        by Poppy Moss   (popwych@Writing.Com)
This folder relates to many of my life experiences and gives a brief look at the thoughts within me expressed in poetry form.
I do not profess to be a poet. I am passionate about writing and when inspiration strikes, I express myself in whatever form springs to the surface. I hope you enjoy reading them as much as I enjoyed the writng of them.
Portfolio -> Poetry
    Rated: E · Experience · #1739557
    The desolation of homelessness.
    Rated: E · Environment · #1739551
    A view from a window in the Scottish Highlands.
    Rated: E · Experience · #1739550
    Sparks fly from bonfires and during emotional roller coasters.
    Rated: ASR · Environment · #1739546
    Bonfire night
    Rated: E · Experience · #1739223
    Memories of the fifties and sixties.
    Rated: E · Experience · #1739220
    Memories of the past.
    Rated: E · Emotional · #1739219
    Loss of a husband through bereavement.
    Rated: E · Emotional · #1739218
    Loss of a loved one, through bereavement,divorce or separation.
    Rated: E · Emotional · #1739215
    A poem relating to the loss of a loved one, through bereavement, divorce or separation.
    Rated: E · Emotional · #1738279
    Ageing may hide beauty but it cannot hide love and feelings.

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