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  1. Graceful as Grace?
  2. affect Grace somehow
  3. Robert
Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/interactive-story/item_id/1531678-A-particular-power/cid/651150-Graceful-as-Grace
Rated: 18+ · Interactive · Other · #1531678
Someone gains the ability to swap bodies with people as well as a few other powers
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Chapter #4

Graceful as Grace?

    by: Federation
Instead of standing in line, waiting to pay for a water bottle, you find yourself sitting down, looking at a smooth grey metal door. Wondering what just happened you tilt your head to one side and are shocked by the appearance of long, straight, black hair falling into your field of view. Lifting up your hand you give the hair a tug and cringe as pain sears through your head where, it seems, the hair is firmly attached.

You then notice that your hands did not brush your glasses when you had grabbed at the strange hair. Feeling the skin around your eyes you confirm that you are not wearing glasses. Wondering how you can see, you lower your hand a bit. As your index finger slides down an unusually fine and delicate nose you close your eyes in panic. Your fingers then reach something even less expected. They touch a smooth, glossy surface where your lips should be.

Feeling an itch on your ear you go to brush it away and encounter more of what you presume to be hair. At your ear you encounter another unexpected surprise. You find what seems to be some sort of metal bead firmly attached to your earlobe.

Dropping your hand down the side of your neck in surprise you are shocked to encounter bare skin on your shoulder. Not only is the skin bare but it is unusually smooth. Suddenly wondering something, you move your other hand up to your face. The skin is smoother than normal there as well. Running your hand up, over your face you confirm the strange smoothness everywhere. Running it through your hair you notice that not only has it changed colour and length but it has also gotten much smoother as well.

Letting your hand slide off your shoulder, your fingertips brush down you bare arm. Confused by all the strange sensations you open your eyes again but continue to stare blankly forwards, at the grey door. Letting your elbow go loose, your hand drops to your knee which you find bare as well.

Dropping your other arm, you hold your hand against your chest. Confused by a strange mound like obstruction on your chest your fingers finally find cloth and dip beneath it. They now found themselves confronted with another piece of cloth. Beneath that, much silkier, piece of cloth they find two squishy and rather sensitive mounds. The mere presences of your fingers causes the mounds to send ripples of foreign sensations through your body while at the same time the harder somewhat. Retreating out from behind the cloth you let your hand drop onto your other knee.

Your right hand then slides inwards, towards your crotch area where you found the strangest thing yet. The first thing your hand found was a pair of lip like forms. Farther inwards you found an extremely sensitive bump along with a strange cavity. Suddenly feeling very excited in a way you'd never felt before you slide one of your fingers just inside the rim of the cavity.

Finally too curious to hold off any longer you look down. What you see is a distinctly female body, dressed in a black tank top and with a skirt wrapped around its ankles, seated on a toilet with one hand between its legs and in what you now realize is its vagina.

Pulling your hand out from between your legs you wonder how you came to have this perspective and be able to control this body which definitely did not belong to you. Realizing at last that you are in a bathroom stall you look around in panic. Grabbing some toilet paper you ginger brush away at your groin, relieving a mild most sensation you'd been ignoring until then. You then bend forward to grab at the skirt and, "Oh my!!!", thong.

Slowly bringing the thong up your legs and into position you blush, embarrassed that you, a teenaged man, are wearing a thong. You then remember that you are most certainly not currently inhabiting your normal male body and blush again, embarrassed by your stupid mistake. While pulling up the skirt you realize that you had essentially felt up some unknown woman. This causes you to blush once more.

Trying to stand up is your next challenge as, you had just discovered, you were wearing high heels on your feet. Not just any high heels like those one inch ones you'd seen Victoria wear from time to time but full 3 inch high heels. Holding yourself steady with the help of the cubicle walls you manage to make it to your feet. Looking down you realize that there was a purse sitting on the floor by the toilet. This meant that you had to bend over to pick it up.

"Shit!" you say in an oddly familiar voice as you fall to the ground, landing with one arm pinned beneath you.

Staying still for a moment you try and remember where you'd heard that voice before. Unable to figure it out you pull yourself back upright and tug at the thong as it crawls into your butt-crack. Opening the stall door you look up and into the reflection of Grace Beaufield.

"Hi Grace," you say, blushing.

When Grace's reflection mimics you you finally realize that you were in her body.

"Holy Fuck!!!!" you shout, falling back onto your/Grace's ass. After a moment of shocked silence you say to yourself in Grace's luscious voice, "I'm Grace Beaufiled! Holy fuck! I am Grace Beaufiled! The Grace Beaufield!"

Uneasily returning to your feet you smile into the mirror, showing off your new perfect teeth. You then clear your voice, shake as much nervousness out of yourself as you can, look straight ahead, smile in the way that Grace does when she wants to melt boys' hearts and say, "Hello, my name is Grace."

Turning you leave you take one last glance in the mirror at your new gorgeous body before walking out of the bathroom. The thoughts running through your mind went somewhere along the lines of...
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