All Good
        by Pen&PaperMan   (penandpaperman@Writing.Com)
I don't have all that I want,
but that is perfectly fine,
because after all I'm only fifteen,
and have a lot of time.

She is the one I love,
but right now she is not mine,
And although Life now's not the best,
things always get better with time.

I mean really who needs all they want,
the pursuit is much more fun,
and for all I know when I reach my goal,
all I'll wanna do is run.

I've got it good for now,
and have everything I need.
So if right now my life isn't going as planned,
that's perfectly fine with me.

Because even though I love you,
right now you don't need me.
And though you're with him and i'm alone,
that's perfectly fine with me.
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