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by Nada
Rated: E · Book · Opinion · #2049625
Yet another blog. Been here so long I thought I ought to blog again. Besides, it is fun!
I've decided to blog again. I can only hope it will last longer than the last one. (Hah)

The main difference is I am beginning in the middle of July, in a severe drought, and we had a little rain today. Of course not enough, but anything is welcome. The smell of rain is so rare, and nice. I didn't realize how much I have missed it. I also cannot believe how chilly it is. Yet, I should believe it, as I was recently in what was supposedly summer in New Zealand (where I had to buy hats, sweaters and sheepskin booties), Australia and a bunch of other countries, which all were experiencing strange weather.

A big shout out to my friends (you know who you are). I am fortunate enough to still be in touch with some of them. This brings up some other strange topics. I mean how some so-called friends just go dark on you...nothing, crickets so to speak, not a sound. It can be family too. Strange phenomena this is. Life is full of them.

Today is my eleventh WDC anniversary. Gulp. There have been so many changes here I barely know where to begin. So I just began. And so I shall end for today.

Time to go drink a cup of tea now.
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April 19, 2016 at 12:24pm
April 19, 2016 at 12:24pm
Sometimes people come into your life then disappear. It is always a conundrum why, at least it was. I say this because it no longer is the mystery.

There are people in the world who can swoop into out lives at what seems to be weird times, however this is easily explained. There are people who “right ships”. Yes, it is a nautical reference, yet I got it. Maybe it is because I have looked for people who entered my life and then, seemingly, disappeared. Oh, maybe I will run into them again (some I have) yet it is never the same. I’ve learned the hard way.

No need to track them down…or worse yet confront them. Times change for everyone, as do circumstances in life.

For instance, my dad has Alzheimers and he has swooped in, and swooped out. You see he was a pilot in WWII, so I mean it literally and figuratively.

My son is another one, he swoops in and out of lucidity with seemingly regularity. He goes to jail.

My husband and I have swoops also. All married people do. The difference happens when you are older. Trying to bend to another is not easy when you have spend a lifetime nurturing yourself. It is difficult to not be.

Others die, leaving us to clean up their messes. Life can seem so unfair. This is another time people swoop in and then seemingly disappear. We may need them more than they need us.

March 22, 2016 at 7:05pm
March 22, 2016 at 7:05pm
So many of us will depend on others to make us happy. Humans have trouble with the concept of making yourself happy. Gotta try while I can.

It is easier to thing along the negatives for sure. So, who said life would be easy? (No I don't want to know, really.)

You only get so much time alive, and we do not know precisely how much, which is good. I don't think we could handle the truth. I couldn't. With this is mind I will strive to make myself happy, not depend on anything other than this.

So here goes.

I have been spending time drawing and writing a children's book. The name of the book is "Boris". It is a mostly true story about a tiny frog which came to live in my dogs' water tower. Now he is doing something I think is very important, taking mentors from many places. For instance he is getting a message about exercise, not smoking etc. These mentors are based on people I know, but have turned into frogs. King Croaky smokes a cigar, the Three Yoga Sisters, and Kabir Presley.(see photos below)

There are many more things, yet to be really happy I should be drawing. Writing made me happy...only now I get to illustrate too! Double happiness rolled into one 15 minute package. Sometimes it takes me days, but hey, I have a piano to learn to play, and a life to live also.

I love blogging, yet it has fallen off of my radar sometimes...oh well, it is not my job to make others happy. A lesson we all can use. Look at what we have, not what we don't have.

I read, actually I "listen" to audible books, because I want to. Turning a negative into a positive is what I am about these days. I have been listening to books with my husband instead of watching TV. Of course it puts him to sleep, but hey we are retired!

I am reminded about this when I look at my news apps this morning. The world is hurting in so many ways, perhaps it becomes our duty to be happy, there are many who cannot be.

March 16, 2016 at 4:34pm
March 16, 2016 at 4:34pm
Going to look for a particular item in an antique mall means you never know what you will find. Case in point:

We went to find a piano stool and came home with:

A. An antique piano stool. Yea!!

B. A carved Teak Marlon Brando vanity mirror. (Yes, given to him by Tahitians when he was there for the remake of the movie “Mutiny on the Bounty”. It took a master carver over 100 hours to do.)

C. An actual piece of the set (with photos of it in the movie) The Son of Frankenstein with Bella Lugosi,

D. A prototype of…gulp…a FAHRTOMETER. Yes, there were 3, the other 2 are missing from, Johns Hopkins, and The Smithsonian. Note, the hose and fittings of it were replaced. (Photo included)

Then we went back the next day because…well, it was raining and we could! We got the forgotten green glass doorknobs (photo included), and a brass letter opener. (I should say bill opener.)

Anyway this was all before I went to see my father, which is a whole other story!

March 1, 2016 at 12:11pm
March 1, 2016 at 12:11pm
Thinking always seems to get me in trouble, but I will while I can.

I'm thinking and noticing how many words I cannot find while speaking, writing doesn't seem to have that particular problem. Strange, but hey, as long as I can write I will not complain. Besides, where does that get me?

Has anyone noticed how people don't seem to value their word. I first began noticing it years ago (here in fact), yet lately the amount of "crickets" (or silence) from work persons who promised estimates to our politicians who promise the world. Excuses rule the day. I say, "What about real problems?" "What about me?" I suppose since letting my hair grow out its natural color I have joined the ranks of the sandwich generation. torn between parents, kids and dogs...all getting older now. GAWD. I heard this is normal. Uh, OK.

I'm wondering what happened to "Why put off til tomorrow what you can do today?" Seems it was something we learned which might be re-learned today. Dunno.

Life gets so complicated, it is really the time to be simplifying you know. It is funny how we all enter the treadmill of life...we want THINGS...jewelry, cars, nice clothes, big houses, more bathrooms, trips to exotic places...you know MORE and MORE. Then one day you realize it is all just stuff and you want to pare down. Not easy. But hey, by that time you realize you never really needed any of it. I know I won't change any minds, and I am not trying...just thinking again.
February 28, 2016 at 5:44pm
February 28, 2016 at 5:44pm
What a day. I don't know if it is just me or what....you will never guess what I bought at the flea market today. Actually we spent $18, on 5 items, four of which are glasses meant for Port Wine, but hey, a wine glass can be small, you just need to refill it more often. I am sure I will.

Besides those I won't say, except that it will cover a wine bottle and I had so much fun teasing my husband because we did not get a bag, so he stuck it into his pocket. Suffice it to say it was fun!! (OK, more fun for him.)

California is "suffering" summer weather. It is quite warm now, but hey, beats snow! I know many are boycotting the Oscars, but I have very fond memories of attending and I will not miss it. I do understand about diversity...just wish this isn't an issue, because I have seen al kinds of acting and there should not be awards/rewards for any. That would be fair. Hollywood is always slow to come around, because we wait for people to die off. Sad, but so true.

Trying to learn to play piano. GAWD, I am now trying to color code keys. Can't be much worse than other ways.

Enough drivel for today. In so many words, I'll be back....
February 20, 2016 at 4:39pm
February 20, 2016 at 4:39pm
See the card I drew. (Below.)
February 10, 2016 at 11:25am
February 10, 2016 at 11:25am
GAWD, been trying to take care of (and not necessarily in the correct order); my dad whose 90 year old wife was in the hospital...(dad is 93), a husband with a spider bite 3 weeks old, my 13 year old dogs of whom one is blind, the other is coughing yet nothing shows up, a friend whose husband died without warning, my former secretary who is on dialysis and her husband has prostate cancer, a couple of birthdays (Cesar and his wife) and so on and so forth. Life is really interesting!

Today I get a molar implant tooth which I have been waiting for since last Sept. when they took out the original tooth. Good things come to those who wait!

Sorry this is so short, but hey, so is life!

December 17, 2015 at 5:38pm
December 17, 2015 at 5:38pm
What if....

There was no bad news on tv, radio, or online today?

Suppose we turned on the morning news and were greeted with our favorite morning anchor

“Good morning, the entire world was at peace last night. Not one war happened. There were no shots fired. There were no bombs blowing up anything. There were no abandoned, abused or kidnapped children. There are no violent deaths to report. The fire department says they all got a good nights sleep; completely void of any fire alarms. The police department reports apparently nobody drove past the speed limit, nobody drove drunk or high on drugs; there were no high-speed chases, car shootings or accidents. Not one person died on the freeways.
Not one Politician made a stupid remark or lied to us or, incredibly, spent money we don’t have. The national debt is now zero, and unemployment is non-existent.

Not one celebrity had their photo taken, nor did they hurt or slandered another. Nobody abused a pet. Though we have searched high and low we could not find one hungry person, one homeless person or anyone in need of medical care.

Now here is the weather report from our very own Mary Sunshine...”
“Thank you. There are no tornadoes, hurricanes, snowstorms, droughts, or torrential floods anywhere on earth this morning. As you can see the sun is out!

The lows are in a bearable range, with the highs being in a very comfortable zone. Any clouds you see are of the large fluffy variety, and there is no change in the immediate, foreseeable future. Now let’s throw it over to Highway Patrol Officer Clara Bell for a traffic report.”

“Thank you very much for the great forecast Mary. The freeways are all running smoothly. Incredibly everyone is doing the speed limit and there are absolutely no tires, couches, mattresses, refrigerators, dogs, chickens, people, or stalled vehicles impeding traffic. Looking at the shot from our Sky Hawk traffic watcher, you can even see the drivers are smiling and waving to each other. No roadwork is being done during this peak times, and all potholes seem to have been filled. Oh wait...let’s zoom in on this slow down.....Ohhh, it seems some cars have pulled over to the right shoulder....is there a problem? No, upon closer inspection it seems they are all just getting out of their cars to... dance. Yes, I hear the music...isn’t this the best thing you have ever seen? Other cars are now pulling over and they too are joining in...they seem to be doing the Freeway Shuffle. How delightful! Now it’s back to the anchor desk and you Dave...”

“Thank you so much Clara. We do have some breaking news down at the beach though...our reporter is now there...what do you have for us Chuck?”

“Thanks Dave, it seems we have an entire flotilla of yellow rubber ducks making their way to shore.I have no idea where they are coming from, but as you can see, the ocean is yellow with them. When one gets to shore and I can interview them I’ll break back in.”

“This is Dave, with your positive spin on life signing off for the day. Smile, help a neighbor and try to refrain from hurting anyone, especially yourself. Have a wonderful day!”

P.S. I wrote this a few years back, but seems apt today!
December 13, 2015 at 2:10pm
December 13, 2015 at 2:10pm
HO-HO!!! Meet Boris looking for Christmas.
November 2, 2015 at 5:25pm
November 2, 2015 at 5:25pm
Wow, it is November already. Bet you can't guess what I already did! I designed and ordered AND received this year's Christmas Card. Sigh...all I have to do is address and stamp them. I figure a couple a day until oh, say....Thanksgiving. (Sometimes I think I should take my own advice, "When it isn't fun don't do it." Actually it is one thing I do enjoy. I wish it were like this for everyone.

I remember when Christmas Cards were sent snail mail. Imagine! Recently a good friend of mine (Scarlett) have begun sending each other cards via snail mail. It is delightful to go to the mail box and get something besides junk mail, catalogues and bills. I dare say my handwriting has suffered from computing (i.e.: emails) but hey, fun to decipher our words!t

Today is the first day of temperatures in the 70's here. It definately feels like November now.

I got a call the other day from one of the bloggers of the early days, Tor...his wife, Mel, passed away. And so it goes, another beautiful soul has gone from our midst. Sad. I still communicate with several of the bloggers from the early days...we all seem to have problems, but remember when we were so carefree, like just look at our old blogs, we had FUN. We long for those days, but like many things they have passed. ENJOY the now. I am, which is why I don't blog often. I still do my art, but am busy living life, before it is gone. I hope all of you remember to get up and move...it is important for the body and the mind. Ok, enough for one fine autumn day. Hope you all don't have too much trouble adjusting to the time change...GAWD!
August 12, 2015 at 6:24pm
August 12, 2015 at 6:24pm
I am going to be a grandmother in March!

I had a birthday on Monday and was taken out to lunch by a dear friend today.

I got a review which only pointed out I seem to have lost my sense of humor. I assure you I haven't...it has been misplaced and I am sure I will find it soon.

I discovered a blogger I had followed in the past is blogging, and wow is she good. (Still.)

I just discovered I have 5 I's....gawd! It is not funny.
August 10, 2015 at 7:56pm
August 10, 2015 at 7:56pm
A birthday thought.
August 5, 2015 at 2:13pm
August 5, 2015 at 2:13pm
There comes a time (well, if you live long enough) you find the body changes in spite of how you treat it. I look in the mirror and don’t recognize myself…despite the gray hair (which I purposely grew out) the body seems to love gravity. What a shock!! I now need glasses for more than just reading… a HUGE adjustment. You never think you will get old…older yes, but old looking too?!! Yep.

I am grateful to still have my mind. Many do not. My father is one, and he used to be a pilot! I now am privileged to know how much my father receives from retiring from the Air Force, another job after he left the Air Force, and any investments he made, which is nothing.

This morning my husband noted only a short time until I turn 67…and then only 3 years until we are 70. I told him, “I’m not even 67, so I think I’ll hold off.” He thought it was funny. I was serious.

July 31, 2015 at 12:34pm
July 31, 2015 at 12:34pm
Last night while listening to a mix of older songs (and I mean from the 60’s, in particular 1967) I said to my husband, “ Odd how some songs we heard at 17 had meanings quite different than what I think it means at 67. I guess this is what it means to stand the test of time.” He pointed out how many years of experiences there are between the comparisons, how much life experience we have during the intervening years. How true.

The song I was listening to when having these thoughts was by The Association, “Never My Love.” In particular as I sang along I heard, “You say you fear I’ll change my mind and I won’t require you.” WOW…followed by “Never my love…” really says a lot about how we feel at 16…insecure, and then again when we get older.

I just got an email asking me to forward it to 8 other women. H-m-m-m. I don’t think I know 8 women to forward this to. It was an email which made me smile and I know the 3 I sent it to will also….but, I rarely do “forwards”. Sometimes I wish there was an unsubscribe at the bottom of the email, like on many emails I get from companies. I have signed up for many. Just as many I have gone through the unsubscribe game also.

Speaking of this, wonder why AMAZON can do what they say they will do (deliver) on or before the date promised? Ok, so I know they may have overstated their “Better than Black Friday” sale, but if you are looking for great deals never shop an advertised sale. Period. If you really want to save money DON’T BUY anything! It works well when you employ this method.

That is it for the week.
July 28, 2015 at 12:02pm
July 28, 2015 at 12:02pm
One would think life gets simpler as you get older. Not at all true. At least I don’t think so.

It seems like the people I come into contact with do not take things as seriously as I believe they should. Maybe it comes as a surprise to others, not really sure what it is, except generational.

For instance…trying to get repairs done in the time frame they gave me. I don’t know what it is. I can handle the truth when something I am paying you to do will be done. Just be honest. Honesty? I think people tell you what they believe you want to hear. I know my son does and it drives me batty.

This is just one example. Why isn’t anyone feeling responsible enough to let me know something won’t be done on time, much less the same day? Do they think my time is less valuable than theirs? Just because I count on someone else’s word does this make mine worth nothing too?

On a brighter note, last night looking out of the dining room window at our drought riddled yard, we noticed a deer which stood up on the hind legs to reach an orange hanging on a tree. I have seen deer eat oranges before, but picking them up off of the ground, never before standing on it’s rear 2 legs to reach up and pick fruit. It was an “A-HA MOMENT” for us…always wondering how our 3 apricot trees got seemingly stripped of their fruit overnight. It also happened to a plum and a peach tree. We has assumed it was birds, yet now I know it was only partly due to birds.

Speaking of the drought, our lake view has been sorely depleted. I’m thinking we have less than a year’s supply left. We have been conserving water for a couple of years, thus no watering what used to be our lawn, or anything else. We have stripped away all potted plants as well as those which grew next to the house. The fire danger is a constant worry.

Oh boy, this is going to be a wild ride.
July 20, 2015 at 5:08pm
July 20, 2015 at 5:08pm
Today would have been Lance's 64th birthday.

It has me wondering what he would be surprised to know, had he have lived.

1. I remarried.

2 I've travelled to the South Pacific 4 times.

3. I'm an artist.

4. It rained in July.

5. The lake is so low it now has several places the land goes across.

Actually, there is a lot he would be surprised to know, but I hurt when I am typing so enough for today!

July 18, 2015 at 6:35pm
July 18, 2015 at 6:35pm
I've decided to blog again. I can only hope it will last longer than the last one. (Hah)

The main difference is I am beginning in the middle of July, in a severe drought, and we had a little rain today. Of course not enough, but anything is welcome. The smell of rain is so rare, and nice. I didn't realize how much I have missed it. I also cannot believe how chilly it is. Yet, I should believe it, as I was recently in what was supposedly summer in New Zealand (where I had to buy hats, sweaters and sheepskin booties), Australia and a bunch of other countries, which all were experiencing strange weather.

A big shout out to my friends (you know who you are). I am fortunate enough to still be in touch with some of them. This brings up some other strange topics. I mean how some so-called friends just go dark on you...nothing, crickets so to speak, not a sound. It can be family too. Strange phenomena this is. Life is full of them.

Today is my eleventh WDC anniversary. Gulp. There have been so many changes here I barely know where to begin. So I just began. And so I shall end for today.

Time to go drink a cup of tea now.

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