~Daddy's Tree~
May 20 2018 at 2:06pm EDT
This is a wild, crazy-looking evergreen tree. Daddy got it from the Arbor Day Foundation when it was nothing but a tiny twig. He planted several of those twigs. Only one survived. One day, when Daddy talked about how tall it was getting and how wild, I had suggested he top it to encourage it to fill out.

After Daddy's death, I mentioned to a neighbor how crazy the tree looked. I was surprised to find out that Daddy really loved that tree. He didn't really mind how wild and crazy it was. He just saw a great tree he had raised from a twig and liked to brag about it.

Someday I would like to write a story using that tree as an object lesson. Daddy loved each of his four children in much the same way. It did not matter to him how the world might see each of us or even how we felt about ourselves. Daddy, in his own way, just flat out loved us simply because we were his children.
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