        by AnderClunk   (anderclunk@Writing.Com)
Straight away
I'm bored out of my mind
Straight away, straight away
I'm looking for some kind of sign
That says watch out for dangerous curves

I'll take it slow through the curves
Ease up and smooth through the curves
I'll hug the curves inside tight
Straight away through the night

Straight away
I need some variation
Straight away, get away
Tired of the road I've been taking
I'm gonna search for some curves

I'm gonna turn it around
I've got it all figured out
I'm gonna go 'round the bend
And then I'll go 'round again

Straight away
There's no way I'll stay here
Straight away, turn away
The hourglass sands make it clear
I crave some wonderous curves

I wanna go and explore
Each and every contour
To the fullest extent
Shift gears slow through the bend

Straight away
Don't want to follow that line
Straight away, yesterday
Then there it is - there's the sign
Slow down for dangerous curves

I'll take it slow through the curves
Ease up and smooth through the curves
I'll hug the curves inside tight
Straight away through the night

© Copyright 2002 AnderClunk (anderclunk at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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