by Dr M C Gupta   (mcgupta44@Writing.Com)

They say I am not truthful,
But who does like the truth?
I hide my wrinkles because
They like only my youth.

Everyone in the world is
Bothered about his gains.
Who wants to know if I have
Bodily aches and pains?

Why should I be truthful when
Asked if I do feel hurt?
They won’t ask a second time,
‘Oh yes’, if I do blurt.

Why tell others about the
Relations with the spouse?
Don’t reveal domestic truths.
Keep them but in the house.

No one wants to hear about
Others’ griefs and their woes.
Only he has company,
A happy face who shows.

• Written in abcb, 7-6-7-6 format

M C Gupta
26 March 2007
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