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Lyn's a Witchy Woman
about 13 hours ago
In response to "May 31st Jasper, Alta. Day 2
A washing machine is an accurate descriptive for how your body is pummeled with each wave as you're drawn down and then pushed up again. I've been a dozen times and if my shoulder wasn't like it is I would gladly go again. I'm like you very familiar with canoes and kayaks although my preference is a kayak on lakes. I used to take mine out with a small cooler bag with lunch inside and water. My other bag was a dry bag, it held my camera in addition to whatever book I was reading. If my brain was functioning I had sunscreen, depended on my coffee intake for sure. We must have been fish at one point in our life.
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about 15 hours ago
In response to "Still Feeling You
Melt  (E)
Loving the pleasant music at play
#2321160 by Charles
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about 19 hours ago
In response to "Taylor Swift Quote Mind, Twisted Place
OMG! You just informed me on Taylor Swift. I don't much listen to popular music, so I didn't know. I didn't know she had gone macabre. "What happened to that sweet girl?" is right.
And liking Jane Austen shows a sweet personality, which you do have. *Smile*
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Brian K Contest Judge-y
a day ago
In response to "I wonder if my cats feel stalked.
Changed…might still scour the old noggin for a slight grammar fix to help choppy read right there. Thanks!!

Crows in my yard make wary. Crows in the parking lot outside my work keep me company. We’ve had staring matches.
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a day ago
In response to "Complete Disaster
Hi! This poem 'Complete Disaster' is an amazing poem. I feel you've fully captured the innate human aspects we experience in daily life.

In all the logic and justification, emotion is still a primary drive for us. Pride, love and sadness are a few that you have presented in this poem. I like it.

(Also, thanks for the GPS!)
đŸŒ¸ pwheeler - love joy peace
a day ago
In response to "May 30th Jasper, Alberta, Canada
Wow! The aurora borealis is my kind of nightlife. *Smile* *Heart*
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Lyn's a Witchy Woman
a day ago
In response to "May 30th Jasper, Alberta, Canada
I agree with you about the aurora borealis, I don't dare blink. They're just so glorious in color and the way the air feels as you stand there awe struck. I'm equally glad these calories don't count, I feel like I've eaten enough for two people maybe three.
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a day ago
In response to "I wonder if my cats feel stalked.
I think you should change line 26, it reads better. This poem reminds me of the day a 'murder of crows' gang stalked and went after a great horned owl family in my neighbor's yard. They drove off the Mom and Dad and went after the babies in the nest and killed them all. I'll never forget the sight of so many crows going after those beautiful owls and the screams of the babies in the nest.
a day ago
In response to "The best of times. The worst of times
Nice entry and ditto for the last sentence. I think you did very well with your daughter's illness, and great that you have a smart grandson.
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Brian K Contest Judge-y
May 30, 2024 at 12:12am
In response to "I wonder if my cats feel stalked.
Dare I change line 26 to:

It’s not just grain; murders committed
to protein, after half a winter starved.
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Lyn's a Witchy Woman
May 29, 2024 at 9:51pm
In response to "May 29th Puenta Arenas Day 2
I've wondered the same thing when I read about all the discoveries documented and brought back by ship. Paper that didn't crumble or mold from all the temperature variances.

I'm not as comfortable storing things in the cloud myself, I have external hard drives that I transfer data too and then disconnect from my computer so it is hack proof. Not that I really have data anyone would want but it is personal to me.

But then I think about the close living quarters on a ship how did anyone have room for storage to bring back? Darwin was indeed lucky on the HMS Beagle.
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May 29, 2024 at 10:54am
In response to "Planet Earth Needs Your Help
Nice entry. I also use Earth Breeze and Hey Sunday. I'm not sure exactly but Hey Sunday sheets seems to do a better job with laundry. I do recycle if the recycling truck picks the stuff up. The recycling plant nearby is picky. They won't pick up everything recyclable as they sent us what-and-how rules.
May 29, 2024 at 10:53am
In response to "Planet Earth Needs Your Help
Nice entry. I also use Earth Breeze and Hey Sunday. I'm not sure exactly but Hey Sunday sheets seems to do a better job with laundry. I do recycle if the recycling truck picks the stuff up. The recycling plant nearby is picky. They won't pick up everything recyclable as they sent us what-and-how rules.
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Simply Me
May 29, 2024 at 10:12am
In response to "Planet Earth Needs Your Help
I had not heard of corn burning before. I like the idea of cob homes though. I am all for recycling and repurposing everything as much as possible. Personally, I have always tried to walk lightly on this planet. I don't damn up rivers, cut down trees or suck oil out of the veins of earth, but unfortunately my very existence depends on someone doing it. It's a human condition that I alone can't change. We are the earth's worst enemy.
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Elisa the Bunny Stik
May 29, 2024 at 9:02am
In response to "Ordinary Average Guy
I think we need to be careful about saying there's no difference in socializing between online and off. I saw the following in response to a comment about discussions of gender online and the stances taken by LGBTQ community members that are chronically online:

"Truth. I had to stop looking for queer spaces online because it was full of this and angry exclusion discourse. I found some queer spaces offline and it reminded me that most people are normal and chill."

This is a topic I will likely be visiting in my journal in July. I figured I'd at least get this response in here first as a warm-up.
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Lyn's a Witchy Woman
May 28, 2024 at 11:37pm
In response to "May 28th Puenta Arenas, Chile
Hard to believe how glorious that view is. I hope man never destroys it as they have in so many other places.

That waterfall is my favorite of all the ones we've seen.
Lyn's a Witchy Woman
May 28, 2024 at 11:34pm
In response to "Sloths and Avocados
I can't imagine swallowing an avocado seed or passing it again. They must have larger rectums than humans. But then 4 ton is bigger than most cars, that's crazy in itself. Thank you for sharing the sloth song.
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