        by Crystal J. Ice   (chere100@Writing.Com)
Letters play across the face,
fingers click for words,
the coolness of each key,
makes me type some more.

The surface is smooth,
not a natural thing,
and you can move quickly,
then see affects on the screen.

Why does touching make new things?
Do they hold a secret unseen?

A new page is turned in the mind,
the keyboard is my friend.
This is a game we play,
to see what new things we can make.

There is a new place hidden,
I can't see it yet,
I can feel it though,
I have not reached it yet.

The keyboard will help me get there,
what new world is hidden in the keys? 
© Copyright 2011 Crystal J. Ice (chere100 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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