Evacuation -- This is not a drill!
Aug 10 2009 at 5:27pm EDT
At 4:30 a.m. on May 26, 1996, forty Peace Corps volunteers and European expartiates awaited evacuation from Bambari, Central African Republic. We had been instructed to form four, single file lines across the end of the air strip, with our baggage between our legs. The French army cargo plane was to land just before dawn, directly in front of us. It would taxi to our end of the strip, turn 180 degrees and lower its rear cargo hatch. The first in each of the four lines of people was to grab his or her bag and march onto the plane, followed by the second row, and so on, until we were all boarded. We were warned to move quickly and orderly, for the plane would be on the ground only about 45 seconds.
Posted in "Peace Corps
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