Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/books/item_id/1594056-FICTION-FANDANGO-A-WRITERS-BLOG
Rated: 18+ · Book · Comedy · #1594056
  Due space ... cyber space, sillies @ a thing they call BLOG BOARD, am considering re-booting FICTION FANDANGO. Also, did find former arena for viewing latest blog creations from community members.  Who blog along @ the train we may dub http://www.writing.com. At that spot one may still find latest blogs by date & hour. This random thing that swept the site like a cow catcher, never cut it with moi.  Writing seriously comes @ a price.  Not costly in the least, instead a crux quite easy on the eye and mentally relaxing fer sure.

That's the craft for you --- when folks dedicate their works to a degree of ultimate impression for their audience. 'Random' applied like salvage for lackluster pieces clocks in as unfunny, uncanny sameness, tech gear only, buy-this-buy-that, keep up with the Jonses, be a married couple only, paint the white picket fence of online persona clone-ship is history. It always was for a talented ken of authorship. So, if boredom turns you on, personally can't even grasp the concept. Okay?

Previously FANDANGO underwent a major wash & dry, hung out to air since ... summer 2013, when blogs crumbled along with golden rod, last Autumn. A year before --- 2012 @ Teffom Estates came with discoveries which eventually tuned into major news events due revelations from Edward "Scissors hands" Snowden.  International press hounded the guy all the way to Moscow.  What he revealed to the American Public, due a closed and corporate owned media in the States ... went entirely unrelated to domestic spying. A blight on these shores, to be sure.

Suffice, IF TEFF rants, don't think she dislikes EVERYONE.  I don't.  I do run the EVERYONE contests and oh my --- have nerve to dub myself Prez @
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#1323687 by Not Available.

Also, currently searching my own bonafide noggin for a way to kick start another truly laid back group @

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#1411346 by Not Available.

Regionally we can only do our best.  Of course, thru our writing.  Most folks are not active protesters, another thing like even a hint of news (shunned onsite) remains in disfavor nationwide. Oh, yes, my pretties, tis in fact out there like a ground cover of wild geranium. Why, lucky we color ourselves when finding real news, these days.

Hoaxes come, entrapment stories build but common sense lives on in a place you may dub:

--------    FICTION ------    FANDANGO -------  A -----  WRITER'S -----  BLOGGEROO.


Deadline Jan 30 ... @
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#1190255 by Not Available.

  Christmas past submissions, encased in the only Christmas Genre Anthology onsite & online open

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#1521424 by Not Available.

  Perplexed while wondering about the CLUBs Silent Ones @
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#1343647 by Not Available.

FANDANGO LIVE spells no pressure stats for moi. (I) might blog a bit, but short story time is more important, you see.  Plans to make, resolutions to keep and sure  ... the beat goes on.

  Public thanks to all who entered 2013s Everyone Contests which proves most successful. Yipee!  Completion toward judging winners cicle while R&R (reading & rev) stories soon. Oh boy! Promoting same, holding in hand like Magi-ware then gifting ala Secret Santa.


Sept 1/TWENTY-FOURTEEN! Officially open @
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#1518804 by Not Available.

Tap the above if you like Ghostbuster mid. Also, accepting submissions all year long, from EVERYONE!

MAY RE-OPEN in JAN @ un-revamped 


Recenty Anthology created @
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#1613149 by Not Available.


  Ditto @
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#1614778 by Not Available.

Oh, the giraffe on the cover spells sticking FANDANGOs neck out there into that offsite view world aka an I-net EYE!
Previous ... -1- 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ... Next
December 28, 2013 at 9:30am
December 28, 2013 at 9:30am
DEC 28 .. This short is adol LIT, a first draft with variations. Not my usual genre. Although
Young Adult LIT takes over @ wc, annually. Every year. Oh, the pity .. Year after year. Suppose it is
easier to write, compile, read or review. However, not for mature readers & authors. Most review by
default, not trade.

Soon to be stricken from --- CAMEO WITH A VAMPIRE

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#1614778 by Not Available.

Other flashers @

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#1613149 by Not Available.

Subject to laundry on the line revision for dropping average realism errors

However, awful cuz too much said that is boring, the cure for insomnia for the readers leaving on the first bus ..

Showing ... WAS: A CAT CALLED WUZISNAME became


June and Jade stand outside their first floor parlor window, when Tom whom sometimes goes by
Whatsisname, jumps up on the sill. Jade's bucket of hot water spills sideways, conveniently removing him
from the two person team of window washers. Listening to June complain about the state of their windows
for the last few weeks, he finally gives into her wifely whims. In short, on a sunny day in April, here they
are outdoors with a step ladder, brushes, stacks of newspaper, a bottle of Windex, a few pails of water
strongly laced with vinegar.

June's pleased by her husband's efforts. They already cleaned three sixty inch windows, removing storm
windows as they systematically circumvent the house. The fact old Tom seems to show keen interest in the
wash up, comes as no surprise. "Whatsisname's always been the curious type," she tells Jade.

Unbeknownst to the couple, Tom isn't the only tabby cat nosing about their progress. Deep in high weeds,
bordering the driveway, is a cat who happens to look exactly like their Tom. This female cat, clandestinely
dropped off about a month ago, endured countless rainy days. This tabby almost forgets wearing pretty
dresses while playing with a little girl named Catherine, whose family can no longer afford to feed her. They
can't keep their house, nor feed their own daughter. So, one night as often happens to felines, she's bagged
in a pillow case, thrown into a car, driven far from the only home she's ever know, by the only humans she's ever cuddled upon.

Jade lets Tom out of the house. The cat proceeds to run under Jane's feet each time she moves the step ladder, causing her to grab the sill in the manner of a tightrope walker. Jade heads for the shed to locate a tube of window caulking, since the goings on from their pet, reveals a few panes which he decides need a bit of strengthener
against prevailing winds. Which send myriads of loose pine needles upon them as the couple makes their way beneath tall pines, tickling the daylights out of their roof and paint-less shutters. The latter attached to the brick
wall for effect, actually immobile, useless against cold weather.

June croons to Tom ... Here kitty, kitty .. coaxing her favorite lap sitter toward an open door of the shed. While
Jade thinks their window washing chore, an annual event, is generally brought on by June's cataracts, which she
states cause her to no longer abide clouded windows. Primarily, they plan to undertake the first floor only. It's
late morning, and first indication of a possible lunch break comes when Jade's tum growls as loud as groans from
a weak branch overhead.

"June, why must we be out here in a hurricane force gale? Can't we just call it a day, dear?"

"Jade, we'll be to the far end of the house in a minute or two," his wife replies swiping with a squeegee, which
no doubt washed many a car, since they bought the thing back in 1970.

The cat in the weeds, benevolent, hungry, confused, allows herself to listen with pricked ears. It's been awhile
since she heard any human contact. Voices carrying on the wind prompt her to raise up a bit from her hiding place. She watches the lady deposit her look alike into smaller, metal house, a makeshift affair with a screechy aluminum door. Creaking of the door, the pines branches, impromptu conversation cause this usurper to relax in a somnolent fashion, rendering a dreamlike state of wishing to be included in this family. The way she began, as a pet,
as a fond member of a family who cast her out to forge for herself. She's endured rain, late snow, captured a
mouse a few days ago, with truly no idea how to continue with a weak will to survive without a soft bed pillow.

Few people in the world might never see a grown cat cry. Ah, tis most pitiful thing But cry she does, this
nameless little beasty. Tears wet her chin, which taste salty on her pink tongue. Her eyes grow as glassed as compliant, stable panes beneath June's Windex spray. Oh, woe is me, becomes her silent lament.

Tom, to give him credit, smells the other cat, whom he knows looks exactly like himself. Black tipped tail, black stripes, a bit of a tan on the furry belly, which to Tom indicates that this visiting stray may already be in the
family way. No secret there, since Tom's a night owl, apt to carouse late of a clear eve, just like teams of
strays in the small woodsy copse beyond the weedy driveway.

So, what exactly can he do for the little one, whose hunger seems contagious? Hunger for love, hunger for
a simple bowl of milk, which Tom would gladly pour for her highness into a pretty cracked saucer, if only
June would teach him how to open the fridge.

Drat, the life of feral cat. Poor thing, thinks Tom as he splits the scene, jumping straight out the cracked
window pain of the silly cramped shed. Of course, he knocks over a shovel, which brings Jade back to the shed, thinking Whatsisname's hurt himself. No cat in sight. Instead, a long shovel handle barring his entrance,
which he does not notice in the darkness of the shed's interior. Then he trips and is down for the count,
a bucket of de-icing salt in his face.

He screams for June, who quits her ladder, a fist balled into her stiff lower back. "Now what, Jade?" she
demands to know. "Oh, hon," she says, finding the man sprawled on his stomach, his face filled with salt,
which he's swiping out of his beard.

"Now, June, about that lunch break. I've had an accident, hon. Please, let's call it a day."

As the sky darkens, June surrenders, "Oh, alright. It looks like more April showers anyway. Yes, come
along, luv, I'll fix frozen pot pies with a small salad. You know we're under strict instructions to eat more veggies."

"Sounds fantastic," Jade adds over his shoulder, quickly gathering the last of the stacked storm windows
and other washing paraphernalia. As he heads toward the side of the house he thinks he may hear a cat
crying. The wind takes a shammy, he's left chasing down the driveway. He reaches, the largest of the potholes
there, which becomes a small pond during a storm, but immediately does a double take. Can it be? Tom has multiplied his tiny body. Magic, Jade always acquaints with cats, whom he truly believes possess a secretive
nine lives factor. They risk one, and have eight more to go by. Now, his eyes may be effected by the dip in the
terrible, chemical laden salt, which last year killed an entire row of daffodils. So, they made due with icy sidewalks December to February past.

Inside the kitchen, June readies lettuce, hauling out a bottle of French Dressing, cutting onions with tears whipping across her vision, seriously taking in newness of their sparkling kitchen windows, which she tells herself are a
clear as a bell.

Jade slows his pace, searching for Tom. Now, he must know with certainty what exactly the little fellow's about.
He creeps into the underbrush. He finds them at once, bundled together like a striped muff. Tom's cuddling another cat. Now, that's something different, thinks Jade, and he feels for the little ones. He has June, his wife of all these years. What would it be like to be lonely never really occurs to him. So, he grabs them both up and runs. The
two cats are screaming to high heaven as the old timer drops them inside the front door, where they beeline under furniture. The new one goes out of sight. A stranger to the place, she goes mum. Tom nonchalantly assults the

The bearded fellow hurries around back, entering just as June sets out her salad, now complete with overpriced
tomato slices, celery, a green pepper laid across the feast in the manner of a cross-stitch fence.

June takes two pies out of the micro, asks Jade if he's seen Tom when he did the putting away of all washing

"Oh, Tom? No, guess he's still out there someplace. Don't worry, he'll be along soon, I bet."

"Yes, I suppose," answers June, digging in with a fork. "Whatsisname's never one to miss a meal. Now, is he?"

After their meal, June takes a spot on the couch, picks up her knitting, which is sure to attract Tom, whose whereabouts at the moment are unknown. She spies him, pulling out from underneath Jade's recliner. Jade's
in the shower, so she'll make sure to inform him, their Tom's gotten himself back inside. Oh what an intelligent
little fellow.

The cat meows, as if objecting to anything at all, for no particular reason, then comes up to rub itself against
June's legs. This goes on a few minutes, as June notices her cat has a few burrs. Then she reaches for him,
and that cat just goes berserk with happiness, as he jumps onto June's lap. Looking her squarely in the eyes,
it begins to howl a piteous screech, rivaled only by thunder and restless wind, hitting recently washed windows
with a vengeance.

June runs, holding the cat. "Oh, my, Tom, are you really this hungry?" She places a can of cat food onto
Tom's dinner plate. The twin to Tom, digs in with gusto.

Hibernating, the real Tom opts to sharing his food, refusing partake. Although from his cozy nook wafts aroma
from stinky store-bought cat food. He elects to stay put upstairs, under a bed in the guest room. Can it be true?
Has, he a new pal, to lay beside, cuddle through long nights, lick and care for as if it were he himself? Thoughts
of another real live cat in the house send Tom into a state of ecstasy and he promptly falls asleep.

Jade comes into the kitchen, dabbing at his wet hair with a bath towel. "Oh, I see Tom's made it back."

June washes dishes, pays the two of them no mind.

Jade announces, "Think I'll comb Whatsisname after he eats."

June never wonders why Tom sits on the edge of Jade's knee until bedtime. Not once. Jade simply puts on the ballgame, rubbing the cat for the rest of the day. This goes on for about three days. One morning June notes
that Tom is gaining weight. Fearful, he may be eating wildlife, she directs their pet be put on solitary confinement.
Not outies! Mr Tom, confined to the stone farm house's vast indoors as nooks and crannies envelope him like a
boxed cake.

"He won't get past me, hon. You're right, June, he seems a bit paunchier, like me." He pats him tummy and

One afternoon, Jade must go for his tax return appointment. He thinks to shut Tom into the shed. Tom escapes
and feline prone, forgetful of the ruse, heedless of the usurper inside, he preens on the side porch atop a wooden picnic table.

June, whose friends call her Tink, meanwhile, unravels a few strands of wool from a striped cat's paw inside, cozy
as sin, beside the fireplace. Dappled flames crisscross outside, lighting the stage for erstwhile discovery. So,
there's Tom, now whom might this be?

"Oh, good heavens," she says aloud. "You're too fat? You are not Tom at all. Well, I never! That sneaky Jade!"
When Jade comes home, she tells him, they have a new cat who will go by Whatsername from now on.

"Nice choice, dear," agrees Jade. "You know people abandon pets left and right. It truly is raining cats and dogs,
these days. Out here in the burbs at least."

A few weeks later, appears as if by magical conjecture, three more Whatstheirnames. Tom gladly washes kittens
as they all relax in the parlor of a windswept, stormy eve. He's just too happy for words to express, smiling,
purring all the time. June buys more cat food each week. Jade promises to wash more windows, but somehow
time spent playing with cute striped, tabby kitties takes all his attention. As for their curtain to nature, streaked windows reveal day after day, even more pouring April rain. The End © Copyright 2010, Mary Moffett

BTW, Mickey Maraud loves this story. He likes sleeping soundly during winter hibernation.

Wow! LOOKY HERE -- the real Mickey @
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#1434392 by Not Available.

Trying to tell y'all, TEFF's created plenty. Views increase @ the Everyone Contests, site might notice
@ the top of my port. Bringing I-net fans to read adverts & fictions & author-to-author hints (ETC) Alas, much more important wc worker bees -- whatever those ones still insisting on ADOL LIT fare ...kinda dislike moi. Forget, ignore
this funny 120 after April Sunday is the real deal. Not fakir. Yet somewhere long ago, the bully clause glued onto
Miss TEFFY (onsite) like sticky on a cobweb. People never forgot nor forgave a smart alec remark.

So what, oh shine on orange moon. We share @ forums. No time for selfish. So, how can so many folks be thus intimidated or so afraid or so incurably polite? Hey, I havent the faintest. Since I usually shut up .. and just move
the products ... eh.

Yo! HAPPY NEW YEAR! Remember this -- "ALL Writing" does not exist. The term is a variable. Absolutely no amount of written pieces should ever be the bloody same. Nah, nah, nah nah, you cant catch me. Just so you
know, dear FANDANGO AUDIENCE in I-NET Land, too. I re-read and rewrote a tad bit of THE TALE OF TWO MATCHING CATS ...

Comment Sum -- RECAP ---

Sameness in writing onsite including bloody sameness for content, plot, delivery yon lackluster mode bothers
the pastromi out of moi because it is terribly boring. For one thing.

Our stories from adults should be much better than they are overall. Guessing seven out of ten stories from
Auto Rewards Column are un-marked ADOL LIT genre. So there.

Now to revise the story, a flash, a cutesy is too commit to an hour at least. So, here's the juice. Onsite
occupational hazards of reading crap Eng Comp fit for grade-school constantly due overkill of rev collection
gp -- naturally effects a writer's stride. When one reads too much B average or C average LIT can morph to ---
the "you-write-worse premise" in a nutshell. Sadly, I've seen this and pulled a few folks back from the brink.

THE TALE OF TWO TABBYS centers on setting of a former stone house, first floor apartment ... huge place
with side long gravel pit, craven pot hole driveway, dangerous to walk or drive.

RE: The Tabbys .. Did TEFF subconsciously offer a flash with her cats in mind. Look, I love tabby cats. I went
with the Jude & June irritating repetition of same cap letter for character name to knock myself in the jaw. Anyone
& maybe Everyone writes a crap shoot, pull, hit clay pigeon, bury or roast story now and then. Maybe an
accidental hazard .. best place these little uglies out of the public eye, me thinks.

The better part of valor for moi is to corrrrrrrrrrrrrect the story as it bothers me hanging around like this. Yet,
maybe there's an Albatross to be seen, researched, savored in SOJOURN TO INVERNESS, more fun to compile.
Uh, write.

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#1614778 by Not Available.

Watch for more green edit remaks from this desk. Editing to do: Rewrite story, then need bill WHUZIZNAME as ADOL LIT at this anthology stab in the frying pan above recently re-opened in DEC. Oh ..
Oh yeah we know when they (our stories) need work which is an authorship stats given, dont you know?

June becomes Tink, Jade morphs to ... Carrol ... but yeah, mistakes are made when writers settle, refuse to
offer readers the short story stretch of impress, entertain and GOOOD Gawlamighty aim @ keeping an audience.

Decide Sun DEC 29 ... Soon, am deleting this story from the anthology above

MEANWHILE ADDING late DEC posts, publically broadcast @
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#1190255 by Not Available.

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#1343647 by Not Available.

October 27, 2012 at 9:56am
October 27, 2012 at 9:56am

DATE: OCT 7, 2K12
WHAT: AN ANTHOLOGY Non-fiction ... with low vocab. Style less compositions (some aired first online/ e-essays (electronic articles dating back to 2005)

... Often 2005 E-ESSAYS OF NO ACCOUNT! When the overall collection of more pro than con gibberish or POORLY WRITTEN authors claim just what the title says, a division between digitally educated and those whom are not so unlucky. Writers wax superior without a care for pleasing a mature audience by constantly talking down via flimflam salesmen speak of PC use and pompous I-net over-praising. However, these compositions stymie the brain while praising each individual included writing in the first person pronoun of I I I ad nausea.

In short, inside this book adults seem to return to adolescent reading levels purposely. They flip into a settled comfort zone as they actually reveal a daring side of non-educational status for digital teaching methods. Watch how they dummy themselves down with gleeful first person confessions. Basically, and without a doubt, Watson, patterns arise here. From this obnoxious premise system freewheeling trite, erroneous opinions. One waits for a small sampling which never surfaces. Yet proponents scream their desk side data as world-wide accurate.

Here's the cookie crumble, fellow literature buffs ... Several pieces boast remorse for no longer being readers of:
print works,
stories or essays over five hundred words,
off line publications.

These e-writers proceed to laud making money, making un-needed changes in standardized education which works in the past. Then because the Fifties, Sixties, Seventies, Eighties, Nineties are gone they speculate that those educated then are the digitally stranded in today's corporate markets producing and selling the computer/ electronic/ digital driven equipment. Many of these writers kowtow as professional saints of where we are in US Education. Whereas, Editor Bauerlein, himself researched the actual stats for his argument ... inside "THE DUMBEST GENERATION: HOW THE DIGITAL AGE STUPEFIES YOUNG AMERICANS AND JEOPARDIZES OUR FUTURE." Also on the front title part: "OR, DON'T TRUST ANYONE UNDER 30" by Mark Bauerlein.

However, the second time out, Mark's DIGITAL DIVIDE comes off as an AWFUL anthology for want of a better word bordering on fiction accounts clocking in as none factual.

When readers find daring specific insults which far surpass logic for I-net dabblers over twenty or way below ninety years of age .... Well, then they may spot paragraphs which define a thin line which does not exist. That indivisible digital line herein purports how it is not a popular thing to be simply a gran or a gramp who can't text.

Stop the madness comes to mind.

Also, DIGITAL DIVIDE writers repeatedly and shamefully over praise the multitasking kids. WHILE grans, gramps, mom & pop, aunt, uncles, cousins, nieces, nephews, sons & daughters, in-laws, teacher, students, all our average US American Joe or Joanne may understand that the over-used, catchall word 'multitask' back in the day came with such activities as frying French fries while watching the six o'clock news. Uh, when it was worth tuning into.

Hold onto your hats, guys & dolls ... look for a breezy fly-by-night rancid misconception when ...

One essay refers to the age divide betwixt those not electronically educated and the super dupers whom Bauerlein catches out.

Authors note: My GOD! doesn't that exclude us dabblers amongst webtv-ers (and I am one, myself) who put our goods on the online earlier. 1994 .. 1999. Naturally from print sources grew such bases as Wikipedia and folks typed their knowledge gained into the I-net stream.

SIDEBAR: lllllllllllllllllllll News on the street runs that in 2012 THE ENCYCLOPEDIA BRITANNICA declares that 2011 will be the last time this hold-in-thy-hand (a true handheld source) incredible, accurate standby for libraries, colleges, newspaper offices, public schools and private homes, etc will no longer be offered in print media. The Encyclopedia Britannica is now online only. Thus as the digital, e-story line goes, Print World lost the best of the best.

The following review of THE DIGITAL DIVIDE requires a reaction stance.

Pause ... hmm, hmmm, hmmm. Yawn. I tried to read this eighty-five times. Please, uno momenta. No Way? Yes! One writer tells us kids are so smart they are so smart oh no need for adverbs, lose your adjectives too darling children ... Keeping it so simple it sucks hardboiled eggs is constant advice for e-writing which comes thru here louder than a freight train.

Finally, the edge comes thru ... Not cutting edge, Rosalie Edge material but in an applied con-artsy manner THE DIGITAL DIVIDE which also propagandizes all new constant equipment updating. These sound as if buying new digital/ electronic stuff is necessary for the Flow of the Nile! Purchasing enmasse, by millions includes school, universities, businesses, police & military buyers in need as well as better than what you had recently, now needs replacing. All cons. But sure, we experienced that wave. Many bought into the gambit and still do to this very instant when we are nearly buried alive with upgrade requests & warnings.

Used to be we used pens. All meaning steady sales for corporations selling cell phones.
Should we call them sell phones, one wonders.

Point being for a few that the art of making a vid game is an honor akin to knighthood. Say didn't Disney do that way back in the archival Fifties, man?

Well anyone over thirty-five is put at the bottom of the rung. (Oh who cares since PC use is not a craft ... although these essays taut such a thing as a expanding necessity, the only home base) via very hard-to-read, boring put downs of individual choices, age groups and the well read. The trend applauds being stupid as a-ok. Yes ... out of the mouths of uh oh ... their favorite fans? Eh all amounting to a shared mindset insistence which is extremely wrong. When words bend inside their gibberish, one notices a daring twist on 'culture' throughout the book. Entire populations morph to culture as shim sham appears like smoky fumes at the back of a dark night, a cyberland beneath spinning satellites, our natural moon. From close@hand not far far away appear few superficial cross ref remarks.

This book testifies to a belief that the electronically educated are ... smarter than those who were not formerly sitting at computers in first grade. AHAH!! WE THE PEOPLE fall down stair after elevator shaft because we are old-fashioned and we read books. This one is not for Miss TEFFY, it is outrageous!

The works also laud younger generations down to teen with temptations to clingy parents ... reminds of

Valley Girl speak for great, great great grandkids

Like? Shall I say? I have to text all night, petal need me. I cant do homewrk. Mom, you said you want 2b close udo it4 me! -- Alas sharing parents syndrome prompts affirmative response. Mothers cling to daughters thru cyber umbilical cords with school districts in the know. Remaining best pals comes with monthly fees for cells & online ISP fee (Internet Service Providers.)

Like? Hi mom, bio sucks. O, luv yr new hair do. Is it strawbury?

Yes, readers, Bauerlein outfoxes the lot of us by failing to put a cohesive point on the table for you. The treatise is TOOOO non convincing for it is rather a non argument and even warns people from all walks of life to avoid becoming electronically embedded by those digital/ cyber imbibers.

Hail yon propagandizing when myths from these essayists present a
I-net world surpassing their own pro or con logic. Due the ploy of shim-sham a case comes thru for digital failure. Whereas compiling the thing for a majority of readers whom do not actually go ignored in real world, these writers go full length providing a case against electronic charter school standardization and costly electrically powered, blinding increases in the computerization of several generations already. As IF this were a grrrrrrrrrrrrreaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaatttt thing.

When Mark Bauerlein's THE DUMBEST GENERATION made press (2008) he himself turns tide waves against the present digital means of classroom education. Here writers boast of three year olds with acting, PC primary-goal savvy .. however sickening they fictionalize cyberworld. The entire kittenkaboodle aims at increasing the load, by upgrading material things. This book, a non-fiction by library collection remains a repeated bash of various generations while it defends and baits students who came up with digital teaching. But it should be classified as pure fiction.

Word on the street is they are poorly educated. But we are not to say anything offensive, or hurt their feelings, you know? Well let me tell you ... THE DUMBEST GENERATION announces Mark's appropriate, researched case against a future left behind, grandkids, our babies, our population whom seldom read or write. Or enjoy such things, or worse can't because of the eyes on the screen syndrome they grew up with and grew into. Yes, horrible by all means.

SIDEBAR: llllllllll llllllllllllll Then we must look around at current events sweeping the countryside for comparison.

YIKES!!! IXNAE on charter school theme whom parents & students oversee from deskside hearth, in a warm glowing setting, no overhead for districts for these will most likely all involve cyber lessons, cyber homework submissions. Always at the screens. Which unless more credible studies are done we are unaware of how students health is affected, or anyone's for that matter. Plus, wouldn't twelve years of digital school education morph to a major, long-winded bore? So no interest in learning prevails. Because of basically how-they-learn. Whereas, a few hours on a PC or online is enough for mankind. lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll

STOP THE MADNESS by Mrs. Mary Moffett teffom@writing.com

While @weRstupidlookitup ... of the future prevails for this collection. The I-net is re-defined and not one bit as portrayed here. The quality of individual sites, spelling things which work, entertain and educate are never cited.

Inside Digital Divide, note poorly fifth grade delivered compositions. (guesses are these lil gems (Oh, all bumpy reads of delivery toughies (difficult to handle) which make one cry yuck!) as this three-part anthology addresses an online audience. Digital Divide forgets or ignores that baby boomers came to & ON the online already educated, as did many generations out there in real world. We were willing to continue self-educating. Now comes the case for shy bother to do so. What is on the online comes from offline reasoning is never the case, but we feel all along that Bauerlein aims to show us how bad it really has become, how stupefying trends are harming mentality by trumping a ken for facts.

SIDEBAR: llllllllllllllllllllllll
Research disappears akin to what we originally beheld internet-wise. NOW by some unknown reasoning --- Search engines talk to users, asking for specific of simple search terms since 2010, 11-12


Type of genre === I-net hype in a bundle. Worse than hay stacks afire causing an unwanted bonfire next to one's car. SICK SELLOUTS from those selling a product as a means for cyber world financially extravagant gains. Around for decades by now. Whereas US American citizens, coast to coast came to your online reading quite well, thank you very much!

To be continued, believe it or not since the head throbs ... However soon supplying quotes from this one which in my opinion wasn't worth the bother of publishing since it (this collection of fantasy essays) was already better left hidden on the online where they surfaced from 2001 to 2005. Why anger the crowd out here in readership land and publish it in 2011? This one is trash!

Although overall actually providing a case for sameness in writing found on writing websites. AND also in our classrooms. No wonder so many students carry an inbred desire to attend college. Perhaps their dreams become to learn behind ivy covered walls because they leave high school without an education.

ED: Note: Explore topic of overpraise for mundane composition. Coupled with the so so easily hurt feelings for basic corrections for same.
October 26, 2012 at 8:20am
October 26, 2012 at 8:20am

According to reports RE: HURRICANE SANDY, a gigantic storm compared to 2011s Hurricane Irene ... FEMA is on the online with the Twitty tweets this morning. So, although there's most likely snow heading for parts of Maryland & Pennsky due this contrary N'Easter ... the head of FEMA sends the word out using a means which Congress also purports to be the total IN Thing. Click, clack, click twi-wi twiegh twiter or something, mon amis.

My God, how low have we truly sunk these days when newspapers, radio stations, televisions stations and online conglomerates must behave once more with the free adverts. Why even The Weather Channel deems fit to add election coverage. A first for Twenty Twelve, from that ribald gang of blockbusting informants.

So, let's see an informal tally: THE HISTORY CHANNEL stops airing history. ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT concentrates on nonsense geared to an audience with interest in how people collect important things like housefuls of junk while painting life near bayous as wonderful gatorvilles, which those residents don't deserve, BTW.

So why are we paying for this crap?
Can we subtract from cable bills? Fandango asks: When will sanity return?

How stop the madness replete with materialism?

Meanwhile we've a grand storm brewing. Watch anchors play it down, laugh & smile, possibly misinform. And maybe nobody will jump their case about it. Since the new phase, here in the states runs that all verbal downsides aka critique is shunned upon. Dare one say --- hell, yeah that really stinks to high heaven while ya'll make to sell more gaz guzzling, butt ugly cars on national TV. Since any disaster going including Hurricane Season (June 1 --- Dec 1) comes with hours of redundant commercials. Personally, in my heart, there's the hypothesis that of course, there's still intelligent life on Planet E. While we should take climate change deniers to task like Al Gore does. Ergo --- what chance is there for accurate information?

WHEN IT grows IMPERATIVE to deliver same to all via uncensored radio. And if lights go out at your digs on a dark and scary Halloween all one has left is a battery powered radio. Watch a guy from Baltimore, which to me seems okay informed wise due THE BALTIMORE SUN. Well I like to sleep @ night, so I pretend all is well in many cities which lost their better papers since the FCC took to siding with corporate led monopolies back in 2009. Needs to be said again & again. Sure speak out for your rights which one misses daily, ya know?

One other Question is: When did the proverbial They hide Freedom of Speech? Shall we call in the Treasure Hunter, then?

How well will we be informed of Hurricane Sandy? Shall the disinformation reign supreme again this time out? And why? Are we still thought of as the mighty bevy of twelve year old mentality brains. Goshers, the way FANDANGO sees it -- WE THE PEOPLE comes to mind. So, to whomevers -- be a bit ashamed when you cash your next check.

While FEMA made news Oct 3, 2012 we saw how good old Homeland Security Ops use FEMA FUNDS. Has that congressional investigation curbed the !.4 Billion tide? Or are the spied upon (US Citizens FROM ALL WALKS OF LIFE and Ethnicity still being followed so the crux of the ultra amount of new jobs reportedly created during the current administration ... all clandestine by nature can maintain an elitist bottom line?)

We the People under the microscope now face a terrible, storm which killed 21 souls so far.

Cyber be all be phony. And yeah I heard Pres O say, although watching debates is useless by all means ... that he's going to protect cyber security. Oh, boy! Really?

What the hell is cyber security?

What the hell does cyber security have to do with national disasters anyways?

Ouch! if this is change which was the name of the game in 2008. Yeah, things changed for the worse. Now, even though my repug neighbors gots these predominately blue background Oven Mitt signs plastered on their last blades of manicured lawns which touch local roadbeds macadam ... and impair driver vision in some cases ... FANDANGO officially declares for Green Party Candidates.

Not to worry, someone in your shelter, if you are coastal and truly take a major hit via storm surge or torrential rain, floods, flying roofs, squashed homes ... all the nasty stuff which are part of hurricane high wind and cane aftermath ... and so very sad for countless areas where flesh & blood people call home.

There'lll be a guy or gal sitting right next to you who can show you an update on his ultra, mini, PC type mobile phone. And then you too will be able to admit how well informed you were that very day in TWENTY-TWELVE. Oct or Nov dates pending for this storm. Now to hand over better info than the above link, sure I can research that one for you, or you can spend a few hours doing it yourself. Maybe a few shall be apt to --- Pat theyselves on the back for sharing it with friends, take credit for being the first to share. But guess what the entire tornado of swirling sameness will be short, brief and not apt to scare the entire population of 246+ million.

Because it shall be written for the lil ones (ourselves) whom someone should tell these minor players, the corp owned/ led media ... WE THE PEOPLE remain numerous members of that population. As such we rather pride ourselves for having left behind the adolescent model ... which devilish media groups us into.

Shame on YOU! @ least we can all say that, uh I think? But maybe we should wait for the Head of FEMA to twit it about first ... like swatting a fly off a horse.

We need & crave NEWS!

And then there's the modern saying that half a story is an incomplete story morphing to disinformation.

Meanwhile ---
God help us, each and everyone.
God Speed to all effected by Hurricane Sandy.

Sorry --- This article just aint enough.

"Sandy kills 21 in Caribbean, heads toward US - Weather "


Damn straight out here in real world land --- WE WANT OUR NEWS BACK!

So during thy gad abouts, perhaps go to your favorite spot selling second hand clothes. Aint it amazing that what's inside that store is less expensive than sewing a new outfit. Yet, most things there are much better looking than those ugly-as-sin, $20 skin tight shirts materialistic girls sport so they all look alike. No deviation. Yet, many others with an eye for looking a lot nicer, add scarves for flounce, don attractive vests, and don't over hairspray. Why we saw two so huge in the head area, we had to sidestep to pass at a flea market. Imagine!

Signed Anna Beatrice Gozoni
Fandango Staff

PS: As for Miss TEFFYs saw-called, duly observed car caravan. Honestly, an additional push for fender benders is a bloodthirsty call. Yes, spoken of, bantered about to people who matter. Thus back off, comes to mind. Plus, recorded/ reported by now, wouldn't you think so. IF anyone (or a cult ken) was making to instill either fear or paranoia or a shut up on repugs or fiction short-stories, blogs, what the fuck ever ???? Let's just close with .. toughies. Whenever one loses thy sense of humor during such an ordeal color them unfortunate. Then too recall Law & Order themes when vid games go beyond too far. However, shall be a long time before Yours Truly can stomach cellphone invisibility.

Plus, claiming very low tolerance for materialism, cultism, inquilism and singling out various folks as it suits perpetrators .... of such actions ... when not only cyber world comes with crackpots who one supposes like to snoop.

Now as for our steel window walls which descend with the push of a button. Now that pisses me off beyond belief. All @ FANDANGO expense! Damnation! Sunova .. BEE in your bonnet.

So, what --- we're keeping the Tiger, the Lab Pup, the barbwire, the stinging nettle below the windowsills beside the hanging garlic bulbs and our dignity.


NEW UPDATE --- This just in --- reliable source. FINALLY, and once more --->

offers a front pager on hydrolic gas fracturing. Right about now the highly controversial argument for jobs in PA pales for this environmental crisis.
October 23, 2012 at 5:35am
October 23, 2012 at 5:35am

Fandango staff heads north from Deluth today. We're jumping on Route Four where, FICTION FANDANGO, A WRITER'S BLOG, owner, Mary Moffett (aka TEFF aka teffom@writing.com) plans to buy a bag of mints in Embarrass, Minnesota, just off the 135. She hopes to keep her Embarrass mints to herself. Seldom do we interfere in the bosses snax. Although thass not the case with her per regards our possessions.(1)

Not to worry though, Miss TEFFs heard from back home. Believe it or not the traffic car caravan is below the line of excessive according to a former friendly neighbor who owns a nearby dairy herd. He swears first shift went kibosh for the Monday. So, TEFFs mood hit the sky.

Of course, must go into the novel archives to find that farmer's name. So, please hold up a sec. Let me see, from NEVER HAVE DINNER WITH A VAMPIRE, right, TEFF?
Ah, here tis ... thass _________________, a full fledged landlord, part time lover for main self abrasive character, protagonist, Tess. The novel made nine chapters plus in 2009. Well, until the congregation @ the otherworldly, Vampire Hunter Church, St Damien The Infiltrator ---> decides to take up trite battle positions against all & sundry. Maybe yes, maybe no?

This work is for sale and we capped the price from $3K to $30K due overhead. In point of fact we expect a knock on the door any night now. Thus we've bundled the lot which includes Part Two: NEVER BUY A VAMPIRE LUNCH.

Meanwhile, can't you guess my name? Yes, to those who follow impeccably witty serials that Paula LaRue wrote. Derby Derringer's the name, writing's my game. Circa 2005 Hailing from THE ALABAMA SLAMMER LOUNGE. That history under wraps as well. ME: novel closed tighter than a teflon lid on the best carrot salad around.

While moving along picturesque highways ... We take precautions, push TEFF down into a prone position in the back seat, wrap TEFF inside a down sleeping bag. Which she bought local at Cabella's ... so nosy creep sleepers from down East understand she's not a true cheapskate by any means. She's wearing a motorcycle helmet in order to avoid shocks she thinks act as exotic weapons dicing thru cyber waves. The helmet's navy shield impairs her babyblues. Now she can't tell a silver compact from a puke green SUV, Thank GOD! So we should reach our destinations without further rebukes.

My job is to present the carrot salad, end with a word on a 2011 novel from Andrei Makine. So here's my best shot. Keep in mind, dear audience: My ideal situation as a healthy male is to avoid such kitchen chores what calls for fixin food. Plus, I aint much of a cook on the best of days.


GRATE --about six to twelve large fresh carrots

ADD -- one can crushed pineapple or diced fresh pineapple, which is better tasting.

ADD --- Two to three heaping tablespoons of honey

ADD: one cup plain yogurt or one cup vanilla yogurt

ADD:  APPROX --- three tablespoons mayo, three tablespoons sour cream IF you can't find plain yogurt (above.)

ADD: ONE CUP of the best raisins available to you. Suggest purchasing plump black raisins @ a nut seller. About 1/2 pound.

ADD -- for extra crunch (but okay without) half a handful of shelled walnuts OR same amount of non-salted sunflower seeds or both.
Optional --- At the top of the bowl when all has been very well mixed and re-mixed --- with caution drop barely a slight pinch of cinnamon. Thank You!

Refrigerate well and serve for a Halloweeny side or also fits an Easter time table.

ED: NOTE: Incomplete as the glorious outdoor weather beckons below leafy hues of October in full regalia ablaze. To be continued ...

** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only **

Next up --- a word on this novel ---

Andrei Makine

SEE: 'Unknown Man': The Riches Of A Terrible Past : NPR



(1) TEFF managed to utterly destroy all our mobile phones with a hammer. Oh, they're wasted, no doubt about that. Yeah, because of the GPS.

Our hostess and true friend, Miss TEFFY whom this year makes to assume she's online hiding behind this user name April Sunday coming off as actually a thin line of subterfuge, iffen you take my drift. Alas, her real name pops up allatime. She knows & we all realize she has a mailbox, is a registered voter, keeps a phone book listing, owns a car -- although her Lamborghini Fleet remains in storage. And unfortunately our gal now on vacation in Minnesota does indeed live on a road front. Where and this is fact she one day spots a car caravan heading East then West @ fifteen to twenty minute intervals. Within the last month changes occur. The same car caravan & drivers switch cars, returning @ 40 minute sequence all day long. Ending at 6pm. Then since she's on the route, autos slow down when she's outside in the garden or on the porch. And as she relates, these fools practically take pictures when her front curtains are ajar. We offer reasons as long as the Constitution. But admit untill there's a leak, the ploy appears invasive with no cause that sanity can muster.

TEFF is not a celeb. She's good law-abiding people.

In other words, most US Citizens are known to the public eye. But as she sez often enough she's small potatoes and has no idea why she's followed on those empty country roads, to the stores (etc). Sure it (the unexplained surveillance from unidentified snoops/ spooks) grates on her last nerve. Then she sent for me. And being the best driver in the bunch, I'm also here to act as male protector for all the ladies.

Of note, Miss TEFFY waves to the passers-by, greets them at the stores. The country wave is never returned by the caravan floozies. AT ALL! Inside the grocer's aisles --- Carvan shoppers, alighting the familiar trucks & SUVs & cars --- Enter --- red faced, appearing nervous of foot and stance, most of the white wigged or elderly drivers never reply. Many do not even take up a grocery cart. But sure they brandish cell phones as if the act of using one makes them disappear.


The other worsty is that we also kinda agree that everything written here (or even by others elsewhere) is apt to be threaded thru an algorithm machine which well ... who knows what. Then too, take the First Amendment, move thoughts to Freedom of Speech in the great USA (any state out of fifty.) Then wonder how each blog is interpreted to applaud the connivance of the finger pointers whom wish to pile on that ever-popular, constant misconception methodology. The latter fits the fakir premise. But the former as is known to regular, honest readers leaves little to be well messed with since words morph to sentences, dictionary pages carry words which have by definition certain meanings.


So, understand all of the above for what it's worth to yawl, but please do contact this blog if you too are under the microscope of privacy invasion. Thus one is never alone shifts weight as we stand side by side to:


October 21, 2012 at 10:11am
October 21, 2012 at 10:11am
Celebrating CAULDRON TIME yesterday .. Saturday night, Oct 20, 2012 came with mucho live music, a bon fire, a natural spiritual sharing, a eulogy theme for several souls lost within the last two years. And a compliment which although said before always surprises me. Tis said I raised my own hatchlings (since talking about the fam is not prevealent on the online from FANDANGO) as individuals. (Ed note 1.)Hell, why not? Makes for open argument. Who wants clones? According to THE DUMBEST GENERATION, a 2008 non-fiction from Max Bauerlein today's parents (different recent decades, of course) kinda cling to their coddled kids as pals via mobile phones & thus remain young themselves. Yuck!

However, don't care a fig what others do. But don't buy into defining a digital culture. The word culture is not the proper one. Tis generations. Culture being overused these days.

And yes, quite aware of a thing dubbed the online persona. Why, darlins folks are not whom they say they are and tis world wide acceptable on internet channels that typers create themselves. And not a new thoughts since internet dabblers knew that as early as 2000, or prior. Which is similar to authors creating characters for fiction works. Then, from the fakirs we notice the sons named Josh whom are forever handsome and do no wrong their entire lives. Must be nice huh? Far from entertaining, iffen you take my drift. Well when sameness in writing manages to bore beyond affable my suggestion runs .. pick up a paperback. Tons of those at flea markets for a low as twenty-five cent.

For those whom ever had privlege to taste a West Virginia harvest special Sunshine Carrot Salad, here's the recipe learnt in Huntington in 1979-80 when Yours Truly cadged a job as a cook at a Day Care Center on Fifth Avenue inside a beautiful stone church, where the most happy-go-lucky, mannerly, pleasantly kind people gathered. We met the best people, fer sure.

So here tis below. This is a recipe which colorfully uses the orange & black Halloween theme, looks nice on a table, guaranteed to impress guests. Probably not the stodgy like those drivers in that awful trespassing auto caravan. Yikes what dorks. Maybe they too should lighten the load on their small acumen (f they can read) and reach into a library stack for a book to enjoy under a brilliant red maple. Instead of driving East & West on that certain highway which no longer r-e-a-l-l-y boasts a true percentage of going to workers nor returning home workers. Besides overt methodology for such a thing is questionable since nothing is done inside a car that benefits any of the local (non chain) restaurants if said snowflakes can't pull themselves out of those ugly beasties with rabid tires, noisy pipes, mirrors now overburdened with badges, pearls, etc. However, the one (couldn't make out the gender) last week who donned the Parliement style, long white wig caused a chuckle. I wanted to blurt ... what are you a Ben Franklin fan?

Which for some reason made me think of silver. Silver cars are a tad like mirrors mayhap. There's silver days on the run. The question should really be ... where else is this ken to make economic travel look as if we are not in any type of downturn? Let's go for the benefit of the doubt here that in front of the eyes of countless observers (join as a student --- tis free after all)

WHERE ELSE, what locations --- sea to shiny sea is this crap car caravan-sism (inquilinism) in the month of OCT happening 9-am to 5pm?
Now, Watsons feel free to simply look around you. Too many new cars in the neighborhood, y'alls neighborhoods, our neighborhoods?
Hmm? You tell me. Worse springs up the unknown WHY? Self appointed non-crime watchers just don't cut it with moi. No apologies since empty minor routes are fine by me.

Well, reasons to care arise. Ans: Wildlife, migrating birds, year-round birds, less gasoline inversion and yummy as all git-out -- SILENCE!

Oh and must bugger away and consume the rest of the carrot salad since I am late for that trip to ---

Oh .. sillies, these days, we are freezing since we neglected to pack our winter wear. We're new to Minnesota but what a fine place! Thanks for having all of the FANDANGO STAFF and hope you enjoy the ride to our next tourist draw. CARROT SALAD ... coming soon.


Ed note 1. Looky here. Best not promote groups of peeps who cannot think, read, write. Or the time may come when these folks shall be easily led. And, yeah the word is fascism if applied to such a terrible mind control aspect. HEll! Just a thought OCTOBER 21, TWO THOUSAND TWELVE!
October 19, 2012 at 10:18am
October 19, 2012 at 10:18am

WELCOME STRANGERS (UNLESS YOU'RE part of a spy ring or a plain well copycat writer. Eh, burnt once, twice shy after all. Not to worry. Hi FANS!! Best chilly Autumn nocturnal to all.

Please help a gal out, visit below for e-fiction from Mary Moffett.
FICTION e-short stories available for comedy/ vampire/ romance genre, etc. Available for ALL handhelds.







'em out. Sample paragraphs courtesy of Amazon via KINDLE DIRECT PUBLISHING. WEE !!!! Patronage most appreciated. thanksthanksthanksgraciagraciasmercimerci THANK$ Web crawlers, visitors ----> Note: If visiting my portfolio, go to: http://www.writing.com/teffom/authors

Comment stats ... email teffom@writing.com

thanxthanxthanxthanxthanxthanx ,,, doing this for free, ya know? Hell, aren't we all?

,,, Funny ones @ "MURDER, DOING TEN TO TWENTY"


OF NOTE: My SEASONAL PENS (crt 2009) NEVER HAVE DINNER WITH A VAMPIRE & DON'T BUY A VAMPIRE LUNCH remain unavailable for public consumption. IF anyone wishes to make an offer on said novel and its production in any venue, they should contact me @. teffom@writing.com aka Mrs. Mary Moffett, pen names as it suits. 2005 Modesta Gamble.
2005 Paula LaRue.


Here at Teffom Estates we lost a great neighbor in 2009. Lois Lane moved on by her own volition perhaps nervous & alone, save for a fine gentleman who stood her well as visiting watchmen of a weekend eve. Wow, Miss Lane is good people & we miss her. Yet, tis not a covert, clandestine op which alerts suburbanites or town dwellers, city folk (etc) about easily observed spying tactics these days. The ploy below is very overt. Even on dark & stormy nights the wind shall conceive to notify the wise RE: newer, invasive trespassing means (electronic, digital, security connections, spy cams, cell phones.) WHICH wish to place claims upon our privacy. Nothing so petty as orchestrated drivebys can touch our souls. Especially not such plebeian inquiline snooping.

I'm talking a truth in numbers here. Cackle, cackle.

One important author-to-author hint, a gift for this colorful season often beckoning creativity. Another turn of a leaf, a page, a stanza, a chapter perhaps.

Namely: OF IMPORTANCE remains a FANDANGO MOTTO --- What you say, How you say it --- it, it, IT --- the pronoun it as opposed to IT(information technology which aint really the be all, block buster of the well educated by any means.) Regale --- yon topics and titles ... with best good luck, If all the cartel of passers-by does is critique ... maybe they can write their own stories. Iddy biddy texters vamoose!

THUS: YOU DON'T OWN ME, cyber world.
YOU DON'T OWN ME, spy world.
Signed, Modesta Gamble

Today's geographic residences here in the states come with or without constant surveillance ... uhoh ... this turn of events might not jive akin to Southern Hospitality among neighbors inside the heart of Dixie. Tell me where it sez an entire world belongs to crap-shoot filmers. No permissions granted ... spells bootleg tapes or recordings gleaned from an unknown source. OUCH!!! Hurts my lil head, fer sure.

Name a woods. Find quiet there. Relax yon faint of heart or spirit although citizens are on camera in the streets of London due works of CCTV (closed circuit television.) Uh, hon? So, youse paid the cable ... think temporarily of an old timey Fifties slogan ... recalling black & white TV "inside your living rooms" coast to coast ... then reverse the thought. Yeah, inside allrighty.

Vocab special --- INQUILINISM (Latin/inhabit) dwell, see cult. Abide in an animal usually an insect like a parasite. Lives in the nest or abode of another.

FANDANGO/ FANG-GANGO STAFF burns midnight oil making signs. We ready disguises but we would never stoop as low down as snakes along muddy, rushing creeks and make to live the life of another.

Below recognize implications of so-called socialnetworking once more refuse to erroneously test your consumer purchases of e-testlookitworks, cyber connections, implications ... this aint fun times had by all ... tis sick humor, which aint comical, tis instead dullness. BE cautious, for you too may be spotted along an International Highway, on a local Broadsheet flipped for compliance to such shameless, yes, illegal sinfulness ... should that be your spy theme ... spook class 101 ... commitment.

Readers, of value & worth ... watch your back. Yon world pre 2010 onward is no more. All gone unless we insist on our civil rights. A senate subcommittee dubs this part of "Fusion Center" logistics, costing $289 million to $1.4 Billion, for this Homeland Security Department ploy which is fueled by FEMA Grants. Eh, they also, alas note numerous superficial reasons & failure for spying upon US citizens via collecting data for same. HOW? Live? Meanwhile ... THE QUESTION is where is it happening now, then and where, and how badly?

Yesterday, today and tomorrow speak out for YOUR RIGHTS!

OH IT"S CAULDRON TIME as nearby mountain shadows cross star carpeted shadows casting fashionable ghost riders advancement of rising spirits, soulful & silent, blown away by what our Creator freely gave Our planet. Then let worries wane during many a moonlit night.

Enjoy: When forest leaves come tumbling down down.

When the moon rises .... Many a time, missing our albeit curious conversations RE: Vampires with my favorite neighbor, Lois (above) who'd be surprised that they're still out there. But then we all know Miss TEFFY doesn't believe in such creatures. NAH!

My Blog URL: http://www.Writing.Com/authors/teffom/blog

October 15, 2012 at 9:40am
October 15, 2012 at 9:40am
OF NOTE for those onsite members whom often think with their little gray cells that all things onsite refer to wc, here's your assurance.

Setting the pace OCT 15 with "spook" a cold war term for an espionage agent aka a spy amongst the population.

Take the plunge, enter at your own risk, dearies. While FANDANGO takes a LOOK SEE at surveillance in various forms during shocking, liberty swiping, OCTOBER TWENTY-TWELVE. Meant for all readers and non-specific to this site which carries this blog.
*** See: (1$* footnote below, please.

Logically, would love to do a broadsheet so print consumers (who in my book are the ONES!) might share these goings on. Alas, to present this spooky topic on my mind since March ... publicly or locally probably costs an arm & a leg --- meaning the slang of expensive [caro] non skeletal [fisico].

Plus, how sign that one, a broadsheet communication purchasable outside my new Minnesota windowsills ...? Ah yes, ye old standby pseudonym portrays minor costs. Modesta Gamble, another character name from a prolific repertoire past. Modesta debuts online 2005. Then too ... enter stodgy, confused, faultfinding finger pointers. Whom may not create numerous character or pen names. Instead boringly watch for anything outside an obnoxious algorithm. (In-qui-line tactics)

However, announcing .... nope no multi personalities @ this new digs. No need to call the socialworkers in. Maybe they're in the cars running by like ooze flowing green & slimy in the movie GHOSTBUSTERS.

RE: OUR NEW FOUND OFFICES ... in this undisclosed location --- LOVE *Heart* the wide wrap-around porch, glad they sent over extra barbwire. An excellent ambiance for any vacation style rental. Don't you know?

FANG-GANGOs gang turns down the Doberman, but we're keeping the black lab pup since he's so cute and smells like wet straw morning to night.

Suffice, pass on car caravan stats, especially after WEDs silver/black/ white day foisted upon the countryside from that group of intrusive, unreasonable, drive around flakes.

How can people have no shame? The answer is $$$.

Last Wed clocks in as blinding. Car manufacturers shouldn't produce silver cars. Well, even overdone, high-roof, style & noise of the mighty beasts becomes debilitating after awhile.

I dropped my trusty binocs twice due full sun glare in late afternoon. Not to worry these prestigious Buschnells survived. Me too, just barely.

Later that day --- Feeling unglued decide circumventing the area. Discover a possible source point @ a nearby car dealership. Perhaps this is an advert trek. Counterproductive as opposed to doing nearby Cabella lot where umpteen bukeroonis pass hands hourly, seven days a week ... these schmucks opt to take an easy tiny highway cruise for qualifier mileage.

Now, you know what? I never checked for repug bumper stickers. However, by the Thurs note a thirty-something, young woman with a smooth complexion actually .... donned a loose white wig. This overt spotting foils a retaliation ploy idea.

So, put up my, I mean OUR --- COSTUME SHOP sign. Which reads:

SKY-HIGH PRICES. Shared a bit of a giggle with my bodyguards by late afternoon Friday 10/12/12.

On Saturday a real blimp flew over, an impressive sight indeed. So maybe this was all film at eleven a.m. or role play practice, fer sure. Thus, as a slim burb we'd pass muster here on the ground for the echelon in said zippy zeppelin, skippy. Passengers might adore the country feel of ultra-wide pickup Fandango dubs: Tires on the Ground revealing traffic with affluence. Even any slothful, greedy type person might zero in on their Iphones happy as larks, allowing all gross, butt-ugly, brand newies in all their spellbinding hues to disrupt our daily sound bites of songbirds close @ hand. Of course, from zeppelin streamlined skies.

BTW .. seems they're (the car caravan) over doing bleach white and shiny shoe polish black tones, iffen you ask me. PLUS!!! The chocolate color is awful but then TEFF never does excrement. Which only goes to show the entire car caravan display is beyond sickening for the soul. And the environment. But seldom do we peons make to argue with the better off ***2$*** footnote for well-to-do types. Maybe this is how they pay their car loans. By driving six hours straight @ fifteen minute intervals .. East & West, of course.

Next up as far a hypothesis runs, a road counter, embedded to count heavier-than-thou passes, might spell a reasonable means of copping drone info from citizens along the Interstate below.

Or ... SHUT UP! Let it go MARY!

ZAAPP!! okay ... mumble, allright already. Yeah, I brought my notes for the trip to the great beyonds. So there. Organizing same.

Signed, Modesta Gamble hailing from the North Carolina --- High Country of North Carolina fixing cornbread, peanut butter sands & West Virginia beans for today's delicious repast.

PS/PS/ Thank goodness Sunday daytime crests near silent, returning to the true % of vehicle conveyance. Making me miss horse & buggies farther down the line.

YET, MINNESOTA PROVES TO BE A GRAND spot. So no complaints.

**** (1$*) Thanks http://www.writing.com for this spot. We're hitting many an offsite view which I hope you notice also brings viewers to your site. And thanks for the congrats letter you sent me for being here since Oct 2004. Year Nine underway.

**** (2$**) EVERYONE KNOWS better off or financially comfortable never means better than anyone else. Well, maybe there's those steeped in ignorance among that peculiar 35% wallowing & imitating among among ongoing stats of tax-evaders of infamous 1%.

Closing with Fond quests to maintain Liberty for all and kindness, mercy etc.

For brighter skies sake ---> Here's another tie-in. The Amish tell us (anyone who'll listen) even by their fine example that they love the Earth because God created it. Me too. No doubt, not alone on that gem.

VOCAB WORD: Premillennial. Doctrine that Christ's Second Coming will occur before the millennium.

So He's here! Aint it a crying shame our overdone, out-of-control materialistic world misses such a fine rebuttal to this corporate & guvmint craziness, the invasion of liberty & privacy we ALL live with during these trying days of OCTOBER TWENTY-TWELVE!

copyrt. teffom@writing.com

October 9, 2012 at 8:18am
October 9, 2012 at 8:18am
Oh, you'll most likely never believe this ... however oddball sounding tis true info gathered from a small sampling which involves documentation from last Tues, Oct 2 thru partially observed Sun, Oct 7, 2012!

Being of sound mind & body truly remain hopeful that TWENTY-TWELVE stays a damn good year. Ah well, kids, optimistic @ best. Sure, that disgraceful holdup RE: a terrible personal affront which in a sense is not heartbreaking alone, tis more of a When-will-this-stop?!/ How-dare-youse, anger modifier which given the test of time, 22 months duration and a firm handle on that matter @ hand plus the Grace of God ... has indeed ebbed like an outgoing low tide. Hopefully my Moffetts shall not clock in as being among the Badly Hosed 'R Us.

Now .. to the present, Robin! From the Batcave ... here's the juice. Best sipped slowly like a finely written phrase. Yes, something is afoot here, right here @ the house. Well, as confessions of a lone blogger go, there's not a man standing outside cyberworld only ... of those whom know the likes of Lil Old Miss TEFFY, nor a relative nor acquaintance who doesn't realize Yours Truly is a known extrovert. Of course, a creative writer, a fictionist, a short-storyist, a journalist, a researcher with Librarian stats. Okay, etc.

Yes! Plenty of us extroverts in the world & we aint shy. Bet on it.

So, there comes a day during CAULDRON TIME preparation when houseplants aka flower containers which drank summer rain now wait on schedule, online to return inside to sunny windows for Autumn's sake and Winter color. You see? Alas, out of a clear blue sky, low and behold this old, arthritic dame (moi) undertakes a full out, ret up stats for washed windows, vacuumed heater ducts, etc. Adding of course the change of furniture which is a revolving door wherever I live for decades in point of fact. Yeah, all that went down and sure I was exhausted. No doubt. There's ... hold on ... might as well count em up .. nearly a dozen potted plant combos.

Basically, the road where I write this is rather under siege. Me too, me thinks, due @ least twenty near miss fender benders since July with TEFF @ the wheel. This is not a major highway deal. Being an excellent driver I kept myself and my car safe. Now as to a recent traffic set-up, last FRIDAY! This latest one now meets my mind's eye as foul play. Yuppers along with the rest of those driving incidents. No! I did not let it depress me. But the absolute audaciousness of these affairs places me into a state of fearful quandary none-the-less.

Drivers have no right to speed in close sectioned suburbs. Nor steer toward OP behind car windshields. Here, they do exactly both. Then came darn it all syndrome. Because ... uhoh ... Last week I thought my picture was taken, perhaps I was on cellphone vids carrying plant after plant, sweeping porch boards, climbing five-foot windows with a soapy squeegee. Ya know? All Autumn, Cauldron Time seasonal to-do list accomplished pleasantly when beautiful green trees go orange & red & yellow, folks. An annual for us normals, don't you know?

However, not heady enough to assume that the car caravan traveling first & second shif on this road is for me alone.
And, yes these are the same cars. They go west, return east after a mere fifteen minutes. Not enough time to shop ... but yeah okay ... they be back right damn quick. Eventually, (I) observe these goings on for nigh on three full weeks. Intrigued. Curious doesn't cut it. So let the nickname suffice --- car caravans.

One morning when entering a familiar cyber news spot, an article pops out which in turn blew my mind. Apparently an NBC/ msn shared item informs us on Oct 2, 2012 of a thing they call Fusions Centers. A senate subcommittee report pegs Homeland Security in a rebuking fashion for ... hell we all knew this was just around the corner ... for rather guvmint waste aka funds spent on spying on US citizens. So two years after THE WASHINGTON POST'S revelation --- available online since July 2010 (see: TOP SECRET AMERICA) we're in the spotlight, baby.

This caravan type, traffic noise is best watched in two shifts: first & second. Maybe y'all have these in your neck of the woods. I hope not! Point of fact ... I seen one at this time last year. Then, I quit reading at the window by moving my easy chair. The drivers were laughing like hyenas ... I thought it was my hair. But must ask ... what the hell is going on?

While gas is $3.77 per gal, while most of this traveling cartel is so new ... looks like they just bought or rented such ugly extravagant, beastly things. Of course it makes one wonder WHY? Imagine feeling safer by typing this out. A bit like a frog crossing a foggy roadbed. Well, one day recently, Wed, Oct 10 ... I elected to buy milk. And guess what happened next? I felt bombarded. They all took a break from their repetitious runs by the house. The worst thing about that was ... these superficial phonies had nerve to act like they just pulled into a roadside rest. One old lady actually bore that driving-for-six-hour look with noted difficulty alighting from her compact.

So stay tuned ... sorry the giggles are upon moi. And shall tell you soon just how I kept my hand into ... the goings on. And yes, this is a true tale. Sometimes truth is stranger than fiction. Who knew?

Must add ,,, this is a quiet place where traffic decreased by two-thirds once petrol hit $3 bucks per gal. People give up driving around for the fun of it, combine trips to stores, etc. Although car pooling isn't catching on at all the way it did during the late Seventies. When Pres Carter's time caused lines at the pumps akin to evacuations for hurricanes. Long lines back then.

Now why not stay home and knit, read, garden, cook? Fiddle around the home. Hey are these spooks paid? How much, by whom? Pointless endeavor this. Closing with: Go figure. Which only goes to show wherever we live ... we better look around.
October 9, 2012 at 7:24am
October 9, 2012 at 7:24am
Copy of recent Fandango blog intro .....

AUG 12, 2012 --- Welcome to FANDANGO SUMMER!!!

"Weatherwise? SINCE FANDANGO SPRING ... Overcast, rainy, heavy white skies. Maybe methane, metals or, phooey, a toxic chemical mix .... south east of hydraulic gas-fracking @ eight knots. Air pollution here causes red skin. Overhead, horizon to ground, smog clouds which are not fog or smog ... just pearly skies north by eyesight stats of pure curtain white. Until a weak sun causes a non blue white, with white on more white. This oddity burns off with sunshine, makes persons dizzy & lethargic, sleepy, arthritic, achy, headache worthy. So nada the best of the times when we even lose our sense of smell. July brought heat so extreme, we all but melted like snow people into sweaty pools of constant discontent."

So how does one analyze what's inside acid rain, dropped upon garden soil via this second white sky spring-summer 2012, post 2011 which saw the same predicament? Who has such info? Where find such a thing? Oh my. Never tempt a reporter in the mawning early.

lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll lllllllllllllllllll Creationist side ... llllllllllllllllll"Poor Paula, ace reporter, La Journalista, proud to be from hotter 'n burnt fritters, the great state of Alabama. Look out here she comes, boys! Skirt swaying, strolling, bypassing Alabama Slammer Lounge, wind at 40 knots. Where @dawn seas pound 16 footers in the Gulf of Mexico. Locals gather outside stubborn desolation in Creosote. Home to ALABAMA COURIER NEWS TIMES. Nods of approval greet Miss La Rue's early-beach-riser, constitutional. Paula of the white wardrobe, peculiar to brite yeller this summer. JULY's highest swelter ever in the USA shall stand the test of tiime so they say. Still they made the effort, ran after her silky golden shawl. One of her scarves made it to Puerto Rico. Or so the record states" lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll

Creasote ,, coastal, once a seaside resort of less than 5K, now an oil spill still growing a popular mulch, Ah, the sound of the growling Gulf, Angy at it all. Post -- Death of Seafood. See BP OIL LEAK< 2011.

Left to a character list once more. All Paula hears are frightful things ... where sea breezes hunker down ... way way down @ THE ALABAMA SLAMMER LOUNGE!

Ah surround. sea ship ... disregarding good ole boy media survival.

Nice to meet cha.
WARNING: Enter @ YOUR OWN RISK. Since Mary Moffett, The TEFF is feeling randy, rambunctious an' FINE!!! * Overwordy, as per usual, although the only one here, heee hee heee with one of these ---->

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1412016 by Not Available.

llllllllllllll llllllllll lllllllllll

http://community-2.webtv.net/PaulaLaRue/FICTIONFANDANGOA holds more blogs. Same title on webtv --- "FICTION FANDANGO, A WRITER'S BLOG!"


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'em out. Sample paragraphs courtesy of Amazon via KINDLE DIRECT PUBLISHING. WEE HOOO!!!!

Web crawlers, visitors ----> Note: If visiting my portfolio, go to: http://www.writing.com/teffom/authors

Comment stats ... now OPEN!!! If not a member of this website, you may try a membership anytime to comment or email teffom@writing.com
thanxthanxthanxthanxthanxthanx ,,, doing this for free, ya know? Hell, aren't we all?

Adding new Paula La Rue excert here. Due moving from webtv lounge to this blasted Explorer chomping, POS, PC online stats ... disavowing affords strictures for plans ... Shame on windows, msn, bing ... My time is my time, Why not savor & save another day well spent?

Over here over there.

Yes, FICTION!! FANDANGO!! (107) has plans, marble rye, NY sharp, farm fresh milk, eggs &&&& yellow cherries. Recipes for summer, still edit blog edit in progress. Here's a few funny ones.

,,, Funny ones @ "MURDER, DOING TEN TO TWENTY"


While editing enjoy ... "TALES FROM BYO CAFE, p4 ... In this Bar Harbor chapter ... re-read ON FANDANGO lst nt, 8/14/12 ... RE ... this 2009 novel ... Miss TEFF chuckles @ a book title from Apple Anderson .... CONFESSIONS OF A FLY-BY-NIGHT-BIRDER"

Shall lid updates above. Oh times is awful. Environment in CRISIS. EVERYONE KNOWS!!!
News here, over there ... Still editing see you next week.
Oh, must cut n run, nice readers. TOOO!!! DAMN!!!! Fed up with almighty Explorer, all e-designers, highjackers of sanity. As a webtv-er detest super-bland, grey men with mouses, greys who lack color, own repug suggetions/ fakir lies RE: I-net use being a byword for well educated. HATE!!! NON NEWS sites (major or minor) that: Purport Soc Sec lies ... those guys, em slimy sharks ... greys. Corporate spies, security for hire spies whom dummy-down, outright lie .. connection rejection, decision led searches, holdups allatime ... slows down nada de sweet afternoon outside on a lawn chair.
Page turning DEMOCRACY: AN AMERICAN NOVEL crt 1880.
Toodles! & Au Revoir! Aug 15, 2012 ........AH DAYLIGHT, GARDEN HOURS /////////////////


September 21, 2012 at 8:54am
September 21, 2012 at 8:54am

Fondly considering FANDANGO audience this bright, nippy a.m.

Suffice, cyber world is filled with part-time dabblers, whom might fall between the cracks. So what?

While thoughts linger RE: SEPT TOPICS, e.g. online, I-net, etc, content vs exaggerations of false praise for lack of abilities to impress ... overall there are indeed many valuable topics to research via electronic E means. I applaud thinkers' instincts. Yup, many seldom linger over crap. But today's search engines present plenty of it, usually on the first page.

So as a tie-in --- jumped into another final phase edit of this one. Bringing this one up.

"Invalid Entry

By DITCH THE BITCH ... ME: the damn e-equipment, which bright light, digital, encoded, algorithm, unseen sneaky stuff --- common sense logic tells us we don't need ... uh hourly? YIKES!! Who aint spent after a two hour stint on the online? REST, RELAX, READ your print things again today.

ENJOY! Postscript: For those randy enough to continue self education ... can we let them all know that one is better off with a nice thick WEBSTER Dictionary on their knee as opposed to reading, accepting, seeking, playing in the online sand heap ... whenever it becomes a chore, a waste of valuable time or a ... headache. KNOW this. Even the likes of the great, self proclaimed masterpieces ... like lousy bing and spy-guy/google/eyes upon youse ... big bro is out there, taking over the I-net for freakin years! The blogs below use the term 'mind control.'


And yeah, for those whom claim difficulty adhering to FANDANGO humor ... once more ... here's Paula LaRue at the end of this re-posted piece.

"Invalid Entry

WHILE CAULDRON TIME soars into the spotlight, be assured for those with budding or fading wc-er mindset only ... teffom@writing.com hardly ever slips into a narrow field of viewers (readership).

Writers approach an unknown audience.

Best compliment could be a rare comment, purchasing a short story above from the Moffett Kindle menu.

thankyouthankyouthank YOU!

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