by Kings   (tazzy1228@Writing.Com)


Members write often and add to your port.
With articles, stories, and poems of a sort.
Your fiction writes, or those that are exact.
Will reveal to members your feelings in fact.

Don't be doubtful as to what you may write.
We write differently no members are alike.
In items you create speak from your heart.
Read, write, rate, and review do your part.

Yes I was a black case like you're now.
My talent I wanted to improve it somehow.
Senior's helped me with all their reviews.
Helped me go from black, yellow, to blue.

Now that I'm a blue case and a moderator.
I still review and rate most of the members.
By giving reviews you'll be getting reviews.
Review what you can others will review you.

BY: Kings
© Copyright 2004 Kings (tazzy1228 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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