Oct 11 2016 at 12:51pm EDT
Posted with "Note: Bigfoot...Just in time for Halloween! *^*Monster4*..."
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A Non-Existent User
1st Note: tracks appear 1st at the edge of the distant end of the driveway, with distinct appearances of being headed in an identical direction: straight for the camera (so to speak). The photo highlights the typical feline track, for their hind track frequently imprints on the front track made mere moments before, sometimes even overlapping that front track near-identically. 2nd Note: There are no claw marks seen in either length of these dual sets of prints - nor would there be, for this never happens with felines. They are exquisitely careful where they place their feet - as anyone who has extensively watched their housecat merely walk outside on lawns, etc. 3rd Note: there is every indication that there are two separate catamounts leaving two separate trails of prints in this photo: careful measuring of both may reveal a slight difference in size/shapes. 4th Note: Mountain Lions frequently remain with their mother lions for more than a year, ample time for the yearling to grow to nealy full size in that time span of greater than 12 months. 5th Note: From the tracks themselves, when coupled with measurements taken in the 1st photo previously taken, have emerged from a wooded area with extensive leaf litter upon the grounds: granted, the length of muddied tracks along even an asphalt drive of this length leans in the direction of these creatures having left exceptionally wet surfaces just previous to this site, indicating either a marsh was waded through and/or heavy rainfall that left the grounds with enough mud to be carried underfoot to make prints this clarified for this length of time. The passing recently of a major storm might have induced both cougars to seek safer refuge: it is not uncommon for catamounts to travel over 25 miles in a single day searching for shelter/sustenance. A recent hurricane may have incited this kind of behavior altogether. However, weather events of this extreme nature also tends to cause all other forms of wildlife to bed down and otherwise lay low; thus, the prospects for successful hunting becomes far less likely of success. My guess: they might have been flooded out of their own sanctuary, be whatever that might have been, and with little other choice, decided to take flight. The rain most certainly ceased for some # of hours before this photo was taken, otherwise the tracks would have been washed away within minutes of heavy, sustained rainfall. THANK YOU for posting these!! Cougars are some of the most beautiful of all creatures on God's green Earth!!!
Like Oct 11, 2016 at 7:25pm