Happy Birthday, Writing.Com!
        by spidey   (spidergirl@Writing.Com)
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Happy Birthday Writing.Com!

Let's all celebrate - today's the day!
Writing.Com has just turned eight.
A place to be creative and play -
Community makes this site great!

Writing.Com has just turned eight.
A birthday - C'mon let's hear it!
Community makes this site great;
Just feel the festive spirit!

A birthday - C'mon let's hear it!
With a poem, a party and a song.
Just feel the festive spirit,
Though we appreciate it all year long.

With a poem, a party and a song;
Our heartfelt thanks is due.
Though we appreciate it all year long,
Today we especially say thank you!

Our heartfelt thanks is due -
To fellow members and staff.
Today we especially say thank you
For kindnesses, support and laughs.

To fellow members and staff -
Let's hear it for WDC!
For kindnesses, support and laughs,
A literary passion connects you and me.

Let's hear it for WDC -
There's just so much to do!
A literary passion connects you and me
As we read, write and review.

There's just so much to do -
The online writing community.
As we read, write and review,
Creating this sense of unity.

The online writing community
A place to be creative and play!
Creating this sense of unity -
Let's all celebrate - today's the day!


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© Copyright 2008 spidey (spidergirl at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
Writing.Com, its affiliates and syndicates have been granted non-exclusive rights to display this work.

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