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Rated: E · Chapter · Dark · #2324928
The agents at Mortem Enterprises are given a scare by the God of Death.
The morning at Mortem Enterprises started like any other: agents trickling in, chatting idly before settling into their cubicles. But an alarm rang throughout the building when the sun reached its peak.

Erilyn: ( looks around curiously ) What’s going on? ( a putrid smell wafted towards her nostrils, causing her to nearly gag ) What’s that smell?

Malice: ( he rushes from his office, face stricken and pale ) Everyone out! A poisonous gas is spreading throughout the building!

Leovik: ( his eyes widen, and he quickly stands, taking charge ) You heard the man! Everyone get out, quickly!

The agents left the building, coughing and spluttering from the foul odor. Once outside, they caught their breath, and Sareth spoke.

Sareth: Did everyone make it out? Is everyone okay?

But as they did a headcount, they realized that one agent was missing…

Illiam: Where’s Hayen?!

Vilary: That idiot, he’s probably still inside, asleep at his desk!

Jeniika: We have to go after him! (she stepped forward, about to walk back inside, when Leovik stopped her)

Leovik: It’s too dangerous! ( then he heard something from inside the building )

Hayen: ( he appears through the smog, waving a hand in front of his face and wearing a disgusted expression ) That’s the most foul fart spray I’ve ever smelt…

Erilyn: ( she blinks ) Fart spray? No, it’s a deadly poisonous gas…

Hayen: ( he scowls at her ) We’re already dead, you ditz! Besides, poisonous gas doesn’t smell like rotten eggs.

Sareth: ( her eyes widened as she looked around ) Wait a minute, where’s Master Malice?

While the eight agents stood outside the building, wondering about his whereabouts, Malice sat in the well-ventilated office room. An empty spray can lay on the ground next to the air conditioning unit while the God of Death held an open container of red velvet cake.

Malice: Mm…now it’s just you and I… ( he whispers to the exquisite treat, twirling a spoon between three fingers )

Halfway through eating his decadent dessert, he hears the door creak open. The ancient divine freezes caught red-handed.

Malice: ( frozen, with a spoonful of velvety cake hovering near his lips, glanced at each of the agents in turn before trying to find an explanation, but Erilyn beat him to it )

Erilyn: You set off the alarm and made us believe there was a deadly gas so that you could eat cake undisturbed?!

Malice: ( slowly setting the spoon down, he attempts to make himself appear terrifyingly larger, though the effect is lessened with frosting smothered across his lips ) Whatever makes you think I would abuse my authority in such a manner?

Leovik: ( crossing his arms, he nodded his head at the empty can ) The empty canister of fart spray is a bit telling, sir.

Malice: Yes, well… ( he coughs embarrassedly )

Sareth: ( rolls her eyes ) Please, sir, no more false alarms. We may be immortal, but panic can still cause harm.

Malice: ( he grumbles ) Perhaps you have a point. ( straightens ) Now, shoo! And no more entering without announcing yourself first!

The annoyed agents left as told, letting the divine finish his dessert in peace, but not without Erilyn's knowing smirk as she shut the door behind them.

Malice: ( he sighs, putting down the cake and shaking his head ) How could I be responsible for something so foolish? Have I indeed allowed myself to fall so far? ( and with that, he throws away the rest of the cake )
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