A Love Letter to My Future Husband
        by kzbpascual   (kzbpascual@Writing.Com)

To my beloved husband,

As you’re reading this, I’m probably in the kitchen, preparing your favorite breakfast. I can sense that you’re wondering why I wrote you a letter. I knew you weren’t expecting this so I know you’re surprised. And now, I feel a smile forming on your face as you’re thinking to yourself about how predictable you are.

Anyway, I just want you to know that I feel very blessed to have you in my life forever. I’m sure that you already know that but still, I wanted it to come from me.

I’m very grateful to God because He gave me a man as special as you to be my husband. You know, every time I wake up, I still can’t help but smile when I see you sleeping soundly by my side and I whisper softly to your ear: “You’re the greatest gift I have ever received”.

Though there are times when I think to myself about what could’ve happened to me if you weren’t the man I married. Would I be happy with the man I’m with or would I be shedding tears every single day because of him? But then I realize that there’s no need for me to think about it because I’m already experiencing a feeling far better and far greater than those because of you.

My love, to you I’ll always be faithful. You are the topmost reason why I believe in fate and destiny because I feel and I know that I was destined to be the one to take care of you — the one who’s fated to love you.

Your presence never fails to make me feel safe, light, and most of all, loved. And now I hope that I make you feel the same way too because I love you. And I will continue to love you each and every day of our lives. I will continue to love you to the last of my breaths, down to the very last beat of my heart.

I love you. I already have. And I always will.

Yours forever,


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