Freedom's Key
        by ~WhoMe???~   (whome@Writing.Com)
Freedom's Key

There is a price for everything,
and everything has its cost.
Does this truly mean then,
that freedom is really lost.

For if we are not willing,
to pay the ultimate price,
what will this all be for
except a losing sacrifice?

We want the right to choose;
the ability to live and let be.
Are we willing to pay the price
to obtain this freedom's key?

We can not earn the right;
stealing confines us even more.
So will we be empty handed
and knocking on freedom's door?

We have to find the answer;
sacrifice to pay the fee.
Only then will we open the lock
with the use of freedom's key.

written with inspiration from the prompt in "COLORING THE WORLD CONTEST TEMP. CLOSED
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