
I like playing with words, and I like playing with software. Computer software that is! When I am bored with my programs, I turn to stories, and vice versa. I also have a way-out humour, and a generally subversive attitude to ideas and work! To borrow and add to words from a favourite song: "I like what I do, and do what I like, and not necessarily for money!"

And yes, I sometimes do 'mad things' even ... not even getting small change even for some of the 'mad things' I seem to have gone and done ... being only a mad-mad-mad girl always, as those who have known me and seen some of the mad things I seem to have gone, will assure you, I seem to have gone. "But then what do we live for but observe the mad things done by other fools like me, and write of them in turn?" Pillaging a little from one Jane Austen 'been bored stiff perhaps observing those antics round her "Clots! All of them!" did I hear somebody (a ghost maybe) sniff, "Now who went and invent this game called life ... including computer games ... including licking computer pros at their own game, mixing love with marriage .... (writing stories on computers ... Internet Blogs even) ... marrying computers with love stories, including love stories written about computer programmers falling in love with blokes from police ... while perhaps 'said police' is busy policing this girl wasting time writing love stories on the Internet, instead of sticking towhat she is supposed to be really good at ... licking computers into shape into doing what she really wants them to ... say, writing 'drivers' to take the edge off being driven mad while trying to come to grips with Sinhala typing on computers!"

I am also there at WriteClique.net ... By the way, Dialog has specific permission from me to make full use of all of my code I made for my Lazy Sinhala & Sura Sinhala free, as I explicictly gave permisssion in front of others including my husband Dr. TDSA Dissanayake in front of others present there at a small interlude in front of 'Cargills Proper KBG' (as I gently jokingly referred to that famous interview myself elsewhere) on one famous day October 27th 2005, subject to the condition that what I chose to put out myself here at Writing.Com by way of source-code written by me is available free to be taken by whosoever please take it, even without meeting me in person and getting my explicict permisssion.

Finally let me state another bon mot of mine (no doubt, pillaged by some scoundrel like that Steve Jobs perhaps) that "Ideas are born free and free they ought to remain... Perhaps because for no other reason than all truly great good ideas stem directly from God"

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Last Modified: 12-12-10 @ 4:53 am EST
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