Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/interactive-story/item_id/1866380-Farm-Show-Animal-Unbirth
Rated: XGC · Interactive · Other · #1866380
You decide to visit the Farm Show. Lots of horny animals in one place.What could happen?

You decide to visit the Farm Show. Lots of horny animals in one place.What could happen?

This is an interactive story. Each chapter tells part of the story and often ends with multiple choices. Make a choice and move to the next chapter in your story. When you reach a chapter that hasn't been written yet, don't be shy... make an addition!
The creator of this Interactive Story provides this information and guidance:
You decide to go to a large farm show, where there just so happens to be a lot of horny animals that want you inside of them anyway possible, and even their owners are willing to help them achieve that. There is no reason why the story cannot leave the farm show.
*Update: 8-8-12* This story is doing much better than I thought it would. With over 20,000 views, it has far exceeded my expectations. Rewards will be given to those who write good additions. If you did not receive points, let me know. Please use ok grammar. I will not delete any chapters unless its just terrible. Instead i will edit, and at that just grammar, not content. Also, please no gay stuff.
Thank you for over 30,000 views!
Thank you for over 40,000 views!
Thank you for over 110,000 views!

Also, check out Rochndil's adaptation to the goat section, Growing The Herd

And please, if you liked this story, check out my others as well! I'm always looking for new writers and readers.

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Please assume this story MAY contain graphic language, sexually explicit text, violence and/or any other displeasing topic you can or can't think up! To be certain you don't encounter textual content that may be offensive, you should leave this area and not continue on within this item.
Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/interactive-story/item_id/1866380-Farm-Show-Animal-Unbirth