Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/campfires.php/item_id/1995206-An-Alien-Summer
Rated: 13+ · Campfire Creative · Appendix · Sci-fi · #1995206
Describe what your encounter with friendly aliens would or could be like.
Describe what your encounter with friendly aliens would be like.
How you meet them.
What happened next.
What you did.
Where you went
How you traveled there.
What happened next.
         It all began when I stepped into a giant goffer hole. I tell you this goffer had to be as big as a dachshund. My foot was lodged in that hole so tight I couldn't move without breaking something. I am Brett by name and I'm only fifteen years old. I started yelling for help. Apparently no one could hear me on this bright sunny day. I was on my way to the lake to do some fishing.

          After giving up yelling I tried to position my body so I could sit down maybe relax a little and loosen my foot. The sky went dark all I could hear was a strange whining sound. I looked up into the sky. My fear over came my senses. I started to dig with my hands to free my foot. A huge silver sauce was floating right above me it looked like it was going to land on me. A strange weird yellow flashing light blinded me. I woke up in a strange metal room.
Well, "woke up" really aren't the right words. I was, more or less, drifting as if I was half asleep. I hope this all a dream. I could see people moving around ... until it finally came back to me what had happened. I focused through the bleariness of my eyes. These weren't people! The one nearest me was short with a bulbous head. Light bounced off what seemed to be large eyes. I had a moment of deja vu; this all seemed so familiar.

Then it came to me. "E.T.!" I blurted out. Every... thing seemed to stop. As if in slow motion, they all turned toward me in unison and began ... laughing. I couldn't help myself. I began to giggle and then broke into laughter.

"So, you're awake," the nearest one said.

I looked around and tried to wipe my eyes but my hands were strapped by my side. "If you say so," was all I could manage.
Of the four E.T.-like creatures, one – the one that all others referred to as Zak, waddled towards me gazing at an electronic tablet in one hand and in the other, a flat screen device that appeared to have microphones bulging out of its case. His stubby arms were barely strong enough to hold his evaluation devices before his wrinkled face.

“Ah yow u,” said Zak, “It does look like it is as my crew determined, you are passive, male human of small proportions for your species. Many people call you Brett Cooper, but others, who seem to be related to you call you, “Booger,” “Pepperoni Face” and “Turtle. Ah yow u, these are pet names? Nick names?”

I looked at Zak's contorted face. I tried to avoid looking into the two yellow bulbous orbs that were his eyes, concerned what would actually be in them. I was drawn however to glance quickly into those softly lit orbs that were too big for his face. After a moment I wasn't certain the orbs were actually his eyes. As my glance turned into a staring contest, I could find no life in them.

“Ah yow u - It would be polite to answer my question,” Zak said, turning his back to me. “Why are you called such odd things?”

“Sorry,” I said. “They're insults. That's what pals...families do. I'm sure your crew's got some good names for you, Bug Eyes!” I was hoping to get a reaction from my captor. Nothing. “Was that polite enough? I think I want to leave now.” Nothing. “What do you say, Jack? Hit me with the forget-this-ever-happened-ray and let me go home. I won't breathe a word to anyone that we had this little meeting.”

“Orrrffle yow u - Its Zak. Not Jack and you watch to many movies. We will actually have to choose what you will remember, otherwise you will have no recall of any of your evaluation. As for going home? Not quite.”

“Its first priority to get some validation of the readings I'm getting Brett,” Zak said, setting the tablet down on the table. He sort of motioned to his three partners. “My associates and I are particularly interested in your essence and qualities as a slightly post-puberty, human male. This evaluation of a rare specimen, that is to say...you, is of extreme importance to our, what you might call, people. Ah yow u - We have a delicate mission to the rest of the universe, and there are some qualities or skills we lack. You Brett Cooper, may have the essence and those special qualities we are searching for.”

Essence? Qualities? Puberty? Seriously? I strained to get a better look at my surroundings. The walls seemed to be made of chrome, so even when I thought I could make out details, it was often just a reflection of me lying on a table, Zak and his associates. The three or four lights that where high above my head seemed to glow with more intensity as time crept on. My stomach churned and my mind locked in on three words. “Puberty”, “Essence” and “Qualities.” No thing, alien or otherwise, was going to be invited to look up my “puberty” and “essence.” As for “qualities.” That was the boring party line of my lame parents who are, lets face it, growing more feeble with every breath they take.

Zak motioned his buddies to come closer to their specimen. He picked up his tablet. I strained at the bindings securing my wrists hoping to break away enough to slap one of them. It was no use.

“Orrrffle yow u -Please do settle yourself down,” Zak said, “It will help us to get a better analysis of your essence if you remain calm. Now on today's time line we can see that you had pizza, soda, and ice cream for breakfast? Is that correct?”
"What?" I screamed, straining against my restraints. "You want me to calm down?" I felt like throwing up the pizza and ice cream—probably not the best combination if one is going to get abducted by aliens.

Old bug-eyed Zak actually rolled his eyes. Turning to one of his assistance, he asked, "I thought you said he was passive? If he can't calm down, he will have to be terminated."

"Uh, wait, Zak? Terminated?" Suddenly I found myself rethinking the whole resistance attitude. Hadn't I heard somewhere that resistance was futile? "Uh, the pizza was pepperoni."

Zak actually smiled and nodded. "Oh good, now we are getting somewhere. I really didn't want to have to send you home without running any of our simulations."

I let out a breath as I realized terminated didn't mean dead. In the next instant, the panic came flooding back. My entire body began to vibrate and the room spun viciously and then disappeared. I clinched my eyes shut until I felt the whirling slow. I inched open my eyes and stared for several seconds.

Commander Data stared back at me from the bridge of the USS Enterprise NCC-1701-D "Sir, what are your orders?"
" Wait...what?" came my confused reply. Looking down at myself I was shocked to discover that I was dressed in the uniform of a Starfleet officer and seated in the captain's chair. From behind me came a deep booming voice that I recognized from countless Next-Gen reruns.

" Captain!" snarled Lt. Worf, " They're coming in for another pass."

" Who?" I asked in my befuddlement. Turning in my seat to face the voice, I was greeted by the glaring scowl of a physically imposing Klingon.

" The Romulans, sir!" he replied in a hostile and exasperated way. Suddenly the ship was rocked by a blast from their attacker which knocked a few of the superfluous crew members off their feet. The interior lighting dimmed to an ominous crimson while ear-splitting and annoying klaxons started to blare. " Captain!" barked Worf, " One more hit like that and we're done for. We must return fire!"

" I disagree Captain," came the smooth mellow voice of Data. " In our present condition we would not stand a chance against a fully shielded Romulan Bird-Of-Prey. I believe the most prudent action would be a retreat. We would have to drop our shields to make the jump, so I will need the order before they can make another pass."

Still trying to understand how I got here in the first place, I couldn't get my thoughts together to command one way or the other. It didn't really matter anyway, since by now the Romulan ship had banked and was charging directly towards us.

"Captain..." Data implored.

"Captain!" Worf roared.

And then came a slight jolt followed by an all-encompassing white light which slowly faded to black.

From the blackness, I heard a soft voice whispering. Realizing I wasn't dead, I opened my eyes and found myself in a dim chamber with walls made of stone. Standing next to the cot I was lying on was a dignified looking man in a toga.

" I can't believe you sleep at a time like this, Brutus." he said in a hushed tone. " Come, the Caesar is on his way to the Senate, we must hurry..."

I groaned and squeezed my eyes shut, hoping to reopen them to familiar surroundings. Never, ever, eat pepperoni pizza and ice cream for breakfast again!

When I reopened them, my eyes were met with an even stranger scene. "What kind of a weird trip am I on?" Large tropical fronds partially obscured my view of the surrounding landscape. "Eeee! A foot-long centipede-type thingy, slithered across my bare foot. The ground shook, and the creepy bug was forgotten as my head snapped up to take in a Tyrannosaurus, which I suddenly recalled the translation for—tyrant lizard!

My muscles clenched, my breathing paused, but my eyes were locked on the extinct, yes, extinct creature. Having watched Jurassic Park countless times, I remembered their having poor eyesight and remained frozen in place. My mind searched for more details about this predator, but it could only come up with a useless fact for the situation I was in: they lived in Laramidia, which would later become North America. At least I am close to home! A combination sigh, giggle escaped my trembling lips. "And, where's that outhouse the lawyer bit the dust in? I could use it about now."

The bipedal monster's massive head swung from side to side as it sniffed the jungle-stifling air. Its lengthy tailed swept out in a semi-arc, crushing everything in its path. Some scent must have caught its attention for the large head snapped away from my direction, and it charged off into the dense underbrush. I let out the breath I didn't know I held and slumped to the damp, leaf-littered ground.

My eyes closed, and I offered a silent prayer to God to let this horror be gone when I opened them. Slowly, I peeked one eyelid open a fraction. "Crap!" Same place, same time, Booger, my boy. Are you surprised? You know you're not. This is about how you expect your life to go. Isn't it?

A shadow overhead dulled the light creeping in through my one eye, and I opened the other, staring up into the impossibly-blue sky as a Nyctosaurus soared on by, heading for a patch of water I could just barely make out through a small opening in the heavy vegetation. I breathed in and out, calmed, somewhat, by my nerdy recollection of the bird eating mainly fish. What's next? "God, please don't let it be a Velociraptor!"
I sat, almost stupefied by the many thoughts clamoring for attention, that raced through my head. Hold on! Let’s try and be logical for a minute and see if any of this makes sense. Mentally, I began to try and construct a timeline of what was occurring – what had occurred.

Obviously, I was in the past at present. I smiled at the oxymoron. Dinosaurs and Jurassic vegetation notwithstanding, this shouldn’t be. I reached out and touched a broad leaf plant which immediately tried to grab my hand. “Crap!” I yelled, pulling back. The sound of my voice, even in the buzzing, chirping, crackling sounds of tropical setting seemed really loud. I cautiously looked around to make sure nothing had heard me.

I went back to my next clear memory. Slowly it came back. I had been in space on the bridge of the U.S.S. Enterprise. Worf and Data had been yelling at me … about what? Oh, yeah, those pesky Romulans were going to fire on us. Again, I checked off that it was impossible for that to happen. What next?

Pepperoni pizza and ice cream? No – that was breakfast, wasn’t it? Something else. The memory tantalized me, skirting the edges of my mind. Of course, it was E.T. No, wait. Suddenly, the images of Old Zak and his cronies came flooding back. Alien abduction! I unconsciously reached for my back pockets but stopped. No, I wasn’t probed. A small sigh of relief escaped my lips.

As Sherlock Holmes was fond of saying, “Once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth.”

Time travel to the past, at least according to Einstein, was impossible. “I’ll take your word for that, Albert,” I muttered to myself. As far as I knew, no one had figured out how to take DNA in mosquitos trapped in amber. “This situation is impossible,” I concluded.

Finding myself on the bridge of the Enterprise was equally impossible … wasn’t it? Of course it was. As much as I loved Gene Roddenberry as an author, I was convinced that he was not a clairvoyant and wasn’t channeling the mind of Jean Luc Picard for some cheesy - but really good, Gene, I mentally sent – prime time T.V. show.

That left E.T. and company. Improbable but the most likely scenario. The pizza and ice cream was also a possibility but I’d never had a reaction like this before. Well, maybe the time I’d toyed with pot … but no, I’d had no drugs in years. E.T. is was.

I reviewed all the facts. I had come here after the Enterprise received a killing shot from the Romulans. It stood to reason, each time I died I moved to a new scenario. Obviously, if I let my get eaten …

Movement off to my left caught my eye. “Oh no you don’t,” I said to the frond that had tried to eat my hand earlier. I slapped it and it retreated. “Bad plant, bad plant,” I snarled at it. It seemed to curl up and whimper. “It’s O.K. but no eating the visitor,” I said, my voice softening.

I picked up on my last thought … Did I really want to test my theory based on a single data point?
Then, a thought floated around my temples, slipped down the slope of my nose and reached my grey matter as I inhaled it in. It shrieked from inside - while trying to free itself from my nose mucus - that in times of distress it is your inner voice which you should listen to. I almost winced. Funny old thought this because in my real life – I mean the life before I died twice– I would usually smirk at the slightest mention of this soul-karma business but here I was, earnestly looking around for a spot where I could sit calmly - as calmly as possible in an area full of dinosaurs - and ping my soul, hoping to get something in return.
What rummy things a man can do when he is a little unsure of himself! I hopped to the nearby Brown tree in search of a bum-rest but instead saw something which would have shocked me in normal circumstances but not in these circumstances which could be considered as normal as that of sitting in the lap of your father-in-law would be.
There was this tree which had moss all around it – no, not that moss but Kate Moss, the supermodel and not one but at-least twenty Kate Moss encircling the Brown tree . My teeth burst through my lips to register their presence as my cheeks pulled my lips up to resemble a smile. Not even one smiled in return and my ego was quick to remind me of my previous botched jobs at dating. So some things do remain same wherever you are, huh.

I ignored the already ignoring Mosses and went towards a dry stone. I closed my eyes and soon enough I think I heard something. I concentrated more and then a bit more as the voice became clearer. It was gurgling of my empty stomach. I opened my eyes and now I had one more problem to contend with. I sighed. The question had quickly changed from “Where would I land if died again” to “If I died now would I end up in a new realm with a full stomach?” This wasn’t a food for thought but a thought for food but just then I realized something and the hair the back of my neck – where a careless barber’s blade doesn’t reach – stood up.

It happened at the realization that I had seen this reborn business before in the “12 monkeys” - the epic Bruce Willis movie! This was exactly the same phenomenon which was a central plot there. The troubled mind of mine was working overtime now. I surely “Die Hard” every time since I met those Aliens. Then, the shiny bald green head of the aliens which I met flashed in my mind’s eye followed by Bruce Willis’ shaved head. Is this a clue? Are they tried to point to something? And then, something clicked again! So all along, it was about the “Sixth Sense”, another Bruce’s hit.

Sensing the hugeness of the moment, the already raised hair on the back of my neck quickly sat down so that they could rise again on their toes. And rise they did but only to stopped midway – what a rude thing to do as rising is all that hair do on that portion of the body – by another thought.
Or was it about the “Pulp Fiction”? Or was it just my mind making up stories and nothing was related to Bruce?

By now, in order to do away with undue exertion, the neck hair had decided to stay put in half risen posture. And then, I felt the earth trembling. The Kate Mosses shrieked.
Mosses flew about me like rag dolls flung by an angry child. My footing grew weak as the soil and rocks around me seemed to turn to pudding. The earth slammed downward below my feet and I slipped through gelatinous dirt into a gorge lined with Oleander bushes, live oak and palm trees. Canyon walls rose up around me and rocked violently as my body slipped into a stream of cool water. Before I could enjoy the moment's relief, I was hydro-propelled downward into a via duct.

When the turgid stream pushed into the underground waterworks of Los Angeles, I found myself in the massive sewer system. I swam like mad under a convulsing Wilshire Boulevard.

“Swim over here, Brett,” a familiar voice said from out of the darkness.

I found some strength and forced my arms to push my body through the water towards the voice. I swam until my finger tips hit a concrete wall where I saw two feet on the bottom rung of a ladder. As I reached out to take a hold of the bottom rung, a powerful hand grasped my forearm and hauled me out of the water. I found myself face to face with Charlton Heston.

“The earthquake got you to boy?” he said, gripping my gaze with his flinty eyes.

“Yeah,” I said, “but not like you'd expect.”

“Not a day for great expectations,” Heston said, “Half of LA in ruins. A tsunami on the way. I've really got to get a place out of the city, By the way, you didn't happen to see my wife down there anywhere did you? She got away from me when the water started rising?”

I spied his wife floundering in the water to my left. “You mean Ava Gardner?” I said, nodding my head towards the beautiful woman who seemed to be sinking, but whose dark ringlets of hair and glowing face seemed beautifully protected for a “close-up” camera shot. “Over there. I think she's about to go down.”

“Thanks man,” Heston said, slipping into the rising waters. “And listen, watch out for armed apes on horseback out there. You never know when they might show up.”

Before I could reply, he vanished under the swirling waters. I pushed up through the street, into the hostile environs of a demolished city. Except for Johnie's Coffee Shop, all of the land mark buildings up and down Wilshire Boulevard seemed to be piles of rubble. It was hard to tell for sure. A heavy mist mixed with a vile smoke, veiled huge sections of the landscape. Through the dense smog, I watched pillars of flame probe the top of the artificial cumulus cloud formations. Through it all, I heard the sound of the tsunami coming. I had seen the movie Earthquake a dozen times, and I knew immediately that Mulholland Dam had burst. There was a forty foot wall of water headed towards me to quench my mental fires forever.

I stood still and calm, ready to accept my fate when a girl's face, framed in a black, two foot oval shaped Afro, suddenly appeared in Johnie's panoramic store front window. She was wearing a yellow tee-shirt with the word “Miles” stenciled across the front. She moved quickly to open the front door.

“Get out of the street moron!” she yelled. “You want to get killed?”

I knew the tee shirt, the fro, the voice. It was Victoria Principal, wide eyed, beautiful, and she knew I was a moron. Could this be love?
With a bow and running for cover into the shop. The moron namely me ducked for cover. I had my doubts about ever leaving this city alive. I formed a moronic plan I would climb to the top of this building and when it got swept away. I would use the water to get to higher ground. I hoped I could find some kind of floatation device and make for the roof. In one of the empty apartments above I found a surf board and a life jacket. Next I found an inflatable rubber raft but no air pump or paddles to go with it. I found an old worn back pack this I filled with what ever eatable food I could pillage.

Victoria Principal would nothing of my moronic plan so I left her below to fend for herself. She was forced to join me on the roof as water kept rising. Now it was difficult to stay standing I blew up as much of the rubber raft as I could by mouth. I strapped two surf boards to it in hopes they might help keep us afloat. Soon we were rush off ahead as the water over flowed to top of the building. The current was pulling us away from the oncoming wave of water. We had no choice but to go with the flow.

The End!

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