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Rated: GC · Book · Personal · #1395561
My thoughts/experiences/feelings/beliefs, depending on my mood. Blah, blah, blog.
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*Star* Winner of "Best Blog of 2011" for "The Quills. Previous winner of "30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS Round 1. A big, heartfelt thank-you to all of my fans and supporters! *Heart*

Welcome to the randomness, silliness, craziness, and all-around tomfoolery – what a great word that isn't used nearly enough – that is my blog. Don't get me wrong, it isn't always silly and crazy. Sometimes it's serious or sad but, more often than not, it's comical. Nonetheless, it is always entertaining. I try to see the fun in life. I'll add to it as much as I can so make sure you check back often. *Cool* Feel free to leave a comment or review to let me know you stopped by. *Wink*

"Invalid Item         "Invalid Item

DISCLAIMER: If you are someone who gets offended easily, then you shouldn't go any further. I'm up-front, to-the-point, sarcastic and honest (sometimes brutally so). I tell it like it is, or the way I think it is. If you don't get offended very easily, then you've come to the right blog. All are welcome. The fun is free! *Wink*

My life is an open book blog. Hilarity and chaos ensue...

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February 4, 2015 at 1:03am
February 4, 2015 at 1:03am
Day 3 Prompt: I have a muse, I never asked for one or wanted one, but then one day my muse showed up and has been hanging around here ever since. My muse is Andre the Blog Monkey, who most of you know. Do you have a muse? Tell us about your muse. How does he/she/it help you write and create? If you don't have a muse, try and generate one. You may need your muse to help you out down the road in this competition.

This is going to sound weird, but I don’t actually have a muse. I mean, I do…sort of. It’s an idea of someone. A thought, really. He's not just my muse. He's my everything. He is why I live and breathe. Whenever I write anything, he's the one I'm thinking about. Who is this figment of my imagination, you ask?

He's someone ...

... that loves me with reckless abandon -- deeply, passionately & unconditionally -- always.

... who has a backbone & is NOT a spineless, gutless coward.

... that knows I won't always be on my "A" game & loves me, not in spite of that, but BECAUSE of that. He understands me, knows I'm not perfect & loves me anyway.

... I can talk to about anything and everything, or nothing & he enjoys it all the same.

... who is strong enough, and has the courage, to be with someone as strong & courageous as I am.

... who will call me out when I give him shit & give it right back to me, if necessary.

... that won't lie to me. He may not tell me everything, he doesn't need to, but he's honest with me. Always.

... who will always kiss me goodnight.

... who hasn't "settled" for me because I'm his only option. He wants ME. Period.

... who appreciates me & will never take me for granted.

... who brings me flowers, not because it's my birthday, a holiday or our anniversary, but simply because it's a day that he has me in his life.

... that recognizes that my friends & family are just as important as his.

... who can finish my thoughts and sentences because he understands me so completely.

... who won't mind having to climb and/or tear down a few walls. I'm worth it.

... that I LIKE just as much as I LOVE.

... who sees the beauty on the outside, but is more appreciative & thankful for the beauty I have inside.

... who not only knows what romance is, but he also grasps just how important it is to keeping a relationship strong. Showing someone how you feel about them is just as important as telling them how you feel.

... that I can laugh with, joke around with and just be downright silly with & not worry that he thinks I'm immature. Who doesn't love someone that's just a kid at heart?

... who "gets" me.

... that makes me a priority in his life. I don't always need to be #1, but I'd like to, at least, be in the top 5.

... who will reach for my hand because he needs to touch me & feel physically connected to me, right then and there.

... who is supportive of me & my decisions.

... that is not afraid of, or intimidated by, my intelligence, my independence, or my successes. I don't keep "score". He shouldn't either.

... who adores spending time with me, whether we are out on a date, hanging with friends/family, or having a quiet night at home.

... who knows that there are times when a kind word or compliment is just what I need to hear, especially if I'm upset or having a bad day.

... that is an extension of my soul or, using my favorite Irish-Gaelic saying, he is "mo anam cara" (translation: my soul mate).

... who doesn't feel the need to constantly put me down & degrade me in order to feel better about himself.

... who asks about my day, listens, and is truly interested in hearing about it, not out of a sense of obligation, but because he really wants to know.

... who realizes I had a life before meeting him, and won't judge me, or fault me, for it. He won't be jealous of it, either. Instead, he'll embrace it for making me the person I am today.

... that knows the importance of keeping the lines of communication open.

... who is my other half; the part of me that I never knew was missing, until I met him.

... who doesn't think a disease makes me defective because I can't have kids.

... who looks at me like I'm the only woman on Earth & there is no one else he'd rather be with.

... who is proud of me & tells me so.

... that isn't too scared to tell me how much he loves me.

... who is passionate about life & takes pleasure in living it to the fullest...with me.

... who smiles when I walk into a room because he's happy to see me, even if I've only been gone for 5 minutes.

... who will never stop showing me how much I mean to him, even after he's got me.

... that loves stargazing, spotting a rainbow, or watching a beautiful sunset as much as I do. He admires how spectacular everyday life can be.

... who calls me because he can't wait another second to hear my voice.

... that I can cuddle up with and watch the Phillies/Flyers/Eagles games, night after night & he always thinks it's the best date. Ever (even if our team loses).

... who I trust & he trusts me in return.

... that knows that, sometimes, I may say I'm OK, when I'm not. He holds me, tells me he loves me & lets me know everything will be all right.

... who isn't repulsed by a scar. Each one tells a story & mine is quite simple: I survived. He should be relieved by it & thankful for it.

... that I can kick back, relax & talk sports with, without him being intimidated if/when I know more stats than he does.

... who believes in the beauty of dreams & wants to chase them together.

... who isn't afraid to argue. It happens in every healthy relationship & it makes them stronger. After all, heated arguments create heat & making up is A LOT of fun!

... who is my best friend. True friendship creates real love.

... that wants a partner, an equal, and NOT a maid/cook/laundry service/baby factory. He wants the love of his life; someone he can share everything with. Again, I'll say he's "mo anam cara" and I am his.

... who accepts the fact that I am perfectly imperfect, just like him.

... that will never intentionally hurt me. It's impossible to find someone that won't make mistakes, but he should be worthy of me & my forgiveness.

... that is a sarcastic smartass like me.

... who will ALWAYS have my back.

... that considers himself the luckiest guy in the world because I return all of the sentiments above & THEN SOME ... and I spoil him rotten daily.

I want to be his leading lady AND his best friend. Is that so wrong? Is it too much to ask? Does this man actually exist? The hopeless romantic in me says that he does. The realistic part of me also says he exists, but that he’s either taken or gay (not that there’s anything wrong with that).

Maybe he is out there wondering if I exist. Only time will tell, I suppose.

I’ll leave you with a song. You may already guess what it is, since the lyrics are the title of this entry.

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February 3, 2015 at 11:11am
February 3, 2015 at 11:11am
I’m back, baby!

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It’s been a long time…too long, actually. At the request of my buddy Norb (aka Fivesixer ), I’m throwing my hat in the ring for the 30DBC. I can’t promise that I’ll be able to write an entry every day. I’ll do what I can, when I can. And, so, I’m back, by popular demand. You’ll have to forgive me for not having all the fancy formatting in this entry. I’m just getting my sea legs back, so it’ll take me some time to re-adjust to the world of blogging.

Now, on to the elephant in the room. You’re probably wondering where the Hell I’ve been. Well, that’s exactly where I’ve been: to Hell and back. I finally divorced the douchebag. You can go ahead and say it. It took me long enough. Believe me, I know. My divorce was final on December 1st. I guess you can say that Christmas came early for me. He kept the house. I didn’t want it. I got myself a nice place. My best friend (of 24 years), Jen, is also divorced now. She had nowhere to go with her 2 kids, so I took them in. She’s got joint custody of her kids, so they’re here half the time. I rescued a dog, named Bailey. She’s my baby. The ex-husband has my other dog, Jamee. Don’t ask because it’ll only upset me. I got a new job, working for a company I love. I work from home with some occasional travel. My office is in Des Moines, Iowa, so I have to go there every 6 to 8 weeks or so. Well, you’re all caught up on the craziness that is my life.

And now, here I am. Back to basics. Back to blogging. I know this is a late entry, but it is what it is. I can’t promise that I’ll be able to blog every day this month, but I’ll do what I can. Baby steps, you know?

Groundhog’s Day

Day 2 Prompt: Do they know it's Groundhog Day? Does your part of the world have such a weather-related tradition? Are there any weather-related traditions (actual or completely bogus) you observe? Tell us about the weather conditions in your part of the world.

Well, I live in the part of the world where Puxsutawney Phil (the groundhog) resides. In short, yes, we do have weather-related traditions in my part of the world that are quite ridiculous. I would like to know how Phil was able to see his shadow yesterday when there was no sun. I would also like to know how they know that he, in fact, saw his shadow. The last I checked, groundhogs couldn’t speak. Hmmmmmm….

When I think of Groundhog’s Day, I tend to think more about a Bill Murray comedy than I do about a groundhog or the possibility of 6 more dreadful weeks of winter. It gets me thinking, especially with everything I’ve been through recently. I think about missed opportunities and how many do-overs I’ll actually get in this life. Will I ever be happy? Don’t get me wrong, I’m a very happy person. I guess I worded that poorly. What I mean is, will I ever find true love? That gut-wrenching, all-consuming, can’t-live-without-him, he’s-my-other-half soulmate. I wonder if I let him slip away. No, I am not talking about my ex-husband. He was all wrong for me. I’m talking about someone else. Someone that was (and hopefully still is) my best friend. Someone that I was too afraid to tell how I felt for fear of rejection, fear of ruining our friendship, fear of the unknown. Was he the one and I let him get away or was it fate that intervened and prevented it from happening because he was all wrong for me too? Will I be stuck in this vicious Groundhog’s Day cycle, to continuously live each day questioning all of the what-ifs, whys, remember-whens, and if-onlys? Am I naïve to think that true love actually exists or is it just a fairy tale we tell ourselves to make the quest worthwhile? Do I even deserve it or am I unlovable? With everything I’ve been through – and, believe me, this divorce has done a number on me – I second guess myself a lot and question whether or not I’m even a good person. Maybe we all have this self-doubt, but don’t always voice our concerns. I’m rambling, aren’t I? For those of you familiar with my blog, you’ll know that it tends to happen occasionally.

That's all I've got for now. I'll be back, though. I made a promise, and one thing is for sure, I always keep my promises.

As is customary with my blog, I’ll leave you with a song. Have a good day, all…and happy blogging! *Cool*

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March 10, 2012 at 2:52pm
March 10, 2012 at 2:52pm

I know I’ve been a little MIA around blogville for the last week or so. Sorry about that. I promise to catch up on reading blogs in the next few days. I’ve had some stuff going on.

To say the last few weeks have been tumultuous would be a gross understatement. A few weeks ago, I wrote this entry, "Invalid Entry. It’s the entry where I announced my promotion, but I also said there was something else. Something I not only wasn’t able to talk about, I couldn’t bring myself to do it.

Well, it’s now official so I’m “allowed” to talk about it, but it is something pretty difficult. At the same time I was considering, and accepted, my promotion, my boss (actually, my boss’s boss, but I’ll get in to that in a minute) also gave his notice. His last day is Friday.

He is the one that hired me 8 years ago. He tells me, and anyone around, that it’s one of the best decisions he ever made. At that time, he was the manager on my team at work. Well, my old team. They’re no longer my team, since the promotion. Anyway, he hired me as an analyst. He was the manager. The team had a senior analyst, a bunch of other analysts and an associate analyst.

In May 2007, he was promoted to a director. The senior on my team was promoted to the manager of the team, and I was promoted to the senior. In his role as director, he oversaw all of the teams. We all reported up to him.

Before those promotions, while he was my direct boss, we had been through a lot. There were several open enrollments, which is, by far, our craziest, busiest, most insane time of the year. Tensions are high, people pretty much work around the clock, and there’s tons of stress. He’s a natural born leader and motivator, and always kept us in check when things got tough and/or went to shit.

During the years that he was my manager, I went through a lot in my personal life. I got engaged, bought a house, my mom died, I got married, I struggled severely with my endometriosis. Having a male boss, it was difficult to discuss some of those “female” things. At one point, he could tell there was something that wasn’t right, so he pulled me in to his office one day to check on me. I sputtered a bit because I couldn’t quite find the words, and I didn’t feel right opening up to him. Finally he said, “Julie, I grew up with 2 sisters, and I have a wife. There’s nothing you can say that I haven’t heard. I won’t be offended, and it definitely will not take me by surprise.” I opened up to him about it. I got a little choked up a few times, but managed to get through it without crying, thankfully. He was shocked at all I had been through. Eventually, John and I had decided to look into fertility treatments. I went to him and told him that if I was acting “off” to please bear with me. Fertility treatments can make you nuts. All of the fertility specialists we went to told us the same thing. No way. So, I didn’t have to go through the crazy, hormonal treatments, but that sealed the deal as far as having kids. I knew it wouldn’t happen. I told my boss about that, too, and he was very understanding and supportive.

I veered off topic a little there. I think you get the idea. We had been through a lot together. After he moved into his role as director, I was the one he relied on the most whenever projects came up. I was his “go to resource” and his “system and subject matter expert” – all his words. He told everyone that, and that’s how everyone started coming to me with any questions they had. That’s how I got started with doing all of our in-house and client training. And, if a client was in jeopardy, he pulled me in. He has told me numerous times, that I have saved the company millions of dollars. That particular pain in the ass client that he pulled me in on last year? Yeah, I got pulled in because they were threatening to leave. They told my company point blank, “if you don’t have a new team in place by March 15th, we’re out of here.” I went back to work after my hysterectomy on March 14th, the day before their deadline. He approached me that day. When I said yes to helping, he introduced me to them, that day. Here we are almost a year later. That client is still a client. By the way, they are a million dollar a year + revenue client. As much of a pain in the ass as they are, if they had left, that would have been a HUGE hit. People would have lost their jobs.

Why am I telling you all of this? Because understanding the inner workings of office politics, and how things have played out over the years will help you understand just how big of a blow it is to lose someone like him. He has a “work hard, play hard” philosophy that is simply amazing. He instituted a “fun committee” to come up with all kinds of awesome team building exercises – an indoor golf outing where each team had to build their own golf hole, a city-wide scavenger hunt where we were split into teams, given clues to find various things throughout Philadelphia, each thing we found, led to another clue until we were finished (very Amazing Race *Smile*), and so many other numerous fun events throughout the years. We have a ping pong table in our cafeteria for God’s sake! *Laugh* That was also his doing. He made me want to go to work every day because I knew that, no matter what the day brought, I’d get through it, even if everything went to shit…which it usually does during OE (open enrollment). *Laugh*

So, his last day is Friday. I actually won’t be in the office on Friday. I’m leaving for a quick vacation. We’re going to Clearwater for Phillies Spring Training. I think it’s probably a good thing that I won’t be there for his last day. His going away happy hour is Thursday night. I will be there for that. My co-workers and I have been talking about this since his leaving was made public. I was one of the select few that knew about it before the official announcement was made. It was part of the reason that I decided to take the promotion. I had been on the fence about it, his leaving sealed the deal. It moved me to another department. The one thing all of my co-workers and I have been saying, there are going to be a lot of tears at his happy hour, and again on his last day next Friday.

I wanted to give him a going away present, and I had really been thinking about something appropriate to get him. In the end, I thought the best thing was something that would help him take his “work hard, play hard” mentality with him to his new job. What was the gift, you ask? *Bigsmile* Well, a really nice Phillies pen. That covers the “work hard” piece. For the “play hard” piece, I got him a desktop golf game (complete with little, tiny putting green, golf balls, clubs and even sand for the sand trap) and a desktop ping pong game. He’s leaving the ping pong table in our cafeteria. I got him a “congratulations on your new job” card, and in it, I included a letter that I had written. The letter said the following:

”As you know, I’m a published writer, so I’m all too familiar with deadlines, plotting ideas, and, unfortunately, writer’s block. I have to say that, every time I tried to write this, I found myself getting hit with the worst case of writer’s block I’ve ever had. Other than my mom’s eulogy, and some pieces I wrote for my dad, this is one of the hardest things I have ever had to write.

I’ve spent 8 years growing up here. The reason I say “growing up” is because I do feel that I’ve grown, both personally and professionally, and that is, in no small part, due to you and the influence you’ve had on me. Eight years ago you decided to take a chance on me and hire me. Saying ‘thank you’ just doesn’t quite seem appropriate. It seems too small.

I’ve been through a lot in the last 8 years. We both have. From a professional standpoint, you have taught me so much, not only about this industry, but also about how to put my best foot forward always, even when things aren’t going as well as planned. You have not only been a teacher, you’ve been a mentor and a role model. A good mentor is able to share life experiences and wisdom, as well as technical expertise and, of course, support. They are good listeners, good observers, and good problem-solvers. They make an effort to know, accept, and respect the goals and interests of the person they are mentoring. If I told you that you have been a good mentor that would be such an understatement. You have been an excellent mentor.

You are an amazing role model because you’re able to inspire so easily. You have made me want to be a better person. Not only have I learned so much about this industry, but I have learned a ton about myself. You are a natural at being a leader, and it shows. I never felt like I was following you, or being led by you, because you treated me with respect, and you treated me as an equal, always doing so honestly and with an open mind. You guided me along the way and allowed me to decide how to handle difficult situations, and how to come up with creative solutions to meet client needs…and to keep them happy.

You live by the motto “work hard, play hard” which is such an important thing, but it’s often overlooked. This was the first company I ever worked for that had that mentality. You recognize the importance of keeping employees happy because you know that happy employees are more productive and more loyal. You always let your teams know they are appreciated, and how important they are in the grand scheme of things.

Personally, and this is where it gets really tough, you have been a wonderful friend. There are ups and downs in every relationship, that’s human nature. True friends are there to celebrate successes but, more importantly, they are there with a shoulder to cry on, or vent to, when times are tough. You have shared my personal triumphs and helped me through some of the most difficult times in my life. There are not enough words for me to properly express my gratitude.

For all of this, and so much more, thank you. I know that you will be great no matter where the road takes you on this journey. It’s been such a pleasure working with you and, although we’ll no longer be co-workers, I hope we can remain friends. I won’t say goodbye because I hate goodbyes, and I really don’t want this to be an ending, but rather a beginning. What I will say is good luck, and please keep in touch.”

I gave him everything yesterday because I know that next week he’ll be busy packing up his office. He’s worked there for 16 years so there’s a lot for him to pack. I didn’t want my gifts getting lost in the shuffle. Anyway, he LOVED the gifts. He cracked up laughing, and immediately broke out the golf game and started playing with it. *Laugh* When he opened the card and my letter, he got choked up and said, “I don’t think I can read this right now. I’ll read it at home.”

I’m at a loss. We all are. This is a huge hit, and it’s sad that it came to this. There was a definite power struggle going on – his boss felt threatened by him. Corporate tried really hard to save him, up to and including offering him his boss’s job. Yes, you read that right. He turned it down. It was too little too late. We've lost a lot of great people in the last few months because corporate was giving us no direction, and didn't give a rat's ass about the people leaving. It's disheartening. It has hurt each and every time someone has left. This one is the worst. He's the best boss I have ever had.

Unfortunately, it doesn’t end there. Thursday morning, there was a big announcement. My company was acquired by one of our competitors. The deal will close in the next 30 days. Until then we’re in limbo because they’re not at liberty to say anything. All they are saying is that this is a good thing for all of us. That remains to be seen. I have been through this twice in my life, and it hasn’t worked out so well either time. I would feel a lot more comfortable if we had been the acquirers rather than the acquirees. Needless to say, the next few weeks/months are going to be…interesting.

So, now you all know why I haven’t been around here much. Like I said, I’ll be around to read/comment on blogs in the next few days. Thanks for bearing with me, especially through this long ass entry that has probably bored you all into a coma. *Laugh*

My question to you guys is, have you ever had a boss that you just absolutely adored? Why were they such a great boss?

*Tv* In Other News *Video*

Has anyone seen that I am now listed as the "enforcer" on the "30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS page? That Michael (aka Thundersbeard 30DBC JULY HOST ), he cracks me up! I saw that the other day and laughed my ass off!! *Laugh* Yeah, I'm 5' 3 1/2" tall and could easily get blown over in a strong wind! *Laugh*

*Star* Plugs, Props & Other Things Worth Mentioning *Star*

I'd like to give a nice shout out to my buddy, Fivesixer 's employer, Walgreens. I was out back with the dog this morning. She was in the yard and I was standing on the deck, laughing at her - she's quite a goofball! I was barefoot and, when I turned to come back in the house, I got a big ol' splinter in the bottom of my foot. Right on the heel. OUCH! It was a big one, too. I thought I would just be able to yank it out, since it was so big, so I tried. The problem was that it wasn't smooth, so while I got the big chunk of it out, it split off, and there's still a piece of wood embedded in my heel, which is pretty much the worst possible place for a splinter. Every time I take a step, I feel it. I'm not a baby by any stretch of the imagination, but it hurts. Of course, I tried digging out what was left with a sterilized pair of tweezers. No dice. It got stuck even further. So, off to the drug store I went. I live in a heavily populated area. You would think that there would be a drug store on every corner. Wrong. *Rolleyes* Anyway, I wanted to get some drawing salve. Does anyone remember that from when you were a kid? My mom was always using that on us when we were kids. I was such a tomboy growing up. I always had cuts, scrapes, bruises, and splinters. So, the real name for drawing salve is Ichthammol Drawing Salve Ointment and, according to a Google search, can only be found at drugstores, but you have to ask the pharmacist for it. So, the closest drug store is CVS. They looked at me like I had 10 heads when I asked about it. I then went to 2 "mom and pop" type drug stores. They were the next closest drug stores. Fortunately, they both knew what I was talking about. Unfortunately, they didn't have any, but they could order but it would take a few days. That wasn't any help to me either. My fourth and final stop on my destination was Walgreens. It was the furthest and my last resort. Not only did they know what it was, but they actually had it in stock, too. Thank effin' God! Now, I just hope it works. I know it could take up to a day, though. Damn splinter! *Angry*

*Music1* Music, Music, Music *Music2*

I’m going to leave you with a very cool song that has been stuck in my head lately. Maybe it’s because we could all use some fun. *Cool*


I hope you’re all doing well! *Heart* Oh, if you’re wondering about the title of this entry, it comes from the following quote.

“Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment.” ~Buddha

Have a great weekend, all! *Delight*

March 3, 2012 at 2:18pm
March 3, 2012 at 2:18pm
It’s been a tumultuous week to say the very least, in both real life and life around the halls of WDC. Within a little more than a week, I got a promotion at work, won several Quill Awards, celebrated 4 years at WDC, had a few things featured in one of the newsletters on Wednesday, and my blog also celebrated its 4th birthday yesterday. *Balloonv* Thank you, Fivesixer , for the shout out on that one! *Bigsmile* There are some other things that happened at work this week, too. I had alluded to it in the entry where I announced my promotion, "Invalid Entry. I’m still not able to talk about that one, but I will do so in an entry soon. I promise.

We also had leap day on Wednesday. A whole extra day to use any way we want, which most of us probably spent working. *Pthb* *Laugh* Ironically, leap day was the final day of the very unofficial, and rather controversial, February blog challenge. While there were only a few participating in the month of February, I have no doubt they were happy to be done with that month as they found themselves leaping limping to the finish of a challenge most would like to forget.

“She who will no longer be spoken of by name" was supposed to write up closing remarks on leap day at the end of her unofficial challenge. It was going to be a way of ending the February blog challenge that she was running, and those that were participating needed to access her entry so they could write their final entries. Evidently, she had other ideas. She not only bailed on her own challenge under the guise of a pre-planned vacation, but she also blocked just about all of us from her portfolio. Thankfully, I did not participate in the February challenge, but I do feel bad for those who were because they weren’t actually able to write to a prompt since she blocked them from it.

Suffice it to say that things have been…interesting over at the "30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS since the hijack began at the end of January. It was disheartening to see how one person could do so much damage to something we all loved dearly. I think it’s safe to say that the ensuing train wreck that we all saw coming, but could do nothing about, had a lot of us losing faith in whether or not this challenge would survive it.

I am so glad to see that the "30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS has been cleaned up, and is now back to its original name without the “ON DISPLAY” in the naming convention. It is also good that Earl has enlisted the help of Michael (Thundersbeard 30DBC JULY HOST ) as an administrator. The “new and improved” "30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS looks great. I know Earl and Michael will be able to right the ship, and steer it in the appropriate direction. But, could someone please remove the “cookies for blog comments” from the description? Pretty, pretty please. *Bigsmile*

While I am a firm believer in giving credit where it is due, I feel that any reference to “she who will no longer be spoken of by name" should be removed from the "30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS forum page. She is the cause of the destruction of it and, therefore, should not be recognized as being a part of a contest that will be great again. And, uh, does anyone really want to buy her Kindle books from Amazon? Is there anyone that actually feels that reference should be listed on the page? In addition, it came to light this week, that this individual also STOLE GPs that were supposed to be used for the unofficial February challenge. I am referring to the 50,000 GPs that I donated, and the 50,000 GPs that Thundersbeard 30DBC JULY HOST donated. We both donated directly to her, since the February challenge was not affiliated with the blog challenge itself. What did she do with those 100,000 GPs? She removed herself from her own contest, bad-mouthed just about everyone involved in some way, shape or form (up to and including Earl himself, who owns the challenge), blocked all of us from her portfolio, and took off for parts unknown with the 100,000 GPs intended for the contest. How do I feel about that? I don't condone stealing, but I feel that was 50,000 GPs well spent if it resulted in her leaving. *Smirk*

Writing a blog is something very personal to each and every blogger. We all have our own style, and while we may occasionally deviate from our “norm”, we tend to stick to whatever we feel works best for us. There are a lot of excellent resources available that may be useful to those of you that may be new to blogging. Here are just a few for you:




As I mentioned earlier, I have no doubt that Earl and Michael will turn this forum around, and repair the damage she caused. It’s nice to see the definition of blogging is listed on the main forum page. It’s a great reminder for all of those that are participating, especially since it veered so far off the blogging track recently. Those taking part in the challenge, even this practice match in March, should know what blogging is. Although it consists of writing from a prompt, you still answer the prompt based on what you know/feel about the prompt and write from the heart. Sometimes we may need to use the internet as a reference, but plagiarism is never a good idea. Always cite your source(s), folks! *Wink* Writing a creative, in-depth and interesting response is key to the success of this challenge.

How do I know the challenge is a success? Well, this challenge resulted in two past winners, myself (who won Round 1 last July), and Fivesixer (who won Round 2 in September), not only being nominated for "The Quills, but winning for "Best Blog" as well. Why? Because we have the best blogs, according to WDC, which is a big, huge IN YOUR FACE to someone who doesn’t know the first thing about writing, let alone blogging. *Pthb*

If you guys haven’t noticed, I’m over being hurt by her cruelty to all of us (especially me, for some reason), and while I do pity her because it’s quite evident that there are some mental challenges, I have moved on to the point of being a bit angry about all of it. *Laugh* While my words may seem a bit harsh to some who are unaware of the events that have unfolded in recent weeks, trust me, this pales in comparison to what she has done to myself and many, many others. She deserves what she gets.

So, onward and upward it is for the "30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS and all of those involved. I am proof that this challenge works. It can be a wonderful experience. You meet a lot of amazing people, too. *Heart*

What is the key to blogging? Well, getting yourself out there, of course. You need to write interesting entries, and you need to do it as often as time permits. Participating in things like the blog challenge, and joining some blog groups are great ways to get your blog out there also. I belong to 2 blogging groups here. Actually, I own one of them.

Talent Pond Blog Harbor MOVED TO 1700829  (ASR)
A safe harbor for bloggers to gather and connect.
#1702443 by Jeff

Please note that you must be a member of "The Talent Pond. It's very easy to join, the group and the harbor. The details are listed on each page, respectively.

I am also a member of:

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1779381 by Not Available.

Any blogger can be a member. Joining blogging groups are a good way to find other like-minded individuals. It gets you and your blog out there. But, perhaps the most important aspect of blogging is reading, and commenting on, other blogs. I can't stress that enough. If you are not taking the time to read/comment on other blogs, you will likely find yourself with a blog that no one is reading or commenting on. Showing your support in the blogging community is an essential part of blogging. Personally, it helped me to become the blogger I am today. It's an excellent way to teach you the ins and outs of this rather unique writing venture. I think you'll find that it can be quite inspiring! *Delight*

All of this is simply my 2 cents on blogging. You can keep the change. *Wink* *Laugh*

Now, go get your blog on! *Bigsmile*

*Tv* In Other News *Video*

March is Endometriosis Awareness Month. If you’re thinking that it doesn’t matter to you because you don’t know what it is and/or don’t know someone that has it, you’re wrong. If you are reading this blog entry, then you do indeed know someone who has suffered severely from this disease. I wrote the following poem almost a year ago.

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1765251 by Not Available.

I explain some things in the notes at the bottom of the piece. I also link to 2 endometriosis websites. If you’re in a position where you can make a donation, that’s great, but it’s certainly not required. The one thing I do ask is that you take a minute to read about it and educate yourself and others about something gravely misunderstood. Speaking from someone who has been there, I can honestly tell you that understanding is the one thing we appreciate the most.

*Baseball* Sporting News *Football*

Baseball is back, baby! *Baseball* WOOHOO!! I’m writing this while watching the Phillies play the Yankees during their first Spring Training game. I love that it’s being televised. My Phils are tied 2-2 in the bottom of the 4th. By the way, guess who will be going to Spring Training in less than 2 weeks? Me! *Bigsmile* I can’t wait!!! We’ve always wanted to go, but my husband and I have never been there. We recently decided to just go for it, especially after an awesome deal we got from Groupon. *Wink* I’m so excited! *Delight* *Bigsmile* *Cool*

*Hourglass* Obituaries *Hourglass*

Thoughts and prayers go out to all of those impacted by the devastating tornadoes that ripped through 10 states over the last few days. It is so sad to see and hear about the destruction, and I can’t even begin to imagine how awful it is for those who have lost loved ones and everything they own. It simply breaks my heart.


*Star* Plugs, Props & Other Things Worth Mentioning *Star*

One of the cool things I saw in the updates made to the "30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS was a plug for the following:

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1848066 by Not Available.

I think I’m going to give it a try with this entry. *Smile*

*Music1* Music, Music, Music *Music2*

This is dedicated to Fivesixer and I.


We may not be the champions of the world, but we are the champions of WDC! *Thumbsup* *Bigsmile*

Have a wonderful weekend, everyone! The sun is starting to come out here … finally! *Sun*

February 27, 2012 at 9:02pm
February 27, 2012 at 9:02pm
Well, boys and girls, today is my 4th WDC Birthday! *Balloony* *Balloonv* I thought I’d write a quick entry to commemorate this occasion. Boy, I sure do feel a lot older than 4. *Smirk* *Laugh*

*Tv* In Other News *Video*

Has anyone stepped outside and looked up at the sky? For those of you that know me well, you know I can be a bit of a nerd. *Laugh* Astronomy fascinates me. You can clearly see the moon, Jupiter and Venus. If you haven’t taken a moment to look up to the heavens and see the amazing display, I suggest you do so. Here’s a link to an article about it, http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/capital-weather-gang/post/jupiter-venus-and-...

*Hourglass* Obituaries *Hourglass*

My thoughts and prayers go out to the victims of the senseless shooting at Chardon High School in Chardon, Ohio. Every time I hear of something like this, it breaks my heart. Have we learned nothing in the years since Columbine? The poem that the shooter posted to his Facebook page at the end of December should have sent up a big, red flag. How did no one see this coming? How could this have been prevented? How could we have saved the student that was killed, the 4 that were injured, and the rest of the students who will have to deal with the memory of this horrific event for the rest of their lives?


*Star* Plugs, Props & Other Things Worth Mentioning *Star*

In addition to the blurb in last night’s entry that thanked Andy (aka Jakrebs ) for all the nominations in "The Quills, I decided to write him a little ‘thank you’ poem as well. You know, since he won’t accept any more merit badges or anything like that from me. *Bigsmile* This one’s for you, Andy!

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1850968 by Not Available.

*Music1* Music, Music, Music *Music2*

Well, with the spectacular celestial show that is going on right now, I have a song that I’m going to leave you with tonight.


Get it? Champagne Supernova. *Star*

Have a great night everyone! I want to see if I can scrounge up some birthday cake for myself. *CakeP* *CupcakeP*


February 26, 2012 at 2:00pm
February 26, 2012 at 2:00pm
For those of you that were in attendance at the "5th Annual Quill Awards Ceremony, you already know this, BUT in case you missed it, I won the Quill Award for “Best Blog”! WOOHOO!!!! *Starstruck* I was not able to attend the ceremony last night because I had plans, but the winners are listed here "Invalid Item.

Andrew now has his hands full handing out all of the awards to each of the winners. In addition to the Quill Award I won for best blog, I also won the Quill Award for “Best Short Poem-Structured” with the following poem:
 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1812273 by Not Available.

I received an Honorable Mention for “Best Medium Poem-Structured” with this one:
 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1787401 by Not Available.

As you guys know, I am one of the group leaders of "Invalid Item. Well, we won the Quill Award for “Best New Group”. Congratulations to Riot , the founder of this group, and congratulations to all of the group leaders and members. This group wouldn’t be the amazing, inspiring venue it is without each and every one of you. *Heart*

Congratulations to Fivesixer who received the Honorable Mention for “Best Blog”. Surprisingly, neither one of us even placed for “Best Comedy”. *Shock* In my opinion, I find both of us hilarious! *Laugh* Norb is definitely funnier so, if I were the lone voter, I would have chosen him for best comedy.

I made it to the short list for “Best Reviewing”, which is really saying something because there were a lot of excellent reviewers in that long list. Congratulations to ~A.J. Lyle~ for her Honorable Mention and congrats to the winner, LJPC - the tortoise . *Star*

I have a message for all of my fellow nominees:

I would like to personally congratulate all of the winners, honorable mentions, finalists and nominees in all categories. There are two reasons that you were nominated. For one thing, you are incredibly talented, but, perhaps more importantly, you’re an amazing part of this community. Being nominated is an honor in and of itself, so pat yourself on the back for a job well done! *Thumbsup*

I thought maybe I should give some sort of acceptance speech, but then I remembered: been there, done that. Since I already have one (written when I won the blog challenge last summer), why reinvent the wheel? *Laugh* Here’s a link to it:

"Invalid Entry

All kidding aside, I am truly honored. I would like to thank Andrew and everyone who works with him on "The Quills. I would also like to thank the judges, and everyone in this awesome community that voted. This has been a very humbling experience for me. Saying 'thank you' just doesn't quite seem like it's enough, but, from the bottom of my heart, thank you. You're absolutely amazing. *Heart*

And, there is one person in particular that I would like to give a really special thanks to, and that is Andy (aka Jakrebs ). He nominated all 3 of my items that won or placed. I know there were about 5 nominations for my blog, that I know of, and Andy was one of them. He also nominated both of those poems. Andy, your faith in me and my writing absolutely blows me away. Thank you, my friend. *Heart*

*Tv* In Other News *Video*

And now on to everyone's favorite subject of late. Isn’t it interesting that the person that won for Best Blog (me) and the person that won the Honorable Mention for Best Blog (Fivesixer ) were not even listed among the (very controversial) “winners” of the “30-Day Blogging Challenge” that were announced last week? *Rolleyes* Isn’t it also interesting that Earl came back this week and, although he congratulated the “winners”, he has not distributed their prizes? Perhaps he doesn’t agree with the chosen ones either? Hmmm…

In addition to all of the craziness around this that I posted in this entry, "Invalid Entry, there has been some more. I would like to direct you all to this post in the challenge forum, "FEB BLOG CONTEST UPDATES"  . So, the person that created the whole mess is “disenfranchising” from the "30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS, the group for blog challenge participants, "30-Day Bloggers Group, as well as bailing on the February challenge which she created. This person is also “disenfranchising” from Earl himself? *Confused*

Another thing to note is that this person has also blocked me. I find that one of particular interest. What exactly did I do to her? Oh, that’s right, NOTHING! I wonder who else she blocked? *Laugh*

As I have mentioned in prior entries, this person has revealed their true colors, so I really do not take even the slightest offense that I have been blocked from their portfolio. I do, however, feel very sorry for this person because she is clearly a very disturbed individual. I pity her.

You guys know that the show Friends is one of my all-time favorites. I have a clip from an episode of Friends that truly fits this whole situation. Here you go, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=veTVnroZ7OQ. *Laugh*

I do have one question that remains (in addition to the question I raised the other day about the "ON DISPLAY" in the title). Could someone please explain what the hell “cookies for blog comments” means? It is in the brief description of the forum (shown below):

30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS  (13+)
WDC's Longest Running Blog Competition - Hiatus
#1786069 by Fivesixer

Um, what you talkin’ ‘bout Willis? *Confused* http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qw9oX-kZ_9k

Moving on…

Guess who got a new car yesterday? Me! It actually had nothing to do with my promotion either. This was already in the works before I got promoted on Thursday. I got a new Volkswagen Jetta. This is now my 3rd Jetta. My father-in-law was a VW salesman for years, so we all drive VWs. He’s been selling Chevys for the last year so we just assumed we’d be getting one of those eventually. Anyway, the Jetta I had was a 3-year lease. It had only 3 payments left. A little over a week ago, we got an e-mail from VW stating that, if I wanted to get another VW, they would take the last 3 payments and give us $1,000. We decided just to look around, maybe work up some numbers and see how it looked. The end result is that I now have a new Jetta, and my monthly car payment went DOWN! How often do you hear of something like that happening? I’m gonna say…never. *Bigsmile* We would have been stupid to walk away from a deal like that.

*Music1* Music, Music, Music *Music2*

I have some songs for all of you to enjoy on this beautiful day. *Delight*

Here’s a little song that will take you back, WAY back! *Laugh* I like to think that the song is fitting as a reference to my blog through the years. *Wink*


Here’s an excellent song that came on SIRIUS earlier. Love this song! It doesn’t have anything to do with today’s entry, it’s just a damn good song. *Smile*


This next one is not only an awesome song, but it’s also one hell of a hilarious video! *Laugh*


This song is just a little something as we look to all of the fun times ahead in the next year of blogging, writing, commenting and all of the other mischief we’ll get ourselves into. *Bigsmile*


** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only **

February 23, 2012 at 9:45pm
February 23, 2012 at 9:45pm
Well, folks, as you can see from my handle, I have some big news. *Bigsmile*

I was offered a promotion at work this morning, and guess what? I ACCEPTED!! *Delight* As you may have guessed, this was one of the things I alluded to in last night's blog entry. *Wink*

One of my co-workers gave notice. She's going to work for a nearby hospital doing something she actually went to college for. *Laugh* She's sad to leave, and we're sad to lose her but, as she said, it's time for her to move on. She was able to give 4 weeks notice, which was an awesome thing for her to do. Unfortunately, the first week she was on vacation in California. *Laugh* Lucky girl! Anyway, next Friday (March 2) is her last day.

The job posting for her replacement went up. I never applied. It never even dawned on me to apply because I didn't think I was qualified at all. They were obviously in a hurry to get the position filled because they were hoping that the girl that's leaving would have a little time with the person to train them, as much as possible.

Fast forward to this past Tuesday. I get a call from the director of that department. She was like, "Hey, we noticed you didn't apply for Terhi's job." I said, "No, I didn't." She said, "How come? Aren't you interested?" I said, "I'm not qualified for it." She said, "WHAT?! What on Earth makes you think that?" She then asked if I had some time to discuss it, so I went to her office.

She went on to say that I was more than qualified, and they were all very disappointed when I didn't apply. She let it slip that there were a bunch of other people in my office that did apply. After our conversation, she asked if I was interested. I told her that I needed to think about it, talk to my husband (not that I needed his permission, but you know, you need to bounce stuff like that off your spouse), and that I had to talk to my boss also. That's not only a courtesy, it's company policy if you're going for a promotion. She then went on to say, "I don't mean to rush you or anything, but we really need to move on this. Can you let me know by the end of the day today if you're interested?" *Shock*

Again, this all happened on Tuesday around 1 or 1:30 in the afternoon. I called my husband and went through a very "rough" pro/con list that I had done up off the top of my head. My boss was in a meeting until 2. I finally got in to talk to her. We had a really good conversation. She said that she'd hate to lose me, but that she'd support me no matter what. By the time I got back to my desk, it was almost 2:45. I called the director back, and told her I was interested. She said, "Do me a favor, go tell Karen (our HR Manager) now." I went to Karen's office and let her know. She said, "OK, great! Let's get an interview set up with you and Andrea. Oh, look at that, you're both free at 3:00! Is that OK?" It was 2:50. I said, "There's no time like the present." *Bigsmile*

So, I had my interview from 3 to 4. It went really well. Andrea said they were definitely going to have a decision this week, the sooner, the better. I thanked her and went on my merry way. All the while, Terhi (the girl that's leaving) and one of the people that works in that department, Lauren, kept asking me if I had heard anything. They were both hoping I got the job. It's nice when people say stuff like that. *Smile*

This morning, not long before my most-hated client call of the week *Laugh*, I got a call from Karen (HR Manager). She asked if I could stop over. When I got to her office, she closed the door and said, "Well, I'm sure you realized after you met with Andrea, that the job is yours for the taking. We'd like to officially offer you the promotion." We then went over all the specifics, numbers, etc. Of course, I accepted. *Wink*

This is not public knowledge yet. It should be relayed to the masses tomorrow during our morning meeting. That being said, for those of you that I'm Facebook friends with, please do not post anything on my Facebook wall about this until it has been made public. I'm sure no one will, but I had to say that. I can't risk a slip up. *Smile*

That, of course, is part of the drama of this week. That's all I'm at liberty to discuss right now. There may be another announcement about something else tomorrow as well. If/when the other announcement comes, it's not good news. My promotion is good news, but this other news is not good news, so that is why I said last night that I'm torn.

Again, sorry for all the cloak and dagger stuff. You never know who is reading these things so I have to be very, very careful. As soon as I can give you all more information, I will. For now, I'm just going to celebrate my promotion.

Wow, a promotion and I'm going back to school at the same time. I must be NUTS!!! *Worry* Please remind me to get my head examined. ASAP! *Laugh*

*Music1* Music, Music, Music *Music2*

That's all I've got for tonight. It's been one hell of a week. I'm so glad tomorrow is Friday. I have no doubt it'll be an interesting day.

Here's a song for you to enjoy. *Cool*



** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only **

February 22, 2012 at 10:41pm
February 22, 2012 at 10:41pm
Hello all! How's everyone doing around here? Hopefully you're all having a better week than I am. The last 2 days at work have been extremely weird, for lack of a better way to put it. It's not anything that I'm at liberty to talk about yet, but, hopefully, I'll be able to in the next few days or so. Surprisingly, it has nothing to do with that crazy client I have. All I can say, at this time, is that I'm torn over the events of the last 2 days. I promise I'll tell you guys more as soon as I can.

And, now for some comic relief...

Did anyone watch the Arizona Republican Debate tonight? Man, what a bunch of hot air! *Rolleyes*

Hey, how can you tell when a politician is lying? His lips are moving. *Laugh* *Laugh* *Laugh*

*Star* Plugs, Props & Other Things Worth Mentioning *Star*

How about you stop on over to "Invalid Item and vote? Guess whose blogs are up for Best Comedy? Yep, me and Fivesixer are both nominated. Since we can't vote for ourselves, our votes for each other will cancel each other out. *Laugh* Why don't you help both of us out a little and go vote? I'm also nominated for a few other things. You'll see them in "Invalid Item. So, go show some of your favorite peeps some love with the genre voting. It ends at midnight WDC time tomorrow (Thursday) night. Good luck to all the nominees!!! *Bigsmile*

It's been a long couple of days so this is going to be a super short entry tonight. I'm drained physically and mentally so I'm going to call it a night very soon. Friday can't get here soon enough. I hope I'm actually able to sleep. *Sleep*

*Music1* Music, Music, Music *Music2*

I'm going to leave you all with a song. Wouldn't it be nice if we were in paradise right now? *Cool*


** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only **
February 19, 2012 at 9:06pm
February 19, 2012 at 9:06pm
So what is that title all about? Well, I have two entries for you this evening. Well, sort of. I do have two things to discuss and they are both somewhat related.

What’s the first one?

*Star* Entry #1 – The Twilight Zone *Star*


“You unlock this door with the key of imagination. Beyond it is another dimension – a dimension of sound, a dimension of sight, a dimension of mind. You’re moving into a land of both shadow and substance, of things and ideas. You’ve just crossed over into the Twilight Zone.”

Well, the winners of the January Round of the 30-Day Blogging Challenge were announced Friday evening. The results were…interesting. For those of you that have not already seen the results, I would like to direct you to the main forum page, "30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS. They are listed at the top of the page. When you’re done taking that in, I would like you to go ahead and read the following posts in the forum:

"OFFICIAL JAN WINNERS - ALL 31 DAYS"   - this is the really good one

These next two are for your entertainment *Laugh*

"Where is my prize?"  

"No mono on mono for me"  

Please be sure you read all of the comments on each one of those, especially that first one because there are a lot of comments. I feel really bad for Earl. He has had a lot to deal with in his personal life lately, so he has not been on here very much lately. If/when he logs back in, he’ll have quite a bit to clean up.

So, I will end this section of today’s entry by saying congratulations to the true winners of the challenge. *Smile*

*Star* Entry #2 – For Love of the Game Blogging *Star*

While poetry seems to be my “specialty” (I have that in quotes because I honestly don’t know why people like what I write, but they do), I also enjoy blogging. It’s something else that I appear to be rather good at. I’ll get back to that in just a minute.

When I first started blogging several years ago, my entries weren’t very good. You can see that for yourself if you’re ever bored one day, and decide to scroll back to the entries at the beginning of this journal. How did I progress into the blogger I am today? Well, I started reading other blogs, for starters. I came across some excellent blogs written by wonderful people. They took me under their wing, gave me tips/pointers, and helped me on my way. While reading their blogs, I learned. When they commented on my entries, I learned even more. I credit these individuals with turning me into the blogger I am today. That list includes people like Brooklyn , Fivesixer , Gaby ~ Keeper Of The Realm , In Your Dirtiest Pants , and there have been many others that have come and gone over the last few years. These are people I consider friends. People I trust. People who know what blogging is all about. Thank you all!

How do I know that I am good at blogging? Well, my Round 1 (July 2011) first place win in the 30-Day Blogging Challenge is one of many blogging accomplishments. The others are as follows:

*Bulletv* Thousands of views to my blog (yes, thousands)
*Bulletv* Thirty-one 5-star reviews (out of 32 total reviews) and a 5-star rating overall
*Bulletv* Nominated 5 times over for "The Quills
*Bulletv* Numerous blog followers who comment on my entries regularly
*Bulletv* Fans! Yes, I have them. *Bigsmile*
*Bulletv* 3 separate awardicons, including a beautiful, shiny plaque

Why is all of this relevant? Because the events of the last few days all boil down to one thing: jealousy. There are definitely some other underlying issues going on there, which I will refrain from commenting on because I am not into a public smear campaign. Despite the fact that this person continues to take public (and private) cheap shots at me, I won't do that in return. And, honestly, I don't need to because they have revealed their true colors to everyone, and they have been called out on it also, which you saw in the forum posts linked above.

One of the best pieces of advice I was given when dealing with an individual of this nature is to simply pity the person, and move on. That is exactly what I have done. It is what I will continue to do also.

I blog because I love to do it. I blog because you all like when I do also, based on your comments anyway. As long as you guys keep reading and commenting, I’ll keep blogging. And I’ll do it for love of blogging. Sorry, pitchers and catchers reported to spring training yesterday so it is officially baseball season. *Baseball* For Love of the Game was on TV earlier and we watched it. I love that movie!

*Music1* Music, Music, Music *Music2*

Here are a few songs that I thought I'd leave you with, in addition to some of the lyrics from those songs. *Delight*


Because “when the roof caved in, and the truth came out…”


“Because I have other things to fill my time
You take what is yours and I'll take mine
Now let me at the truth
Which will refresh my broken mind”

I will leave you all to discuss the outcome of the "30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS in my comments section below. And, if you haven't read/commented on Thursday's entry, go check that out, too. *Wink*

Have a good night, and great week, folks! *Heart*

** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only **

February 16, 2012 at 11:11pm
February 16, 2012 at 11:11pm
Hey all! How are you guys? **Mike~Dolphins Fan 4 Life , close your eyes for a second.** Did everyone have a nice Valentine's Day?

OK, Mike, you can open your eyes now. *Smile*

I know that Valentine's Day may not be on the list of favorite holidays for most people. In fact, I'm one of those people. I do like it a little better than I once did though. Let's take a little stroll down memory lane, shall we?

When I was younger, and by "younger" I mean high school, it seemed that I never had a boyfriend for Valentine's Day. By the same token, it felt like I had a boyfriend for the other 364 days a year. *Smirk* I had a number of friends in high school, but my closest friends were Jen, Kim, Kelly and Carrie. We were the 5 musketeers. Jen and I are still best friends. Kim moved away, but we still keep in touch thanks to e-mail and Facebook. No one has any idea what happened to Carrie and Kelly. But none of that really matters.

In high school, the 5 of us always seemed to be in the same boat on Valentine's Day: a single's cruise. We had started calling it VD because it was funny. Not that any of us had a VD or anything, but let's face it, when someone says to you, "Happy VD!" you laugh, don't you? So, yeah, the VD joke lives to this day. *Laugh*

Our high school started something for Valentine's Day when we were Freshmen. Student Council started selling roses that would be delivered to the person you bought it for on Valentine's Day. They'd have the class schedule, and go right there and deliver it. The Pep Club did not want to be outdone so they did something similar. Instead of roses, however, they sold Valentine candy. They also delivered right to the class your sweetie was in.

Since the 5 of us were single, we were talking one day before that Valentine's Day about how depressing it would be to sit there watching everyone else get those things, while we looked on...with envy. *Envy* It was then that we decided we'd buy them for each other. We each bought each other a rose from Student Council, and candy from the Pep Club. The result? Each one of us ended up with 4 roses, 4 things of Valentine's candy, and looks of envy from everyone else. *Laugh*

It was our little secret all through high school. We did this for each other every year, and had so many laughs over it. It was awesome. What a great way to get over the Valentine's Day blues, huh?

After high school, my luck in the boyfriend department was pretty much the same. I never had a boyfriend for Valentine's Day so, while everyone else was out with the one they love, I was home either reading or watching a movie. I tried to avoid watching TV because of the shows and commercials for Valentine's Day. I refused to go out and have my nose rubbed in it. So, I became a hermit each year on Valentine's Day and I celebrated "Single Person's Awareness Day" at home...alone. *Smirk*

Then the time came when I met my husband. It'll be 10 years ago next month (after Valentine's Day, of course). While my husband may have his faults (we all do), he has a lot of good qualities, too. Being a romantic, however, is not one of them. So, here I am, one of the most passionate, romantic souls in the world, married to the least romantic person to have ever walked the face of the Earth. *Rolleyes*

We always do something for Valentine's Day, usually we go to dinner. We did that this year, also. We buy each other gifts. I always put a lot of thought into any gifts that I buy. There is always a reason for every present I give, like something the person mentioned a year ago (yeah, I have a great memory *Wink*). This year was no different. I got my husband some really nice stuff. He got me 2 things from a local Irish gift shop that someone we know had given him a 10% off coupon for. They're nice, but...ummm, no. And, all day at work on Tuesday, I watched with envy while delivery after delivery of flowers for my co-workers were paraded right past me, and onto their desks. *Envy* Damn!

Like I said, it may not be my favorite holiday, but I like all holidays. There are worse things in life. Besides, I have my family and friends. I have my health. I have a good job. And, I'm comfortable in my own skin, and not a lot of people can say that. *Smile*

So that's my story of VD, or Single Person's Awareness Day. What's yours?

*Tv* In Other News *Video*

I've actually done some writing this week! *Shock*

On Saturday, I wrote this poem for "COLORING THE WORLD CONTEST TEMP. CLOSED and it won!

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1847540 by Not Available.

Yesterday, I wrote this poem for "Rising Stars Shining Brighter and I dedicated it to Rising Stars. The contest ends today, so we'll have to wait and see how this one plays out. *Smile*

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1848481 by Not Available.

*Baseball* Sporting News *Football*

I suspect there will be a little trash talk over at Fivesixer 's blog, "Who Do I Think I Am??. My Flyers beat up on his Sabres a little tonight. The final score was 7-2 Flyers.

Sorry, Norb, I know I have several days of entries to catch up on, but I'll be stopping by to read and comment on them all. I can't wait to see if there's any trash talk about tonight's game. *Bigsmile*

*Music1* Music, Music, Music *Music2*

I will leave you tonight with a few songs tonight. These are songs that I haven't heard in forever, until today when they came on the radio. Enjoy! *Music1* *Music2*




I hope everyone is having a wonderful week. Guess what? TOMORROW IS *Balloony* FRIDAY *Balloonv* - WOOHOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *Thumbsup*

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February 13, 2012 at 5:01pm
February 13, 2012 at 5:01pm
Another weekend has come and gone, far too quickly, in my opinion. *Rolleyes* As you guys know, I’m not a big fan of Mondays.  The weekends fly by, and Monday just drags on…and on…and on.  You get the idea.
We had a good weekend.  When I was on my way home from work on Friday, my husband sent me a text saying that he went to the bar to meet up with some friends.  He asked me to come up, so I did.  I had a few beers with them.  In his group of friends, I’m known as “the good wife” or “Saint Julie”. *Bigsmile* One of his friends is currently going through a really ugly divorce.  Another one of his friends just found out that his wife has been cheating on him…and they haven’t been married for very long!  I think it’s been 2 years, if that.
Given their current marital woes, his friends were bored on Friday night, so they were trying to come up with something to do.  They were throwing around the idea of going to the casino.  I offered to drop them off and pick them up so they wouldn’t have to worry about drinking and driving.  Eventually they decided against the casinos, and decided to just go hang out at home and drink.  The “home” they went to was the one of the friend who is getting divorced.  All I said was that my husband had better call me if he wasn’t able to drive home, no matter what time it was.  His friends were like, “You don’t care that he’s not spending Friday night with you?”  I was like, “Um, no.  He’s entitled to hang out with his friends.  I hang out with my friends when I want to.”  Again they started with the “Saint Julie” comments. *Laugh*
I went home.  They went there.  I knew it was going to be a long night, but I waited up until about 1 anyway.  That’s when I called it a night.  I got a late night, well, actually, early morning, phone call from one of his friends saying, “Please come get asshole before I kill him.” *Laugh* He was laughing, and I laughed, too.  I told him I’d be right there.  I showed up in my pink flannel PJs and my slippers.  My hair was pulled back in a ponytail (it always is when I sleep), and I had taken my contacts out when I went to bed so I was wearing my glasses.  I had no make up on, either.  I walked in, and his one friend was like, “Oh my God, look how adorable you are!”  His other friend said, “Holy shit, you look like you’re 12!” *Laugh* It was so funny.  They tried getting me to have a beer with them before I carted John’s drunk ass home. *Laugh* I was like, “Um, no thanks.  My bed is anxiously awaiting my return.”  They both grumbled about how their wives wouldn’t have come to get them.  I was like, “Well, I think that speaks volumes, boys.”
John and I were supposed to go to a wine and chocolate event at a local vineyard on Saturday.  Yeah, that didn’t happen.  He was pretty banged up.  I made several jokes about him being an old man, and not able to drink as much as he could 20 years ago! *Laugh* He slept most of the day Saturday because he felt like shit.  His sister called with an emergency babysitting situation.  She had to work Saturday night, and her husband (who is a corrections officer) was stuck at work for mandatory overtime.  We took the kids.  She dropped them off at our house on her way to work.  My nephew, Kevin, is 13.  My niece, Ryann, will be 9 in March, which I just can’t believe.  It seems like she was just born yesterday!  Our other niece, Bryce, is 7 months old…and teething.  She screamed almost the entire time until I was finally able to get her to sleep.  She wanted no parts of anyone other than me.  She ended up falling asleep in my arms.  Poor kid, teething is a bitch!
We ended up going to that wine and chocolate thing yesterday.  It was awesome!  It was only $10, and they were very generous with the wine “samples”.  They had all kinds of chocolate, including a dark chocolate fountain, and a milk chocolate fountain.  They also had a bunch of cheeses.  For each of the chocolates and cheeses, they had notes that said which wines they should be paired with.  They had other stuff, too, like hoagies and chips and stuff.  They also had live music, and the guy was excellent.  The place was PACKED!  One of my friends was there on Saturday, the day we were supposed to go.  She said it was packed then, too.  My husband and I were talking, and I happened to say, “What an excellent marketing strategy!”  Someone that works there happened to be walking behind me right as I said it, he stopped to talk to us and said, “That is the BEST compliment we’ve received all weekend!  Thank you.  Most people don’t think of it in those terms.”  Think about it.  $10 to get in.  You’re given a wine glass, that you can keep and it’s engraved with the winery’s name on it.  The glass alone is worth more than $10.  You get to drink all the wine you want, eat all the chocolate, cheese and snacks you want.  They sell all kinds of stuff, and the cash registers were going non-stop with people buying stuff, mostly their bottles of wine.  That is truly brilliant marketing. *Thumbsup*
*Tv* In Other News *Video*

Here’s one for the “people of Walmart” file.  Now, I have nothing against the store.  We do the bulk of our food shopping there and, by doing so, we save about 20% to 30% on our grocery bill.  In a tough economy, that’s pretty damn good.  As much as I love Walmart, those funny “people of Walmart” pictures always crack me up, and they’re not far from the truth, either.  My husband and I did our bi-weekly grocery trip yesterday morning.  The guy in front of us in the checkout line was wearing a red flannel shirt with a blue flannel shirt on top (partially buttoned, so you could still see the red one underneath), very light beige shorts, and a pair of ladies Ugg boots.  Ummmm? *Laugh* Neither of us were able to snap a picture of it with our cell phones because the guy would have noticed.  I’m still scratching my head over that outfit.  You should have seen the looks he was getting from other people.  Hilarious!  Wow.
*Baseball* Sporting News *Football*
Pitchers and catchers report to Spring Training in five days!  Baseball’s back!  WOOHOO!!!!!  Let’s go Phillies!!!! *Baseball*
*Hourglass* Obituaries *Hourglass*

The music industry had a big loss this weekend.  Whitney Houston passed away on Saturday.  While I wasn’t exactly her biggest fan, I can give credit where it’s due.  She had one hell of a voice, and it was silenced way too early.  I will not be surprised if the toxicology report comes back showing something.  It’s very sad that she could not find happiness with what she had, and the talent she was given.  She had it all.  I hope she has finally found peace from the demons that chased her here on Earth.  My heart goes out to her friends and family, especially her daughter.  My mom had a drug problem, so I can absolutely sympathize.  I just hope that she has people in her life that will get her the help, and counseling, she will need, so that she does not follow in her mother’s footsteps.  I was fortunate to have a wonderful support network.  I did not make the same mistakes my mom did.  I hope Whitney’s daughter can do the same.

*Music1* Music, Music, Music *Music2*
I have songs to leave you with today. I’m playing a little iPod shuffle.  For those of you familiar with Fivesixer ’s blog, you’ll know that it’s simply hitting “shuffle” on your iPod, and seeing what comes up. *Smile*
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kuq7RYQ8Wa0 – This one is strangely appropriate, as far as the title goes breathe/smell…ah, it’s a stretch, but just go with it.  I just grabbed something off the printer at work, and 2 other co-workers were over there getting stuff they printed.  One of them is gay and, no, there is nothing wrong with that, but it is relevant to the story.  He said to me, “Mmmmm, you smell really nice.  That’s an awesome perfume you’re wearing, Julie.”  I thanked him, and he walked away.  My other co-worker and I just kind of shook our heads like WTF?  My co-worker said, “Sometimes it’s almost as if he forgets he’s gay.” *Laugh*
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CTAud5O7Qqk – Ahhhh, Norb, this one’s for you, buddy! *Bigsmile*
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xn676-fLq7I – I have a feeling that I will probably be the only one that likes this song.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LXpbrGBIGxw – I have no doubt that this one will be Mike approved. *Thumbsup*
This one was not from iPod shuffle.  If it was, that would have been a little too weird.  I hand-selected this one in honor of the late, great Whitney Houston.  As I mentioned above, I wasn’t a very big fan.  Her music just wasn’t really my style, but she did have a beautiful voice.  This is pretty much the only song of hers that I actually like.

So, the last week has been…interesting.  It is what it is.  I am good at what I do, whether it is at a professional level, or my writing.  I know that I’m a nice person with a big heart, and I have an excellent reputation here and offline.  I have a lot of genuine friends that support me unconditionally.  Their opinions are the only ones that matter to me, but I do have to keep reminding myself of that.  To my true friends, from the bottom of my heart, thank you. *Heart*
I’m Julie D - PUBLISHED! , and I approve this message. *Laugh* Sorry, I couldn’t resist a little political humor there. *Bigsmile*
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February 7, 2012 at 9:48pm
February 7, 2012 at 9:48pm
I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack! Did you guys miss me? *Bigsmile*

For the record, the correct answer to that question would be, "HELL YEAH!" *Laugh*

I took a much needed break from blogging after finishing the January round of the "30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS. I think I did well, but there was a lot of tough competition. I guess we'll find out how I did, once the judge(s) decide the winners.

There's been a lot going on for the last week, and especially, the last few days. Some of you are aware of the drama going on, and how I feel about it. I want no part of it. I have enough stuff going on in real life to have to worry about and/or deal with craziness here. And, in the words of Forrest Gump, "that's all I have to say about that." *Laugh*

Moving on...

Speaking of real life drama, that crazy ass client of mine has been doing some more crazy ass shit. They've been in the news the last few days and, every time they are, they make my life, and the lives of the rest of my team at work...in a word, Hell. *Rolleyes* I just got home from work a little while ago, and, yes, I'm aware of what time it is.

Other than that, I've been trying to get things in order for school. As I mentioned in my last entry, I met with an advisor last week to discuss everything. The last semester that I was there was Spring 2004. I got engaged, and had to stop going so we could put the money I was paying for school toward our wedding. Anyway, at that time, I was triple majoring in Psychology, Sociology and Addictions Counseling. I have a perfect GPA. I think I've mentioned before that I was a straight A student my whole life, right? The advisor said to me last week, "Do you know how rare it is for us to see a perfect GPA?" That made me feel pretty damn good. *Wink* I decided that I'm going to drop the Sociology because it didn't hold my interest. It wasn't challenging at all. Quite frankly, it bored the Hell out of me. I am between 4 and 6 classes away from my Psychology degree. The reason it varies is because there are several classes that are currently not counting toward the degree, but my advisor would like me to speak to the respective department heads about them to see if they'll let them count. If not, I'll need to take the required classes. Still not a very big deal, because I'm so close! Once I get the Psychology degree out of the way, I can take a handful of additional classes and guess what? Yep, I'll get a degree in Addictions Counseling also. A lot of the courses between the 2 majors are the same so why not go for both? *Bigsmile* I'm going to take 2 classes per semester with the exception of my busy season at work (in the Fall). I'll cut back to 1, preferably an online class at that time because of the crazy work schedule. Registration for summer classes begins on March 19. That's the update on all of that. I can't believe I'm going to be the old lady in class! *Smirk* *Laugh*

*Star* Plugs, Props & Other Things Worth Mentioning *Star*

Has everyone seen the e-mail about "The Quills? Get your asses over to the following and vote!

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1636000 by Not Available.

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1846265 by Not Available.

 5th Annual Quill Awards Ceremony  (13+)
Ceremony for the 2011 (5th) Annual Quill Awards, Saturday 25 Feb. 2012, 8pm-12am WDC time.
#1846262 by Elle - on hiatus

Make sure you read all of the instructions carefully. The finalist voting is only until Monday so get over there soon to vote. You'll notice that those of us that had our blogs nominated are not listed on the "Invalid Item, and that's because we're already considered finalists. There were only 5 or so blogs nominated, so we're all considered finalists. *Thumbsup* There are only a handful of categories that need to be narrowed down a bit. Someone (*Pointright* me *Pointleft*) is nominated for best portfolio. Hint, hint, go vote for me! *Bigsmile*

I got an e-mail from Rising Stars today telling me that I had the most beautifully crafted reviews for the month of January. The e-mail included my award (below).

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Pretty cool, huh? *Cool*

*Music1* Music, Music, Music *Music2*

It's been a tiring couple of days. I'm beat. *Yawn* I'm going to leave you with a song, and call it a night.


For those of you that know what's going on, you'll understand why I posted that song, especially when it comes to these lyrics in the song:

"We don't need no haters
We're just trying to love one another
We just want y'all to have a good time
Work real hard to make a dime
If you got beef, your problem, not mine
Leave all that BS outside
We're gonna celebrate all night
Let's have fun tonight, no fights"

I hope you're all having a good week. Good night! *Sleep*

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January 31, 2012 at 8:54pm
January 31, 2012 at 8:54pm
This entry is brought to you by, "30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS

Blogging Challenge Day 30 31 BONUS Prompt:

Today’s prompt is courtesy of April Sunday .

Serial prompt #5 is:

"Conclusion of the story.”

A week after Jim’s body was discovered, Adam pulled into the parking lot of the hotel after work. He parked next to a police cruiser, and happened to notice that the light in Jim’s room was on. Rather than going to his own room, he decided to go see what was going on.

When he arrived, he found Papa, Stinky and Detective Tom. “What’s going on in here? Have you found out what happened?”

“Actually, we did,” the detective spoke.

“Has there been an arrest made?” Adam inquired.

“No, there will be no arrest. The death was accidental.”

Papa was watering the tree. He stopped what he was doing and asked, “Was it this thing?”

“Well, I guess you could say that the tree was indirectly involved with his death. His foot had been crushed. It appears he dropped the tree on it, and was trapped there. We don’t know if maybe he was unconscious from the pain or not, but he was trapped for several days.”

“But I notified you guys that he was missing,” Papa included.

“That you did. After your missing person’s report was file, we raided the room, remember? Jim had been trapped for several days without food or water. He was weak. When we burst into the room, it appears his heart couldn’t take the shock of it. He had a heart attack.”

“Damn, the tree did it after all. He should have asked Papa or I to help him move it,” Stinky stated.

“He obviously didn’t have very high hopes,” Adam said.

*Reading* About the Story *Reading*

Did anyone guess it? The girl who hates, and is terrified of, bugs wrote a story about bugs. You had a whole lot of clues along the way, such as…

*Questionv* The very first line of my first entry for the serial prompt, "Invalid Entry, told you it was a roach motel.

*Questiong* In the second entry, "Invalid Entry, I mention RAID!. Doesn’t anyone remember those commercials? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8QjQaEDqt0I

*Questionp* The characters of the story were also clues:

          *Right* Adam was an ant. In the first entry, "Invalid Entry I had a link to an Adam Ant song.

          *Right* Papa was a roach. I linked to a Papa Roach song in "Invalid Entry.

          *Right* Stinky was a stinkbug. I didn’t have anything to link to with that one. I thought the name would have been a dead giveaway. I guess not. *Laugh*

          *Right* Jim, our poor dead guy…anyone ever hear of Jiminy Cricket?

          *Right* Police Detective Tom. There is a weekly comic strip by Ruben Bolling that appears in newspapers nationwide called, Tom the Dancing Bug. I should have thought this one over a little better and made our detective do some dancing. *Laugh* Damn!

          *Right* And, of course, our tree was a rubber tree plant. Anyone familiar with the song “High Hopes”? The Phillies play it after every home win in honor of the late, great Harry Kalas. He was the most amazing broadcaster ever, and has been sorely missed since his death in April 2009. When the Phillies play this after a win, it’s him singing it. Here are a few links, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Z2FaXjYjpM and http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bbJrAAaUcKg.

The lyrics for the beginning of the song are as follows:

“Next time you’re found
With your chin on the ground
There's a lot to be learned
So look around.

Just what makes that little old ant
Think he'll move that rubber tree plant
Anyone knows an ant, can't
Move a rubber tree plant

But he's got high hopes
He's got high hopes
He's got high apple pie
In the sky hopes.

So any time your feelin' low stead of lettin' go
Just remember that ant
Oops there goes another rubber tree plant
Oops there goes another rubber tree plant.”

Here’s a link with info about the song itself: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/High_Hopes_(1959_song)

Clearly, Adam had high hopes, which is why he could (probably) move the rubber tree plant, but Jim couldn’t. *Smile* Yes, I’m aware that my story was pretty dumb, but I'm not known for writing stories. My username is geminipoet for God's sake! *Laugh* Anyway, I still had fun writing it

*Infop* Items of Interest for Round 3 of the "30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS *Infov*

It never ceases to amaze me how much I am able to not only learn about others, but also learn about myself during a blog challenge. When you have to write about life, based on daily prompts provided, every day for 30 days, you need to reflect on a lot of different things. It inevitably leads to a lot of soul searching, and it’s a whole lot of fun doing it. Here are some particular items of interest that occurred during this round of the "30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS, in no particular order, of course.

*CheckR* Though there were many questions about this before Round 3 began, we learned that there is a very good chance that Fivesixer and I were separated at birth. Given the number of extremely similar entries, especially our day 12 entries (mine is "Invalid Entry, in case you missed it), and/or when we did not write a similar entry, we ended up posting the same damn links in our entries. We are now more convinced than ever that our theory of being long lost twins may actually hold some weight. The DNA test is pending. *Laugh* *Laugh*

*Check* Thanks to Mike~Dolphins Fan 4 Life , we now know what WZDs (Weapons of Zombie Destruction) are, based on one of his comments in "Invalid Entry. *Laugh*

*CheckB* Did you know that time travel is possible here in blogville? You’ve probably heard several of us throw around the term Blue January. What does it mean exactly? Well, when you go into a blog, anyone’s blog, there’s a calendar on the left-hand menu. Any days within that month that have an entry will show up as blue. For those of us participating in the "30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS, we have a Blue January. They are blue because they’re hyperlinks. If you want to go back and look at an entry written on say, January 13, click that date on the calendar and you are transported back in time to Friday the 13th! Unfortunately, it doesn’t work the other way. If it did, I’d love to be able to click on December 22, 2012 to see the entry that day, and to prove the world will NOT be ending on December 21, 2012 ! *Smirk*

*CheckG* I’ve learned that Joel (aka Brother Nature ) has the most awesome closet in the history of closets.

*CheckV* I’m fairly certain that one of my entries during this challenge holds the record for the most number of comments. It’s "Invalid Entry and, as of this entry, it is up to 42 COMMENTS! By the way, there is also a contest within those comments. The contest is being hosted by Fivesixer . Read through the comments for details. You have until 11:59 PM tonight (WDC time) to enter for a chance to win. Also, in the comments of this entry, you will learn about the origin of the phrase “junk drawer”. *Laugh*

*CheckR* I’ve discovered that the jokes around Five Guys will never stop being funny. Ever! It started in "Invalid Entry, and continued in several entries, as well as the comments of a number of entries. *Laugh*

*Check* Bonnie14222 and I are STBFF (Snotty Teenage Best Friends Forever). We both spoke about our years as snotty teenage girls, which is pretty much how all teenage girls are, but yeah, Bonnie and I would have absolutely been BFFs as teenagers.

*CheckB* We still don't have a $#@%^* hockey emoticon! *Angry*

*CheckG* sunnystarr could quite possibly be one of the nicest people I’ve ever met. *Heart*

*CheckV* I found out that, no matter how much I enjoy writing (and especially blogging), doing it for 30 31 days in a row is very difficult, but well worth it. It’s an excellent exercise to get you to write. Every. Single. Day. *Thumbsup*

*CheckR* I have the friendship and support of some pretty incredible people around these here parts. From the bottom of my heart, thank you. You guys are absolutely amazing! *Heart*

*Check* I discovered that I'm surrounded by a bunch of people from New York. The state, that is. I'm looking at you Buffalonians, Fivesixer and Bonnie14222 , and the Albanian...errr, the guy from Albany, Jakrebs . *Smile* Hey Andy, I watered that damn tree just for you, my friend! *Laugh*

*CheckB* The "30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS is one Hell of a cool contest! *Cool* Thanks again to 30DBC Creator/Founder and April Sunday . You guys are awesome! I know how difficult the judging process is. You guys have your work cut out for you. I can't wait to see who gets to take the victory lap!

*Tv* In Other News *Video*

In my day 7 entry, "Invalid Entry, I spoke about how much I regretted not being able to finish my degree. I believe I even said in the entry that I was hoping to go back within the next year. My husband and I spoke about it again over the weekend, and I think he finally realizes just how important this is to me. Guess who met with an advisor at the college tonight after work? Yep, me! Since the Spring semester is already underway, I'll be signing up for the Summer semester. I'm so excited, I could burst! *Bigsmile*

*Music1* Music, Music, Music *Music2*

To my fellow challengers, this song is for all of you because we went all the way with this challenge, and, for that, I'm taking you all the way back to the 80's. *Wink*


How could I not close out this entry with this song? I'm going to take some time off from blogging, probably no more than a week or so. The rest is definitely needed, and I'm sure everyone else that participated probably feels the same.


I will leave you all with a quote as my official 'thank you' for your friendship and support.

"The glory of friendship is not the outstretched hand, nor the kindly smile nor the joy of companionship; it is the spiritual inspiration that comes to one when he discovers that someone else believes in him and is willing to trust him." ~Ralph Waldo Emerson

Thank you! *Heart*

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January 30, 2012 at 5:07pm
January 30, 2012 at 5:07pm
This entry is brought to you by, "30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS

Blogging Challenge Day 30 Prompt:

Today’s prompt is courtesy of April Sunday

Serial prompt #4 is:

"Suspects surrounding the dead ____________ inside the room in question.”

“Wait a minute, I just got into town today.  I never even met the guy!  How could I possibly be considered a suspect?,” Adam exclaimed.

"Once the M.E. determines the cause, and time, of death, we’ll need to verify your whereabouts.  Until then, I’m afraid you are all suspects.”

“Aw crap! My probation officer is not going to be happy about this,” Stinky claimed.

“Your WHAT?!,” they shouted in unison.

“Too many unpaid parking tickets,” he had the decency to blush.

“You mean, you’re a scofflaw?,” Papa was laughing so hard he had tears in his eyes.

“Stinky, you should let your P.O. know about this.  He’s likely to go easier on you if he hears it from you first. Papa, I’m going to need access to your records, especially your guest registry for the last several weeks,” declared Police Detective Tom.

“What the Hell for?!”

“Papa, I can assure you that this is standard procedure.  Anyone with a connection to this hotel, including guests at the time, will need to be ruled out as suspects.”

“Oh, for the love of Christ! The damn tree killed him.”

“We. Don’t. Know. That. Yet,” the cop snapped back.

“But…,” Stinky tried to interject.

“Enough! Look, I know it’s inconvenient, but we have a dead guy here.  Show a little respect, will ya? Try putting this into perspective before you start spouting off about how this affects you. If the deceased had been someone in your family, wouldn’t you want to get to the bottom of it?”

There were mumbled “sorries” but, before the detective could say anything more, his cell phone rang. “Detective Tom speaking…” He listened closely while the medical examiner filled him in on what she had found so far.

“So the tree did not kill our vic?,” Detective Tom said into the phone, and loud enough so they could all hear. “I’m heading back to the station now.  Let me know as soon as you’re done the autopsy, and have the official report ready for me.”

“Well, well, well...,” he looked each of them squarely in the eye. “That was the M.E. She hasn’t done the autopsy yet, but there’s one thing she can say for sure. The tree didn’t kill Jim. His death appears “suspicious” to her.”

There was a long, awkward silence in the room.

“Gentlemen, I believe it’s only a matter of time before this is officially ruled a homicide. We’ll need each of you to come down to the station for questioning.  I strongly recommend that each of you have legal representation with you.”

Adam fainted.

*Tv* In Other News *Video*

Well, kids, technically, today is the last day of the "30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS, but they’re mixing things up a bit for Round 3.  They did say that tomorrow’s entry is optional, but I’ve come this far, so what is one more day? *Bigsmile* Besides, I’d really like to have a Blue January. And you guys want to see the conclusion of my story, right? *Smile* Hmmm, maybe not…I know it’s not the best story but, I’m hoping you guys don’t think it’s too terrible. *Laugh* Well, whether or not you like the story, I do hope you join me right here tomorrow.  In addition to ending my story, I’ll have some other interesting little tidbits that I think you’ll enjoy. *Wink*

*Music1* Music, Music, Music *Music2*

Here are a few songs for you today. *Bigsmile*



I hope everyone is having a good Monday! *Delight*

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January 29, 2012 at 1:01pm
January 29, 2012 at 1:01pm
This entry is brought to you by, "30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS

Blogging Challenge Day 29 Prompt:

Today’s prompt is courtesy of April Sunday .

Serial prompt #3 is:

"Clue or clues as to why the dead _____________ is inside that room.”.

"The police are on their way. They asked us not to touch anything," Papa informed as he re-entered the room. "Damn, we're already struggling because of this economy. The last thing we need is bad publicity."

"What was his name, again?," asked Stinky.

"Jim. He seemed nice enough. Man, what the Hell happened here? Now we know why that humongous tree is the only thing he moved in here. That damn thing killed him!"

"Hey, uh, boss, I don't think it was the tree."

"Of course it was the tree, Stinky. Don't be an idiot!"

"His foot was trapped under it, but that wouldn't have killed him."

"How did he get the tree here? You said that was the only thing he had moved in here. Where's the rest of his stuff? Did he have a car?," Adam rattled off questions.

"He did have a car parked in the lot. After we realized he was missing, and I notified the authorites, they towed it for further analysis. It had the rest of his belongings, including his wallet and cell phone."

The police arrived and did their due diligence, taking statements and examining the room thoroughly. By the time they were about to finish up, the medical examiner was on the scene to take the body to the morgue.

"You say you just rented this room today?," the police detective asked Adam.

"Yes, sir."

"I'm afraid you're going to have to find another room. This room will be restricted to police only for the next few days."

"I've got another room, but it's not very popular. Although, I suspect that's about to change," Papa's tone dripped with sarcasm.

"Oh God, what's wrong with the other room?!," the nerves clearly showing in Adam's shaky voice.

"It's just far, that's all. The room is all the way at the other end of our property. There's no parking lot back there, so you have to park by the main building and walk over, with all your belongings. It...umm...sucks, especially when the weather's bad."

"In other words, it's as far away from this room as you can possibly get?"

"Well, yeah."

"I'll take it!," Adam exclaimed.

"Detective, do you think the tree crushed him to death?"

"No, I don't. Probably broke his foot, but that wouldn't have killed him. We've been looking into his background since he went missing. Nothing suspicious has turned up...yet. If there was someone out to get him, we'll figure it out sooner or later."

"I hope it's sooner."

"Me too, Papa...me too. We'll be in touch. Until this investigation is over, I'm going to have to ask all of you not to leave town."

*Tv* In Other News *Video*

I hope you're all enjoying my serial story as it unfolds. Andy made some guesses on yesterday's entry. Does anyone else have anything to add?

Hey, April Sunday , how am I doing with this part of the challenge so far? *Bigsmile* Would you give it a *Thumbsup* or a *Thumbsdown*?

For those of you that are wondering about the title of today's entry, I think it's safe to say you've never played the game Clue. *Laugh* That was always one of my favorite games, and I haven't played it in YEARS! I love having game night with friends. I think I'll need to plan one soon. *Smile*

*Music1* Music, Music, Music *Music2*

It's another beautiful day in the neighborhood here. I'm loving the Spring-like weather we've been enjoying. BUT, if we end up getting snow in May, I will be very unhappy! *Laugh* I just know that we're going to end up paying for this nice weather sooner or later. *Rolleyes*





I hope everyone has had a nice weekend, and I hope you make the best of the few hours left of it. Weekends go by way too fast, don't they? That definitely gets a *Thumbsdown*

Don't forget to tune in tomorrow for the continuation of the story! *Delight* Have a wonderful day! *Cool* It's back to the old grind tomorrow. *Smirk*

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January 28, 2012 at 12:28pm
January 28, 2012 at 12:28pm
This entry is brought to you by, "30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS

Blogging Challenge Day 28 Prompt:

Today’s prompt is courtesy of April Sunday .

Serial prompt #2 is:

"Inside the rental, character discovers a dead _______________.”.

As Adam approached the desk, the guy behind it looked up. He seemed surprised. He had beady, little eyes, but then he smiled, and it lit up his whole face.

"Well, hello there! We don't get many strangers around here. I'm Papa. How can I help you, son?"

"Nice to meet you, sir. My name is Adam. I just got into town. I'm starting a new job on Monday, and I need a place to stay for a while until I can find something more permanent."

"Well then, you've come to the right place. It just so happens that I have a room for rent. It was recently vacated. I haven't even had the time to advertise it yet." Chuckling, Papa continued, "I was working on the ad for the newspaper when you walked in."

Relief washed over Adam. "What luck! May I see it?"

"Absolutely. Follow me."

"So, 'Papa', huh?," he asked sheepishly. Papa laughed. He had one of those deep, belly laughs that was contagious.

"Yeah, the Mrs. & I have 10 kids. They're all grown and out on their own. I got so used to being called 'Papa' all the time, the nickname just sort of stuck."

Papa opened the door to the room and peeked his head in as if he were expecting to see someone in there. Seeing the puzzled look on Adam's face, he said, "Strangest damn thing, I had someone rent this room 2 weeks ago. He came in one day, paid for a full month up front, and we never saw or heard from him again. He never even moved in anything other than that giant potted tree in the corner. We've tried calling his cell phone, and I've even driven past his last-known address. There's no sign of him. It's as if he has fallen off the face of the Earth."

Adam got that uneasy feeling again, "Uh, are you sure you can even rent me this room? What if he returns?"

"Don't you worry, my boy. I have gone through the proper channels, and taken all of the necessary steps. I even notified the authorities to file a missing person's report. The police came in to RAID! the room, but they found nothing."

It didn't make him feel much better, but he needed a place to stay, and it looked like this was it. That really was a most unusual tree the last tenant brought in. He walked over to it. The closer he got, the more he noticed a terrible smell. He looked to Papa, "Do you smell that? Do you think it's the tree?"

"I hadn't noticed it before now. It must be the tree. Let me call my maintenance guy. The two of us will move the tree on out of here for you."

Stinky arrived a short time later. "Adam, this is my maintenance man, Stinky. If you need anything, he's here most days."

"Um, nice to meet you...Stinky. Doesn't anyone around here have an actual name?"

Papa and Stinky laughed. "It was a childhood nickname that, unfortunately, never went away," Stinky said.

The two went over to the tree and lifted it. Adam was checking out the rest of the room when he heard a crash and someone yell "OH SHIT!" He turned. They had dropped the tree and were backing away slowly.

He ran over and saw what had freaked them out...a dead body. "Who is it?"

"That was the last tenant. Excuse me, I need to go call the police."

*Tv* In Other News *Video*

Sorry for the short entry yesterday, folks. Like I said, it was a bad day. Plus, the intro to the serial prompt was...well, short. *Laugh*

Here are a few things that I want to note about the serial prompts for the next few days.

*Infov* The serial prompts are a story that will be continued each day until the end of the challenge on Tuesday. That means, you'll have to read all of these entries, in order, to know what the heck is going on. I'm not much of a story writer, so I hope it doesn't suck too bad. *Laugh*

*Infor* These prompts certainly aren't your "typical" blogging, but this is a creative writing website, after all. It's definitely different, but I like it...a lot. *Thumbsup* And, I'm always up for trying something new. *Wink*

*Infop* Now for some fun for all of you. I'm going to open up a bit of a challenge to you, my blog readers. With these serial prompts, you can assume NOTHING. What I mean by that is that, as I always do, I will take care of the prompt first in each entry. I will still have my standard other segments in my entries as well. Any information - stories, links, jokes, music, and anything else, MAY OR MAY NOT be clues to my serial prompt storyline. Feel free to make guesses in the comments of my entries. I will not answer your questions until the story has been finished, and is finalized, with my entry on Tuesday. For the first person to correctly guess something about the storyline, I will give you a "detective" merit badge. You'll receive it sometime after my final entry on Tuesday. I'm leaving this wide open. You can guess ANYTHING, and if it's correct, and you're the first one to do so, you'll get the merit badge. So, channel your inner Sherlock Holmes and start guessing! *Bigsmile* Have fun!!!

*Infog* If you're wondering about the title of today's entry, here's some additional information for you. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Whodunit

*Music1* Music, Music, Music *Music2*

Here are some songs for today. I hope everyone is having a lovely Saturday. We're having some beautiful Spring-like weather today, which is fine by me. If I never saw Winter again, I'd be one happy girl.




Get out and enjoy this beautiful day! *Delight*

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January 27, 2012 at 9:53pm
January 27, 2012 at 9:53pm
This entry is brought to you by, "30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS

Blogging Challenge Day 27 Prompt:

Today’s prompt is courtesy of April Sunday . Today is the first day of our serial prompts that run through the end of the challenge. That means that each entry will be a continuation based on the prompts provided. We get a little GP bonus from April Sunday , too. Thanks Teff!! *Bigsmile*
Without further ado, serial prompt #1 is:

"Character rents a room. Supply geographical setting, please.”

Some additional instructions from Teff: There are no word count limitations for these prompts. Flash fiction is okay while over the limit of 1000 or even 2000 words is fine. Additions for character list is certainly acceptable.

Adam walked into the lobby of the seedy, roach motel wondering how he’d ever be able to stay here. Unfortunately, it was his only option at this point. There were no other vacancies in town.

His new job starts on Monday. Desperate for a place to stay until he can find something more permanent, he found himself at this place. It left a whole lot to be desired.

He was excited to be in L.A., the City of Angels. A new city, and a new job...things had to be looking up for him finally, right?

As he makes his way to the desk, he hears Hotel California playing in the background. “You can check out any time you like, but you can never leave.”

A chill ran down his spine. He was overreacting. He chalked it up to nerves and stress. Adam continued on his way. Resigned to the fact that he had to make the best of the situation. This was a new beginning, and the start of something wonderful.

He could feel it.

*Music1* Music, Music, Music *Music2*

I am SO HAPPY that it's Friday! Today was a horrible day. *Thumbsdown* It has to do with my asshole client. I so hate them. I don't even want to talk about why today was horrible. I'm just glad it's over...and pissed off even more that this happened on a Friday. Friday's are my favorite day of the week. Oh well, it's the weekend. *Bigsmile*

I will leave you with a few songs. They may or may not have something to do with the story above. I'll leave that for you to decide.




Have a great weekend all! *Smile*
January 26, 2012 at 8:45pm
January 26, 2012 at 8:45pm
This entry is brought to you by, "30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS

Blogging Challenge Day 26 Prompt:

Today’s prompt is courtesy of challenger, Winnie .

"Write about what one would see in your closet right now. What’s the most valuable thing you keep inside of it that didn’t come from a store? Explain! Invite us in! *Wink* Some ideas could be:

- You know you have to throw it away, but why haven’t you?

- I’ve been keeping ______ in my closet for as long as I remember…because _____.”

Since I am a senior analyst in my “day job”, I think I’m going to do what I do best and analyze today’s prompt, piece by piece. Here goes nothing…*Wink*

“Write about what one would see in your closet right now.”

Chaos. We have a walk-in closet in our master bedroom, but we’re barely able to walk in it. Although my husband’s side of the closet is in constant state of chaos (and, despite what he thinks, I am NOT his maid, he’s a big boy capable of cleaning up after himself), I can’t blame him for what’s on the floor of our closet. I…um…have a bit of a thing for shoes. *Blush* For all the ladies out there, I have a feeling I’m not alone here. I have tons and TONS of shoes. The biggest culprit is flip-flops. I probably have about 10 pairs (each) of every color under the sun. *Laugh* Hey, a girl has to color coordinate, you know? *Wink* I’ve always been like this with shoes, and I know that most (if not all) of my girlfriends are the same way. I have a saying, “You can never have too many friends, or too many shoes.” *Bigsmile* If you look at Bonnie14222 ’s entry today, "Invalid Entry, it seems that we share a love of shoes. I’m glad I’m not alone!

On my side of the closet, you’ll see that my clothes are hung in an orderly fashion, and they are color-coordinated, too. I have all of my sports gear (Phillies, Flyers & Eagles t-shirts and jerseys) are at the front because, of course, they are the most important. *Smile* Then, I’ve got my dresses, skirts, dress pants and fancy “stuff”. Then, all of my jeans and shorts are next. After that, it’s sweaters, tops, tank tops and anything else that can be worn from the waist up.

Each section has my clothes in order by color, from light to dark. The colors that dominate my closet are…any guesses here?...pink and purple. This doesn’t surprise anyone, does it? *Laugh* Didn’t I mention the other day that I’m very girlie? Those are my two favorite colors and it seems that whenever I end up buying clothes, I almost always end up with something pink and/or purple. I have 3 Phillies jerseys and even one of those is pink! *Bigsmile*

“What’s the most valuable thing you keep inside of it that didn’t come from a store?”

Lots and lots and lots of pictures. After my parents died, I took care of the estate. My dad had passed away almost 4 years before my mom did. When my mom died, I was the court-appointed administrator so I took care of everything. That included cleaning out her house and selling the house, in addition to many, many, many other things. It really is a lot of work settling an estate and taking care of all the legalities, etc.

I gave away what I could. My brothers and their wives took some things, I took some things, other family members took some things, and then I opened it up to friends to see if any of them wanted to take anything. When all was said and done, I contacted a second-hand furniture store to have them walk through and see if there was anything we could get some money for. They took some things, I put the check back into the estate. There was still some stuff left over so everything else got boxed or bagged up and donated to Good Will and a local women’s shelter.

Being the only girl, the majority of the things that I kept for myself were the things that had the most sentimental value. Like pictures. I took them all. My brothers didn’t want them, and I couldn’t bring myself to simply throw away our lives, and our family history, in print. I think I ended up with somewhere in the vicinity of 20+ boxes (those big Rubbermaid type things) full of pictures. There’s some in the basement, there are some in the attic, I have 2 of them under a bed in a spare bedroom, and then there are 3 or 4 on shelves on the top part of our closet. Those pictures are the most valuable thing in my closet that did not come from a store.

“You know you have to throw it away, but why haven’t you?”

I can’t bring myself to throw away shoes. *Blush* I eventually get to it if/when they start to fall apart, and it hurts my heart whenever I have to part with a pair of shoes. I can almost hear “Taps” playing in the background. *Laugh*

I suppose I’m rather boring because I do not have any skeletons in my closet. My life is an open book. I’m often told that I am “brutally honest”, but I don’t think that’s a bad thing. *Bigsmile*

*Infop* I would strongly encourage you all to go check out Brother Nature ’s entry today, "Invalid Entry. Not only do I get a mention, the entry is HILARIOUS!! For those of you that are following the mini-contest that Fivesixer started in my blog comments on this entry, "Invalid Entry, I think you’ll find the ending of Joel’s blog entry today particularly funny. I sure did! *Laugh*

*Infov* Well, tomorrow starts the serial prompts that will run through the end of the challenge. I can’t believe this month is almost over already! Where has the time gone? I guess it’s true what they say about time flying when you’re having fun.

*Tv* In Other News *Video*

Never underestimate the power of social media. Mac's Tavern (http://macstavern.com/) is a bar not far from my office. We do happy hour there sometimes. It's a very cool place that is owned by some of the people from It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia. Apparently, 3 middle-aged fat chicks went there last night and had dinner and whole lot of drinks...and left without paying their bill. What did the good people at Mac's do? They posted their photos (from a surveillance camera in the bar) on the Mac's Facebook page. The comments were HILARIOUS!!! My co-workers and I were laughing our asses off as we watched this unfold on Facebook today. Do you want to know what happened? One of them went in there tonight to pay their tab from last night. Now, unfortunately, Mac's removed most of the posts from earlier today so you can't go and check them out. I feel that Mac’s is absolutely justified in what they’ve done because these people stole from them. I waited tables for YEARS and had people skip on out a check twice on me. I will never understand how or why someone is capable of doing that. At least these chicks had the decency to go back and pay. Kudos to the folks at Mac's for taking matters into their own hands, and getting their money back from those pieces of trash!

*Music1* Music, Music, Music *Music2*

Here is a song X 2 that probably describes most closets (the name of the song, that is). Here is the original:


And here is a remake:


I like both versions, but I’m partial to the original. *Smile*

Here is another video that I have a feeling Mike~Dolphins Fan 4 Life will approve. *Wink*


I hope everyone had a great day today! Tomorrow is FRIDAY – WOOHOO!!! *Delight*

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January 25, 2012 at 8:56pm
January 25, 2012 at 8:56pm
This entry is brought to you by, "30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS

Blogging Challenge Day 25 Prompt:

Today’s prompt is courtesy of challenger, Kit_Carmelite .

"Write one paragraph about the word spiritual and what you think it means to you. Is being spiritual different than being religious? Do you see yourself as being either spiritual or religious? Do you have negative inner reactions to those whom you see as being religious or spiritual? Why or why not?”

Let’s start with the basics, shall we?


1. of, pertaining to, or consisting of spirit; incorporeal.
2. of or pertaining to the spirit or soul, as distinguished from the physical nature: a spiritual approach to life.
3. closely akin in interests, attitude, outlook, etc.: the professor's spiritual heir in linguistics.
4. of or pertaining to spirits or to spiritualists; supernatural or spiritualistic.
5. characterized by or suggesting predominance of the spirit; ethereal or delicately refined: She is more of a spiritual type than her rowdy brother.

Synonyms: airy, asomatous, devotional, discarnate, disembodied, divine, ethereal, extramundane, ghostly, holy, immaterial, incorporeal, intangible, metaphysical, nonmaterial, nonphysical, platonic, pure, rarefied, refined, sacred, supernal, unfleshly, unphysical

Antonyms: bodily, irreligious, irreverent, physical, unspiritual

adjective, noun, plural -gious.

1. of, pertaining to, or concerned with religion: a religious holiday.
2. imbued with or exhibiting religion; pious; devout; godly: a religious man.
3. scrupulously faithful; conscientious: religious care.
4. pertaining to or connected with a monastic or religious order.
5. appropriate to religion or to sacred rites or observances.
6. a member of a religious order, congregation, etc.; a monk, friar, or nun.
7. the religious, devout or religious persons: Each year, thousands of the religious make pilgrimages to the shrine.

Synonyms: believing, born-again, canonical, churchgoing, churchly, clerical, deistic, devotional, devout, divine, doctrinal, ecclesiastical, god-fearing, godly, holy, ministerial, moral, orthodox, pietistic, pious, pontifical, prayerful, priestly, pure, reverent, righteous, sacerdotal, sacred, sacrosanct, saintlike, saintly, scriptural, sectarian, spiritual, supernatural, theistic, theological

Antonyms: agnostic, atheistic, irreligious, ungodly

Thank you, dictionary.com, for your insightful definitions, which prove what I'm about to say. I don't believe that these words are mutually exclusive. I feel that they can occur at the same time. I will caveat that by saying that they don't have to occur at the same time.

Personally, I am both a spiritual and a religious person. However, I try not to flaunt either. I strongly believe that everyone is entitled to their own beliefs, and none of us should try to force our beliefs onto anyone else. There is a difference between stating how you feel and what you believe, and trying to force something down someone else's throat. Just because I am a spiritual and a religious person, I don't conceive that others are the same as me. People can be spiritual beings without being religious. Being spiritual simply means that you believe in something higher than yourself. But who are we to try to tell others what religion is correct? I believe in God and pray to him for guidance, patience, understanding, etc. What's to say that my belief in God is right, and someone believing in another god is not? It's not up to us to pass judgment. That day will come when each of us meets our maker. Until then, we can hold firm to our own spirituality, religion and beliefs. We need to be the best we can be, and leave the rest up to our faith and whatever higher power we choose to believe in.

I realize I didn't adhere to the "one paragraph" that this prompt imposed, but this isn't exactly a topic that can easily be summed up.

*Music1* Music, Music, Music *Music2*

Well, I could put a link to "Losing My Religion" by R.E.M. but, the last time I did that, poor Andy had it in his head for a week. I think he still hasn't forgiven me. *Laugh* Instead, I found a few other songs to leave you with this evening.

Do you remember all of the controversy this video stirred up?


Here is another song that happens to be a favorite of mine. I think this is one of the best versions I've ever heard. I remember watching this live, and it blew me away.


Here is another favorite, even though it makes me cry every time I hear it. It makes me think of funerals for military, fireman, police, etc.


This song has nothing to do with today's prompt, but it came on while I was flipping through the stations driving home from work today. And, let's face it, everybody really is working for the weekend. *Bigsmile*


After watching that video, all I have to say is "Hellooooooooo 1981!" Whew. *Laugh* I was, um, 4...maybe 5, depending on when in 1981 it was done.

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January 24, 2012 at 8:28pm
January 24, 2012 at 8:28pm
This entry is brought to you by, "30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS

Blogging Challenge Day 24 Prompt:

Today’s prompt is courtesy of challenger, LdyPhoenix .

"I apologize in advice – this prompt is loaded with questions. Answer what you wish, and completely ignore the rest. *Bigsmile*

In the past few years, books have been adapted into movies. Some have not lived up to their novel origins. What book adaptation have you not been impressed by? If you could, would you re-film the movie? What book(s) do you think could make an impressive movie? What book(s) do you think couldn’t be made into a movie, no matter what the circumstances?

Oooooooppphhhh, this is a tough prompt. As much as I love to read, and love going to the movies, you’d think this would be easy. Not so much. Since she started by saying we can answer what we wish and ignore the rest, I think that’s what I’ll do.

There are 2 books/movies that immediately come to mind. I am a big fan of Dan Brown. In fact, The Da Vinci Code and Angels & Demons are two of my favorite books of all time. If you haven’t read them, I strongly encourage you to do so. As far as the books go, Angels & Demons was my favorite, and that’s not to say that I didn’t like The Da Vinci Code. I loved that, too.

The problem comes in with the movies. That’s not to say they were bad – not at all. They were just…different. That’s always the case when they turn a book into a movie. These 2 books alone were probably a 1,000 pages (give or take) each. It’s hard to turn something that long, and that detailed into a 2-hour movie. A lot of things need to get consolidated and/or cut out completely to stick with the timing of a feature-length film. Plus, the author is most likely involved in helping/assisting with the movie but, for the most part, they’re not writing the screenplay. That leaves the whole thing open to the artistic interpretation or someone that didn’t write the original story.

If you take these 2 books, and the subsequent movies, you come up with a completely different timeline. As far as the books go, Angels & Demons was the first in the series, followed by The Da Vinci Code. However, for the movies, The Da Vinci Code was released first. When they finally got around to making the movie for Angels & Demons, they had to modify the story even more because they made it occur after The Da Vinci Code. Are ya with me so far? *Laugh*

I can’t say that I didn’t like the movies because I did. They were just different, and not what I expected. I think that’s pretty much the norm as far as things like this go. As I stated earlier, Angels & Demons was my favorite as far as the books go, but The Da Vinci Code was a far better movie.

I would absolutely recommend the books and movies to anyone. Just do yourself a favor and read the books before you see the movie. I tried getting my husband to read The Da Vinci Code before we saw the movie, and he didn’t go for it. He ended up regretting it, too, because he was completely lost when he watched the movie. He kept trying to ask me questions in the movie theater and I had to keep shushing him. *Laugh* I told him that I’d answer any questions he had after the movie, and that if he had read the book beforehand, he wouldn’t have had the questions…and I know he’d have liked the book, too. Since he’s seen the movie, he now has no interest in reading it.

Technically, I'd give both books and both movies 2 *Thumbsup* *Thumbsup*, but the books were better, and I think that's pretty much always the case.

Julie Ebert
*Laugh* *Laugh* *Laugh*

*Tv* In Other News *Video*

*Infop* I found out today that I have a poem that is going to be published in a magazine. Actually, it's an e-zine, so it's an electronic magazine, but still cool. Ironically, it's a poem that came to be due to a prompt from Round 1 of the "30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS. I have a feeling that this will make 30DBC Creator/Founder and April Sunday extremely happy since the poem was the result of this challenge and their prompt. *Bigsmile*

Here is the entry:

"Invalid Entry

I ended up turning the poem into a separate item, so here it is (if you'd like to see it):

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1798478 by Not Available.

I had to sign the acceptance letter today stating that they have my permission to publish it. Of course I'll share the link with all of you when it comes out. *Smile*

*Infov* I know I'm beginning to sound like a broken record here, but I'd like to apologize again for being behind on replying to comments and reading blogs. Things have been NUTS at work. In addition to traveling last week, my client that my company acquired has officially moved into my office. Before the acquisition, I was their main point of contact, so I've had my hands full getting them up-and-running. The result is that, not only am I dead tired, but I'm so busy with work, I don't have much time for anything. I have barely enough time to get these entries in, let alone anything else. I apologize PROFUSELY. *Blush* As soon as I am done this entry, I plan on getting caught up. We'll see how that goes. *Laugh*

*Infor* Today would have been my mom's 69th birthday, so I would like to take this opportunity to wish her a Happy Birthday in Heaven. I miss you, Mom. *Heart*

*Music1* Music, Music, Music *Music2*

I don't actually have a song that goes with today's prompt, so I'm going to leave you with an excellent song that came on the radio on my way home from work. Enjoy!


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