Path to this Chapter:
  1. Accidental Absol
  2. Full and Cold
  3. In the Woods
Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/interactive-story/item_id/2029451-Pokmon-Vore/cid/2266330-Accidental-Absol
Rated: XGC · Interactive · Erotica · #2029451
A community interactive for all things Pokémon and vore!
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Chapter #6

Accidental Absol

    by: Unknown
Accompanying image, drawn by ASaneMan: http://i.imgur.com/QEp2g7o.png

"Charmeleon!" You call outside, waiting for that lizard to come back inside. "Charmeleeeon!" Once more, and with no response you start to worry. You reach into your bag and release Absol, since between being a dark-type and holding some canine traits, out of your party he's best suited for searching in the night.

"We're looking for Charmeleon, okay?" The Absol just tilts his head at that, giving the looking of a resounding ‘wat’. He begins sniffing, occasionally sending you odd glances as the two of you wander out into the wilderness the best you can with a big, burdensome belly. With him leading, you hardly get anywhere. He will sniff at the air, either turn and stare at your bloated gut or begin walking towards the tent. Dumb cat, you mutter to yourself.

With no luck and even less action, marked by the occasional Shuppet or Poochyena scurrying around, you give in and head back to camp. Maybe I should've chosen Miltank. At least she'd be comforting. You lay down, close the tent off; trying to get some sleep in the chilling air. Absol sits contently nearby, still glaring at your grumbling tummy. As you drift off he gets frisky. The Absol runs his nose right up to your belly, sniffing it, eying up the subtle movement as your guts do their thing to whatever unfortunate critter ended up inside. It almost... no, it couldn't. He can follow the scent up your body, up across your frame and to your breath. He can hear gurgles coming from your stomach, see it slowly ripple as its processed contents are dumped deeper inside you. He lets his nose follow the scent-trail, and soon enough his nose was circling above your open maw. He can’t help himself. Did the scent, so similar to Charmeleon, really go down his master's throat?


"Mmmph!" You jolt awake, unable to breathe. Your neck is screaming for air. Something is inside wriggling around, blocking your throat. Instinctively, you try to cough, but what's lodged in your throat isn't coming out. Now, what won't go out -- goes in. You sit up and swallow hard, consuming a massive tuft of hair and sending it all down your throat. Tears dabble at your eyes. You grab at the blockage, shoving it in deeper. Need air... need air! More painful swallows. You keep at it until the big mane passes your Adam's apple, and finally, can you breathe again. In this lightless tent you can't make out what you're ingesting. You start feeling around with your hands to figure out just what's hanging out of your mouth, realizing there's hind legs, a soft tush, a sharp, pointy tail... shit. You're eating your own Pokemon! Unfortunately, you have no other option than to send him further down. You push on his ass, a gulp, and he inches deeper inside. Steadily your belly becomes bigger and bigger, expanding as his mass flows into your own.

The legs are kicking wildly outside, the only thing left after you've gulped down his rear. A strange rod-like bit could be felt sliding down your esophagus... you silently pray it isn't what you think it is. Grabbing hold of his legs, you push them inside your mouth. Is it wrong to savor his taste? He was bitter in flavor, but it had this unique tinge to himself... one last lick, and the cat is entirely inside you. You're able to close your mouth, cringing as you feel his form slide into your stomach. And with that, you let out a sigh. Your gut jiggles, his clear form writhing within. You place your hands on your belly, massaging it, feeling him struggle inside. It... it feels good, honestly. This full, swollen feeling. But you can't leave him be, right? Turn him into that mush like whatever you ate earlier? Or... was that Charmeleon?! Then again, Absol seemed so interested in your belly. Maybe he did this on purpose? Gurgles resonate from within, groaning at the fresh meat. Your stomach is already working to digest him. You've got to make up your mind quickly if you're to save him from a sloshy fate.

Aw, screw it. He wanted this. At least you keep trying to convince yourself of it. Anyways, it's gotten warmer inside the tent from all the commotion. Might as well get some sleep. You lay on your side and simply appreciate what Absol did for you. Keep on rubbing your swollen stomach, occasionally pressing your hand into it to get him to stir. He'll shake and squirm inside, your innards responding with groans, and yourself in moans. He really was delicious -- perhaps pokemon need to be on your diet more! Albeit, you're going to have to process your current one...

Glurrgl... Absol! Absooo...


It seems it won't take terrible long, actually. Your gut is going into overdrive on the double-meal you have packed away. With your hands, you rummage around your gut, feeling the now-lifeless pokemon stuck in there, and after a few seconds, gasp as chunks of him are sucked deeper into your bowels to meet the Charmeleon goop down below. Your intestines bloat to the newly-found grub and speedily go to work transforming your pokemon into some squishy girl-pudge. The occasional shove of a big piece of him sluicing into your bowels forces you to readjust your position, eventually with you leaning on a nearby post so that the Absol-sludge sloshes down through you. With each gasp and moan you feel him slip away, deeper and deeper packed away into your body and further away from the outside world. The deeply-packed snuffed kitty is threatening to burst your skirt as he's transferred from stomach to innards, and as time passes, your shirt up top. Seems your food is doing your body good... after a bit of testing, even making you fertile! His white body transformed into some wonderful breastfat and milk, lushly jiggling back and forth as you sway back and forth. Other parts blossom out as well: Your ass, thoroughly thickened from his calories, and your belly up above to match. While there's still gallons of chyme within your bowels, you can already feel the newly-found Absol-pudge jiggling around on your girly parts. Each pulse of your intestines proceeds to push it out further, pounds of feline and scalie fat adding to your body to turn you from lithely to voluptuous in one mere meal. And as you reach up to grope your plush boobs, you comment,

"Well, at least they'll always be a part of the team..."

You have the following choices:

1. Go show off your new curves!

2. It's time to put more pokemon on your body!

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