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Rated: E | (4.0)

This is a review of your poll "Favorite Original Star Trek Character?

Consideration level of the question posed
         - Simple and clearly understandable without a lot of unnecessary information

Completeness/variety of answer options
         - Fairly complete with the regular cast featured plus an 'unnamed' space for semi-regular characters (example: Nurse Chapel) that aren't listed. You might want to consider including a note such as (email me with character name) on that last line -- but only if you are really interested.

Result of the results
         - Only six votes so far, and the only surprise is where Captain Kirk is in the running so far.

Final thoughts
         - Hoping this public review brings more people in to vote. I'd like to see what results a larger sampling brings. Are you planning, or do you have polls for any of the other Star Trek shows (TNG, DS9, VOY, ENT)?

Douglas returning

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Rated: E | (5.0)


I'm making my rounds to all the items that were a part of the Frosty Tavern's St. Patrick's Day Pot O' Gold Hunt.

Thanks for sharing your work during this grand event. I had a lot of fun finding everything.

"The Geese and the Willow [E]

The Lilibonelle poem format is an interesting one and a nice change of pace from most of the poetry I write and read. I may have to try this one sometime.

You have some beautiful imagery here. The repetition of the lines of the first stanza in the remainder of the poem and the additional descriptions used thereafter made the scene you were painting unfold in my mind like a flower opening its petals to great the morning sun. Wonderful job here. Simply wonderful.

Douglas returning

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Review of OTHER POEMS  
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)


I'm making my rounds to all the items that were a part of the Frosty Tavern's St. Patrick's Day Pot O' Gold Hunt.

Thanks for sharing your work during this grand event. I had a lot of fun finding everything.


This is a great little collection of poems. I love that they all deal with Nature in one form or another: the Nature of a Mother, the Nature of a Bird, the Nature of Self, the Nature of the Unknown, and even Nature Herself in one of Her many guises.

All the poems are short reads and easily comprehensible. Thanks for sharing your spirit in the words contained herein.

Douglas returning

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Review of Above All Others  
Rated: E | (4.5)

This is a review of your poem "Above All Others

First impressions:
         - Enticing and simple. A wonderful sentiment of love teasingly and plainly stated. Oh, to find someone to whom I could whisper this - or who would whisper it to me.

Line(s) that caught my eye:
         - Normally I'd quote the line or lines that are my favorite in a poem. But since my favorites are the last three in this short, sweet poem and I don't want to ruin it for anyone who may find their way here from the review page....

         - No spelling, style, or rhythm errors that I can see. I would like to suggest that you change the period of the third line to a comma and add a comma to the end of the fourth line. This is because the fourth line begins an otherwise incomplete phrase.

Contest prompt usage?
         - None indicated.

Final thoughts
         - Your first love poem? Well, maybe. But your poetic skills clearly show and this is a job very well done.

Write on!
Douglas returning

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Review of Variety C-Notes  
Rated: E | (4.5)


I'm making my rounds to all the items that were a part of the Frosty Tavern's St. Patrick's Day Pot O' Gold Hunt.

Thanks for sharing your work during this grand event. I had a lot of fun finding everything.

"Variety C-Notes [E]

This is definitely an award winning collection of c-notes.

A collection of 10 great friendship c-notes ranging from "Get well soon" to "Thinking of you", there's bound to be one here that someone will want. And if not, there are links to 5 other card shops. If there's still nothing, then there's the link to a coupon site with (to my mind) a truly unique form of c-notes. And all are very reasonably price.

You are a great artist and your care for quality shows in each piece.

Great job and best wishes on your shops.

Douglas returning

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Rated: E | (5.0)


I'm making my rounds to all the items that were a part of the Frosty Tavern's St. Patrick's Day Pot O' Gold Hunt.

Thanks for sharing your work during this grand event. I had a lot of fun finding everything.

"Items on the Craft of Writing [E]

This folder should be on the favorites list of everyone here at WDC. It doesn't matter what you are writing, there is something in here to help you improve your written communication skills - and isn't that one of the big reasons we are all here we are all here?

Informative, concise, and entertaining. And that you also include some interesting quizzes just adds to the fun factor as well.

A very handy compendium that looks to be under continuous construction which means updated and new information is being gathered. That means there's even more reasons to come back - even if we don't need to do so for regular referencing.

Very nice. Very handy. Write On!

Douglas returning

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Rated: ASR | (4.0)

This is a review of your interview, "Interview with Ben Franklin - Part 1

Overall thoughts:
         - I've always been a fan of Benjamin Franklin, so this piece was right up my alley. A nice read and very informative for those not as familiar with his history. The overall flow worked well, even with the interviewer "stepping out" of the interview to bring additional information. Actually, those moments work well too; they are akin to a modern day news reporter. So good job on that.

What struck me:
         - The added touches, personal comments, from Ben Franklin (see quote in first point below) really helped to bring him to life and made the reading all the more enjoyable. Nice touch.

What struck me as odd or off:
         - While I could hear Franklin's voice in your interview (“I hope that is not a trick question sir,”), I didn't see his words all the time. In particular, I don't recall him using any contractions whether in narrative or quotation in his autobiography. Consider fully spelling out any usage of "can't" as cannot and the like in his speech.
         - ...each paying an initial sum of forty shillings, then 10 shillings a year thereafter.” This may just be a peculiarity of mine, but I would spell out the word "ten" instead of using the numbers. A memory from high school English class keeps telling me that if a number is under 20, then spell it out. Otherwise it is fine to use the numeric representation. The call is yours to make, but at least be consistent with two numbers so closely spaced.
         - "The British government were imposing a heavy tax burden on the colonies... I believe "were" should be "was" in this instance for afreement purposes.

Contest entry/prompt:
         - None.

Final comment(s):
         - Having read Ben Franklin's autobiography, I was impressed with the thoroughness of your research. A job well done.

Write On!
Douglas returning

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Review of Painted Pink  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)

This is a review of your poem "Painted Pink

First impressions:
         - Hot and steamy! Then a yank on the reader's chain in the last line. Great use of words. Powerful choices.

Line(s) that caught my eye:
Painting my flesh flush

         - This is a great alternate description to match the title. The alliteration touch is fantastic.

         - Everything works and looks good on this front.

Contest prompt usage?
         - None indicated.

Final thoughts
         - As Reviewers Reviewed round three hasn't officially started yet, this is just a personal review. You have a great way with words and a keen eye for the correlations between the two disparate events. Great job.

Write on!
Douglas returning

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Rated: E | (4.0)
Lobelia is truly blessed

This is a review of your crossword, "Theater Vocabulary crossword

Overall thoughts:
         - I really enjoyed this puzzle and the challenge presented to, not only my memory of the requested terminology, but also my internet search to find the answers I was missing. Good job overall on this.

What struck me:
         - A good mix of hard and easy clues that are generally well worded.

What struck me as odd or off:
         - I think there may be a problem with clue 6 Across. The number of spaces in the puzzle fit the action of the clue and one space short for the person of the clue - unless my answer was completely off. (I'll submit my answer via e-mail so I don't spoil the puzzle for others wanting to try in the meantime.

Final comment(s):
         - I haven't been in a play since my senior year of high school and thought I'd remember just about everything about the production part of it. Turns out I only remembered about half of it.

Write On!
Douglas returning

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Review of Write Stuff  
Rated: E | (4.5)

This is a review of your poem "Write Stuff

First impressions:
         - Maybe I'm just not looking in the right places, but I don't seem to find many limericks among the multitudes of poetry available here. I'm very glad to have found this. Great overall job here.

Line(s) that caught my eye:
Struggle as I might
to get the stuff right,

         - How well we all know this feeling. *Wink*

         - No major problems, but lines 1, 2, and 5 all seem to be just short of the traditional limerick syllables per line. There's nothing really wrong with that, but I found it to be a bit distracting. Sorry if this comment seems to only prove the point of your poem.*Rolleyes**Blush*

Contest prompt usage?
         - None indicated.

Final thoughts
         - Overall a great poem. Congratulations on the ribbon for this.

Write on!
Douglas returning

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Rated: E | (3.5)
Megan Nicole Huntington

This is a review of your poem "The Place Where I Go

First impressions:
         - I just love that kind of retreat location. Hard to find unless you are actively looking for it or realize the specialness of the location when you find it. I always manage to find one of them everywhere I go.

Line(s) that caught my eye:
just the stars and the moon shining ever so bright,

         - Living in the fourth largest city in the states, I miss the stars

         - A freestyle poem doesn't require any particular type of rhythm or styling. But a couple of other quick notes.
         - long drive to get there/out here you won't find In the space of three lines you change the location of the speaker. My suggestion is that you match the locations in both lines as either "here" or "there".
         - i come here quite often Capitalize the "I" in this line.

Contest prompt usage?
         - None indicated

Final thoughts
         - May your special place be eternally secret for as long as you need it. Very nice poem.

Write on!
Douglas returning

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Rated: 18+ | (5.0)

What a great idea - I can see that this is a continuously flowing spring of inspiration, not only for you, but for any Vasco de Gamma out there in WDC-land looking for the source of eternal inspiration. I hope you keep it up for a long time to come.

I've got you tagged as a favorite and plan on coming back (when I'm better able to keep my eyes open *Bigsmile*. I may eventually need to create a folder for the work I see myself potentially doing because of this.

Keep up the great work here. And I'll see you around.

Write On!

Douglas returning

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Review of Unrequited Love  
Rated: E | (4.0)

This is a review of your poem "Unrequited Love

First impressions:
         - I certainly understand the frustration of an unrequited love. If you are interested, I can point you to an item in my port in that regards. But this isn't about me, it's about your poem. For being a start into a new style of writing, you did a good job. I'm glad to see that for an early attempt, you didn't go the route of traditional poetry - measured rhythm and consistent rhyme. The topic of the poem should influence the style of writing and you made a good choice with this freeform.

Line(s) that caught my eye:
You have built me up from the ground,
And have made me into the woman that I am today.

         - The closing lines well portray the best of emotions that one experiences in such a relationship.

         - I saw nothing wrong with any of the items listed for this category.

Contest prompt usage?
         - None indicated

Final thoughts
         - Just a personal observation. From the tone of the speaker in the poem, they are portrayed as being in regular contact with the object of their affection. If they weren't, I would recommend a bit more angst-y tone. I say this because that is just the feel I get upon hearing the word 'unrequited' and what I would expect from a poem about that topic. My expectations were not satisfied here. But a different persons experience isn't necessarily going to match up with everyone else's.
         -Despite that, you've done a good job here. Keep it up.*Thumbsup*

Write on!
Douglas returning

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Review of Soul For Sale  
Rated: E | (4.0)
J. A. Buxton

This is a review of your short story, "Soul For Sale

Overall thoughts:
         - A fairly clever short that follows the listed prompt very well. Using a third-person, or *ahem* god-view perspective for the story works. I first thought the creative bars placed between each scene would be overly distracting, but they proved to be rather effective. Especially since the scene changes so frequently.

What struck me:
         - While I grew up in a Christian environment, I never knew the qualities of the angels. To have this information within the story, at least for the angels' names that I was aware of, was a surprise and interestingly informative. You've obviously done your homework or are showing a devotion to your faith.

I also like the physical side effects on earth as the bidding war progressively 'heats up'.

What struck me as odd or off:
         - The conclusion of the story completely threw me off. The final bid, while from the person I thought it would be, was not the price I thought would be offered. For me, this made the ending sorta anticlimactic.

Final comment(s):
         - An interesting read. You capture the reader's attention through the end. Good job there. Using a more predictable ending on this story is one of those few instances where it would be satisfactory to the reader.

Write On!
Douglas returning

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Rated: E | (4.5)
~~Mc Young~~

This is a review of your poll " Religion now vs. Where you are born

Consideration level of the question posed
         - This question certainly has a lot of philosophical potentiality and one worth pondering. On both a personal and national level.

Completeness/variety of answer options
         - The principle options are listed, the ones that probably should count the most. These answers are like the "level of agreement, check 1 for strongly agree/check 5 for strongly disagree" style answers. A little more distinction between answers 1 & 2 and 4 & 5 would help to clarify this.

Result of the results
         - Personally, I'm not surprised by the answer that takes the top spot on this poll. What does surprise me is how close the percentages are for the remaining 4 answers.

Final thoughts
         - Overall this is an intriguing poll. Perhaps the results explain some of the mindsets about religion. The only thing missing is to find out how many of the respondents have, in the course of their lifetime, intentionally changed their religion or beliefs from what they grew up with to what they hold now.

Douglas returning

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Rated: E | (4.0)

Overall thoughts:
An interesting piece that challenges the imagination and drive of the reader. So what that little if any of the actions listed are actually doable (outside of the imagination). This poem challenges the reader to dream big and work for the large goals that are attainable. This idea is well presented.

What struck me:
Even knowing the limitless bounds of the human imagination, you have presented a wonder variety of possibilities. Matching each action to an appropriate reward for having completed it is a wonderful device for this type of poetry.

What struck me as odd or off:
The line waves crashing endlessly, caused me to stumble a bit. The anticipated accents that you set up in the previous lines does not seem to fall naturally within the words of this line. I had to go back a couple of times until the rhythm felt right. Perhaps you could take a look and see if there is any way to smooth it over a bit.

Final comment(s):
Anything that challenges the human imagination or fuels a persons drive to accomplish is a worthwhile endeavor. Overall, a very good job on this.

Write On!
Douglas returning

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Rated: E | (4.5)
J. A. Buxton

Oh, my! Great job with the descriptives throughout this short story! Bringing in all the senses in such a way that your reader will be able to recognize and experience each one without fail.

By the time your character was halfway through the box, I was looking for something sweet to eat here at home. Sadly, there was no chocolate. Only the remnants of a box of Christmas ribbon candy. I had to live vicariously through your character to experience the chocolate. Your writing made that easy to do, though.

You've obviously worked on this for quite a while. I found no spelling or grammatical errors. The only thing that bothers me in any way is the following sentence:

No ordinary chocolates were inside, but only the best that money could buy.

I think deleting the word but after the comma will still leave the sentence intact and understandable. I had to read through the first paragraph a couple of times before recognizing this troublesome phrasing.

Aside from that, Great job.

Write On!
Douglas returning

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Rated: E | (4.0)
This mad-lib came out so wrong in so many ways*Laugh**Laugh**Laugh* - but at the same time so right*Confused*. I won't say how in case any review readers want to try it out.

Very good job with putting this one together. I haven't really done a mad-lib since I was a lot younger, but this was definitely very fun(ny). *Wink*

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