This is my first ever blog, so I'm not really sure what I'm doing . I guess I'll learn as I go along. |
I haven't written in this blog for a few days. Last week, I was consumed with the 'Pointless' bug. By that, I mean the TV quiz show that we played on WDC. I had a blast, playing with the most amazing team mates. We scored the fewest points, which was an incredible collaborative result. I've made myself write some more the last couple of days, I'm afraid I was a little lazy last week. I've already written a short story for 'Prompt Me Musically' and my weekly entry for the 52wk IFBC. Plus, I'm working on yet another dark and tortured poem. I feel like I've actually achieved something and I'm feeling more like a writer again. A little bit, anyway. Choco |
I'm taking part in the Paper Doll Gang classes and part of that is playing in Rhonda's Rockin' Playground. One of the challenges is to set up a blog. But I already have one, which works in quite nicely. The subject matter for the first blog in this challenge is to write about how I found WDC and how I'm liking being a part of it. So, here goes. I've loved writing my whole life. As a child, I remember writing all the time and imagining myself away to foreign lands where life was very different. As a teenager, I wrote fairly typical teenage angst poems. I had couple of people tell me they were really good. But I never believed them. I didn't write for a few years after that, life and things got in the way. I tended to find I wrote more when I was feeling at my lowest. When I had the chance, anyway. Which brings me to today. I've been suffering from PTSD, depression and anxiety for, probably, a lot longer than anyone realises. A doctor suggested writing about how I was feeling, or just writing in general, as therapy. My husband, David, read my work and kept telling me I am really good. But he would say that, right? I've found it really hard to believe that I am any good. So David suggested I find an online writing community and share my work, get the opinions of others. Well, the panic that ensued following this suggestion was massive. But, a lot (and I mean lot!) of encouragement (nagging) from David eventually convinced me to join WDC. Posting my first poem, I was terrified. I was convinced I would receive lots of reviews telling me to go away and not come back. But I didn't. Everyone was really supportive and positive. I actually cried when I read my first positive review. I couldn't believe I had been accepted. I still can't really. I keep expecting everyone to realise I'm an imposter who really has no talent at all. I must admit, though I have only been on WDC for two and a half months, I already don't know what I would do without it. I'm writing every day, I'm having ideas all of the time, I'm inspired constantly. And I've met some amazingly talented and kind people. Yep, I think it's fair to say I'm addicted. I love WDC. It's kind of taken over my life. But, hey, rather that than the broken thoughts I was living with before. Oh, the other thing about me. I have a tendency to ramble . I'm guessing you've noticed. Choconut |
Okay. So, I know pizza is unhealthy. I am aware of that. But it tastes so nice and I can pick up the phone and have a man bring it to me. Where we live, there aren't any other takeaway delivery places. So on a day like today, when my brain is fried and I just can't be bothered to cook, pizza is my best friend. The odd thing is I never ate pizza before I married David. I mean, I tried it a couple of times, but I was never that fussed. Then I met David, a Bud swigging, pizza loving American. He introduced it to my life and now I love pizza. A little too much probably. Tonight, it saved me, though. So thank you, pizza. Much love Choco |
I really wanted to finish my entry for this months Merit Badge Project this week. I wasn't sure I would manage it, though. The reason was I chose to write a story about an introverted ballet dancer fighting a zombie apocalypse on the streets of Venice. Wow. So far out of comfort zone I need a satnav to get home again. I did, however, finish editing it today. Here is a link to it, if you're interested:
It was difficult writing this, but a lot of fun as well. I don't think I'll be writing any more, though, I think I'll leave it to those who are good at it. This afternoon, I plan to review something. Or have a nap. One or the other. Choco |
Okay, so I have been given homework today from a group that I attend. I have to create a "Compassionate Coach" for myself, then write a letter to myself from this coach. Now, I'm all for personal growth but this is just weird. Everyone confidently told me I will find this easy, as I'm always writing. Yes, I am. But not letters to myself from another version of myself with words that I don't even believe, for a reason that I don't believe in . So I gave up and reviewed a short story Choco |
My Mum's family is a big one. She was one of ten children. So, with their children and their children's children, our family barbecue always draws a large crowd. We have one every summer, as well as a party every Christmas. Mum used to love this time spent with her family. I, on the other hand, always find it stressful. I'm a writer, I find solitude much easier than people. However, this year I have decided to step it up a notch; make the whole event even scarier. I'm taking some of my writing with me. I've decided to start sharing. With people I know! I am worried, but there is a part of me that is looking forward to it. Might that be a little of that thing they call confidence? I've never encountered it before, so I'm not sure. Choco |
Phew, I've had a busy, stressful day. It's been productive, though; at least in terms of WDC. I've actually managed to create a review template, with the help of the lovely eyestar~* . I'm all set now to begin reviewing with fervour. Or, at least, to start reviewing. This morning was frustrating. I had to drive somewhere that's 30 miles away for a meeting, where only one other person and I turned up. There was supposed to be eight of us. I was not impressed. But the good part was I was home by 2pm. So, after getting a little too much sun whilst walking Alfie, I had time to set up my review template. Yay. I'm so proud of it . Choco |
This is the first time I've ever written a blog, so I'm not really sure what I should be writing. I think I'm going to treat it as a bit of a journal, along with using it for the 52 Week Image Blog Contest. So...Today, I'm feeling crappy. My hay fever is running wild and my head's all foggy. Don't you just hate that?! Nevertheless, I intend to finish writing my rubaiyat. Let's see how that goes! Choco |