A letter To Grandpa
        by shannondenice   (shannon1977@Writing.Com)
Dear Grandpa It's been almost 10 years since you've been gone and I've never forgotten you. I think about you all the time and you are always in my dreams.
Every christmas I think about you even more because that's when god took you home to be with him. I know he had a purpose for taking you so far away from your loved ones.
He brought us close together than we've ever been. Say hello to the family for me .
Tell them I love them and will see them soon. I know you're happy in heaven sitting at Jesus feet full of life and not a sick bone in your body. Grandma crys every year on the day you went away. I tell her don't cry for but rejoice for you are with God. Well grandpa I am going to have to go for now I'll write again real soon, ok
I love you with all my heart, your Grandaughter Shannon.
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