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Rated: GC · Interactive · Fanfiction · #1954148
Beast Boy has always been a bit desperate for female attention. Well, now he's got it.
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Chapter #5

First 'Titans Together!'

    by: Wolfboy.com
Luckily for Beast Boy The Gordanians blew a hole in the wall saving his ribs and spine from Starfire's powerful embrace. With their prize in sight the lizard aliens charged in, but they were not ready for the team of young heroes who despite being vastly outnumbered were able to more then hold their own. Seeing the superior might of the heroes the hostile aliens made a hasty retreat.

"I believe the appropriate word is..thanks." Starfire said gratefully.

"Oh man! My suite." Cyborg said in distress as his hoodie and pants were reduced to rags during the battle, revealing all of his awesome robotic body.

"So? You look way cooler without it." Beast Boy said encouragingly while giving the thumbs up.

"You really think so?" Cyborg asked hopefully. The rest of the team nodded in agreement bringing a big smile to the bionic hero's face "Thanks guys."

"This isn't over yet." Robin reminded everyone "Now that we interfered-"

"Trogaar will strike harder." Starfire finished his sentence. "It is only a matter of-"

"FOOLS!! THE EARTH SCUM WERE WARNED!" proclaimed Trogaar over his hologram projection "YOUR INSOLENCE WILL BE PUNISHED! YOUR CITY SHALL BE DESTROYED!" With that final word his ships main gun began to power up to turn Jump City into a crater.

"We got to get up there and take out that ship!" Beast Boy declared "Three of as can fly and carry the other two with us, but it's going to be tricky getting past the ship's defenses." he said while placing his hand on his chin thinking of a plan.

"I can get us all in safely." Raven said. With all eyes turned to her she timidly added "I can teleport."

"Sweet! Go Raven!" Beast Boy cheered which made Raven glad she had her hood up so he couldn't see her blush.

"Stay close." she instructed as she channeled her power "Azarath Metrion Zinthos." with that chant a dark energy sphere surrounded the team and transported them into a hallway in the ship's interior.

"That was so cool." Beast Boy said with child-like wonder.

"You don't think it's creepy?" Raven asked surprised.

"Oh it's definitely creepy, but that's why it's so cool!"

"..You are so weird."

"Thank you." Beast Boy then turned serious as he turned to Starfire "Can you guide us to the guns control room?"

"Yes, but be warned Trogaar will be there and he is a powerful warrior." Starfire said.

"Good, then we can get that payback for you." Beast Boy said with a feral grin. He then turned to Cyborg "By the way, you packing any weapons big guy? Like lasers or missiles?"

Cyborg looked to his hands "I'm not sure. I haven't really needed to find out before." he answered honestly.

"I hope you figure it out quick, because we got trouble." Robin informed as he got ready for action. From there the young heroes fought their way to the control room where Trogaar was indeed waiting for them. And while his minions were not much to write about, Trogaar on the other hand was a tough son of a bitch. Even with all the heroes giving him their best shots he powered through gave back just as hard. The battle was so intense that most of the ship was torn to pieces before it crash landed onto an island just off the coast of Jump City.

The heroes were dusting themselves off from the crash and saw that Trogaar was doing the same. "Going at him one at a time isn't going to cut it guys." Beast Boy said "So lets give him everything we've got!"

"Ready!" Robin said as pulled out some explosives.

"Booyah!" Cyborg proclaimed as he charged his new sonic cannon.

"Lets finish it." Raven said with determination as her eyes glowed white and hands glowed black.

"It is time for 'the payback!'" Starfire said eagerly with her eyes and hands ablaze with green fire.

"Alright, TITANS TOGETHER!!" Beast Boy commanded as he turned into a falcon to get some altitude. Robin threw his explosives at Trogaar. They didn't do wuch damage, but they distracted him long enough for Cyborg, Raven and Starfire to hit him with a combined attack of dark, sonic and green energy that knocked him on his scaly ass. Once Beast Boy reached the right height, he dive bombed at over 100mph and just before he hit the ground he morphed into a Blue(well green technically) Whale and body slammed the downed tyrant with 190 tons of weight. He'll be feeling that in the mourning.

With their enemy defeated the team then spent the next few minutes congratulating each other on a job well done. But then a question popped up in everyone's mind that Robin voiced "Titans?"

Beast Boy rubbed the back of his head sheepishly "Well..if we were going to be a team we needed a name so..it was one of the first things that came to mind."

"Titans.." Cyborg tested out the name. He then smiled "I like it."

"And your rallying cry really got me..how you say..'fired up!'" Starfire said with great enthusiasm.

"It's a little cheesy." Raven said bluntly. But she gave a soft smile "But I liked it too."

"You seem to have a knack for bringing people together Beast Boy." Robin said with a proud smile "It's nice to this city will be I good hands."

Beast Boy picked up on Robin's unsaid decision and his ears dropped in sadness "Wait..you're leaving?"

"Like I said, I just went solo and did say this was going to be a one time thing." he reminded "That being said, I will keep in touch in case you guys ever need me." he said as he handed Beast Boy a communicator.

Beast Boy perked up at this a an idea came to him "Could you at least stick around for a pizza victory party?"

Robin was never one to turn down pizza "Sure."

"Aww yeah baby, pizza party!" Cyborg rubbed his hand together and lick his lips in anticipation.

"Why not?" Raven casually shrug her shoulders.

"I too can not wait to celebrate our victory, but I am curious..what is 'pizza'" Starfire asked.

Beast Boy placed a comforting hand on her shoulder "My dear, you are in for a treat."

The newly named Titans partied hard as many a pizza fell victim to five teenagers, one of which had NINE stomachs. And the time came when Robin was about to ride off to Bludhaven to go solo like he planned.

"See ya around." Beast Boy said as he waved goodbye.

"Take care." Raven said quietly but genuinely.

"Good luck in your solo heroing Friend Robin!" said Starfire happily.

"Don't be a stranger man." Cyborg said as he gave him a pat on the back.

As Robin got on his motorcycle he looked to the team with a smile "If you guy's ever need me, I'll be there. And if I'm ever in trouble, I know who to call." he said while giving a two finger salute. He then put on his helmet a road of into the sunrise.

You have the following choices:

1. Next episode Sisters. (Were Blackfire makes her debut)

2. Next episode Final Exam. (Were Jinx makes her debut)

*Noteb* indicates the next chapter needs to be written.
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