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Rated: 18+ · Book · Comedy · #1594056
  Due space ... cyber space, sillies @ a thing they call BLOG BOARD, am considering re-booting FICTION FANDANGO. Also, did find former arena for viewing latest blog creations from community members.  Who blog along @ the train we may dub http://www.writing.com. At that spot one may still find latest blogs by date & hour. This random thing that swept the site like a cow catcher, never cut it with moi.  Writing seriously comes @ a price.  Not costly in the least, instead a crux quite easy on the eye and mentally relaxing fer sure.

That's the craft for you --- when folks dedicate their works to a degree of ultimate impression for their audience. 'Random' applied like salvage for lackluster pieces clocks in as unfunny, uncanny sameness, tech gear only, buy-this-buy-that, keep up with the Jonses, be a married couple only, paint the white picket fence of online persona clone-ship is history. It always was for a talented ken of authorship. So, if boredom turns you on, personally can't even grasp the concept. Okay?

Previously FANDANGO underwent a major wash & dry, hung out to air since ... summer 2013, when blogs crumbled along with golden rod, last Autumn. A year before --- 2012 @ Teffom Estates came with discoveries which eventually tuned into major news events due revelations from Edward "Scissors hands" Snowden.  International press hounded the guy all the way to Moscow.  What he revealed to the American Public, due a closed and corporate owned media in the States ... went entirely unrelated to domestic spying. A blight on these shores, to be sure.

Suffice, IF TEFF rants, don't think she dislikes EVERYONE.  I don't.  I do run the EVERYONE contests and oh my --- have nerve to dub myself Prez @
 Invalid Item 
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#1323687 by Not Available.

Also, currently searching my own bonafide noggin for a way to kick start another truly laid back group @

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#1411346 by Not Available.

Regionally we can only do our best.  Of course, thru our writing.  Most folks are not active protesters, another thing like even a hint of news (shunned onsite) remains in disfavor nationwide. Oh, yes, my pretties, tis in fact out there like a ground cover of wild geranium. Why, lucky we color ourselves when finding real news, these days.

Hoaxes come, entrapment stories build but common sense lives on in a place you may dub:

--------    FICTION ------    FANDANGO -------  A -----  WRITER'S -----  BLOGGEROO.


Deadline Jan 30 ... @
 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1190255 by Not Available.

  Christmas past submissions, encased in the only Christmas Genre Anthology onsite & online open

 Invalid Item 
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#1521424 by Not Available.

  Perplexed while wondering about the CLUBs Silent Ones @
 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1343647 by Not Available.

FANDANGO LIVE spells no pressure stats for moi. (I) might blog a bit, but short story time is more important, you see.  Plans to make, resolutions to keep and sure  ... the beat goes on.

  Public thanks to all who entered 2013s Everyone Contests which proves most successful. Yipee!  Completion toward judging winners cicle while R&R (reading & rev) stories soon. Oh boy! Promoting same, holding in hand like Magi-ware then gifting ala Secret Santa.


Sept 1/TWENTY-FOURTEEN! Officially open @
 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1518804 by Not Available.

Tap the above if you like Ghostbuster mid. Also, accepting submissions all year long, from EVERYONE!

MAY RE-OPEN in JAN @ un-revamped 


Recenty Anthology created @
 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1613149 by Not Available.


  Ditto @
 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1614778 by Not Available.

Oh, the giraffe on the cover spells sticking FANDANGOs neck out there into that offsite view world aka an I-net EYE!
Previous ... 13 14 15 16 -17- 18 19 ... Next
October 1, 2009 at 7:59am
October 1, 2009 at 7:59am

Looky here, dear readers.

Yesterday on Fandango overpass, kinda went to bed thinking ... now how far does one go with V guy? Okay, here's the deal. Verizon Man dons super hero suits, like Steven Colbert's 2007-8 comic hero. 'Kay?

At Teffom Estates he's notorious for snooping from telephone polls, vans, trees. Generally, we fold, hand the guy cold coffee as it suits. Icy to the touch come January chilblains. When I bake he's ballistic. Bear in mind this idiot is my tail on the trail of an overcharged, blasphemous extrovert who still offers the olive branch on rare occasions. All kidding aside? Never.

Anyways ... TEFF ON TEFF TRUTH ... certain people in this house were overcharged for dialing their dial-up number between the confluence of two county lines. Oh, my. Well, a bill arrives to the tune of $1,500 plus cents. Well, fainting is not my style. Yo, this is free. Oh, no oh no, oh no.

Well, these usurping powers that be all divvy up my time online betwixt three months of online status ... three full moons later --- deign form on high to calculate & without an ounce of shame send another bill. ... At that time, outside and inside with plants, flowers, cakes, sunshine we enter re-enter out own home. During all of autumn's fine weather, blown out of the ballpark during crisp wind torn months while these adept folks are climbing polls. One figures they need tap some how, some way, some day.

After vapors, non melancholy mood ... ten phone calls ... one hears ...

You are an elderly dame --- well my translation, therefore you have no long distance for life, only local, a new dialup (which was the old, orig dial-up --- which in PA are free according to Fed law --- good thing it's there when you need it, huh? Gawl ahead, try to use it.)

And whoosh on the ear of the wind, Verizon spokeswoman goes ... "Since you've indicated to us, Mary ...
{/b }
Mrs. Moffett.

Mrs. Moffett, no need to take an attitude with us ... I'm trying to help you. Will you please keep quiet.

Grrr, maties, knuckles on the lead pipe ...

Go ahead.

Since you are on the verge of turning into a senior citizen ... is this correct?

No response.

Verizon will keep your phone line open for making local calls. You can call the hospital, the ambulance, a clinic ... since you said our phone bills ... where is that tape?

Oh --- here's my transcript, Mary ... this is Jennifer by the way ... YOU RE-MEM-BER!!!

Cut the bull puppy, Jen ... Am I on the Verizon watch list? Just tell me, won't you please? Doll, be a sport.

What are you talking about? There is no Verizon Watch List! There is an FBI Watch List!

Really? (Ah the beauty of Woodward ... journalism rush.)

After 9-1-1 ... Homeland Security and the Patriot Act created the FBI Watch List. They take care of all that, not us. We have nothing to do with this.

Jenny. Jen-knee, please, hon. How can they tap phone lines without you, sweetheart ...

I repeat Verizon has nothing to do with this?


Well, glad I taped that one, aren't you.

AT&T? Reply --- no.

Communication tower?


Saratoga outa Pottstown? ... near the nukes? Three mile Island, Lititz? Jen ..
are you really sure about this? Maybe your supervisor can answer important customer questions. Three thou is two cars here, Jen.

Allright, Moffett .. be glad the phone's on. We'll leave it on for you. Can you email a check for the $3,000 please? How about a partial payment. I can take down that information for you, Mrs. Moffett. I'm in Cleveland. Oh and .95 cents. He's in a blue van in Sarasota. Would you like highspeed Internet connections with that? Everyone in DC at the Commerce Department swears by it. Only 10.95 per mo ..

Nov 2008, a very good time ..

Love the actual quote: "There is no Verizon Watch List. We have nothing to do with that. There is an FBI Watch List ... etc.

And from Sept 30 handwritten notes ... shorthand inclusive .. wonder what really bothers me TO-DAY!!!

Did they get it?

Trying to correct ... appearance of First edit --- This went huge of its own color combo accord. Perhaps the loudness of it all is easier seen on minute attachements in Cherrydale, Lehigh County vacation spa for writers? Who knows anything else these days? Tom?

Oh Tom? At the net54 digs, using wc tie-- teffom@Writing.com --- expect referrals any day now .. as tie in.

And they call that wind Mariah in the Pocono. See as a freelance cooky journalist mis style is one on one -- me to audience of unknown criteria. All as it should be. God bless the USA!!!

Somedays after a hardened autumn gardener/ author life ... I tend to forgo the fact that my first blog ... JUNEBUGS & ELDERBERRY WINE ... (c-rt --- 2005/2009} IS FOR SALE AND NOT ONLINE publicly. Then, other mornings, opt to continue from those other blog years. Verizon Man aired originally on JUNEBUGS, no audio.

See ya.

Okay fixed tiny problem of bold before color, so huge viweable from outer space, me thinks. Take out with {/b } before using {c:green }

Next, coming to non-tech support with a referral Q ..
September 28, 2009 at 9:35am
September 28, 2009 at 9:35am

Why does it seem required in any sense of the term to say something jubilant about President O?

Is it because crappy news folks go month after month to pick President Obama apart?

My personal tribute is akin to a sound bite. Love the way the guy says TO--DAY!

Most online major newspapers seem to forget he is the President. They write articles about his daily schedule and refer to Pres O as Obama. Show some respect, NYtimes.com. Heaven sakes. Is this still a Wall Street thing with youse guys, up there. Obvious disrespect comes to mind. Yeah well, me too. Since skeptic is my middle name January to December, year after worse year namely: 1999 -- 2008.

We often find papers standoffishly centering plainly upon "Mr. Obama." He won, the election's over, fat cats. Foxtv's shows are not the only jaw busting liars visible 24-7 to act better than thou re: Pres O.

Au contraire! mon amis. If you manage a brief minute or two viewing what is now referred to as MST --- (mainstream media is actually MT. There is no MS --- mainstream is one word apt to boost all the same shit as focal points --- Although as verbal multiple sclerosis on the tube is legion most of us step away from the tv screen. Others cancel cable.

So on or about last week, after our USA President O handed out 4 or 5 tv interviews to major networks --- CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS. Fox pundits nary held hope of making the cut. Oh how wonderbra to see fox excluded, given the Oval Office shaft. Made my day.

Instead --- there came to pass on Sept 21, the day after Sept 20's Sunday Morning shows a bland epistle which made the rounds via repetitious, irksome wire to wire critique of all but President O's speech re: national health care. That day he did great. Ending often with TO--DAY!!! I love that.

So, here's a modern president, commander in chief in the living room. Historically a first. Can't imagine Nixon avoiding the liar cartel. Nixon if alive might be another cheh cheh chay-knee type. Holding forth from top rung, Cheney's ridiculous no-man's ladder which never fall. Yet, the creep burps an exclusive lands on all liar laden news sources.

Can't imagine folks out there in Internet-ville rushing to view that vid recap. Imagine! Fox interviewing Nixon. Well the entire nation of repug forces guiding mysterious information, nearly unanimously aired, might enjoy a Nixonish Cheney fetish.

"It's all politics is making the rounds" in grass root villages. We care. We want truth. Paying more for an ISP too boot, and hoping Expolorer 8 won't freeze up faster than the polar icecap come January molasses for all sources of reports .... is expensive. PCs are crashing. Mortgages are called home by banks, evictions on the rise. We need better reports from US sources. Yes, at the local level.

I was in Pittsburgh once almost twenty years ago. Researched rail travel for a short story in 2007.

So what's to be chosen of importance. What shall they deem to reveal? Where's the script?

So --OF: "Is the President overexposing himself?" as a pundit pass about quest for critique is unworthy of my Pres O. The one who called me personally on Nov 3, 2008. His last words on the recording are === and I quote ===

"I promise to bring the war in Iraq to a responsible end."

What of as in

--- TO-DAY!!!

Oh man oh man.

Next: that ornery G- fucking 7 is gone. Who in the hell cares if the G-7 is no longer out and about ala annual jaunts to few global conferences to discuss the fate of entire populations in a contrived weekend agenda again this year? Well sure they made it to Pittsburgh?

Pittsburgh, where US citizenry voted PA a blue state at their polling booths, President O. Surely, you recall?

Okay, in the steel city ... the smokey city --- there Your G-7 performs a miracle akin to Jesus rolling downhill after somebody else, an apostle catapults the stone out the way ---

Yes the G-7 transforms itself, as historically the pundits report? All under the frail blanket of transparancy noted. All behind closed doors.

The G-7 dissolves, morphing in the blink of an eye, worthy of all magi --- into the G-20.

Meanwhile, dear audience --- Pres O, wined & dined, emerges from the ruse a marvelous speaker. Yes, kids --- he's the host. Lordy! Also, the first president to host a G-20 bout for world leaders. Note: absolutely no rebuttal, debate, inclusion of the entire population of the Keystone State. Nor the nation at large. Aighhhhhhh!!! iiiiiiiighhhhhhh!!! God! Is there a God?

Now, corporations rather suck. Even ISPs are part of that grand bunch of plutocrats. Yes, we're in dire straights out here in reality land. Whose reporting real, true news? Joblessness a word without film.

I think Pres O is doing well to ignore conservative websites. Best not be pulled into posting defensive lines on those one sided, erroneous, slanderous places. Popping up all over the place. Much rather watch Pres O --- on tv daily.

So the crux of the matter, on Monday, Sept 21, a reporter, a black gentleman on CNN recreates a tie-in for pleasing all the other networks, another talking head, scenario for the president's television foray. CNN!!

The speaker, maybe he likes to claim an appellation as journalist --- well he mouths a trite run @ appearing disgruntled due to theee, theeee --- over exposure slant. For the next two minutes not one part of the national health care agenda drives any other information home to viewers.

Pres O is a very handsome feller. We should be extremely proud as voter's who went no more bush last fall. We must be very glad he is a patient president.

His amount of incoming, ongoing, insulting, misconstrued, MSM slander is awfully hard to take. Then off-the-wall, illiterate bloggers slam anyone not a republican senator for months via Obama hating, avowed chop shops. On don't waste your time on those unlawful forums & blogs.

There's truth out there --- aint that so?

Look, folks, don't shoot the messenger. Your blogger TO-DAY!!! and all of last week and the week before reads online, researches points of interest. Once a journalist always a journalist. Gonzo journalism is alive and well, net wise, crappy tv news morning to night.

Used to be, the claim for acting as a journalist, writing as one, one feared being sued. Journalism must come with a price known as honesty. Yeah, spin came to power, opinions no longer were apt to include factual info. Swaying points to become put downs no matter, the issue --- such as national health care. Or try on for size, "The war in Iraq" brought to "a responsible end."

We must tell them all to lighten up, plead for reporting what's happening in growing tent cities. Uh, a plea?

PS --- UPDATE: Lastly TO-DAY!!! There are not enough readers here. My things, stories, blogs, posts now enter polishing, final revision/ latest edit stats.

And yes, it feels good, hopeful. While lyrics from Bob Dylan come playfully to mind --- "I aint gonna work on Maggie's farm no more."

Free hardly pays bills nor equates reading/ research time.

TEFF, Paula La Rue is selling stories. Oh boy.

September 25, 2009 at 8:09pm
September 25, 2009 at 8:09pm

Yeah, Corbett laughing it up out to Harrisburg, P A! Q: Why give Oil & Gas Co $$$$$$$ ONE BILLION IN TAX CUTS AS THEY GAS FRACK OUR MARCELLA SHALE?
July 2012 update, same month four/ five news moguls held tv flappers shaking at a fine of $60 mil for Penstate --- during nasty Juuuu LIE!

Word to the uninformed & all elected officials ... Do grab a copy of GASLAND, 2011 Doc by Josh Fox. However, please do not drink frack produced water or that thar combustable water source in populated areas. ADVISE; TAKING a MAJOR LESSON FROM FRACK LAND FARMING OUT WEST. THEN ... insist banning this environmental disaster mining.

Enter the wiseguy?

Say? You aint in it is ya, gov?

AUG 2k12: Have you heard the news ... Richmond's afire. Richmond, Cal. CHEVRON @ FAULT/ REFINERY EXPLODES/ HUGE CLOUD OVER CITY & BURBS, BAY AREA BERKLEY

Oh hello there, Fandago readers.
How might you be this cool September night? Most of the morning spent oh you'll never guess --- cleaning out files. If old favorites in my private stash of online collectivbles don't feel the least bit guilty with their secure, secure, secure to the point of nausea, selfish oh so very secure --- then phooy on youse guys --- these growing like fungi "access denied" places. NOW oh how I say the hell with you ... delete, delete, delete.


... THIS BLOG WENT .... "Freedom. In order to watch the newest Law & Order right now ... split for a lumpy, uncomfortable couch, a hot cup of tea. "Time to find a pillow" Robert Redford ... OUT OF AFRICA ... bye bye.

TEFF STILL HERE keeping it really real.




September 24, 2009 at 9:21pm
September 24, 2009 at 9:21pm

Sept 24, 2009, Thursday ... Following the 2009, Sept --- ACORN debacle reveals more national newspapers picking up story developments which include funding sanctions totally withdrawn by Congress for ACORN's 2010 fiscal year. Senate members cited the two fakir filmmakers as early as Sept 14, the day they voted.

According to the Baltimore Sun first airing of the "pimp/ prostitute" interviews came out as early as Sept 10 and are "released every few days over the past two weeks." ACORN sued Veritas Visual, filmmakers, Okeefe and Giles.

While Maryland's "Attorney General Douglass F. Gander launched an investigation this week" the Sun reported Thurs, Sept 24.

Also, according to the Sun ala reporter, Julia Bykowicz's article:

ACORN HAS SUED FILMMAKERS: (Wed. Sept 23) National ACORN Leader Bertha Lewis states Okeefe and Giles committed a "felony" breaking Maryland law that requires co party agreement to be filmed via "knowledge and consent." ACORN seeks an injunction on Sept 24 "against further distribution of the videos."

The Baltimore Sun & The Chicago Tribune reported Lewis's remarks concerning damaging ACORN's reputation. A goal of what San Francisco's Examiner calls products from "two conservative filmmakers."

Meanwhile keeping the story alive on repug based conservative websites bloggers are slamming Obama racially. In much the same vein as when Democrats and Independents were slammed as un-American oh, way way way back in 2000, 2001, 2003, 2004 dubbed as such during the last two elections and during the previous administration. So, as these gnarled fingers hit the keys at this desk ...

Coming soon, a few article from this journalist (moi) on this topic with major updates. Meanwhile scripting in the making for those who want to remain in the know.

The Sun does ACORN well, explaining much about the organization's activities for the people in Baltimore, ACORN's Little Rock origins and the latest news re: what they dub "the undercover videos."

Q --- Filmed and aired publicly without two party consent? Possibly, A felony.

Well as for Okeefe the pimp and Giles the whore they admit to their illegal documentary being a "silly idea."

A silly idea which caused withdrawing nearly $7 to $12 million in economic recovery funds aimed at homeowners, the middle and poverty class, the elderly and homeless across the nation. So it begins ... rumor mongering. Let's hope Pres O vetoes the change inflicted upon this social justice organization, an aide to the needy organization. ACORN has 500,000 members.

When boy-star, journalist, Okeefe runs for public office as a soundly self proclaimed, republican, GOP advocate ... in the year 2040 maybe he won't worry about his bygone pranks.

With foreclosure on the rise, job markets nil ... in 2010 sea upon sea, street upon avenue of urban dwellers aren't likely to laud these fakir, sly scapegoats much of a thumbs up at the box office. Plus, foxnews shame on you!

Thanks --- from TEFF

A rev sent out this morning reminds me to note --- much of the stories onsite fall into the genre of Adolescent LIT.

Reposted here, since author-to-author hints are inclusive and may be of value for short storyists presently or in the future. Ooops --- later, I guess.


Of note: 65 degrees in San Francisco today and 77 degrees in Baltimore, Maryland, a neighbor.

September 23, 2009 at 8:02am
September 23, 2009 at 8:02am

If anyone feels in a state of confusion please note Case of a Black Case Forum --- the 2009 version, not the deleted 2007 version, changed title to avoid the mundane.

The title change is due primarily to a need for either myself to repost these blog entries in a spot which allows open discussion for interested parties who either want to post something pertinent from their POV or comment on an entry at the forum:

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1598858 by Not Available.

No big deal. However, if we seek topics from news bites, from our locations, from various states, countries etc (and yes that is rather broad) we are often also aware of several things as gifted authors, casual authors or readers. In short from the thing they call the Internet which I call the world wide web, we can all not only possibly help each other within the wc community, and from without the wc community, to at least, at least reach a readership which reads our works. Reach out to Oregon from PA. Reach out to Scotland from Australia, stand beside people who live in India, the Philipines, Canada etc etc etc.

On any of our wc forums, blogs we see spots available to all for comments. Then we touch a cord. Suppose for example someone followed JUNEBUGS (my blog which aired from March 2005 to August 2009 and filled up in size quality per se so much it needed to close to the public eye)

.... followed ... Junebugs ... very rare comments. Well, then one would have beheld in an instant the many compliments for this author's style.

Again, no biggy. I am informed by stats here that the post below {entry: _____ shows the latest, highest number of views for Sept.

No big deal really. My contention follows that this blog is still not reaching a large audience by far. JUNEBUGS kept the fans, but lost the fans, pissed off everyone from Auntie Matilda out there in god forsaken Cleveland to misterbigfeet from North Dakota. Not a big deal really.

If anyone reading this in all honesty truly thought my fleet of Lamborghinis grew from not only one, the Lamborghini Diablo, Firengine red, overhead cam, twelve volt, bucket seats, trunkless wheels was in fact in the driveway or garaged inside our two story carriage house, which became converted to a block long garage --- oh way back in 1955 --- well, I never ...??? All before we moved to TEFFOM or Moffett Estates. Which one? Eh, undisclosed locations Maine to Carolina, including Mass, Vermont --- all in the stories, I write from the heart & write damn well. Yet, my personal writing philosophy, a continuous reach for the pie in the sky flare of Junebuggy Village ended with five. FIVE!!! Five Lamborghinis. All perfectly gorgeous, speedy rides. Take for instance Lamborghini Rose. Lamborghini Rose made it to a short story contest offsite received a brief note of acknowledgment. Became reposted here and took home a 2.5* in a comedy contest. Yeah, even I would never even think about giving anyone a 2.5* if they start all sentences with capital letters.

So, no big deal really, long gone wc rev credit past. Thus Lamborghini Rose disappeared. A Lamborghini De Ville.

No biggy really. A persuasive approach to an audience is one thing. Kidding around allatime is yet another. Both are tools, trials, tribulations and style available to all writers, bloggers, and readers.

Anyways Fandango might wax serious one day with real journalistic reporting from online sources and tell a fabricated serial/ non serial fiction tale the very next day. You can't tell. I can't tell. There are no blog outlines here, no rules of engagement other than to present the best possible blog at a moment's notice. Or longer, hours, half a day? All calculations evident inside the realm of research and time wise combined.

For instance, reposting "Invalid Entry
Which of course belongs exclusively to me and my penname, Paula La Rue (me/TEFFaka Mary Moffett) is a privlege, a fun fuss. The entire story has not reached a conclusion as yet. It is what they call in the making --- uh nationwide. So a real trip from the approach of said, journalist admittingly. Plus, if fear arises to talk, post wc way, due to lack of confidence in freedom of speech for the bwalk, bwalk chicken hearted --- stop it, please stop it. Post anywhere, anytime, anyhow. AKA to grow up, be real peeps. Dig in your heels, kids --- oh things and times they be a-changing. We need never tolerte nor accept, nor cajole time for heavy handed, fuss pots these days as authors. Nor should we ever seek interuptions which set us into an insulted category and which often cause sometimes, in some cases, not all by any means, an awful guess or assumption for nastiness which is not there. If anyone thinks it is there via all the nicey-nice messaround. So what? Ignore it.

On the new digs ---

brought in 34 views in 24 hours, while and I am the new girl in town there, boosting moral to em whah solo. So far, since I am way way outclassed by fellow forum-ites and crazy as a wildcat chasing a rabbit, hungry to conquer a new online home.

All from my own desk. The above pen re: ACORN is still under wraps. That is the nuttiest story going this month from DC to Cally to the enticing halls of the US Congress!!! My duties aligning the mess clocks in at over six hours Sat, ten -- hours for Sun/ Mon. With inclusive reading online carrying bits, pieces, entire articles from Public Radio sources located in the Midwest, to claims of early story leaks from New Zealand.

No biggy really. If the coffee's just fine, hon, I'll take the time.

The entire overall aim of later goals centers upon publication. Hired by that special person/publication/ publisher utterly would be fantastic but you can't tell whose out there at any given moment.

Funny, a returning reader in blog stats for this itty-bitty, low key, item and Junebugs boasts a person, a reader, a fan(?) who claims to be an online journalist. Just like me.

Me I quote and I know where to find out how to do so. Anyone should. But the new TEFF plans don't offer free advice as to writing how to. Done, over, past, kiboshed. Too bad, say some. Others felt to miscontstrue, revamp proper English grammar and usage thereof as opposed to every writer for themself attitude of never being dubbed the same. Sameness is Boring! Capital B in B-o-r-i-n-g.

RE: Sales of both blogs, JUNEBUGS & ELDERBERRY WINE and recently debuted FICTION FANDANGO & "Invalid Item presently hope to eventually depart the asides, stalwart even hideous degree of freebie status. Yup, the aim is a click away via payment. NO paypal pay.

So problems are a lot like acorns dropping from an occasional near miss now and again although often news worthy. News worthy thrills the likes of TEFF. Can't be helped. You see, dear, dear audience, I can't tell a man to stop reading Popular Mechanics. I can't tell a Brit not to read The Independent. Nobody can meld reader preference into a common nutshell.

Any new readers here, any old fans, any new takers to CONFESSIONS OF A FREELANCE JOURNALIST are all here of their own free will. May they be welcome, enjoy. May they not copy & paste, translate, rewrite, revise and use these copyrights is not something I take to bed as a grave concern. Nope, when my head hits the pillow, I think, dream the impossible dream not for expensive, ordinary means of self publication which ultimately can be very time consuming and costly. Nada. Ixnae on the spend money to make money for my writing theme. Somehow, somewhere, sometime there will be an easy way to do all this for this blog, the old blog, the forums, the random writing advice and for MY 30 short stories. THIRTY --- the ten here closed. Altruism is fine, sharing is fine. Selling and publishing is not really that hard. Or so they say.

So whenever, the proverbial they cares to read here, not comment, or rather please comment --- they may seek & find a spot under a shady tree when autumn leaves burst flaming red and peculiarly golden. Simply recall these trite summary words this morning from little old Miss TEFFY. Read whatever y'alls want to read. Pick up the best, write your best and when you do have a tiny minute to spare ... perhaps share your identities in the comment area, or not.

Perhaps realize encouragement to write great always remained a motto from my desk to yours over the last five years onsite. Now, as the sun rises, reavealing drifting clouds ... don't forget the tiniest nod of the head, any sweet thumbs up signals, those blessed compliments are easy enough to scribble down, send to others.

So, anyways, thanks for reading.
Love to all from TEFF

While you are out and about, online or offline ... do visit the great outdoors and ENJOY FALL!

My lord, we sure are. There's nothing better slated than warm September days with signs of harvest time, farmers farming, hay makers cutting and entire populations smiling at those incredible skylines & horizons autumn offers on a painter's canvas of colors so marvelous, it brings tears to the eyes.

PS --- Your old pal, Teff is lightening up. If someone wants to barf out --- gee whiz that is a run on sentence (above)? You know what? I hope like minded thinkers go straight to hell.

"Cackle, cackle --- a quote from Cauldron Time."

Best keep a tad of attitude or become lost in the shuffle of "online journalists."

Guest book coming soon. Eh, promises never kept.

Au revoir, mon amis.
September 18, 2009 at 6:47am
September 18, 2009 at 6:47am

E-mail message

Date: Fri, Sep 18, 2009, 6:32am
"Invalid Item

The following is powered by webtv, from author Mary Moffett >>>>

"BE LIKE GMAIL from Washington Post's Chris Wilson" includes the following sum lesson. "What Facebook & other Internet companies can learn from Google's webmail service."

Enter a concise definition for Gmail, above. Webcrats may or may not wax fascinated with this exploratory read from the Post. Here, reporter, Chris Wilson puts long pre-tested, tails on the tuxedo for "gizmo" buffs, adding a word on "add-ons."

As early as March 2009, Facebook gleefully wallows in popularity, yesterday launching "Prototypes."
Prototypes? Who? Oh, us out here on Avenue Webby?

Recall the estimate from former blogs quotes --- 400 million Facebookers. Then backtrack to Microsoft add-ons since 2007. So new stuff is old stuff until popularity places it into the gilded era for internet users who prefer to waste time and possibly money on the latest revitalization or "tabs."

According to the article: first came Firefox with the goods. Now "When a google developer cooks up a new gizmo* ... Gmail Labs, a buffet where individual users can check what to add to their accounts" one also finds the following nosy options. "Randomizing the quote" which this freelance journalist is mud wading into with stuck wary feet ... "at the end of messages." What the hell does that mean and who the hell cares really?

Another add to feature designated to kibosh oneself (as user) is submitting to "math" questions "before sending emails during hours when you are likely to be drunk."

Now we suppose this second person plural crowd of Gmail tweakers realize google locates them via their time on the clock, Cally to Hong Kong.

"Gizmo" and "new toys" expose "users as guinea pigs." All in order to promote an odd premise which is damn nigh impossible.

Prototype introduced by Facebook, Wilson informs Washington Post savvy readers on the subject, grills for answers.

So what's the deal? Okay, Facebook hopes launching Prototype "to study behavior of uses."

Now we might observe, Holmes, a finely educationally tuned in Post on record Sept 18, 2009 with this startling information. A premise, an attempt to make all things seem alike and that sameness be better than the best of the best, net wise? Oh please.

Readers, here's the closing trick or treat.

According to BE LIKE GMAIL "Facebook has to be all things to all types of people." With "Useful (figuring) what all types of people actually want. "

From TEFF -- "Demmit, lose ink newspapers space and become a type of news buff who is again disgusted in a world wide sandbox attempt to speak for individual choice. Only to find our intelligent masses defined by Gmail/ Facebook/ Firefox/ Microsoft 2007 proponents. Who no way can ever define "what all types of people actually want." Want? As in hope for or expect?

How about the return of Southern boy Journalism Ms, Mr & Mrs Washington Post?

Tried commenting on this article, however these old fashioned, knee socks and high top pointy, black leather shoes departed another swamp of useless, google, facebook wars entirely of my own volition. However, posted here --- since this is the theme this week on "Invalid Item

llllllllllllllllllll SIDEBAR lllllll
lllllllll RE: NEXT HEADLINE vamping llllllllllllllllll Beside curious to see how far Tweeter's new poster boy and girl, Okeefe and Giles make it with their underground vids re: pre-planned surveillance upon ACORN, coast to coast. ... See: THE $1,300 MISSION TO FELL ACORN ... from the same source.

** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only **


via msn.com search

* gizmo theme tie-in --- gizmo 9/17 in
"Invalid Entry

Mary Moffett, powered by webtv, this Freelance Journalist. myself ... never did savvy more for all, less for less, applied to this growing one sided popularity for things which simply imply impossible. "All people" is logically now ludicrous. Since I happen to immediately conceptually picture a fat baker's dozen whom are not at all involved in the count of all people. Which appears a shade like the Tea Party Protesters labelling Pres. O a socialist. Since they think so, sadly enough all in September 2009.

Well, also before briefly tackling the second headline today, recall much creativity ala LIT is another fun to do for like minded folks. Last year, this one (below) hit the stands, handed to a few agreeable folks standing about at The Strand. They were waiting to see a matinee. Coming upon them from the zerox people who run a nice printing business in a college town, I just happened to hand out a few fast track flyers of my own. All these peeps of ATOP (all types of people) accepted a lean copy of:

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1331292 by Not Available.

Meanwhile cruising for spots for this blogging business aka: "Invalid Item

Any offers?
Any suggestions?

Proudly, seeking a niche where 800,000+ ISP sharers might compatibly acquiesce. Another me: for ADD ON readership stats. Especially as we (webtv-ers) can actually see things not privy, not by all, nor viewalbe online by all.

Thanks for reading.
September 17, 2009 at 8:24am
September 17, 2009 at 8:24am

Coffee pots are one sure fire way to concoct a seminar over, as one needs learn from coffee pots.

Here's the deal, I collect glass coffee pots. They happen to make very good vases and planters and you can hang them on a diagonal when summer gives over to autumn, the time of year necessary to bring in the porch plants. I have three round ones which were originally used in restaurants. Have never paid more than fifty cents per used pot. There are only about six wide mouthed ones. But since, we lost a dear friend in late July, we've added one more to the wide brimmed variety.

Yes, poor Mr. Coffee succumbed after being in the house for almost two years. Just like us. The automatic plastic coffee maker which made the move from storage center to this place worked here in the new kitchen of this rental for almost a month, yet was showing signs of slowing up. He was a wallmarter from way back. And at the ripe old age of two went out the door in final salute wearing a hat of English Ivy. He sat on the porch all summer and the ivy grew like wildfire. Many a fine short story increased in value due to morning brew from that pot of gold.

So, onto the flea market on a Saturday, up to Schuylkill Haven. There in the final row, way way out of sight, hiding behind a fence, there was the Mr. Coffee for me. So, for a keen 25cents, I took home the beast. Oh, he was kinda beige white, so a little Ajax was in order. Sitting at attention for the next two summers, Mr. Coffee regaled us with perfect brew. Kept the coffee coming and kept it hot. Alas poor guy perked his final pot and left us all alone to search for a replacement.

I was so upset, I went to Carolina to linger on the beach a few days, simply devastated from this minor loss. Coming home to an empty nest, I made my first mistake. Well, while I was gone and while gasoline was rather reasonable if anything over a dollar a gallon qualifies as acceptable. I knew down south petrol was cheaper. Here in PA it rose faster than a rooster crows at the crack of dawn. So reluctant to shop around, I bought one at a CVS. Truth be told, I forgot to examine the lip. Sure it drips when pouring. Reached for the Ajax and scrubbed those stains left as a calling card on the white kitchen counter. What hassles one goes thru for a decent cup these days.

Anyways, Jimmy the Lip is in fine form but owns no automatic shut off, built in for those who forget to turn off the mini-beasts. The Lip is mindless but he does an excellent job when mixed with Maxwell House Hazelnut and French Roast. So I began to cotton up to him before a month went by. We're great pals now and he seems to blend with all the other glass pots hanging overhead. He's quite adept at making coffee candy. This Jimmy does if I leave him on all night. Nothing like the smell of burnt coffee in the morning, hey Jimmy?

The security issue surrounding websites is detrimental to private online PC use. The Lip agrees that reading a group of letters which any kindergarten child might do is hardly rocket science nor the safest rock of Gibraltar safety net for PC users who do. Who do register online, post on forums and show their writing out there. There is a bugaboo going around which is nothing really new. Nope, been around on the net awhile.

Used to be, oh maybe about 2004-5-6 Adobe Reader was the In thing. "You can't read this unless you have Adobe reader" became the calling card for so-called advancement in cyber space. It is hardly ever seen anymore. This was about the same time that attachments made the rounds. Attachments which didn't open wider that a postage stamp and sometimes required sophisticated printers to use, send or read. All against the grain of the web lingo colored java script.

Java is still marching to the tune of millions upon millions of screens as we speak as compatible with microsoft windows etc, etc. All the short version as a look back. Which causes The Lip to sit up and take notice. He's doing his version of a wink, which is a bit of steam and a gurgle gurgle. Okay, Jimmy settle down.

Perhaps the theme is less is best. As opposed to more aint always more. Why, even at a local Mall, a small Mall as far as two deckers of far less navigational walks among those past cast rosy days of Mall shopping goes. We saw the loss of three computerized, computer stores go belly up in five years time which included a no sales venture and a no return one as well. So if you went in and threw down between $600 and $1000 buckaroos in a cowboy manner, you might never be able to return your latest, up-to-date models of par excellent PC even if these guaranteed machines broke down.

Then there's the case of two acquaintances, call them friends, known as the boys from Stanton Island who became dissatisfied with their perfectly fine PC and sold the thing. They couldn't do something or other, although they were rather gungho customers of highspeed service from Verizon shams. Not a problem, they were at Best Buy buying, and buying, returning, complaining and re-upping the ante while not a thing worked until they paid the experts at that place to program the new beast. It still won't work and they are now offline once more. I hear they put an attractive bronze planter on top of it and let bygones be bygones. In short they were out a ton of money, enough to buy a cheap four cylinder car with high mileage. They both regret time lost which began with a few hours, escalated into a few days, then crested the gambit at over after two full months of constant aggravation. Poor fellers. Who for years prided themselves on their computer literacy.

Well, the beat goes on. Now onto a tad more research on insecure security that kinda comes with so much these days. Even the word security changed in meaning. So be back when the Big Dipper rises in the night sky. All of these related blogs are meant as a mini-stall where, thoughts on advertised extravagance spells a tiny bit of logical planning for consumers of which I remain one. Online countless individuals shall tell you things are going to change. This time predicting, as I too try to figure these scams out, try to align them like ducks in a rapid whirlpool of accomplished online discontent. Predicting: not only is reliable best, without risking techno computerized overloads via excessive downloads, by this time it is up to all PC user's instinctive discreation.

Best we examine the ongoing scam shams for whether these are worthy or worthless.

RE: the latest changes ... my prediction be a return to the late Nineties when it all began.

Au revoir, mon amis.

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Look at it this way. If folks don't side with, nor believe the shoddiness on foxnews, why believe newer is better pertaining to this category?

Ah well, always to each his own. That is what I love about wc. It delivers, works and allows plenty of space to hold stuff. Couple the former with spell check, bold or italics, the adorable zippiness of color and well then one may show something indeed quite satisfactory for time and effort. You dig?

30/all llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll

September 16, 2009 at 11:03pm
September 16, 2009 at 11:03pm

Can't help it, can't agree.

Take for instance grocery chains vs farmers' markets.

Wed. is always market day. So we arrived there at about noon. Driving over went well. Time spent on the road? --- eh maybe twenty minutes. Yes, fresh veggies were displayed and yes we bought what we needed. Were thirsty and even bought a fresh half gallon of cider. This cider is so good one is tempted to put it in a tea cup and drink by the spoonful since it is that rich.

Anyways, carrots, five lemons, a small basket of ten cukes, celery and a huge head of Romain lettuce and the cider cost $8.50.

For some reason, since the new roomie and I seem to eat often enough, at least two large meals per day, we are low on forks. So he found five of these for $1. And I also bought a very well balanced chef knife and two ice teaspoons, I couldn't resist for another $2.

My new roommate is 19 yrs old and a blood relative. He's waiting to hear about a job today. But did take a call re: another application and scheduled an interview for Thursday. The kid's even driving my car. Tonight for supper we enjoyed a major salad which he made.
Right down to the lemon squeeze atop the shaken veggies.

Personally, I've been hooked on lemon since spring. Maybe that is why I am so marvelously sour all the time.

While we were there cruising about the upper part of the outdoor market, we came across a vendor who lost it. This happened last year at the outset of autumn, too. Well, this poor overwrought lady starts screaming, "I can't do this anymore!" She looks right at me and demands, "Do you want some free stuff?"

I sent the kid for the car and we brought home a wonderful amount of goodies. High on the list is a golden glass front for a fireplace. When I lost my fireplace when I moved in the summer of 2006, I never really recovered. No longer could I traipse the woods there for kindling and dead wood. I could never again smell the cedar logs my son made sure he brought me every October.

In November, 2007, I bought for $25 which included delivery a cement fireplace which was free standing. I put it outside in a spot I refer to as the courtyard which is under roof. The landlord's guys moved it when they replaced an overhead deck. It then laid on the grass, later set up from it's flat faced spot on the lawn. However, the wind blew it over twice and eventually another kind neighbor junked it for me into a dumpster. This poor Seventies relic of fake stone, cement and fiberglass was a gorgeous item which helped me rally temporarily over the loss of the brick fireplace from the six year rental of the past.

So now inside the living room is the glass front. The glass doors are louvered and the cats are hanging inside.

We're considering some patio stone which we know lingers at a nearby creek bed ... but uncertain just yet.

Know the freaky thing is .. I heard a fire crackling in the night. Arose to find the living room quite toasty and although tempted to crack out the marshmallows, resisted the urge.

And I disassembled the computer desk, which I painted red in 2008. I took down the new monitor which was a 2009 gift from a friend. I rolled up all the mouse and keyboard cords and put them to the side. We realized we needed something large, heavy, bulky and troublesome to prop up the novae fireplace replacement.

You can even bring up a red, orange scene from screen saver to fit the bill and serve as a fake fire. Now that's living on the edge!

I only put that baby online to satisfy the whim to produce a website. I am so glad not to sit in front of it and wait, wait, knit a sweater, do crosswords and wait and wait. The website I ordered, paid for and canceled last Saturday is no more. The new security they initiated threw us offline, logged us out hourly from wherever we surfed, sabotaged Internet Explorer 8 ... so we've had enough of online PC land.

When Internet Explorer 8 took the dive it relaxed useless for one full week. At the mercy of Windows updates it returned but only after anything in favorites including the culprit ebsuites.com aka highpowersites.com aka ebsuites dynamics, design dynamics and a plethora of related securities all built to bug, all meant to add to your time not making, not building, not logging onto, not able to use your own website. The trick is you seem to keep paying these monthly fees because you just want to conquer the ruse. Until finally the jig is up. You clear all favorites, report the matter to your carrier who then straightens out your PC for you in the realm of cyberspace. Meanwhile kiss all hope of ever building a website goodbye, kiss good riddance to frustration and in the final analysis return to home base. Wonder for life about your C drive comes with the scam.

So sitting here at the not so novae connection where steam returns as per usual on a daily basis. Here, there are six email addresses available, which work fabulously and much better than the PC actions. No Gmail for me. Pass. Don't need it. Besides isn't that google readable then? Unsure. Well there are hackers; one hears stories.

No it is not a PC. Yes, you can find these if you are lucky and no won't say in this blog. Send me an Xmail and we'll talk. No not selling them but saw it quoted by a user with this same ISP --- "We could sell these." Damn right. Nuff said, Fred. And at last estimate found on an msn.com search last week --- there are 800,000 _______- users out there.

And word: All of the six email persona each come with webpages. Webpages which hold, store and can be published to the world wide webby with simply a single click button. None are limited to 1,000 words and can be as long as actual twenty page content. Nothing is crashable with these gems.

Nope, nada, never give up your webtv.*

Bye, cackle, cackle, hee hee hee.

So HUGE hope at the end of the one-sided popularity poll ... yeah, by Jove I think she's got it. TEFF reboots TEFF --- short stories going online again.


* When folks online like to use the terminology "obsolete" best not to listen. Not everyone weighs in with correctness.

* Which only goes to prove without a single doubt more, more, more new things, new PC, online subterfuge via e-technology equipment is not always sustainable for some. And may actually still be simplified to workable, accurate, acceptable. As we know originally the innovative average man's connection which lasts and safely withstands the test of time.

* The friends ** who turned me onto this baby, sorrowfully went on to crash three different PCs which cost the sky. Alas they only wanted their own website to sell hand made items.

** And yes saw them today at Wed. Market with a ton of bills in hand. Doing business face to face. So, not impossible to return to yesterday. No, not in the least. However, a tad unlikely they'll be selling globally. But who really cares? Not any of us.

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Can we ever really estimate how many people go to bed at night worried they may not have online access the following morning? Of course we cannot. However, when one just strolls toward do-able, bereft of worrisome, strolls away from touchy pile upon pile of iffy stuff ... you may lighten the load.

You can free the thought process and renew any wasted energy. You can achieve even if the folks (fat cats) who advertise, the one's who sell the stuff which won't work forever, which work quite badly when they do work ... tell you you are obsolete. WE are often defined now-a-days by our ISPs. Aint that nuts? It's been a seller's game for over a firm decade. There are few shortcuts to techno- knowledge. What I'm instigating is once more -can't buy a pig in a poke. Shouldn't swim in un-charted waters. I remain useless if I had to purchase a newer PC. I'd have a headache listening to the salesman after ten minutes. I'd have to get a guy to do all the legwork and buy the bitch.

But, lucky as any other procrastinator, I can safely say I do not need, and I do not want anything else. Then sleep in comfort. Glad wc made it to Reader's Digest. Hope this helps.


September 15, 2009 at 5:29pm
September 15, 2009 at 5:29pm
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"Although the title of this blog FICTION FANDANGO, A WRITER'S BLOG contains the word fiction, pieces here will also be in the genre of journalism. Although the style of journalism is not strictly followed anything between quotation marks with a designated source is also an integral design of these written pieces." Mary Moffett: Editor's note.

The following should come as no surprise to online researchers in the know.
Comments welcome.

E-mail message

From: April Sunday

Tue, Sep 15, 2009, 4:24pm To:
"Invalid Item
Subject: a few words gleaned by perusing controversy and charges re: an online money vendor: paypal.

As early as September, 2008, a year ago ... just about the same time a worldwide global economic crisis reared it's questionable head .. Olivia Buck, writing on ConsumersChoicesBlog discovered she'd unknowingly made ten online transactions unbeknownst to Olivia. Ms. Buck's blog is featured and still accessible.

When the author requests money for her landlord ... Paypal shows no mercy. One account borrows from another and whoosh -- next come the paypal feedback of overcharges, excessive fees thru one credit company to pay off paypal transactions which were bogus.

Granted this is not quite as sad as paypallers who did --- sell, send at their own costs products & merchandise to customers. Sometimes products and items were rare, collectible or privately manufactured or hand made. Their customers paid to the tune of thousands of dollars to these individuals who cry the blues via blogs, complaints to proper authorities such as our North American FBI -- all to no avail.

Yes, class actions suits are easily researched online. Yes, these are for some reason always pending.

The question is who exactly is protecting paypal shenanigans? Aka outright theft.

So, the problem became evident, interesting while incongruously heating up to this freelance journalist only as late as September 12, 2009. The Sunday, taking a day to read random heartbreaking issues from previously satisfied people. Time after time posters who swore by, used and indeed did receive payments over the years as they conducted online business with regaled at the upstart, paypal's adroit audacity. Paypal claims this logo as "the safest and easiest way to pay/ purchase online" script varies by language of country, of course. Paypal continues "without using your credit card number." Thus on September, 15, 2009 so runs the advantages of POV from paypal or portapal --- paypal.com.

Enter the foray of paypalsucks.com. Only one of ten websites on a quick list devoting time to inform the public re: ripoffs, smashed & tapped accounts, no refunds for you and out and out nonpayment to the guys shipping the sausages, the carpets, the ebooks, the handheld fans, the latest PC gizmo, merchandise etc. Well, wake up America. Now scream hello MAMMA!

Checking an online service Alexa which chronicles web traffic one spots an astonishing ongoing disgruntlement of nearly 100,000 participants who are speaking out. Sure, many need their money for things they sold.

Paypal kept their money?

Yuppers. So complaints range according to the Alexa stat as follows.

The website "Paypalsucks.com" receives the following traffic. Which Alexa has broken down by countries of highest respondents.

"US --- 40.3%
India -- 11.2 %
UK -- 9.1%
Australia, Germany, Canada, Pakistan ... says Alexa -- with less than 3.6% to 2.9%.
Italy -- 2%
Philippines 0.7%" Alexa stats.

Now with all these emails, phone calls, written, verbal complaints, law suits etc ... we see like online traffic percentages as sidecars jumping on the train of the never ending fraud committed by paypal as we now know it.

Of the above stats Alexa informs: "The average no. of minutes a user spends per day on this site (paypalsucks.com) averaged of the past three months."

So sure, ride with me now to the ever popular site paypalsucks.com. Where folks are taking serious time to report serious allegations.

Here's a few close to the top. "Paypal is/ has given me HUGE problems ... they failed to give me over $500. for items I sold on ebay."

"I filed against them ... with the BBB, the class action lawsuit
against paypal."

"Their software has bugs."

"Join me in a paypal boycott."

From a like minded site comes the message: Buyer & Seller beware." from paypalwarning.com."

** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only **
Alexa --- re: paypalsucks.com --- "If you like paypalsucks you may also
like paypalwarning.com

From {suer:teffom} Suppose one were to sell ebooks or estories online and never receive payment, beg for payment and receive like possibly millions of the sellers of goods ... not a dime or an extended run-around replete with non-response emails, no phone messages, no payments, maddening noncommunication forever and a day?

Well, sure, readers, it's called research, darlings. Yes, I undertook to purchase, build and complain to a website designer which didn't work for me. More about this later. They did offer alternatives to paypal. Thinking this was about the most popular and ebay workable for so many --- which it was while the heyday lasted --- approx from ebay conception & ebay's entrance into the worldwide market arena .. until late 2007/8. I went ahead and signed up. They sent me $1.00 after about ten attempts to include a password for my brand new paypal account. I was enthralled. I would at least be able to sell an occasional traditional short story for a few bucks. Deciding at last with online eshortstory offered free online which are also pleasant enough reads, I then figured mid August to charge $3. So my new catalog page stated: Three stories for $3 bucks.

Well also the type of person who does sleep on major decisions for at least a month or more, I changed my mind. I went to login my paypal account recently where they had very generously sent me $1.00 in the summer of 2008. I liked the dollar, wanted to buy something with the new found funds but couldn't make up my mind between a box of paper matches and a coca cola imitation. So, I kept the special account, I nursed that baby. I had a direct line via my statements as to the day paypal gave me, a complete stranger one big dollar. That paper buck, a US MINT four quarter value shows me & portabelow I opened an account.

They put it in a certain account. I can see the account no. in my incredible files. So, I sift these papers out of an iron chest in the cobwebby basement, where I store all treasures of worth.

Next plan: phone them to cancel my account. By this time, since last Friday, Sept. 11,2009 --- always a bad day for me, it's traditional. I fast drawl an instantaneous acquirement of about a dozen new passwords. Their security counter- ecommerce affiliations, can't identify all their portapay names, these are usually in paypalsecurity speak .. and seldom does one login on demand.

So, sure I phoned them this morning.

Reagena, who offers a low, unmistakable foreing accent, maybe India by inheritance ... unsure finally takes my call. But first menu recording after menu re-adaption instruct callers to choose from the following options.

At last --- then: "Punch in numbers for card ... phone number ..."

"Stay on the line for an agent ..."

"Your message may be recorded."

(Ooooh, I'm scared.)

Vocal homosapiens begins with --
  "How may I help you?"

"Oh, it's easy. I wish to close my paypal account."


"Yes, I never used it and am thinking it is a bit unnecessary --- so ... am canceling today."

Yada, yada, yada, address, phone number ... all requirements to move from points a, b, c, d, yawn... to? ... then "last
four digits of the card ... ??"

Hmmm --- I already handed it out to the menu geeks. Oh, nation, believe it I surely have it. And it says paypal only on the original envelope. Paper trail established from my end.

Okay, yes ... recall voice recording passed me on with the same information I memorized for a week in front of me ... due to digit/ account serfdom for my account.

See, always thought to be covered just in case they regained honest composure at that particular website building palace, a spot which offered paypal in the first place.

Guess what the guy says. "I am sorry, I must ask you this again. Those last four digits don't match the information you supplied."

Yes, even I thought for a fleeting second, I may have picked up another card I use for gasoline .. nope.

So, I go finally with anger for the sham no court seems to stop inside the USA ... and yeah sounds awful but after the creep quizzes me four times for the correct number ... which supplied in order to reach this far, supplied to them on the phone today ... which I opened specifically for paypal payments ...

Which my written statement shows the wonderful $1.00 proof back in the autumn of 2008. Hmmm?

So, maybe with this browbeating one might opt to release a second bank number, if any.

So, I go ... "LISTEN, you're being sued internationally for fraud. Close the fucking thing. You may keep the dollar."

"Please refrain from using profanity. I cannot close this or help me help you unless you give me the right numbers. I'll ask you again. What are the last four digits of this card, please?"

So, I said, "Close the fucker today. And aren't you glad I recorded this phone call? SLAM!"

Down @ the Jersey Boards tourists might encounter a conveyance known to all and sundry as a tram car. The modus operandi of tired beachers. Who sit in the car, take a ride and listen to an overhead mobile recording ask pedestrians to step out of the way. It goes like this "Wh-wh-whatch the tram car please." The system isn't perfect so the recording skips forward with "wwh whw www whatchthe watch the watch the tram tram tr tr am amm cah cah arr car PLEASE!"

So what ways & means of keeping online banking, online banking, online banking online bbb bububba bbbb on becc oning ink ink oink online paypal banking shall common sense dictate in 2010? Will our economy, global, national, private, personal, small business commerce economy break again? In Oct 2008 economies burst apart at the seams ...

What shall this shall this blog topic offer?

Here's the deal. Paypal apparently doesn't consider it's grand damn self answerable to the Department of Justice. Nor as an inside, unseen player as a role, who must make good on the sales monies collected for clients. Is paypay above the norm, a better-than the duped him/ her/ us/ them all? Nor is paypal fair run the horror stories. Nor an up&up highroller. Paypal is floundering with lack of new members. Nor is the former emeritus a part of any credited banking establishment these days. Nor, sure fine print checkers aside, never has truly ever been under the regulations of banking as pertains to full responsibilities under laws of commerce for the USA. Naturally a speculation at best which includes the countries above. How sad.

They are not real banks. They are online money handlers. Who, just to make an educated freelance guess-around have bilked an entire planet with out & out theft. How much? Rents they want from unsuspecting parties with paypal accounts, fees they increased and increase. Perhaps to the tune of millions is long gone for paytillitbites paysuckers. Or as referred to on the overall dabbling on this date ... for blogs, read, researched for this article/ blog ... on FICTION FANDANGO, A WRITER'S BLOG ... FROM a small sampling? Hey, you tell me. We've a nasty premise here. Recall --- credit companies bringing down US savings --- in 2008 --- last year? Well tie in welcome during the thinking stage, of course.

My new question is --- did nopaper paytoilet, payper ponzistic portapal, no pal ... contribute to the so-called economic crisis?

The answer is yes. They kept people's money for donations to reputable charities, money for goods hard working men and women sold online ... and the honestagod awfulness of this entire fiasco is ... they are still doing their thing, still in the credit business and hardly rebuked.

Paypal aint paying, guys and dolls.

But sure, I hope they do.

God, I could have used that damn dollar. Ya know? Now, I am going to do what I always wanted to do --- something I set out thinking seriously about as early as Nov 2007, re-focused upon in April 2008 & 2009 and all this entire last six months.

Me? I just can't buy a pig in a poke. Can you? Who does? I shall without further ado, re-organize once more.
So "Three Traditional Short Stories --- Three Bucks" is cash on the barrel. Send me your email address with the payment method of your choice. Splendid, yipeee --- I'll say thank you very very much and email your purchase today.

We need return to old fashioned ways. It behooves the commerce of today because we carry greater concerns as online talkers, writers, sellers, and buyers. We need keep it honest and keep it real.

Next up --- more on a thing they call online security. Which in an off itself is another trite misdemeanor of the greatest pass for a definition in the world of online scams the world has ever seen. As payforapotty above goes to bed with fellow online shameful companies --- online companies --- they wallow side by side in shameful proximity with their fellow con-artists. While as many as possibly 100,000 vendors never got fully paid. The latter high contributors against their will to making paypal.com a lucrative wealthy business, which is still doing business this very day.

Don't forget famous words --- Buyer Beware! Translate in current marketable, salable venues as Sellers Beware!

September 15, 2009 at 7:42am
September 15, 2009 at 7:42am


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