Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/interactive-story/item_id/1407862-Shrink-Done-Right-Vol1
Rated: 18+ · Interactive · Fantasy · #1407862
Another interactive that actually does it right.

Another interactive that actually does it right.

This is an interactive story. Each chapter tells part of the story and often ends with multiple choices. Make a choice and move to the next chapter in your story. When you reach a chapter that hasn't been written yet, don't be shy... make an addition!
The creator of this Interactive Story provides this information and guidance:
         This is a shrink interactive that will be the first volume in many that will show exactly how all shrink interactives should be. The should be original, meaning no story lines or characters from cartoons, TV, books, etc, etc. No animals, bugs, or insects. Only humans, because the whole shrink thing is a sexual fetish, so it should only involve humans, anything else is sick. I know I will offend some people with that, but I don't care, because I know I am right, because I know the psychological and sociological ideas behind the genre.

1.) NO Gay stuff. Of course since it is sick, no guys eating guys;;; girls eating girls is just fine, since it is hot.
2.)No animals, bugs, insects, etc, etc. Stay away you evil, furries, scalies, and what ever else you are called.
3.)No cartoon or other TV characters. No characters from books, or celebrities . Characters are to be all original, meaning normal everyday type people.
4.)The minimum age for characters is 16 years old, the maximum age is 35. When the main character is a guy, there are to be no other guys in that branch of the interactive. If the main character is a girl, there can be only one guy at a time, so if you want to add a second guy, kill the first one off or have him move away or whatever, just, no having two guys in the same scene.
5.)If a person is shrunk with a shrinking power, it has a minimum and a maximum, no smaller than three inch and no bigger than twenty inches. Also when a person has shrunk, he or she has shrunk out of clothes. So no clothes on the shrunken person.
6.)Death to a character can happen by eating, whether it by being swallowed or chewed. Also being sat on, squished by breasts or inside a girl or woman's womanhood. No foot interaction, crushing by hands, no toilet stuff, if a shrunken person is in the back of the pants of a person, there is to be no farting or bad smells. No being stuffed up the ass.
7.)Editions are to be written in the third person perspective; example, "Jill went to find help. Or. He swallowed her."
8.)Editions must be at least six sentences long, (i.e. A paragraph). Be descriptive. Description is what gives a story substance. Use adjectives and adverbs, they make a story more in-depth and interesting, like you were actually there experiencing it.
9.)Spell and grammatical check editions before adding them, I will not tolerate misspellings and grammatical errors.

Follow the rules perfectly and I won't delete. Have fun.
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Please assume this story MAY contain graphic language, sexually explicit text, violence and/or any other displeasing topic you can or can't think up! To be certain you don't encounter textual content that may be offensive, you should leave this area and not continue on within this item.
Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/interactive-story/item_id/1407862-Shrink-Done-Right-Vol1