Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/airlieduo
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Hey there Dave Gordon,

Happy Writing.Com birthday to you. A day late.
With my last emrg rm visit i set a personal best of three times in five months. It is going to be a long year
I ran across this sentence on a fitness site:

"Did you know that once you hit 40 years of age, whether you're a man or a women, your body starts aging FASTER than normal?"

I love bizarre statements like that.
Thanks. What a load of misinformation just so that they can sell their stuff.
I saw that step one of their 5-step program was to forget low-fat diets, so I stopped and opened a bag of potato chips. It hasn't worked so far.
The post-Easter chocolate bunny hunt was a smashing success.yesssss
The dishwasher they delivered last week was dead. Now I'm waiting for the replacement to show up. Sometime between now and four hours from now. I am not great at waiting. Too much time to think.
Yeah. Those delivery time windows are a pain in the neck. Hope the new dishwasher works at least.
I am fasting today for a medical procedure tomorrow. So far today my wife has cooked bacon, cupcakes, and nachos, and that was all before noon.
I think you're in trouble...
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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/airlieduo