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Rated: 18+ · Book · Experience · #2008479
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Welcome to my little Den! Here you'll find all sorts of things- mostly blog challenges, but mixed in, you'll notice:

*Bulletp* I'm a bit of a fangirl *Starstruck*
*Bulletp* My life is very busy
*Bulletp* I enjoy using emoticons *Exclaimp*
*Bulletp* I don't tend to swear, but stuff happens.

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January 9, 2019 at 1:48pm
January 9, 2019 at 1:48pm
Tell us about the pet you had for the longest amount of time or the one that made the most significant impact on you. If you have never had a pet (I’m sorry), what pet would you want?

I've never had a pet (no need to be sorry, Emily *Laugh*) but I have a cavalcade of plushies- that I used to treat as real. I had a little dog with a bell in him so when you played he'd jingle. I called him Snuggles. *Laugh* Unfortunately, I'm not completely sure where Snuggles went, but hopefully he's still somewhere at home- not somewhere in the garage, hiding from spiders and such. *Meh* When I was in elementary and middle school I'd make him a little doggy bed out of my jacket before I went to sleep, so he'd be sleeping next to my pillow as I slept. *Laugh*

shadowfanglerz has 2 cats and 3 dogs and she's a cat person- she used to have way more cats in middle school, and in high school, she got the two dogs- the third one, Lola, is a Maltese and I'm always fake-threatening to kidnap her. And Owlz is always more than willing to let me. *Laugh*

So, I guess if I had a pet, I'd get a small dog, like Lola the Maltese. Problem with that, is my family and I always travel too much, so we wouldn't be able to take care of the dog, 24/7. I've also had enough of living with a dog after the roomie brought her "emotional support" pet to live with us *Pthb* So maybe I wouldn't want a pet at all. Or, I'll just have the pet, with none of the responsibility of it *Thumbsup* That's probably the best way to go about it. I'll keep going to Owlz's place and playing with Lola, and I'll keep threatening to kidnap her. And she'll let me keep doing it, but ultimately, I don't really want a pet to live with or look after. Or get emotionally attached to. *Laugh*
November 16, 2018 at 1:46am
November 16, 2018 at 1:46am
My Wodehouse Challenge this round is pretty easy- so I'll put everything in here. *Laugh*

5 facts about me:
1. I actively try to close all three fitness/activity rings on my Apple Watch every day- except for weekends
2. My favorite color is no longer pink. *Pthb*
3. My hair sheds- a lot. *Facepalm*
4. I took out the trash today and it was absolutely disgusting- we have/had a fruit fly infestation. Because nobody else takes out the trash. *Irritated*
5. I've been trying to learn the aerial (no-handed cartwheel) for 2+ years now.

5 facts about another WDC member:
I'm gonna cheat a bit here and choose shadowfanglerz because she's my IRL friend. *Angelic*
1. She has 2 cats and 3 dogs.
2. Ironically, she's a cat person. *Laugh*
3. She loves BTS and K/J-pop
4. She's not a country music fan
5. Her family owns/runs a Mexican restaurant. *Ha*

5 historical facts in my own words:
How "historical" is considered "historical"? *Laugh*
1. Brad Paisley, this time two years ago, "accidentally" revealed the gender of Carrie Underwood's first baby- and now he's done it again at the 52nd CMA awards. *Laugh*
2. Ketchup was made by accident- people wanted to make soy sauce and ended up using tomatoes....
3. According to Wordseek.com  , George Washington once fought for the British.... before he fought for the Americans, against the British.
4. A Sultan of the Ottoman Empire- Ibrahim I - had 280 of his ladies drowned because one of them slept with another guy. (Yikes)
5. Servants in ancient Egypt were smeared with honey- that way the flies went to them instead of the pharaoh

1. I'm watching the CMAs right now. *Pthb*
2. Mom told me once upon a time
3. WordsISeek
4, 5. Buzzfeed  
October 22, 2018 at 5:40pm
October 22, 2018 at 5:40pm
Hmmm, dark poetry, huh? Sorry, Wikipedia doesn't quite have a page on that, and I'm not too keen on sludging through pages of poems to get an idea on what it might be. *Laugh*
I'm going to guess that dark poetry hasn't always been a thing- probably came about more so when it became more "okay" to not be "okay". *Think* I don't think working on the challenge has really changed my views on dark poetry- I'm no bigger a fan of it than I was before starting, but I did find some pretty telling/personal poems out there while working on the challenge. *Ha*
One thing I noticed was that there's more than just sad, personal stories embedded into the dark genre. I suppose "dark" also covers things like the irony of society and the not-so-fluffy sides of life, like death and such. Sooo yeah, I guess that's all? *Worry* I really don't know what to say about dark poetry... that prompt isn't great at telling me what I need to say about it. *Facepalm*
October 12, 2018 at 2:26am
October 12, 2018 at 2:26am
It looks like our fellow WDC "30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS bloggers were having some difficulties finding 11 girl power songs for 10/11, International Day of the Girl, so I thought I'd take on the challenge for myself and see how hard (or not?) it is. *Laugh*

1. "My Girls" from MaKe it Pop (A Girls' K-Pop TV Show)
How much more girl power-y can you get? Yeah sure, it's all sugary sweet and catchy, but it's girl power!
I started watching snippets of this show in Australia, actually- we have a 24/7 Teen/Tween channel there as part of the regularly broadcasted shows, so if I'm bored I'll sometimes turn on the TV and watch those shows. That's also kinda how I got into The Next Step. *Laugh* One of those shows you don't really like at the beginning, but once you start, it's a rabbit hole trap!
Lyrics here  

2. "Stop"- Spice Girls
I'm genuinely surprised nobody picked the Spice Girls. *Laugh* I wouldn't say they were fierce, but they were definitely something and more- definitely statement-makers of their time. I chose "Stop" specifically mostly because- well, even though it's not as clear cut as "My girls/ we're all on the same team" it's a pretty clear "Yo, guys, don't mess with us" message, which I take as girl power. *Bigsmile* *Laugh*
Also, unrelated, but I'm 99.99% sure I remember seeing this music video on VHS and/or when it came out on TV. I have random, sporadic memories of things that happened when I was really young. *shrug*
Lyrics Here  
And for a cute performance: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qp_fbmN2lIk

3. "I'm a Lady"- Meghan Trainor
Okay I'll be the first to admit I'm not a HUGE Meghan Trainor fan, but she's got some fun/catchy songs and a decent voice. So why don't I like her? *Confused* *Laugh*
As for this song, I like that it's all about self-acceptance as a female- which is pretty much the universal theme of all her songs, honestly. *Laugh* But I like this one more than "All About That Bass," so I chose this one. Plus I like the Smurfs! And I'm playing the song right now- she says "I'm pretty, pretty cute and I'm pretty smart"- I think that's important because females sometimes get intimidated/self-conscious about being smart/cute/etc, so Meghan including that into her lyrics was a good move, in my opinion.

4. "Female"- Keith Urban
Wait, what? Yes. Keith. Urban. He's my man. *Laugh* Not literally, but yeah, if I were to see a male artist of my choice, I think he'd be my pick. I do like his songs. Speaking of which, I should be discussing the song, not him. *Think* *Laugh*
Okay, full disclosure- I almost cried when I heard the song. It's a good song. And I hesitate to say this, but girl power isn't always just females writing about empowering each other. Males can do it too! Keith Urban did it. And quite well, too, might I add. I feel like he touches on lots of gender inequality issues in this song in his stanzas, while also showing how strong females are in the chorus- like, he wants the focus to be what females are and can be, as opposed to how society sees them sometimes.
My favorite line: "Oh, is that how it works?"

5. "Shake it Off"- Taylor Swift
Hey, if The Rock can Lip Sync Battle this, I can use it. *Laugh* I'm also starting to realize the daunting task of 11 songs. Oops. *Blush*
"Shake it Off" though- it's fun. It's poppy. And it's something that can bring a smile to everyone's face. *Laugh* I like the bridge part- "My ex-man brought his new girl-friend, she's like oh-my-gosh..." *Laugh* I mean, yeah, what bigger slap is it for your ex to bring his new GF to your event? And what bigger diss is it to be completely fine with it? *Bigsmile* So, for all you peeps out there, Shake it Off!

6. "Like a Girl"- Haschak Sisters
Okay, the younger ones could really use some acting lessons. But I really, really like their choreography. *Laugh* The song itself? It's good for girl power. I like the "Try to tell me what I can't do/Baby that’s a challenge" lines. I have very much the same attitude, though for the most part it's kinda self-imposed. *Facepalm* I see people do stuff and I'm like "I wanna do that too!"
Lyrics are in the description of the video. *Laugh*

7. "Cry Pretty"- Carrie Underwood
I'm starting to like this song more and more. *Laugh* When I first heard it, I was like "eh. Too slow for me." It's actually been happening a bit for her newer songs, but it's a good girl power song. Females aren't always taken seriously- especially when they cry. So they hold it in- for the looks, the face, the reputation. I feel like she sums it all up best in the first stanza: "And falling apart is as human as it gets"
I broke down in my Jumpstart interview at the end of spring quarter last year. I teared up a bit, talking about Grandfather being a religious leader, when they asked me who I looked up to as a leader/who has the ideal traits of a leader. They asked if I wanted a second, but I declined- it definitely wasn't something that I'd expect to happen, honestly- I don't usually get emotional, and it's not like me to randomly open up like that, but I did. *Confused* Regardless, yeah. Cry Pretty. *Laugh*

8. "Road Less Traveled"- Lauren Alaina
This is more of a "growing up" song, but I feel it still fits. Lauren's setting herself up as a role model for teens and tweens- many of her songs are very female-oriented- "Next Boyfriend," "Ladies in the '90s" and so on. I feel like the third line- "Dress sizes can't define" is very reflective of today's popular culture- you're "pretty" if you're tall, thin, and have long limbs. And how you rock a dress is also kinda a reflection on who you are as a person. I hardly wear dresses, just because the ones I have aren't really meant for everyday wear, but when I do, I am very conscious of how I look in them. *Think*

9. "She Is"- Lady Antebellum
Definitely a girl power-y song. It's not quite rah-rah go females, go women, but it's one that I'd qualify because of how they wrote the song. I like it, because it's not really a break-up song, in the sense that it's all about the relationship and how it ended on a sour note, like so many songs tend to sing about. *Laugh* I guess I like this, because it's a respectful type of admiration for this "She"- I love that "she's got the world at her fingertips" and "mixed up, so tough in a beautiful way"- Mom really doesn't like that Sis has buffed up, doing boxing. Mom's Mom (our grandma) was a seamstress and owned a HUGE clothing factory- Mom refused to learn and take over the family business- which is besides the point, but yeah, Mom's one of those "women are thin, delicate creatures" people. *Facepalm* I don't see what's wrong with being tough and able to defend yourself. She and sis together, and me listening to them are like repelling magnets. The two of them banter about women, feminism, femininity, and the such, and I'm the opposite side that gets repelled away. *Laugh* Given Mom's position, you can guess Sis's position, and armed with the knowledge that Sis is the opposite of me in personality (always armed and ready to debate politics or feminism or something race-related in the news *Pthb*) it shouldn't be too hard to figure out how the two of them don't really work. *Laugh*

10. "Ladies in the 90s"- Lauren Alaina
Okay, so this is focused on Ladies in the 90s, but hey, she name drops a BUNCH of awesome ladies. *Laugh* I like how she's incorporating so many female-sang songs, and the line "They paved the way for me" is pretty much a shoutout to them- how is that not girl power? *Laugh* And yes, I tried not to do any repeated artists, but it's 11:04 here and I started at 10! *Laugh* It should be bedtime for me. *Facepalm*
Anways, this is a lyric video, so the lyrics are all there. *Rolling*

11. "Army"- Lady Antebellum
The first Lauren song brought me to Ladies in the 90s, and then the Lady A song brought me to this one. So I thought I'd space them out a little bit, but THIS IS 11! *Starstruck* You don't know how happy I am that I've gotten it. *Rolling*
I recall hearing an interview saying this makes a great Mother's Day song, or song for the female significant other. *Smile* Unfortunately, I don't like the video much, because this is about the female soldier- and so many of these images and clips are the males. I know the army is still male-dominant, but are there really no females there to make a video out of? *Confused* And now I'm starting to sound like sis, so I'll stop here and say good night, because it's 11:22.
Finally, though, I'll leave you with the lyrics link.   *Bigsmile*

Woohoo, I did it! *Bigsmile* *Laugh* Annnnd.... take note that I didn't use any songs other bloggers already chose. *Angelic* *Laugh*
September 3, 2018 at 10:20pm
September 3, 2018 at 10:20pm
What am I writing?
I don't know what I'm doing,
but it's a haiku!
September 2, 2018 at 10:16pm
September 2, 2018 at 10:16pm
I like watching SVU,
the occasional dance show,
or other stuff, I dunno.
Mom likes Shades of Blue.

Reality shows can be fun,
but they can make you zone out.
Horror shows make me shout
and after a few minutes, I’ll be done.

There’s a bunch of options on TV,
but I like using Hulu and Netflix.
If allowed, I’d watch from nine to six!
I’ve got so much to watch, don’t you see?

September 1, 2018 at 2:36pm
September 1, 2018 at 2:36pm
This week is WdC's birthday,
and everyone's come to play.
From bots with a payday
to activities oh-so-gay,
let's go check it out without delay!
September 1, 2018 at 1:44am
September 1, 2018 at 1:44am
Harry was a pink, fluffy unicorn.
To Mary and Barry was he born,
and hence his name was decided
plus besides,
H is between M and B
and being a mix, you see,
of his two parents,
being named Harry would only make sense!

Harry the PFU
loved dancing, too!
Tap, jazz, ballet, he did it all,
until, one day, he died from falling off a ball.
September 1, 2018 at 1:00am
September 1, 2018 at 1:00am
Raccoon: lurks around
loves digging in trash
little masked bandit
August 28, 2018 at 12:40am
August 28, 2018 at 12:40am
The overdue Chinese School update:

Class is supposed to start at 9. There was a teacher's meeting at 8:30, so I got there around 8 to set up the classroom.... The meeting went fine- there were a couple new teachers (not just me, thankfully!) and the principals introduced them and me.
Some teachers got in trouble for using their phones (on the first day! And it wasn't me. *roling*)

Set-up went fine, too.
9 am came and went- the hallway filled with students and parents looking for various classrooms- for the most part, mine wasn't the one they wanted. *Think*
Fast-forward to 9:30. One student comes. She's not on my roster- they just signed her up that morning. Her friend is supposed to be in the class too- they were going to have a playdate, before the friend's parents realized she had Chinese school. So the first student's parents thought, "Hey, why not? Let's sign up our kid, too!" *Laugh*
My roster had 10 kids. None of them showed up. The second girl showed up around 9:45. She, too, was not on my roster. Which means that I now have 12 kids. For a kindergarten class, that's actually not bad. For the class I'm teaching though, that's actually considered alot. *Laugh* On average, the max is about 10 in a class. *Facepalm*

The class itself went pretty well. The friend, we'll call her A, was very bright, and picked up on everything quite quickly. She managed to read the whole first lesson by herself at the end of the 2.5/3 hours. *Shock* E, the student who arrived first, wasn't quite as willing. I'd say she got about 95% of the content (still not bad, honestly!), but she wasn't willing to try again, so I let her do her. *Laugh* At 5 years old, they're pretty good students, I'd have to say. They both went to the same montessori preschool around here, but they're going to different elementary schools now (maybe for TK, I dunno. {e:shrug})
For my first day, I'd say it wasn't a complete bust like I feared. Wasn't quite a huge success, either. Maybe somewhere in the 75-85% range? Not bad, definitely not great. *Laugh*

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