Days To Remember
        by FlyingFree   (poemobsessed@Writing.Com)
The music plays,
Bodies touch.
Two souls become one.
The sun fades into darkness.
A breeze flows past,
Soft cries of bliss,
Sweat scents overtake you...

The nights is over,
One last kiss.
Time slowly passes
But something is missing.
Another ride,
A late night stop.
A little brown bag...

One question
The longest trip home...
A trip to the bathroom.
The longest five minutes.
The stress builds.
Worried expressions show...
What if...?

Sitting together,
Eyes squeezed tight
Afraid of the truth.
Hands sweating,
Nervous as Hell.
Dead silence...
A sigh of relief.

You open your eyes
Hold your breath
A background of pink
A single line of blue.
Relief floods over you.
Eyes meet again.
This time it's different.

How close you were...
One time,
The first time.
Almost mistake.
Almost regret.
How would you've dealt
With such consequences?

For now it's over,
Can't fix what's done.
You've learned your lesson.
Future decisions,
All based on this day.
One mistake...
Never to be made again.

© Copyright 2007 FlyingFree (poemobsessed at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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