My Daughter, My Heart, My Love
        by Tara Shea   (ms.tara@Writing.Com)
My Daughter, My Heart, My Love

You bring me such joy
in so many ways,
like a warm, radiant sun
that brightens my days.

Your beauty, your confidence
your spirit so strong,
all shine from within
like a wonderful song.

Your talent, your grace
the gifts that you share,
with faith and with wisdom,
show the way that you care.

Your plans and your dreams
for what's yet to be....
your ideas for the future,
are the hopes shared with me.

So I'll love you forever
because right from the start
you filled me with love
and put a smile on my heart.

You're my beautiful Daughter--
a promise come true
God gave me a miracle
when He gave me you.
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