Winnie the Pooh's extremely adorable exercise/eating scene.  

          *Bullet* 4. The "Killer Tofu" song from Doug.  

          *Bullet* 5. Daria talking about family in therapy.  

          *Bullet* 6. The kids in Recess getting in trouble for saying the word 'whomp'.  

          *Bullet* 7. Helga's stalker in Hey Arnold.  

          *Bullet* 8. Salmon inseminating the kids on The Magic School Bus.   Yes, it happened.

          *Bullet* 9. The Powerpuff Girls' friend being an "accident".  

          *Bullet* 10. When Spongebob gets caught watching sponge porn.  

          *Bullet* 11. Realistic healthcare in The Simpsons.  

          *Bullet* 12. Wile E. Coyote finally catching The Road Runner.  

          *Bullet* 13. Family Guy's accurate portrayal of politics.  

          *Bullet* 14. Foghorn Leghorn's abusive rants.  

That's all folks!


September 4, 2014 Prompt: Robert Frost said, “No tears in the writer, no tears in the reader. No surprise in the writer, no surprise in the reader.”
Do you agree with this quote? Have you ever been surprised while writing?

I completely agree with this quote and I love Robert Frost, so it's one of my favorites as a writer. To me, it's all about putting emotion into what you're doing. Writing is one of the few things you can take creative license with in life. You don't have to follow set guidelines or rules to have a good story or poem, and I love that about writing. If I want to, I can make my main character get hit by a bus right in the middle of the book and it's no big deal.

I think when you have a really good character going, they almost won't do things that are outside of their personality. If you have this meek, shy main character, they aren't going to suddenly walk up to the hottest girl in the bar and pull a dirty pick-up line. If you try to make them do it, the writing is going to be subpar and readers will notice that the character did something completely out of line for who they are. Of course, I can only speak from the experience of trying to force a character to do something and having to rewrite it fifteen times because it just doesn't seem "right".

When I start a story, especially a short story, I have no idea how it's going to end. I don't spend hours upon hours figuring out every major detail of the story. I get a basic plot and just start writing. A lot of times, it goes nowhere and I just have to scrap the whole thing or put it on the back burner until I'm ready to explore it again. But everyone once in a while, it works out and the result is a story that basically wrote itself with just a little push from me in the beginning. To me, that's the most enjoyable way to write.

So what you got? What you got this time?
Come on, let's get high

September 3, 2014 at 12:57am
September 3, 2014 at 12:57am
Artist: The Black Keys
Album: Brothers
Song: Howlin' For You
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September 3, 2014 Prompt: Even though we all love our houses, is there a house on TV or the movies you would like to live in?

Actually, yes, thanks for asking. I don't even like my house. The Home Alone house is crazy awesome though, I always thought that. Like straight up, that place was the shit  .

You can actually see inside the real house vs. the movie house  , which is kind of cool. I always thought his bedroom was awesome with the sloped ceilings. I always wanted to live in an epic house that was just huge like that.

My problem is that I live in apartments, and man, that gets old. Especially with two people and three cats crammed inside. Sometimes I wish I had two floors and could just go off by myself in a room far away on the top floor just for some peace and quiet. I mean, I love being around my family, but when there's loud music or the TV is going when I'm trying to concentrate or have a headache, it's actually pretty difficult to get away. Even if I go into the bedroom, I can hear what's going on just outside the door in the living room, ya know? Maybe someday we'll have a house with a separate office that's farther away from the living room and it will be b l i s s.

Things That Are Wrong With My House

          *Bulletr* 1. There is a load bearing beam in the middle of the dining room that I've personally run into while drunk like three times in the past month.

          *Bulletr* 2. One bathroom. Two people vs. one bathroom. "KNOCKKNOCKKNOCK- I have to piss. Hurry, please! It's an emergency!" < That happens a lot.

          *Bulletr* 3. Little pieces of the carpet come out when I vacuum.

          *Bulletr* 4. The neighbors across the hall are always fighting and screaming into the hallway, "Give me back my phone!"

          *Bulletr* 5. The refrigerator is oddly short and nothing fits into the freezer part.

          *Bulletr* 6. If the washer is on the smallest cycle, it leaks, but only when maintenance isn't here.

          *Bulletr* 7. There is a tiny crack in the kitchen tile that my cats like to bite for some reason.

          *Bulletr* 8. Everything is east facing, so it gets way bright in the bedroom while I'm sleeping.

          *Bulletr* 9. There isn't a light in the bedroom. Seriously, come on guys. I need a light on the ceiling. As it is now, I have to walk over to my side table lamp and risk hitting my shins on the corner of my bed frame on the way.

          *Bulletr* 10. No pantry and inadequate cabinet space, so I can't stock up on food unless I want it to be laying out on the counter like I'm squatting or some shit.

          *Bulletr* 11. The entryway with tile before the carpet isn't big enough, so I'm always tripping over the door trying to balance myself on the tile while I get inside.

          *Bulletr* 12. I don't get a bill for my rent and they're crazy strict about when it has to be turned in, so like, every month I have to try to remember what day it is which is hard when you work from home.

          *Bulletr* 13. The bedroom window isn't even on the wall. The right side has a whole extra foot and a half of wall.

          *Bulletr* 14. In the living room, there's this pointless closet that's half a foot wide and could never possibly store anything.

*Infor* *Infor* *Infor* *Infor* *Infor* *Infor*

September 3, 2014 Prompt: A unicorn, dragon, and pegasus walked into an Inn/Bar/Pub.... What happened?

I feel like we're back at camp with this question. *Laugh* For some reason, I can't imagine all of these creatures getting along together. I had to go look up pegasus because I for some reason thought it might be the same thing as a unicorn. *Facepalm*

So, yeah, they aren't exactly the same thing, but I'm totally thinking that a pegasus and unicorn would get along. Maybe they would team up against the cranky old dragon. You're not bringing me down today, Mr. Dragon! I don't care if you have smoke coming from your ears.

Dragon glared at the back table from the bar. "What is he looking at?" Unicorn said, looking around.

"I don't know, but he looks angry," Pegasus said as he watched Dragon knock back another shot.

He finally started stumbling toward them, knocking into a chair and lighting it on fire with his fire breath before continuing. "We don't take kindly to your kind of folk around here, you crazy flying horse. Why do you even have a horn growing out of your forehead?" he demanded, turning his attention to Unicorn.

Unicorn and Pegasus cried in their booth for the rest of the night. Dragons are jerks.

Can't you see
Little girl's
Got a hold on me
Like glue
Baby, I'm howlin' for you

September 2, 2014 at 2:57pm
September 2, 2014 at 2:57pm
Artist: Pearl Jam
Album: Vitalogy
Song: Corduroy
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September 2, 2014 Prompt: Think back on the month of August 2014. Find a moment, one moment, that stands out in your memory - be it good, bad, or a little bit of both. Share it with us.
(inspired by prompt suggestions from Elle - on hiatus - Thanks)

August was a pretty busy month for me. I had a lot of ups and downs, like I do most months. This one is kind of hard because I'm trying to think of a single moment that stands out to me. The best part about August was our camping trip in 30DBC. I don't know if that counts as one moment, but I guess I can narrow it down to day eight or nine when we went to the local tavern. That was when I first felt comfortable with the trip and started thinking more with the entire group in mind.

It was really great to see everyone come together and make the experience personal. I've only been blogging since February, but I really think that's the most connected I've ever seen a group of bloggers. It was touching to me to be a part of that group and to be included with everyone. I truly cherish moments like that with you all where I feel like we're together as a group and our minds are turning together. I don't think I'll be the only one to pull from this experience in today's prompt either because it was one of my favorite experiences here on WDC.

What I Miss About The 30DBC Camping Trip

          *Bulletv* 1. Finn O'Flaherty . Seriously, Finn, I miss you! I met Finn during this camping experience and I really miss her and our gummy bears.

          *Bulletv* 2. Waking up to see myself tagged in people's entries, then going and seeing what they came up with for the day.

          *Bulletv* 3. Laughing when we all came up with a different explanation for some weird thing going on at camp.

          *Bulletv* 4. Playing Beer Toss with Fivesixer .

          *Bulletv* 5. Having a surprise birthday party for Lyn's a Witchy Woman .

          *Bulletv* 6. Fighting with ElaineElaine 's "elves" in the local tavern.

          *Bulletv* 7. Climbing into the hole in the tree to see if 30DBC Creator/Founder was inside.

          *Bulletv* 8. Seeing Noyoki and everyone else wear Fivesixer's beard.

          *Bulletv* 9. Everyone having their own role around camp and feeling like a real blog family.

          *Bulletv* 10. Having a campfire every Saturday that always resulted in weird things happening.

          *Bulletv* 11. ANN Counselor, Lesbian & Happy grabbing her gun every time potential danger was near.

          *Bulletv* 12. Getting a fairy massage to help with my migraine, then waking up with flowers braided into my hair.

          *Bulletv* 13. When we decided we were hallucinating because none of our stories added up.

          *Bulletv* 14. Seeing a wild Sharkhorse and reading everyone's opinion about how we should respond to it. I still say kill it with fire!

*Burstv* *Burstv* *Burstv* *Burstv* *Burstv* *Burstv* *Burstv*

September 2, 2014 Prompt: David Gerrold says, "Half of being smart is knowing what you are dumb at." Do you agree or disagree?

I definitely agree. Have you ever had someone try to convince you that some super fake "fact" is real? It's insulting! I once had someone try to convince me that Mr. Rogers was actually a part of an outlaw motorcycle gang and had tattoos covering the entirety of both of his arms, that's why he had to wear sweaters on his show. I know that might be a false rumor or something, but the person insisted it was true to the point that I just gave up and let them believe it.

I think it's a sign of intelligence when people can admit that they're wrong. I mean, who would think that they're right all the time and who would have so much trouble believing they could potentially be wrong? I mean, there are worse things than admitting that you don't have your facts straight on something.

Another thing I notice all the time is people using the word "ignorant" to describe racists. It's not necessarily false, but it just bothers me. Everyone is ignorant in one way or another. We all have things that we don't know much about, which means that we're ignorant on that subject. So basically, yes, you need to be able to admit that you don't know every single thing about every single topic. If you don't, it's either a sign of immaturity or stupidity- or both!

I don't want to take what you can give
I would rather starve than eat your bread
I would rather run but I can't walk
Guess I lie alone just like before

September 1, 2014 at 1:26pm
September 1, 2014 at 1:26pm
Artist: The Shins
Album: Port of Morrow
Song: For A Fool
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September 1, 2014 Prompt: "A life - Its the stuff that happens while you wait for moments that never come." Comment, expound, elaborate, reiterate or contemplate.

There's a quote on this subject by John Lennon or Allen Saunders, depending who you ask, that I love. It goes, "Life is what happens while you are busy making other plans." I think we can sometimes get so caught up in the big picture of life that we're not paying attention to the day-to-day things that really make up our lives.

We have to be appreciative of the little things that we experience. My mom always says no news is good news. I love "boring" times where nothing is happening. It makes me feel happy and content with the things going on around me. If I have no news to share, I have nothing to complain about. Sure, good news is better than no news, but no news will beat good news hands down every time.

Todays is the first day of "BLOG CITY presents: The LIST. For those of you who are unaware, that means that we're going to be including a list of fourteen things related to our Blog City responses for the next fourteen days. It's going to be a lot of fun and we're probably going to explore a lot of different places with this one, so buckle up and enjoy the ride. Thank you again to my sponsors. You're the best. *Smile*

Small Moments That Make My Life Enjoyable

          *Bulletb* 1. When I see the person I love laughing or smiling from across the room.

          *Bulletb* 2. Waking up to a kitty curled up with me.

          *Bulletb* 3. Finding a new band and binge listening all of their music.

          *Bulletb* 4. Reading an awesome book that I don't want to end.

          *Bulletb* 5. Writing something that I'm proud to put my name on.

          *Bulletb* 6. Dropping plans to do something spontaneous and fun.

          *Bulletb* 7. Seeing someone I used to know succeeding in life.

          *Bulletb* 8. Making a new friend.

          *Bulletb* 9. Accomplishing a goal I've worked hard to achieve.

          *Bulletb* 10. Taking on something new and exciting.

          *Bulletb* 11. Watching a really good movie and sharing it with everyone I know.

          *Bulletb* 12. Feeling the warm spring air after a long cold winter.

          *Bulletb* 13. Letting go of anger over something petty.

          *Bulletb* 14. Hearing that I've helped someone in any way.

Sure, the bad things from day to day make up my life too, but why focus on the negative when we can think of fourteen positive things so easily?

*Notepad* *Notepad* *Notepad* *Notepad* *Notepad* *Notepad*

September 1, 2014 Prompt: Labor Day - Let the following quote inspire you to write something labor (any type of labor you want) or Labor Day.

All labor that uplifts humanity has dignity and importance and should be undertaken with painstaking excellence. ~ Martin Luther King Jr.

Well, I know some of those words. *Laugh* First of all, I think all forms of labor uplift humanity. Even the janitors that keep the bathrooms and hallways clean help to uplift humanity. Have you ever had to go to the bathroom in pubic and seen that the bathroom is a complete wreck? It's terrible, especially if you really need to go.

I think the smallest things can help to uplift someone's spirit, even if they don't realize it. Have you ever had a cashier or waitress that was in a terrible mood? You notice it. You don't notice when they're in a decent mood because you feel that's how they should be, but it does help to keep your mood high when the people around you are doing their job well.

I know a lot of people hate their jobs and I understand that, but you have to try to be reasonable with people when you have a job that requires you to deal with customers. You can't get mad that someone is going out to eat or buying something from your store. I think that's true for every job and we should celebrate every job that way. It's too bad that a lot of retail and customer service workers aren't off for Labor Day. I guess they don't count?

Young and bright
But now just a dim light

August 31, 2014 at 3:04pm
August 31, 2014 at 3:04pm
Artist: Red Hot Chili Peppers
Album: Californication
Song: Scar Tissue
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I'm pushing through what I can only explain as a hangover from my migraine. I'm not sure if that's normal, is it, Lyn? I still feel completely disoriented and I have this feeling like I'm not really "here" if you can understand what I mean. I hope it goes away soon because I need a clear head for work and for writing. I'm still catching up on everyone's entries too. I haven't been able to read or write much with the migraine.

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August 31, 2014 Prompt: This is it campers...time to pack it up and break camp. We hope you all enjoyed yourselves! Tell us what you liked about camp, what you got out of it, and what you'd like to see changed by next summer.

No! I don't want to go and you can't make me. Can I come home with you guys? I promise I won't eat all of your food. I'll be good! No? Okay.

Seriously though. I'm gonna miss you guys. I've had such a fun time with our camping trip this month. Thanks for letting me be part of the group and including me in your entries. I know we'll all still be around here, but a lot of us aren't going to be able to participate in the 30DBC next month and even if we did, it wouldn't be the same because we aren't all mentally together with entries in a normal challenge month.

I've loved seeing all the different stories that have come about from the prompts. My favorite thing was just writing the entries with all of us in mind as a group. I didn't feel like I was writing for myself, I felt like I was writing to further progress our camping experience and I think a lot of your felt the same way or had the same kind of idea in mine while you were writing your entries. We've done an awesome job of including everyone and kind of giving everyone a role in our camping experience. It wouldn't have been the same without any of you.

Okay, I'm getting longwinded and too serious, but what can I say?

As far as things I'd like to see changed for next summer, I really like the idea of having our camping trip raise donations for a good cause. Maybe something like getting sponsors who can donate a certain amount if we survive the whole camping trip or something like that? Why not fund awesome groups while having a good time ourselves? I feel like something like that could really work. Don't you?

Anyway, I guess this is goodbye until next year. Don't be strangers. I still want to see all of you around the blogging world and I hope I do because I feel like I've made good friends in you all. Thanks again for the experience, Lyn's a Witchy Woman and Fivesixer .

Scar tissue that I wish you saw
Sarcastic mister know-it-all

August 30, 2014 at 11:33pm
August 30, 2014 at 11:33pm
Artist: Fever Ray
Album: Fever Ray
Song: When I Grow Up
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I ended up having to go to the ER last night due to that severe headache I had for three days. It got way worse around two in the morning and my hands and feet went numb. That freaked me out so I figured it was time to go see a doctor. I got IV fluids and a cat scan, which came back normal. It turned out to be a migraine, which is kind of an embarrassing reason to go to the ER, but I've never experienced something like that before and I didn't know what to do. I hope I don't get any more of those because that was pretty bad.

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August 30, 2014 Prompt: There's a knock on your door. Hi. I ask, can I come in. You say yes, but then see my four suitcases. You tell me what happens ....

Well, this is awkward considering I know what you'd do if roles were reversed, Lyn. Honestly, I already know from past experience that there's no way Kira would let anyone crash at our place. I'd definitely be curious about what happened and I'd do whatever I could to help until you got things sorted out.

I do have this friend whose house is like a revolving door. He'll let anyone stay with him, but I wouldn't want you to stay there because I don't know if it's "safe" or not. For my friend, I mean, because you're a tough gal. *Laugh*


August 30, 2014 Prompt: Who is your role model?

I actually don't have any role models. I've thought about the question for a while now and I just can't think of a single person that I look up to as a role model. Then again, I don't really know that many people who are in good situations that would actually be worthy of looking up to in that kind of way.

Famous people don't do it for me because their situations are so different than mine. I can't relate on a personal level to their lifestyle. They don't face the same problems that we do. They face problems, sure, but they're a whole different set of problems. I can't put myself in their shoes and think of how good they are or how I want to be like them.


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August 30, 2014 Prompt: This is your chance to spin a really wild tale before we part ways, can you top what has happened here this past 3 weeks together?
We are looking forward to what you got for us. By the way Nell, Merle, Joe from the pub and our neighbors are joining us for our farewell roast.
Who's up to the limbo again?

No, I'm so sad that it's the last campfire. *Sad* I guess all good things must come to an end and I'm just trying to feel better in time for The List to start.

The last campfire started out normal enough. Normal by the bloggers standards, anyway. They had warded off the raccoons for the time being and there weren't any UFOs in sight. The weather was a bit chilly, so they made the fire bigger than ever before for their last campfire.

Lyn's a Witchy Woman and Fivesixer decided to make this campfire the most epic ever. They even went a little overboard throwing some supplies into the fire that they didn't think the bloggers would need on their last day.

Charlie ~ and Finn O'Flaherty were trying to get some of the melted gummy bears out of Charlie's hair while 💙 Carly and Noyoki tried to help keep the fire going bigger and bigger. The black smoke billowed out into the night sky.

Just then, ANN Counselor, Lesbian & Happy came running from the woods saying that she heard something and to get her gun. Prosperous Snow celebrating handed it over carefully and followed close behind to see what was about to happen.

Through a clearing in the bushes, a bunch of men in white hazmat suits came forward, carrying fire extinguishers in their hands. "Oh no! It's the aliens!" amy-Has a great future ahead screamed, backing away.

"Calm down now!" an electronic voice bellowed from within the suit. "We are not aliens. We are of this planet and we come to do our job. This fire is too big and we've come to put it out."

"You can't do that!" cried Lyn.

"Yeah, do you know how hard we've worked on this?" Carly pled.

"I'm sorry, but you've broken rule number one. No fires above five feet tall. We're putting this fire out and putting this trip to an end."

"Oh no!" Ann sighed in disbelief. "Hurry, Lyn. Get Nell!"

The men started spraying the fiery pit, killing the fire that the bloggers had worked so hard to create. Charlie and 30DBC Creator/Founder ran to the truck so they could go alert Nell of what was happening.

Back at camp, the fire raged on and the anger grew between bloggers and hazmat-suited men. "I've got an idea!" Dana said suddenly. "How about we just ask them to join our campfire?"

"Are you crazy?" Neva asked, shaking her head. "That will never work!"

"You don't know unless you try," ElaineElaine said, thoughtfully.

"How about it guys? Do you want to join us for our last campfire?" Finn offered.

The men looked at each other, surprised by the generous gesture. They didn't know what to say. They had never been asked to join a campfire before. "Well, it does look to be mostly contained," one of them said, speaking softly.

The main leader looked at his coworkers and they all shook their heads slowly. "Okay, deal. We'll join you for your campfire. But if it gets out of control, we're shutting this thing down!"

The men came and helped build the fire bigger than before. They seemed doubtful at first, but cooled off as time went. They shared s'mores and told stories of wild beasts they had seen within the woods. "I saw the loch ness monster!" one of them commented. This was no surprise to the bloggers of course.

After a while, Charlie and Earl came running back, Nell running quickly behind them. "What's going on here?" she cried.

"No worries, Nell. We got it all taken care of ourselves," Lyn smiled.

"You'll make wonderful camp owners," Nell said, sharing the smile.

They all stood around the fire, drinking and snacking for a while. There was a taste of bittersweet sadness in the air. "Don't worry. This isn't the last campfire," Lyn said. "We'll be back next year for more adventures."

I put my soul in what I do
Last night I drew a funny man
With dark eyes and a hanging tongue
It goes way bad
I never liked a sad look
From someone who wants to be loved by you

August 29, 2014 at 3:40pm
August 29, 2014 at 3:40pm
Artist: The Kills
Album: Blood Pressures
Song: Baby Says
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August 29, 2014 Prompt: An admired mentor asks for help covering up a scandal. Did she say scandal? What is it?

Well, Cinn is kind of the closest thing I have to a mentor, especially in math. I wouldn't even be surprised if she asked me to help cover up some scandal. I guess it would have to be some sort of math scandal. Like she'd come up with a method to do Algebra way easier than we're taught now and I'd be all, "Cool, I get this now."

I think there's some sort of math conspiracy where the people who came up with Algebra were just trying to make shit way more complicated than need be. They were sitting in their huts trying to think of the most complex formulas for solving things. There was some d-bag in the corner making up all this wick wack rules and just laughing about how difficult it was gonna be for people to learn.

Maniacal people, I swear. Then when civilizations got more developed, the government felt like they had to cover up this huge Algebra conspiracy. It's all a big scheme to get more money from college students because no one can remember how to do Algebra by the time they get to high school so they all have to pay for the class again. The educational institutions are in on it and it's this big scheme. Good thing Cinn Frin found out and told me about it. Now we're going to disestablish the establishment and get dirty rich. Stupid Algebra.


August 29, 2014 Prompt: There is an error message on your laptop/computer that will not close after you visited a secret government website. What does it say?

I actually had this happen. There's this FBI virus that accuses you of doing something illegal and it locks up your computer. I wasn't even viewing a bad website. I don't remember where I was on the internet, but it might have been something I went to from a StumbleUpon website. Anyway, I had to reinstall my OS which was annoying. But that's not creative so let me make up a story.

The message kept blinking on the screen. I closed and reopened my eyes, sure I was just seeing things. I looked at my coffee cup on the desk. Had something in it made me hallucinate? But, no, the message was clear:

In 5:00 minutes, your computer will explode.

The timer was clicking down quickly as I tried to process what was happening. It was down to 4:27 before I even thought to react. Surely it was some kind of joke, but how? I held down the power button and watched the screen switch to black. I sat back, feeling relieved. I must have gotten some kind of weird virus. Great, now I'll have to reinstall my OS again.

Just as I stood to walk away, the screen flipped back on.

In 3:38 minutes, your computer will explode.

I gasped at its return. This is impossible! I paced back and forth in front of it, watching the numbers click down. Well, it wouldn't hurt to set it outside, just in case someone snuck in and implanted a bomb in it. The idea sounded better and better as the time slipped away.

I stepped out into the humid summer night and set it the laptop on the sidewalk. I gave it one last look before I turned away and went back to the house.

In 2:24 minutes, your computer will explode.

Through the living room window, I watched the computer closely, looking for any signs of change. I couldn't quite make out the timer from where I sat. My vision started to blur from staring at it so intently. Just then, I saw a small shadow walk up to the computer. It was a black cat, rubbing its face against the corners of the screen, marking my computer with its scent.

"No!" I screamed, tapping on the window. I couldn't let this innocent creature get exploded. I realized with a sudden urgency that I did believe there was a bomb in my computer.

In a complete state of panic, I ran out the front door waving my arms and screaming, "Oogida boogida!"

It was the first time in my life a cat hasn't been scared by me while walking up to it. The stupid thing stared at me with wide, sad eyes. I saw the message on the screen flashing as I neared.

In 0:08 minutes, your computer will explode.

I tripped over the sidewalk and fell before I could reach the cat. I looked down to see my ankle twisted at an odd angle.

In 0:03 minutes, your computer will explode.

Digging my nails into the sidewalk, I dragged myself toward the cat. I grabbed the scruff of its neck and pulled it toward me, shielding it beneath myself. I closed my eyes and waited for the explosion.

I blinked my eyes open. Surely it had been longer than three seconds. I dared to glance at the screen, just a few feet away from us.

In 4:53 minutes, your computer will explode.

"Damn viruses!"


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August 29, 2014 Prompt: Wow, in the discussions today Prosperous Snow celebrating our beloved Neva suggested an ad campaign to save the camp in her entry. I thought it was wicked awesome so here we are with the challenge.

Well, each of you are very talented writers. Norb and I believe you could write an ad campaign convincing people that this camp is a great place to visit. Show us what you got. Maybe we can convince Nell and Merle with our help this place would be worth giving it another try.

*Rainbowl* Camp Bloggawhynotta *Rainbowr*
Where d r e a m s come TRUE!

Sharkhorses, aliens, bearded women. Camp Bloggawhynotta has it all! Ever wanted to meet a real life serial killer? Sure you have! Here's your opportunity. You're the reporter!

Find the animal lover in you at Camp Bloggawhynotta. Raccoons, bears, night children- oh my! Don't forget to bring your camera. You may just get a shot of a moose or the wild and elusive sharkhorse. Enter it in the National Geographic photo contest and win an 8-day Alaskan expedition!

But wait, there's more! The c i r c u s is alive and well in this forest haven. Women with beards so majestic they'd make Chuck Norris feel inferior. The rumors are true! There are wild clowns roaming through the Maine wilderness. See them in their natural habitat.

So what are you waiting for? Come on down to Camp Bloggawhynotta where you'll experience things you never thought possible. Remember, if you can dream it, you can see it!***

*** The owners of Camp Bloggawhynotta are not responsible for any alien abductions, animal attacks, or murders that occur within the confines of their camp. A liability release form is required upon entering.

Baby says oh how love romance I'll get
From all your sleeping dogs you felt of God
I'll get one yet

August 28, 2014 at 2:15pm
August 28, 2014 at 2:15pm
Artist: Alex Turner
Album: Submarine Soundtrack
Song: Hiding Tonight
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August 28, 2014 Prompt: Things you have done that you thought you could never do.

Good question. I do things all the time that I thought I would never do. Sometimes I do something so stupid I have to sit down because the stupidity is too much to bear. The question today is about doing things we didn't think we could do though, not what we thought we wouldn't do.

I actually have the opposite issue on this subject though. I always think I can do something that I probably can't actually do. If I set out to do something, I just assume that I'm going to be able to easily accomplish whatever it is. Of course, that isn't always the case. There are a lot of times when I underestimate the amount of time and effort it's going to take me to complete something.

One thing that I didn't think I could do was become a financially stable adult. I never thought I would be able to afford to rent my own place and pay all of my bills without anyone's help. It might sound weird, but I assumed I'd be constantly struggling with stuff like that, at least until I was in my mid-thirties or something like that. When I got the job I have now and saw that I could actually pay all of my bills with money to spare, it was an awesome feeling.

*Trees* *Trees* *Trees* *Trees* *Trees* *Trees* *Trees* *Trees* *Trees* *Trees* *Trees*

August 28, 2014 Prompt: I know that keeping a promise is important to all of us, but have you ever given your word to someone but then didn't follow through? Why?

Man, isn't it the worst feeling ever to say you're going to do something and then not follow through? I do think there are times when it's actually okay to break a promise. If the promise you're keeping is doing more damage to people than good, I think it's better to break it.

I'll give you an example of a time I broke a promise recently and it did get me in trouble, but I still feel like I made the right decision. I'm sorry if you can't relate to this situation, but just hear me out.

I had gotten a bad batch from a couple sellers that I know and I wound up in the hospital over it. When I talked to them, they told me specifically that it had been taken care of and to not tell any of our friends what happened because they didn't want it to mess up business, so I promised I wouldn't mention it. I mean, it wasn't necessarily their fault, it happens.

A couple days later, one of my girl friends said she was going to go down and cop from them, so I had a decision to make. I could either, not say anything to her and just let her go do her thing or I could let her know what had just happened to me.

I chose to tell her because I wasn't convinced that they had gotten rid of the last batch. I was thinking that would be a lot of money for them to lose. I couldn't risk something happening to her because if it did, I would feel partially responsible because I knew about it.

Unfortunately, although she didn't go buy from them, she did decide to tell them that I was the one who told them they didn't have any quality control so she wasn't going to buy from them anymore. That ended with me getting in a fight and having a very awkward situation between friends, but I still feel like I did the right thing. It's better to be safe than sorry and it's okay to break a promise for the safety of others.

*Trees* *Trees* *Trees* *Trees* *Trees* *Trees* *Trees* *Trees* *Trees* *Trees* *Trees*

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August 28, 2014 Prompt: Nell said," I have bad news when you leave the camp will be closing for good. My husband and I are just too old to run a camp like this. You all saw what happens here in Maine around Moosehead Lake. Merle and I have talked it over and we would like to offer to each of you. I'll give you time to think it over."
We all sit quietly, and then the conversation gets going.....What? How? You tell me.

Uh oh, guys. It sounds like we're all about to be offered a portion of the camp. Like we'll split it twelve ways or whatever and have to work together to keep the place running. I've never seen the movie in question, but I'd like to think that we'd all jump at the opportunity to spend some time together getting this cursed place back into shape.

We'd probably have to take it in shifts because we all have lives outside of Maine. I actually don't know how it work, but we'd figure something out. We can't let other campers be haunted by these Sharkhorses, aliens, drunken teenagers, fairies, etc...

Now I'm getting sad because the month is coming to an end and so is our camping trip. I mean, there's always the official 30DBC challenge, but this month has gotten everyone so involved and I love all the funny stories people have come up with me. My favorite thing is when we get a prompt asking to explain something and we all end up with different theories. It's just further proof that there's something fishy in the coffee.

Anyway, I'll miss you guys in this capacity, but we'll still all be around. We'll have a busy month in September anyway with all the stuff going on for WDC's birthday. Maybe we'll be able to revisit our campsite in ten years and see who's still around the site. *Shock*

Tomorrow I'll be quicker
I'll stare into the strobe light flicker
And afloat I'll stay
But I'm quite alright hiding today
August 27, 2014 at 1:07pm
August 27, 2014 at 1:07pm
Artist: Sublime
Album: 40 oz. to Freedom
Song: 40 oz. to Freedom
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August 27, 2014 Prompt: Blue, rain, bridge, driving, insect, tree,sign,warning,chase silver Use these words in today's prompt any way you would like.

Well, I haven't written anything based off of a collection of words in a while, but look at this group, I think I actually have a relevant story if I can get all the words in. Let's try it! When I was sixteen, I was living with my brothers and I had this rich ass girlfriend that I had to take the bus to see because she lived in the northern suburbs of the city I was in at the time. She called me one day and told me to come see her. It was right after I met her and we weren't even close to dating yet. That came a lot later. But I was super into her and I just realized that I haven't used any words from the list yet. *Laugh*

I'm way too talkative. So anyway, I went to catch the bus to northside and the skies were blue, everything was looking fine. I got on the metro and we start driving, but I notice to the left that it's getting ridiculously dark and ominous looking. The reason this was a problem is that after I got off the bus, I still had like several blocks to walk to her house, which would suck if it was pouring down rain. But, in the interest of impressing girls, I was ready to deal with it.

We get probably two minutes from where I need to get off and the sky just opens up and this violent storm starts. The driver ended up pulling over and stopping because he couldn't see anything. In the meantime, all I could think about was how I was going to be late to see this girl. The people behind me started talking about how there was a tornado warning and people start getting all panicky. I hate to be around people when something bad happens because they start acting really weird and it's usually a sign for me to jet.

After about ten minutes of just sitting there, it finally stops raining but the winds pick up and now it looks even more eerie out. The sky almost had a green hue to it, which I knew wasn't good. We started moving again and then there was a tree branch down across the road. It was basically my stop, so I just got off there and as soon as I hit the pavement, I just booked it because I could tell there was a storm chase going on. I don't think I've ever felt such a bad storm before or since. It went from being really hot when I got on the bus to almost cold when I got off.

I actually made it to the girl's house before it started storming again. I can't believe I traversed a storm like that just to hang out with some chick though. *Laugh* I guess the only silver lining is that the roads flooded and I ended up getting to stay at her house that night, which was fun. Also, insect bridge. Yeah, I'm not good at this.

*Bursto* *Bursto* *Bursto* *Bursto* *Bursto* *Bursto* *Bursto* *Bursto* *Bursto* *Bursto* *Bursto* *Bursto* *Bursto* *Bursto* *Bursto*

August 27, 2014 Prompt: Write about forgiveness why it is important to you.

Good question. I think forgiveness is important for me because I have a really bad guilty conscience and I feel bad if I've wronged someone. I don't ever want to hurt someone's feelings, so it doesn't feel good when I do. I've also realized over time that I can do something worthy of apology without even realizing I've done something. Life and relationships are all about mutual perceptions of each other. If someone perceives something I've done as being hurtful, I'll still apologize even if my intentions were good. Sometimes good intentions aren't enough to spare sensitive feelings and it's easier to just apologize than to try to fight about why they shouldn't be upset in the first place.

My own forgiveness of other people is important because it takes so much energy to be angry at someone. I honestly don't have the energy to hold a serious grudge. I used to be able to hold a grudge like a motherfucker. I could not talk to someone for years over something stupid just because I felt like I'd been wronged or I wanted to avoid the topic altogether.

I've tried to become more understanding of other people's situations. If someone does something messed up to me now and they try to apologize, I'll pretty much forgive them right away. I don't need any more enemies than need be and it's just not worth the fighting. Even if I can tell an apology is insincere, I'll still settle the problem. Just because you verbally tell someone they're forgiven doesn't mean that you have to trust them or be best friends with them. It just means that if you happen to be in the same place at the same time, shit's not going to be awkward the whole time. I'm a pretty forgiving person, I guess.

*Bursto* *Bursto* *Bursto* *Bursto* *Bursto* *Bursto* *Bursto* *Bursto* *Bursto* *Bursto* *Bursto* *Bursto* *Bursto* *Bursto* *Bursto*

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August 27, 2014 Prompt: Yes, Tuesday was fellow camp counselor Lyn's a Witchy Woman birthday! As I'm sure you're aware, she's been away the last couple of days. Let's welcome her back with a great outdoor celebration! Here's your chance to plan the ultimate summer bash...food, drinks, and entertainment! Don't be afraid to rely on your bunkmates to help carry out this event.

Oh awesome. A party! Is there an open bar? We have to go to town and get some drinks. I'll take Fivesixer and 30DBC Creator/Founder with me. We'll get this sorted out. That's about all I can do as far as party prepping goes. Maybe Noyoki , Finn O'Flaherty and 💙 Carly can work on decorations. We'll get some balloons and streamers. Oh, we need party hats and those party horns. We're gonna give those kids from the other night a run for their money. They've not seen loud until they've seen the WDC bloggers throwing a surprise party.

We'll need a lot of good food too, of course. Who can cook around here? Prosperous Snow celebrating ? amy-Has a great future ahead ? What about you, ANN Counselor, Lesbian & Happy ? I can't cook anything. I burn toast. I'm absolutely worthless. Oh well. We'll figure the food out. I know Lyn can cook, but she's not allowed to cook for her own party. *Laugh*

How are we going to get music? You have to have music at a party. I've got the ultimate party playlist. It has 470 songs on it and it's over 30 hours long. Hey, you've never been to a party until you've been to one that last for thirty and a half hours. *Bigsmile* We can party it up into September. Okay, so we've got drinks, decorations, food, and music. Well, I actually never said how we'd get music out in the woods, but we'll figure it out.

Let's see... I think that's about all we need. Maybe something nice for Lyn's birthday. ElaineElaine and I will go find a flower or something and we're good to go. *Flower2*

And the answer's always waiting at the liquor store
40oz to freedom
So I'll take that walk

August 26, 2014 at 12:40am
August 26, 2014 at 12:40am
Artist: Arctic Monkeys
Album: Favourite Worst Nightmare
Song: Teddy Picker
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This is the earliest I've ever had a blog entry done before. I was just in that blogging mood, I guess. By the way, it's Lyn's a Witchy Woman 's birthday today, so make sure you tell her happy birthday or treat her to something flashy. Happy birthday, Lyn! *Smile*

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August 26, 2014 Prompt: Have you ever heard a news item or fun factoid that you thought couldn't possibly be true. For example: "No black actress has been nominated for a Leading Actress in a Drama Series Primetime Emmy in 18 years. That's nearly two decades" I thought to myself, this cannot be true. Blog about any or all of this.

Bonus Question: What do you think about creating either a group or a forum in which prompt bloggers and non-prompt bloggers posted together to increase readership and post variety?

Yes, there have totally been facts that I thought could not possibly be true, but they are. Like that Martin Luther King Jr. and Anne Frank were born the same year. No way! Oh, but yes way, it's true. How about there was more time between the Stegosaurus and the T-Rex than between a T-Rex and you. Harvard was founded before calculus. See, Cinn , that just goes to prove that we totally don't need these ridiculous math classes to be smart. *Laugh*

I dunno. There are so many crazy facts that don't seem like they could be right. I don't know about the one mentioned in the prompt. I'm not sure what an Emmy is anyway. Is that given for TV shows? I mean, we have to look at the wording here though because it's like wicked specific. No black actress has been nominated for leading actress in a drama series primetime Emmy in 18 years. I think there are probably a lot of facts like this that only seem unbelievable because they're so oddly descriptive.

As for the bonus question, I am all about this. I think there are a lot of non-prompt bloggers who have interesting blogs but don't have a specific place to share those. They're knocked off the bloggers page by those of us who do blog prompting, especially the ones who are involved in multiple groups and use a different blog for each prompt each day. Not that there's anything wrong with that. It's just that the non-prompters don't get much promotion or publicity or whatever. Anyway, yeah, let's do it. I want to meet these other bloggers.


August 26, 2014 Prompt: A catch-22 is described as a paradoxical situation from which an individual cannot escape because of contradictory rules. For example: A company won't hire you because you have no experience, but you can't get any experience because the company won't hire you. What is the biggest catch-22 you've ever witnessed?

I kinda shot myself in the foot and used my favorite example of this in the prompt, so I'm going to have to think of something else. I just think that's the perfect example of a catch-22 and it's something that almost everyone has run into at some point in their work life.

So, for this one I'll talk about something a little more personal to me. I'm the one who sent out the prompt, so I'm not fully convinced this part of the entry will get read anyway, which is cool by me. *Thumbsup* I have an endless catch-22 that I've been going through for, I'll go ahead and say the last nine years at least. It goes like this: Too anxious/depressed to do anything, only way to stop being depressed/anxious is to do something. I learned early on that I didn't wanna be that person stuck in my bed, so I found a c u r e.

When I was a teenager, instead of saying, "no, I can't go out with you guys" and staying in bed all day, I'd say, "sure, I can go out, but what can we get into tonight?" I spent like an entire summer just sitting in the dark in my room and decided that was a huge waste of time. I wanted to hang out with my friends, but my mental state made it a complete nightmare, unless I could get messed up in some way.

This is basically how a night out went for me, and I'm sure it would still be this way if I let it: Go out with friends and feel anxious and sick to my stomach the whole time. Have everyone say, "Dude, Charlie, just chill. Your hands are shaking." And I'd say, "Well, I'm anxious. I can't help it." And they'd say, "It's okay. Here, drink this. Or, here, take this. You'll be good as new." And it fucking worked!

So, my life's catch-22 is that I do drugs that help my anxiety, but I'm too addicted to live a normal life. Basically, I'm too anxious to stop and too addicted to be anxious. It's the ultimate vicious cycle because my problems feed into each other and feel nearly impossible to solve. So, there's that.


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August 26, 2014 Prompt: Today I'd like to challenge you to find a camping-related quote and tell us what it means to you, either in life or in regards to this strange and wonderful journey we've been on so far this month. Feel free to use one of these examples, or find one of your own to talk about.

I found two quotes I really like, but the second one is more just a joke by one of my favorite comedians, so I'll save it for last. Here's the one I'll talk about:

The fire is the main comfort of the camp, whether in summer or winter, and is about as ample at one season as at another. It is as well for cheerfulness as for warmth and dryness. ~Henry David Thoreau

I really like this one because it's so true. I can't imagine camping without a fire, even if it was eighty degrees out at night. You don't need it for the warmth as much as you need it to build the atmosphere of camping. I mean, can you imagine sitting around nothing and telling nothing stories. No way. You want to sit around the campfire and tell campfire stories. Plus, how are you going to make s'mores without a campfire?

When I think of camping, I see the tent and the fire with logs around it. I can't picture anything else in my mind. Nothing has gone wrong with our campfire yet on this trip, which is surprising because I think just about everything else has happened. I'm just waiting for the day when we can't start a fire for some reason or the fire gets out of control and we have to extinguish it with Ann's gun. But, hey, there are still a few days left in the month, right?

Oh, by the way, this is the quote I was laughing about earlier- I got into an argument with a girlfriend inside of a tent. That's a bad place for an argument, because then I tried to walk out and slammed the flap. How are you supposed to express your anger in this situation? Zipper it up really quick? ~Mitch Hedberg *Laugh*

They've sped up to the point where they provoke
You to tell the fucking punchline before you have told the joke
Sorry, sunshine, it doesn't exist
It wasn't in the Top 100 list

And it's the thousandth time and it's even bolder
Don't be surprised when you get bent over
They told ya, but you were dying for it

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