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Review by Hidden Writer
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello! I'm Hidden_Writer and as a member of "Invalid Item and it's Reviewer's Club, I am here to review your work! Please remember that the following is strictly opinion. You are in no way obligated to listen to what I have to say--YOU are the best judge of your work! Thank you very much for your time.
*Reading*Your Item's Title: Someone in This Room Tonight
*Bigsmile*What I liked best...*Bigsmile*
*Bullet* Rythum
*Bullet* Subject
*Bullet* Flow/Pace
*Paste**Cut*Grammar/Spelling Corrections and Suggestions...*Paste**Cut*
*Bullet*You wrote:--none
Overall Impression...
I am by far a poetry expert so reviewing a lot of what is in your port is difficult for me except that I am just going to offer my opinion. I think that this was a really great poem. I loved the rythum and you repeated "Someone in this room tonight". You created images in my mind with your simple words and phrases. The one that sticks out most in my mind is the dancing part.
The poem almost sounds to me like it should be put to music. A really really great job!
Write on!
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Review of Romance  
Review by Hidden Writer
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello! I'm Hidden_Writer and as a member of "Invalid Item and it's Reviewer's Club, I am here to review your work! Please remember that the following is strictly opinion. You are in no way obligated to listen to what I have to say--YOU are the best judge of your work! Thank you very much for your time.
*Reading*Your Item's Title: Romance
*Bigsmile* What I liked best...*Bigsmile*
*Bullet*the subject: beautifully written
*Bullet*the title: short and sweet
*Bullet*wording: easy to read and to feel
*Paste**Cut*Grammar/Spelling Corrections and Suggestions...*Paste**Cut*
Overall Impression...
You did a really great job on this. It was short and sweet. You did a good job on showing the man's feelings for this woman--even if it were just their first date. It also captures the essence of falling in love and how it feels. "Show don't tell" was evident here--especially when you described her putting on make up and later on in the paragraph about her smell and shape.
It was a really sweet, and lovely piece. Great, great job!
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Review of Clara's Dollar  
Review by Hidden Writer
Rated: E | (4.5)
Very nicely done. I liked the idea of having Clara go shopping with only one dollar and how she debated about wanting to spend it--i really liked the man and the 100 dollars part. That was really sweet =)

I think overall my two favorite parts were
"" I know a dollar ain't much to spend for all the kids, but it is all and then some we can afford."
"She couldn't tell him now but Christmas, yes, at Christmas, she could give him the best present he'd ever had!"

Really touching and heartfelt. You did a really great job on this! Good luck!
Review by Hidden Writer
Rated: E | (4.5)
Please, please, please remember that what follows is MY opinion. You don't have to listen to it.
Your Work's Title: The day the dragons arrived
*Smile*What I Liked...*Smile*
*Thumbsup* "...they started to invade our ‘urban jungle’." Very cute!
*Thumbsup* ending sentence kind of like...wowed me
*Thumbsup* subject was awesome
*Thumbsup* content

*Exclaim*The second paragraph is one huge run on sentence that can be fixed easily.--lots of them all over that need fixed

*Bullet*You Wrote: "...dark day for us all, we didn’t expect it in the least." change the comma to a semicolon

You Wrote: "... last option once there homes..." there-->their

You Wrote: "...may farms had there..." may->many there->their

You Wrote: "...were wrong but to there dismay..." there--> their

You Wrote: "..from there night duties." there--> their

Overall Impression...
Once again, I think you have a really really great idea here. Other than grammar and thigns mentioned above, it's good. I didn't expect your little ending there but that was really great.
I think you are going to do just great here on WDC! =)
Review of Buried Alive  
Review by Hidden Writer
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
can yah say creapy? wow lol it definietly gave me chills and made me think twice abotu some of the loners in my community.
i really liked the flow and pace of this short story. You did it really well. Keeping the theme of "gift of nature" was done really well; you chose things that would demenstrate it adn did so well.

Great job~keep up the excellent work
Review by Hidden Writer
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
My favorite part----> "Not nearly enough to be seeing talking animals." that made me laught =)

Cute--I agree on the prompt part. However, everyonce in a while a good prompt comes around that stirs my creativitiy and makes me want to write about it.
Just curious, what were the prompts she had to choose from? Never did say...

Overall, it was cute and simple. I think everyone can relate to not being able to write when forced; it isn't fun. Cute, simple details like the memories of "warrior princess...mermaids..." painted picuteres and remined me of my past. Great.

Great job!
Review by Hidden Writer
Rated: E | (5.0)
hahaha that was great! I had a zillion ideas of what the power could be but I never thought of time! Man, wouldn't all mothers love that ability?
You created an entertaining, cute, and relateable story--minus the ability to freeze time lol
You did a good job on show, don't tell. I liked the part about bringing in Spider man and all that--very cute touch that made it your own.
There aren't any errors in spelling or grammar that I could see; you seem to be very good at that. =)

Anyway, a really great story. Keep it up!
Review by Hidden Writer
Rated: E | (5.0)
Please, please, please remember that what follows is MY opinion. You don't have to listen to it.
Your Work's Title: The Sandbox of Eden
*Smile*What I Liked...*Smile*
*Thumbsup* cute story
*Thumbsup* the part about imagination at the end
*Thumbsup* the turtle sandbox! i LOVE them!



Overall Impression...
Seriously cute. I could relate to that time when i had the little turtle sandbox--i loved that thing! lol I liked the ending most though when the grandfather and Timmy talked about imagination and it being real ande verything---that was super cute and great.
I think as adults we "grow up" and it's not always for the best. My fave quote is: "growing old is mandatory, growing up is optional" and I think we should all take that to heart and remember to have a little fun now and then, to let our minds go crazy.

Great job =)
Review of Growing Up  
Review by Hidden Writer
Rated: E | (5.0)
Please, please, please remember that what follows is MY opinion. You don't have to listen to it.
Your Work's Title: Growing Up
*Smile*What I Liked...*Smile*
*Thumbsup* Very nice story
*Thumbsup* great plot
*Thumbsup* good storyline/wording
*Thumbsup* great flow/pace


*Bullet*Overall Impression...
Very relateable although the snake part gave me creeps because I am terrified of the little creatures. But i thought it wasa really sweet story.
I related most to the part about the mom wanting peace and quiet--my sisters and i were like that a lot. We actually had a pond too that we would all go down to. So I can relate to that too.
Anyway, I really liked it--especially the end with the special bond part. Godo job =)
Review by Hidden Writer
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Please, please, please remember that what follows is MY opinion. You don't have to listen to it.
Your Work's Title: The Last Ten Seconds
*Smile*What I Liked...*Smile*
*Thumbsup* I see talent runs in the family...
*Thumbsup* Great flow/pace
*Thumbsup* Great wording
*Thumbsup* Great subject



Overall Impression...
My first thought is wow. So short but it delievers a powerful message. It was a really great piece and I thought that the way it was delievered made it all the beter. You didn't focus on details, which can be bad sometimes, instead you made it your own. You took an everyday occurence and made it something that shows hope and faith. Great job!
Review of Nita from Nowhere  
Review by Hidden Writer
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
Please, please, please remember that what follows is MY opinion. You don't have to listen to it.
Your Work's Title: Nita from Nowhere
*Smile*What I Liked...*Smile*
*Thumbsup* "Ever changing, sparking, dying out, only to catch and burn again, needing oxygen, craving attention." very good =)
*Thumbsup* The first paragraph felt poetic to me. =)
*Thumbsup* Good emotion; made me feel it
*Thumbsup* Good "show, don't tell"

*Exclaim*"... flames knew what life next held in store for her." The wording confused me...I understood after a few reads, but maybe you could rephrase it?


Overall Impression...I thought this was an exceptional, emotional piece. I don't know if it's personal or not, but you deliever it with such emotion and power that it feels like it came straight from experience. I knew as soon as I got to the paragraphs about being different that Nita was adopted. You did a really good job; it was touching, hearfelt, sad. But it was also empowering and loving. Great job =)
Review of It Was Decided  
Review by Hidden Writer
Rated: E | (5.0)
Please, please, please remember that what follows is MY opinion. You don't have to listen to it.
Your Work's Title: It Was Decided
*Smile*What I Liked...*Smile*
*Thumbsup* Cute story.
*Thumbsup* Good flow/pace
*Thumbsup* Good wording
*Thumbsup* Good presentation-through a child's eyes

*Exclaim*I didn't think that "It was decided." fit at the end. Felt like too much.

*Exclaim*How old is Amelia?

*Bullet* ---none--

Overall Impression...
A really cute story. I thought you delivered it well as children would see it. Everything fit; the wording, delievery, storyline, and how you carried it out. I don't really have any critiqueing suggestions--it looks supberb to me! Great job!
Review by Hidden Writer
Rated: E | (5.0)
This was really touching. I love how you went about talking about what is love. The examples were great, created images and times when I had been in that situation.

My favorite line:Every decision you make should be done not for you, but with that special person in mind, for the secret to true love is that you love your partner more than you do yourself.

I think personally that "I love you" is overused and people should really think about it before they use it. It means something, it really does, and it isn't something to throw out there in order to get something. And i htink that your work captures that essence.

Great, great job! =)

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Review by Hidden Writer
Rated: E | (5.0)
Stephanie Grace has started a wonderful contest called Trick AND Treat where participants review like crazy! You are either on the list from October 24th to the 30th or I have decided to review you before/after those dates. Please remember that the following review is simply my opinion. No one understands your work like you and it is your choice to believe anything I say. With that regard, I hope you find something useful in my review.
*Reading*Item Name:It's all Hallows Eve
What I Liked/Favorite Parts...
*Heart* the ghosties and ghoulies
*Heart* pace


*Cut* Editing/Suggestions...*Cut*

*Star**Star*Overall Opinion...*Star**Star*
I really liked the werewolf prowling. Kind of creapy. I also liked the part about for a trick or treat as the creature's desire. Over all it was really great! Keep it up!

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Review of The Midnight Hour  
Review by Hidden Writer
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Stephanie Grace has started a wonderful contest called Trick AND Treat where participants review like crazy! You are either on the list from October 24th to the 30th or I have decided to review you before/after those dates. Please remember that the following review is simply my opinion. No one understands your work like you and it is your choice to believe anything I say. With that regard, I hope you find something useful in my review.
*Reading*Item Name: The Midnight Hour
What I Liked/Favorite Parts...
*Heart*the bell
*Heart* subject
*Heart* content


*Cut* Editing/Suggestions...*Cut*
*Paste* You wrote: "I walked thru night, black and cold," thru shoudl be through
*Paste* You wrote: "..tho most nights I.." though
--there's acoupel through/though's

*Star**Star*Overall Opinion...*Star**Star*
Good job--the bell tolling was my favorite part. It added to story and made it kind of creapier. Good job!

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Review by Hidden Writer
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Stephanie Grace has started a wonderful contest called Trick AND Treat where participants review like crazy! You are either on the list from October 24th to the 30th or I have decided to review you before/after those dates. Please remember that the following review is simply my opinion. No one understands your work like you and it is your choice to believe anything I say. With that regard, I hope you find something useful in my review.
*Reading*Item Name: Grandpa's Scary Secret
What I Liked/Favorite Parts...
*Heart*My gray hair displays the fright---made me laugh!
*Heart* chilling/creepy
*Heart* pace
*Heart* flow
*Heart* wording


*Cut* Editing/Suggestions...*Cut*
*Paste* --none

*Star**Star*Overall Opinion...*Star**Star*
chilly~ definietly makes me wonder about my realitives being his biggest fan! lol i thought you did areally good job on showing the fright the narrarotor felt--basically show dont tell--great job all together

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Review of Roses  
Review by Hidden Writer
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Stephanie Grace has started a wonderful contest called Trick AND Treat where participants review like crazy! You are either on the list from October 24th to the 30th or I have decided to review you before/after those dates. Please remember that the following review is simply my opinion. No one understands your work like you and it is your choice to believe anything I say. With that regard, I hope you find something useful in my review.
*Reading*Item Name: Roses
What I Liked/Favorite Parts...
*Heart*The very first sentence was chilling
*Heart* the whole thing was chilling
*Heart* great story
*Heart* good pace
*Heart* great imagery

*Question*what's the creature?

*Cut* Editing/Suggestions...*Cut*
*Paste* ---none

*Star**Star*Overall Opinion...*Star**Star*

A very chilling, sad, and entertaining tale. I really liked it. Gave me chills, had me glancing at the shadows in my house, but great none the less. =)

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Review by Hidden Writer
Rated: E | (5.0)
Stephanie Grace has started a wonderful contest called Trick AND Treat where participants review like crazy! You are either on the list from October 24th to the 30th or I have decided to review you before/after those dates. Please remember that the following review is simply my opinion. No one understands your work like you and it is your choice to believe anything I say. With that regard, I hope you find something useful in my review.
*Reading*Item Name:Phantom Of The Hallows
What I Liked/Favorite Parts...
*Heart*I love pictures--this set the mood
*Heart* great topic
*Heart* creeeeepy
*Heart* pace
*Heart* wording


*Cut* Editing/Suggestions...*Cut*

*Star**Star*Overall Opinion...*Star**Star*
Over all, a really good job. I liked how you said to run just incase in the end. That was cute--most people would run anyway! Great job!

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Review of Where Evil Dwells  
Review by Hidden Writer
Rated: E | (5.0)
Stephanie Grace has started a wonderful contest called Trick AND Treat where participants review like crazy! You are either on the list from October 24th to the 30th or I have decided to review you before/after those dates. Please remember that the following review is simply my opinion. No one understands your work like you and it is your choice to believe anything I say. With that regard, I hope you find something useful in my review.
*Reading*Item Name: Where Evil Dwells
What I Liked/Favorite Parts...
*Heart* Picture was cute and added to it
*Heart* evil dwells
*Heart* creeeeepy
*Heart* cute


*Cut* Editing/Suggestions...*Cut*
*Paste* --none

*Star**Star*Overall Opinion...*Star**Star*
I liked that you had the picture and it fit the poem. it was creepy and threatening but in a cute, good way. Great job!

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Review of Halloween  
Review by Hidden Writer
Rated: E | (5.0)
Stephanie Grace has started a wonderful contest called Trick AND Treat where participants review like crazy! You are either on the list from October 24th to the 30th or I have decided to review you before/after those dates. Please remember that the following review is simply my opinion. No one understands your work like you and it is your choice to believe anything I say. With that regard, I hope you find something useful in my review.
*Reading*Item Name: Halloween
What I Liked/Favorite Parts...
*Heart*cute way to share the origion of halloween
*Heart* it was historical/educational but cute


*Cut* Editing/Suggestions...*Cut*
*Paste*"... Iti s also for those..." it is

*Star**Star*Overall Opinion...*Star**Star*

Great job overall. You took history adn made it enjoyable. I really liked that you showed a couple different versions of where it may have come from. The one I was most familliar was with England so thanks for educating me in other areas! Great job!

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Review by Hidden Writer
Rated: E | (5.0)
Stephanie Grace has started a wonderful contest called Trick AND Treat where participants review like crazy! You are either on the list from October 24th to the 30th or I have decided to review you before/after those dates. Please remember that the following review is simply my opinion. No one understands your work like you and it is your choice to believe anything I say. With that regard, I hope you find something useful in my review.
*Reading*Item Name: A Halloween Sonnet
What I Liked/Favorite Parts...
*Heart* childhood costume lore =) cute!
*Heart* cute word choice
*Heart* cute subject


*Cut* Editing/Suggestions...*Cut*
*Paste* ---none

*Star**Star*Overall Opinion...*Star**Star*
Great job! It was short and sweet! I loved the subject of a mother tryign tomake a costuem for her child, failing, and having to give the child a different one. Great job!

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Review of Trick or Treat  
Review by Hidden Writer
Rated: E | (5.0)
Stephanie Grace has started a wonderful contest called Trick AND Treat where participants review like crazy! You are either on the list from October 24th to the 30th or I have decided to review you before/after those dates. Please remember that the following review is simply my opinion. No one understands your work like you and it is your choice to believe anything I say. With that regard, I hope you find something useful in my review.
*Reading*Item Name: Trick or Treat
What I Liked/Favorite Parts...
*Heart* flow
*Heart* wording
*Heart* storyline
*Heart* simple description


*Cut* Editing/Suggestions...*Cut*

*Star**Star*Overall Opinion...*Star**Star*

For a dialouge piece that was really good! i usually don't read them since I like descriptions and what not, but I thought you presented it in a really great way that definitly held my attention adn gave me chills! great job!

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Review of BEWITCHED  
Review by Hidden Writer
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
Stephanie Grace has started a wonderful contest called Trick AND Treat where participants review like crazy! You are either on the list from October 24th to the 30th or I have decided to review you before/after those dates. Please remember that the following review is simply my opinion. No one understands your work like you and it is your choice to believe anything I say. With that regard, I hope you find something useful in my review.
*Reading*Item Name: BEWITCHED
What I Liked/Favorite Parts...
*Heart* My favorite line:Black cat screaming with delight
On this dark and moonless night.
*Heart* Great pace
*Heart* Rhyming was cute
*Heart* good wording
*Heart* nice theme


*Cut* Editing/Suggestions...*Cut*
*Paste* You wrote:--none

*Star**Star*Overall Opinion...*Star**Star*
please note poetry is not my forte.
I really enjoyed this poem. It was enjoyable to read, cute, and definitly fit the theme well. Great job!

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Review by Hidden Writer
Rated: E | (4.5)
Stephanie Grace has started a wonderful contest called Trick AND Treat where participants review like crazy! You are either on the list from October 24th to the 30th or I have decided to review you before/after those dates. Please remember that the following review is simply my opinion. No one understands your work like you and it is your choice to believe anything I say. With that regard, I hope you find something useful in my review.
*Reading*Item Name: Halloween on a budget
What I Liked/Favorite Parts...
*Heart*step by step process
*Heart* easy directions
*Heart* good ideas


*Cut* Editing/Suggestions...*Cut*
*Paste* You wrote: "... the bad and you..." bad-->bag
*Paste* You wrote:"No, we have ghosts..." no-->now

*Star**Star*Overall Opinion...*Star**Star*
Awesome ideas and I love that you are recyling items as well as it being super cheap. Especially with today. I really liked the idea of the ghosts--I'll have to try it.
Overall a really great idea and job!

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Review by Hidden Writer
Rated: E | (5.0)
I love reading songs that people have written. The only problem is that you cannot HEAR how it is supposed to sound.

What I love about this song is that it creates great images (show don't tell), captures the beauty of Autumn very simply. You wrote it very well, choosing simple words and phrases that describe Autumn perfectly and also paints a picture.

My favorite part:
"In the autumn of life love can still shine bright,
Together we stand in the fading light,
Our wedding rings glow
And to the world show
Autumn love, matured, is a wonderful sight."

I really think that it's poetic and captures the love of two people joined in marriage.

Great job!! =) Write on!! Really, this was great and I only wish I coudl HEAR it (besides reading it outloud to myself lol)
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