Me with Ryback!! (and the lady in the noodle ad)
Jul 30 2013 at 7:23am EDT
Didn't even see Ryback until Bella pointed him out asking if he was 'one of those wrestlers' and I looked over and he was on the other side of the counter to me. Yeah, I'm observant *Rolleyes* Hey, I was tired!

Told him I loved his table match, then we went to find something to eat as security still looked intimidating to Bella. While deciding on noodles or Subway and I saw him again at the noodle shop and thought to ask for a photo but saw him shoot down some guy who approached him so I decided against it and ordered my Subway.

While Bella was waiting to order noodles we saw him pose with a kid, so I thought I'd try my luck.

Felt kind of guilty asking him for a photo, must get annoying always being interrupted while trying to do your own thing. Was super nervous too - I've never asked a celebrity for a photo before. Normally I only see them from a distance and it's like "Cool, such-and-such is over there" and I'm back to doing whatever it is I'm doing.

Bella commented to Ryback that he doesn't smile much, didn't hear his answer, was kind of stoked he let me take the photo. Bella isn't a wrestling fan so doesn't really understand the whole kayfabe thing and that there's some wrestlers who like to stay in character.

Also, I was also distracted by what his shirt said and was like, "Wow that's the centre of my motivation wall for my 12 week Fitness Challenge" (If I reach my goal weight I'm treating myself to THIS!!   )

We thanked him, Bella ordered her noodles and we went and ate breakfast (I tweeted *Pthb* ). Bella told me she thought she saw him downstairs at the check-in area. I said it made sense as security made us use a different door, I remember at the time thinking "how rude" and that security has been kind of pushy the past few days - it made sense to me then.

I was too intent on having my fun weekend to notice things like why security was everywhere *Laugh* I'd probably been passing Superstars and Divas all day Sunday at the Queen St Mall and didn't even see them!

Anyway, that's the story - if on the remote chance Ryback is reading this: Thanks, it meant a lot... this pic is going on my motivation board too *Smile*
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