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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/books/item_id/1300042-SuperNova-Afterglow-End-Of-Days/month/10-1-2016
Rated: 18+ · Book · Writing · #1300042
All that remains: here in my afterlife as a 'mainstream' blogger, with what little I know.
The Idiotic Ideate??

Formerly: New Zenith To Hell…(all started with arc as writer here from the trials of Rising Stars to Preferred Author to WDC Quills Best Poetry Collection to the falling action I feel now that settles in a white case.)
Got to hustle to preserve the best of me before fully fading on that virtual horizon glowing more brilliant with each passing day to permanent nuclear winter.

if people don’t get it, I don’t need to explain it.

We kill all that’s beautiful before we question it’s purpose. So many people find it easier to think in the black and the white. God forbid you get lost straying in the gray.

"Whoever fights monsters should see to it…he does not become a monster.”
I’ve been to the abyss and back. Not so bad.

The loneliest happy person you'd ever meet, when not the saddest person who needs to be alone.

In an ever-changing world, we need to handle topics at the ready. If you roll over and give in to the narrative without lending a voice of your own, you might as well hand over your civil liberties. We have voices that should connect to true conscience and spirit for honest and open discourse. Why feel so redacted?

Unify on issues and put drama aside. Open minds require complete objectivity. If none need apply, question the unbendable sources for answer. If you knee-jerk react to every issue lurking out there that clutches your neck, you fall victim to your own ignorance born from a life of apathy (no doubt) in pathetic cries of injustice.

Just writing what I feel without the narrative-altering mind f---ing with my head.

[MY Chorus]
In your house, I long to be
Room by room, patiently
I'll wait for you there, like a stone
I'll wait for you there, alone

"It amazed me how truth was often suffocated in minutes, but lies were given sufficient air to breathe indefinitely."

"You are all better than you think you are, you are just designed not to believe it when you hear it from yourself."

Merit Badge in Second Time Around Contest
[Click For More Info]

Congratulations on winning the Grand Overall Prize in  [Link To Item #2164876]  with your beautiful poem, [Link to Book Entry #933358]. This poem really moved me. Great writing!

Rachel *^*Heartv*^*

                   A signature image for use by anyone nominated for a Quill in 2018                    

"...lasting art is never anything more than a mathematical expression of the relations that exist between the internal and the external, the self [le moi] and the world." -Jean Metzinger

I'm in love with carefully chosen words, arranged just so, audible, edible, to inhale. I attempt to post new poems and epiphanies daily with some links to what inspires.

I am legally blind with a rare, genetic form of glaucoma. I'm described as "end stage" after two successful surgeries, still subject to further vision loss. Cataracts complicating matters. Writing Can get strenuous but seldom deters what yearns to emerge, despite a documented history of depression and recently diagnosed ADHD and undefinable social disorders and/or PTSD.

My recent poetry:

Poetic Referendum(s) On Life  (18+)
10k views, 2x BestPoetryCollection. A nothing from nowhere cast words to a world wide wind
#1149750 by Brian KC

Sometimes epiphanies about my insights on writing and life and what goes on...

Making sense of life is maddening. Why do I need to know, when truth may not actually exist? Learning to accept would be a better pursuit? Flailing about in my own mediocrity, hoping to bust out.

I am visible. You can put a face with a name. I would like to see other writers, too. Fiction is what you write, not who you are.

Reinventing myself. I couldn't continue on the path I was on and needed a fresh start. This time around I want to put the focus on writing and the world outside of this community as it affects my life.

I realize now that I have been baring my chest a bit more, as when young. fake me much more boring and unliberated than the real me.

A world arriving as silent as that blossom in your garden that I told you about...
October 30, 2016 at 9:02am
October 30, 2016 at 9:02am
Leaf-shadowed crossroads
the longer I pause
nearing an even tide
sun setting
I'm prompted to choose
when to push forward
into that good night

It won't matter
what road I travel.

Everything beautiful we yearn has already been perfected...and lost.
October 26, 2016 at 11:53pm
October 26, 2016 at 11:53pm
These are the prompts that inspire me. BTW, not a good poem, but love pushing around those words to see what I can do with dreamlike subject...

Eye of God,
In your death throes,
trillion-mile-long tunnel of glowing gases,
A journey I long
Alone, where I belong

Let me penetrate
Your aquarian realm,
Swim in a blue sea of telescopic light,
Disintegrate my limbs
Together, grow strong

Five billion years
Is too long to wait
The final, evolutionary state
Send my heart on arrow
To mythical heaven

Earth rots my organs
Promises death only
Your faint nebula plugs a constellation
Fill an empty container
With unwished dreams.

Inspired by...

The image Intrigued and article peaked my longing to know more.
October 25, 2016 at 2:57pm
October 25, 2016 at 2:57pm
I always struggled with being labeled as 'different' and then 'sensitive' so I learned to humble myself through self-deprecating humor to gain acceptance...
That did not go well, either. So, I'm a mix of narcissist, self-hater and non-conformist who wants to see the world his way...

The Prankster  (ASR)
Things a boy does to make people laugh only serve to appease himself and cope with grief.
#1195045 by Brian KC

These days, I'm indifferent, mostly. But, I can be deeply passionate and opinionated when I'm moved. I reserve those feelings for personal stuff.
October 23, 2016 at 12:04pm
October 23, 2016 at 12:04pm
"He who humbles himself will be exalted."
Just trust in God's mercy.

Beautifully worded prayers mean nothing if the heart behind them contains self-righteousness but no real faith or humility. God will draw near to us during times of humble prayer, but if our inner self is haughty as we pray, He will regard our petitions from a distance. Though the Lord is on high, He looks upon the lowly, but the proud He knows from afar. — Psalm 138:6
October 19, 2016 at 8:42am
October 19, 2016 at 8:42am
Invisible waves reap moisture
Harvested condensates
They're succor a void
Curling foliage
Like warped origami
Brightly Spastic
The spindly laughing children
Sway on indifferent arms
Soon unburdened
As their subjects
Scurry off
With the recess alarm.

To be edited when I'm rested...
October 17, 2016 at 10:54pm
October 17, 2016 at 10:54pm
Evaporate me
Plunder the air
Temperate, clean molecules
Swarm my head
Vibrating, mending
My body. Pulses
Racing neural pathways
Rapping bones
Like basement pipes
Spiral to my toes
Bounce back up.

Brewed beverages
Bubbling warmth
Wisdom in a cup
Windows couldn't be cleaner
Visions clearer,
I dream inside
This throbby reverie.

But the wind picks up
Driver blasts a horn
Wake up call
Realism. Foggy
Time portal fading
Into real time
I hear the clock
Tick, tick my life
Restarting as a sigh

Evaporate = cease to exist, desire to die in a perfect moment to preserve one last memory...

Condensate could be used as the thing that keeps him liquid, unable to die, to preserve moment

October 14, 2016 at 7:30pm
October 14, 2016 at 7:30pm
I lost 20 lbs. in two years, though feels it's really been since the start of summer. My workout regimen is really paying off. But I've turned the corner into AARPland and don't know how much longer I can keep this up.

The health insurance company through my wife's employer wants the unhealthy people to pay. So, over the last few years I've been forced to meet certain requirements to avoid having insurance premiums jacked up $50 a pay period. They measured BMI (body mass index) and collected data on height, weight and body fat. I trimmed 5% body fat and dropped BMI below obesity level. Feels like I'm still dropping weight, because I move better on basketball court and people who haven't seen me in awhile are remarking about the difference they see. So, it's encouraging and I want to keep trying.

Problem area is my left knee. A doc told me a year ago that I'd be a candidate for knee replacement in three years at this rate. That would mean I'd have to give up the game/running (death sentence 😔) once they repair me. Praying for advances in surgical techniques before my time runs out. In the meantime, I was fitted with a walking brace and I'm using Ace wraps (sometimes on both knees) to reduce stress on those joints. The brace is supposed to keep my leg from bowing. I'm so used to wearing it, would love a mate for my other leg. Puts more strain on my back, but I'm working on posture, too.

I'm getting an overhauled version of me. It will never be as good as the original, but I feel good. I like how I feel after running up and down the court (3 times a week, 2-3 hours a day). I lost my appetite for sugars, drink coffee with butter and coconut oil in it (I heard the Bulletproof coffee doesn't really work, but I think it curbs my appetite and like the taste) and I make sure to hydrate a lot (cutting out soda and juice, etc.).

Pain meds are also a part of my process, as well as gloucosamine for joint revitalization. I use ibuprofen more than Naproxen because I think it works better in short term, but mix it up based on what I'm doing (and I watch the doses to maximize potential without going over in 24 hour period). I discovered Voltarin gel which I can apply directly to stiff areas to reduce swelling and it is safe because it does not affect vital organs.

Ice is very important. Use it when I know I have inflammation that needs to be controlled, and sleep. Did I mention sleep? Workouts are perfect remedy to combat my nocturnal episodes. But, caffeine usage before I play can make me crazy. Cutting out sugars helped. I found a sugarless energy drink and consume it after a coffee. Gets my heart racing. I also know not to go over 400 mgs per 24 hours and come in around 160-200 before I play.

But sleep, it can be an issue. It definitely had been in the past. I suffered from depression most my life. Have small bouts still. I can work through most stuff now to get to sleep. I also have sleep apnea which is being treated with a dental appliance to open my airway. Had to get used to that. The nights I can quiet my mind, I sleep relatively well. But, I get behind on my sleep. My wife says that isn't a thing. But, when I take a pill for anti-anxiety when I have a good window to sleep, it's some of the best rest.

I can go two consecutive days with three or less hours of sleep, be grumpy but function okay until I hit that sweet sleep spot and hit reset button on normality. I find a rested body performs better at basketball, complains less of pain and needs less repair afterward.

That got pretty detailed. Been thinking about that and all the injuries I've suffered and still deal with like tennis elbow and the repaired rotator cuff. And now, the cherry on top: I'm legally blind. I find there are good and bad days with damage to eyes from glaucoma. But, I'm at home in that little gym I've been visiting these past 10 years. I can adapt knowing the game and learning from playing with a lot of the same people.

So, with all the people saying I can't, I will myself to play ball better than I have since 30. I don't know where this is taking me. I want to get the most I can from it, before that knee goes or something else derails my run.

October 12, 2016 at 11:11pm
October 12, 2016 at 11:11pm
I don't talk about basketball in my blog anymore. I go to the gym 2-3 times a week, sometimes spending up to three straight hours in pickup games at the YMCA. My game recently improved greatly, but I needed my wife to shoot some video to see how I'm moving. I'm somewhat hesitant to put my head down and run full steam most of the time because of my issues with eyesight (legally blind from glaucoma).

Can't be displeased with the results from what I saw so far on video. I don't want to upload entire games to YouTube and taking it from a camera, so there are steps in editing process that I will need time to complete.

I write about my experiences in tweet form now, at one of my three Twitter accounts. The rest of my thoughts were going in hand-written journals, but lost interest in doing that, too.
October 11, 2016 at 10:47pm
October 11, 2016 at 10:47pm
plain and simple...this is THE song...for me:

Another song that got me excited and still gets me to sing along...when alone...

I'm a huge nerd who loves 'Chuck' and the ever so digest able 'Cake'...

October 11, 2016 at 10:04pm
October 11, 2016 at 10:04pm
It's been awhile since I've given a review to a thoroughly meritous work. And once in awhile, got that much appreciated response to my effort. Been looking back at my ten years here and have identified highlights like this that brought me joy...

"Invalid Entry
October 8, 2016 at 8:59pm
October 8, 2016 at 8:59pm
Blue Quiet

Somber like chilled rain
clinging to this dull glass,
you won't get inside
where darkness is cast.
Illuminating blue light
is warmth.
No fire can smoke hard enough,
burn as bright
as the rage within.
But quiet now,
the damper open wide,
wild seek refuge near,
use the dead of autumn
to clog my heart.
Here in the dark,
we cloister together alone.
but not so dank
I can't draw breath.
Lungs oscillate,
let me know time Is eternal.
For now,
squirm to find dry room
in these rags.
Squat and blink
at satellites searing
a velvet vault.
Dreams slowly steep
the drowsy head,
a canvas of unfiltered vision.

10/10/18 rewrite:

Blue Quiet

Chilled tears
cling this dull glass,
dark void
Illuminating blue light
warm, warming
smoke inhaled hard
burning bright
damper open wide,
refuge nears, wild
the dead of autumn
Unclog thick
cloistered scales
Invisible peel
dank with decay
Steamy breath surfaces
oscillate beautiful fire
eternal, here
In the dry room
blink, satellites near
Our velvet vault.
Dreams steep
drowsy laid
a canvas unfiltered
October 6, 2016 at 8:45pm
October 6, 2016 at 8:45pm
I'm reminded how impactful one line in a song can be, especially when it reaches out to you as the last crescendo is dying. One song, Queen's 'Bohemian Rhapsody,' comes to mind. "Hit me where the wind blows," comes low and soft, almost inaudibly. I feel poetry can similarly capture that magic.

The poem I just penned attempts to encapsulate the purpose and tone of the narration...

When Autumn Comes  (E)
Associating death with the season and the loss of love that will never return.
#2098393 by Brian KC

I used italic for the final line like Freddie Mercury modulated his voice to inflict feeling to give pause.

Happy National Poetry Day

October 6, 2016 at 11:31am
October 6, 2016 at 11:31am
I discovered in newsfeed from another writer that it's National Poetry Day. Ironically I tweeted something about poetry on Twitter 10 minutes prior to learning this.


Since I'm at work with little free time, I am contemplating finding time to challenge myself to write 10 poems today, hoping one will be meaningful.

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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/books/item_id/1300042-SuperNova-Afterglow-End-Of-Days/month/10-1-2016