Under The Stars
        by Sum1   (jim-d@Writing.Com)
Under The Stars

Under the stars, I first gazed in your eyes,
There were many things unspoken but still,
The love I saw there, you could not disguise.

It’s funny how love has so many highs,
Despite it being summer, I felt a chill,
Under the stars, I first gazed in your eyes.

We’ve just met, yet to you I feel ties,
There in the sand, upon a small hill,
The love I saw there, you could not disguise.

We lie in the dunes; hear the sandpiper’s cries,
Your touch on my arm, what a wonderful thrill,
Under the stars, I first gazed in your eyes.

When we’re together, time sure flies,
Our bodies weave closely with such skill,
The love I saw there, you could not disguise.

I’ve finally found you, the grandest prize,
Love you forever and a day I will
Under the stars, I first gazed in your eyes,
The love I saw there, you could not disguise.

Jim Dorrell

This is my first attempt at a villanelle.  Its structure A1bA2 abA1 abA2 abA1 abA2 abA1A2 where letters ("a" and "b") indicate the two rhyme sounds, upper case indicates a refrain ("A"), and superscript numerals (1 and 2) indicate Refrain 1 and Refrain 2.
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