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Rated: 13+ · Book · Adult · #948720
Whew! Life! It's time to get down and let her rip!
It's time to get SERIOUS. I haven't been writing due to life but I know now if I let life stand in the way of my talent I will loose it. I have to write or read about writing. I have to hand write in journals. I have to be active on this sight. I need to read the literature I want to write! We all have to get with the program or get off the speed boat of life.
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April 5, 2008 at 7:47pm
April 5, 2008 at 7:47pm
the good with the bad and the happy with the sad. I should know not to plan an outing with my best friend. First of all I thought well, I won't go and then I said well I'll run the quick era to the mailbox and to another friend whose in-laws just passed. I ran in and out of both of them. I had my dog with me and get home and no key to get in the house. I had to go to stay with the neighbor and he shows up about 3 hours later. So then my day is really messed up. When he got there he tried to make up for it had also stopped at a yard sale at a church. He got a vintage electric blanket and said I'd better get it washed or he would get a professional to do it which I should have done. The blanket smelled like it had been store in the basement, a very damp one, it sticks, it was dry rotten because it shedded in my nearly new washer. Forgetting one thing, I sold my other one and she was suppose to pick it up today, nope, she didn't show. Oh, he also bought me a collector's edition of A Mississippi River by Mark Twain! Although it didn't have the first part, it started at page 27 and then it ended probably 35 before it was suppose to. He said someone offered him five dollars for it! He should have grabbed their arm off. He bought a penney in a bottle and a painted egg. Now I am suppose to worship him. I didn't get to enjoy myself with my friend...we've been shopping once together and it wasn't really what I would call shopping. Well, since my husband lost his cell phone he started using mine. He left it in the washing machine and now there is no cell phones no car keys. Should I just go to bed and shut up. Maybe but I want to fight something, I want to hit my husband. Maybe kill him, where's Ann Rule!
March 14, 2008 at 2:00pm
March 14, 2008 at 2:00pm
to be okay and then other times I know if I don't see the psychatrist that I will loose it. I often wonder where I went to? Where is the person I used to be, head strong and didn't even believe people suffered from depression? I wish I had her back at times although she was a bit overpowering than what I am now. Part of my creativity is lovked up inside the person I've become. Therefore; I must accept her as myself and move on with my writing and what is true to me. Trying to find something that is not there is not going to hurt anyone.
March 14, 2008 at 1:29pm
March 14, 2008 at 1:29pm
to be okay and then other times I know if I don't see the psychatrist that I will loose it. I often wonder where I went to? Where is the person I used to be, head strong and didn't even believe people suffered from depression? I wish I had her back at times although she was a bit overpowering than what I am now. Part of my creativity is lovked up inside the person I've become. Therefore; I must accept her as myself and move on with my writing and what is true to me. Trying to find something that is not there is not going to hurt anyone.
March 14, 2008 at 1:25pm
March 14, 2008 at 1:25pm
to be okay and then other times I know if I don't see the psychatrist that I will loose it. I often wonder where I went to? Where is the person I used to be, head strong and didn't even believe people suffered from depression? I wish I had her back at times although she was a bit overpowering than what I am now. Part of my creativity is lovked up inside the person I've become. Therefore; I must accept her as myself and move on with my writing and what is true to me. Trying to find something that is not there is not going to hurt anyone.
March 11, 2008 at 10:16pm
March 11, 2008 at 10:16pm

With my age I'm always wondering if I am able to suceed in things mostly because of the way the press makes over the youth. I remember when I was younger that they didn't make a big deal about Hollywood and their decsions. Again, I think they introduced these things to us a little at a time until we didn't realize that we were all being held out for open exposure! Maybe it's just me because I am beginning to look older than I feel. Oh well, I guess I accept my fate and go on. Just keep trying to do what I do in the best way I can.

Life is hard sometimes and we just take things a day at a time...often it is a moment at a time. I hope you enjoy sharing my journey!
March 5, 2008 at 2:37pm
March 5, 2008 at 2:37pm
There is as much wisdom in soliciting good counsel as in giving it. The most sensible people are not reluctant to consider the feelings of other people; and to know how to submit to the wise guidance of others is a kind of wisdom in itself.
--Magdeleine Sable
March 5, 2008 at 2:37pm
March 5, 2008 at 2:37pm
There is as much wisdom in soliciting good counsel as in giving it. The most sensible people are not reluctant to consider the feelings of other people; and to know how to submit to the wise guidance of others is a kind of wisdom in itself.
--Magdeleine Sable
March 5, 2008 at 2:30pm
March 5, 2008 at 2:30pm
Does anyone out there in BLOBSVILLE have a Mother who tries to control her, when her is 50 plus years old. What's wrong? What happened, did I turn back into a child were she is allow to spank me? I'm ready
for that to happen. I cried last week at her home and she laugh and said just go ahead and cry. So heartless she was that I call her every day and I haven't called within a week. I can't continue
to allow her to treat me like this. It's tough no doubt...help me someone!
March 4, 2008 at 12:24am
March 4, 2008 at 12:24am
I have been so depressed the past week. Why do I let my Mother make me crazy? This is the longest it has been since I have talked to my Mother. I spent the night at the beginning of last week. After becoming very emotional at her house, well, it is my house, inherited from my Aunt, my Mother laughed at me and said go ahead and cry. She said it so mean. I remember exactly what I said, “I can’t believe my Aunt treated my grandmother so bad.” I started talking about a particular time it happen and since my Aunt died, I guess she should be treated like a saint. My Aunt was so mean, until the day, she died but now that she is day, we are to treat her like a saint. I speak the truth, in life and in death. What makes people who are mean a saint after they die? I’ve never understood and probably never will. My Mother won’t even pick up the phone to see how I’m doing because she is so stingy! I cannot continue to let her abuse me even if it is my Mother.

I’ve been miserable last week and this week for it but this time I think it is time for her to apologize for how she treats me and if she doesn’t I guess I would rather hire someone to check on her than to fight with her. I am an only child. She has has always been mean but she mean to others now and does not watch how she talks. Someone advised me to do a power of attorney but I am afraid she would kill me on that; she even argues with the doctor!

Life is hard sometimes and we just take things a day at a time...often it is a moment at a time. I hope you enjoy sharing my journey!
March 2, 2008 at 12:08pm
March 2, 2008 at 12:08pm
This brought tears to my eyes and it did because I have been so struggling the last few days. You know when you feel like we do, we've done so many different things in life, I believe running away from the writer in us, just in case, we fail at that too. Does that make sense? I come from a long list of people who said, "You can't." Why am I questioning at this age of 53, why can't I? It makes me sick to my stomach. I feel like vomiting up whatever makes me go back to the You can't! My daughter says to me all the time, Mom why do you let others tell you what you can and cannot do? You can do anything you want to do. What happen to the young girl I used to be that had the attitute she does? I've proven it many times that I can do. Recently I stopped in at a photography studio. I said to myself, "I've always loved photograpy. Anything to do with the Arts." I wasn't looking for a job but that day but I got it and it's probably happened at least 35 times in my life I got a job I didn't think I could get. Wouldn't that prove my value? No, and you ask why. When I got the job I excelled on the creatve aspect. I took pictures of any and everyone and left myself opened to their ideas as well. I sold the packages like crazy. It was hard to learn 3 computer programs. One contented with the camera, one with the sales, and the register's computer. Especially with a teacher who couldn't teach it; she had done it for 15 years so it came easy to her. If I had done the job 15 years I could do it to; my daughter said to beware of her, Mom, she's jealous. There will be trouble. The teacher/employee/office manager told me the company didn't supply her with supplies. That there was a wallet/purse in the bottom drawer, lost and found, no id. I didn't believe her and on a day when she was off I found an ID, not a driver's license but a health clinic receipt. It had their name on it where they had paid $50! Not a lot of money but for poor Mexicans in the US it was a lot of money. There was $300 in that purse that this evil lady was going to keep. I was furious. The money had been sitting there since September and it was November. They probably could use the money for Christmas. Maybe it was wrong but I reported it and I continued to see this lady, if you could call her that, steal! They kept her and I am now at the door. I loved the job. Why did it happen? Why did I have to fail one more time to make my self esteem just a little lower?

I am an only child. My Mother and I are the only ones left, except for my 2 children and she can't until this day show me love. I wept in front of her just the other day. What did she say, "You are such a cry baby. Just go ahead and cry." That was Tuesday. I usually call her everyday cause she lives alone in the house I inheirted from my Aunt. I don't have anything to say to a mother who hurts me still. And with your quote that I know is right, Love for all, hatred for none."

I cannot continue to let her and others abuse me and make the depression worse.

I've wrote so much I'll have to post it in my port, in my BLOG that I quit a long time ago. I think I quit so I won't be sucessful just to please my Mother. She doesn't want me to succeed down deep inside.

Diane, feeling just like you. I think misery does love company because just knowing someone else felt the same at an older age made me feel I wasn't so alone. In that I thank you from the bottom of my heart for posting your grief. Do you ever want to run away?

Life is hard sometimes and we just take things a day at a time...often it is a moment at a time. I hope you enjoy sharing my journey!

Life is hard sometimes and we just take things a day at a time...often it is a moment at a time. I hope you enjoy sharing my journey!

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