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Dark Society |
It's no secret, Trina Saint Claire and Jasmine Lloyd were directing a battle against occultism throughout campus. And though many other advocates openly opposed, they continued to attend social events and other campus activities. Based on this, the areas circling the common became focal points of assembly. Much less, with the rising number of supporters, the girls commonly feared retaliation. For these reasons, they frequently traveled throughout campus via an uncharted route along the ravine. Except that, with the updated security policies, several avenues were no longer available. That being the case, they'd seek other alternatives, only to discover them also restricted. In other words, they'd opt to do something out of the ordinary - deviate through the woods. Whereupon, while moving along the gorge, they'd notice someone hidden in the darkness. Immediately, Trina seized Jasmine's hand and hastily led her along the lakefront. Albeit, missing a crucial step, they plunged headlong into a dense slope. In the wake, Trina noticed Jasmine lying unconscious, where she rushed to her side and called out. Upon which, the sinister presence swarmed, and everything became silent. |