Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/books.php/item_id/1594056-FICTION-FANDANGO-A-WRITERS-BLOG/sort_by/entry_order DESC, entry_creation_time DESC/page/16
Rated: 18+ · Book · Comedy · #1594056
  Due space ... cyber space, sillies @ a thing they call BLOG BOARD, am considering re-booting FICTION FANDANGO. Also, did find former arena for viewing latest blog creations from community members.  Who blog along @ the train we may dub http://www.writing.com. At that spot one may still find latest blogs by date & hour. This random thing that swept the site like a cow catcher, never cut it with moi.  Writing seriously comes @ a price.  Not costly in the least, instead a crux quite easy on the eye and mentally relaxing fer sure.

That's the craft for you --- when folks dedicate their works to a degree of ultimate impression for their audience. 'Random' applied like salvage for lackluster pieces clocks in as unfunny, uncanny sameness, tech gear only, buy-this-buy-that, keep up with the Jonses, be a married couple only, paint the white picket fence of online persona clone-ship is history. It always was for a talented ken of authorship. So, if boredom turns you on, personally can't even grasp the concept. Okay?

Previously FANDANGO underwent a major wash & dry, hung out to air since ... summer 2013, when blogs crumbled along with golden rod, last Autumn. A year before --- 2012 @ Teffom Estates came with discoveries which eventually tuned into major news events due revelations from Edward "Scissors hands" Snowden.  International press hounded the guy all the way to Moscow.  What he revealed to the American Public, due a closed and corporate owned media in the States ... went entirely unrelated to domestic spying. A blight on these shores, to be sure.

Suffice, IF TEFF rants, don't think she dislikes EVERYONE.  I don't.  I do run the EVERYONE contests and oh my --- have nerve to dub myself Prez @
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#1323687 by Not Available.

Also, currently searching my own bonafide noggin for a way to kick start another truly laid back group @

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#1411346 by Not Available.

Regionally we can only do our best.  Of course, thru our writing.  Most folks are not active protesters, another thing like even a hint of news (shunned onsite) remains in disfavor nationwide. Oh, yes, my pretties, tis in fact out there like a ground cover of wild geranium. Why, lucky we color ourselves when finding real news, these days.

Hoaxes come, entrapment stories build but common sense lives on in a place you may dub:

--------    FICTION ------    FANDANGO -------  A -----  WRITER'S -----  BLOGGEROO.


Deadline Jan 30 ... @
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#1190255 by Not Available.

  Christmas past submissions, encased in the only Christmas Genre Anthology onsite & online open

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#1521424 by Not Available.

  Perplexed while wondering about the CLUBs Silent Ones @
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#1343647 by Not Available.

FANDANGO LIVE spells no pressure stats for moi. (I) might blog a bit, but short story time is more important, you see.  Plans to make, resolutions to keep and sure  ... the beat goes on.

  Public thanks to all who entered 2013s Everyone Contests which proves most successful. Yipee!  Completion toward judging winners cicle while R&R (reading & rev) stories soon. Oh boy! Promoting same, holding in hand like Magi-ware then gifting ala Secret Santa.


Sept 1/TWENTY-FOURTEEN! Officially open @
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#1518804 by Not Available.

Tap the above if you like Ghostbuster mid. Also, accepting submissions all year long, from EVERYONE!

MAY RE-OPEN in JAN @ un-revamped 


Recenty Anthology created @
 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1613149 by Not Available.


  Ditto @
 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1614778 by Not Available.

Oh, the giraffe on the cover spells sticking FANDANGOs neck out there into that offsite view world aka an I-net EYE!
Previous ... 12 13 14 15 -16- 17 18 19 ... Next
October 28, 2009 at 5:43pm
October 28, 2009 at 5:43pm

        by: TEFF MOFFETT  (teffom@Writing.Com)

Bar Harbor, Maine, Oct. 31 ...

As an early morning breakfast crowd disperses beside the BYO Cafe, a spectacular full moon refuses to ebb, clinging to a rosy sky. Rough morning tides bob lobster boats about like toys. Dawn peeks into the kitchen where Gina and Bobby pound dough, light ovens. Conversation turns to how to inform their partner, Tess Magilicutty, she's being pursued.

"Gina, we better tell her. We waited long enough."

"Bobby, whatever Tess sticks her snoot into is her own lookout."

Bobby flops a sturgeon into the sink, proceeds gutting the luncheon special. Blood splatters the ceiling. "This is a big one. Maybe you're right, Gina. People talk behind her back. What if business shows a downward turn?"

"True," Gina remarks, tugging a tray of fishballs from a confectionery oven. "Then tell her. Bobby!"

"MMmmm, yummy, I smell fishballs!" Tess cries, entering the BYO establishment via an alley entrance. "Gina, you added cloves to these?" Shuffling three steamy croquettes with a mound of whipped potatoes onto a plate, Tess beelines for the counter.

Bobby nods at Gina, rips off his apron. Waylays Tess in the foyer.

7777 BYO details 7777

"So, you're on time for lunch today, Tess. Nice of you to drop by. Aren't those delicious? Finish your meal, then we need to talk. Seriously, hon."

"Bobby, I'm working as hard as I can, you know. Who cares my muscles are killing me? I'm sick of dishes, the pot line is wearing my nails down."

Bobby paces, looks outside. "Doll, it's something else. Remember when you came up here in an all fired hurry last May?"

"Ah yeahah. When we bought the place?"

"Okay. Stifle. You were followed by someone who was there the night a meteor shower destroyed your former neighborhood."

"No way! I left to capture the disaster on film. Boston showed the precious video which went nationwide. So who is it?"

"Does the name Peggy Cantrillo ring a bell?"


"Your fingers can unclench from the bar, Tess. The dame in question came in a few times, chatting up Gina. They beachcombed together. Apparently, Peg's a thing for beached bird carcass? Go figure."

"You don't say." Tess waxes innocent, shaking her hands as if they are wet.

Gina plops upon a twirling counter stool, puts her arm around Tess's sloping shoulders. "The former policewoman, Officer Cantrillo says you know something important about her missing boyfriend. Do you, Tess?"

"Listen, Gina. I'm on record with I don't believe in vampires. So best stay off my case."

Awaiting the lunch crowd, Bobby and Gina sigh, watching their partner slide into restaurant mode, fixing fresh coffee, placing hot rolls into baskets. Business as usual rakes in the dough for the dough that Gina bakes.

Bobby stealthily steers a new guy past his favorite gal, Chef Gina busily counting cash mid-afternoon. Bobby slinks his prey toward the kitchen. Together, they discover Tess mixing coleslaw. A tub of chicken salad receives a cup of relish.

Their guest, a North Dakota native, smiles, his mouth watering for a glimpse of the rambunctious Tess, a freelance journalist turned restaurateur. Bobby offers, "Tess Magilicutty meet Apple Anderson, here for the season, living adjacent to your old pal, Cantrillo."
Bobby splits, slams over a chair in the dining room.

"Apple Anderson! I read part of your book, GOD MADE BIRDS IN HIS ALMIGHTY IMAGE. Hawk Mountain Bird Sanctuary carries tons of copies," Tess extends her hand.

Apple laughs, "They say you're quick with compliments. May I?" He picks up a cracker.

"Sure. How is it?"

"Great. You've quite a reputation for chicken salad on a Kaiser bun. Plus, your meteor story is perfect."

Praise is like candy to Tess Magilicutty, smirking, batting her lashes.

Apple hurries on, "Listen, I'll spill the beans. Mid July Peggy C moves into Graystone Terrace. On her daily constitutions, we observe she dons an infant carrier. People interrupt,  desperate to see the baby. Curiosity grew since she'd just pat it's blanketed head, then immediately run like blue blazes."

"Oh? Maybe its just ugly, then?

Apple's jaw drops. "All the ladies gossip about satanic rituals, black candles, men with flying capes, vultures with pant-legs, shoes on sea pelicans."

"Okay, Anderson. Meet me in the upstairs office --- ten minutes?"

Gina carries a roll of bills upstairs, knocks. Tess opens BYO's office sanctuary. Downstairs, she informs Bobby, "The two of them are pouring over a map of the city. The Weather Channel's blaring."

Bobby snuggles against his love, sniffing scents of stale money. "Apple's a bird buff, says it's become beyond eerie recently. He's his eye on Cantrillo's third floor deck. Says birds flock to her balcony, 24-7. Now, Peg owns a pet pelican."

"Yeah, yeah, Bobby. And huge heron-type creatures fly in day & night. So shut right up! I already saw this. Down on the beach, she collects feathers to string between Chinese lanterns. One lady on that side of town told me incoming gulls like Peg's red & orange patio lights."

"Gina, did you ever see the baby?"

"Nah. I'm afraid to look. When she comes in for warm milk, Peg talks about sending it to college in Transylvania ... someday."


"Make me, big boy."

"Well, we did notice her quit the beach with a stroller filled with dead gulls and one albatross in September."

"Bobby, it's no lie, you can smell her putrid place from Yarmouth."

"Why do I feel trouble coming, Gina? Why?"

"Maybe for the same reason, Father Bartholomew reports parishioners asking for vampire amulets?"

Across from Cantrillo's digs, The Flat Iron Condos face New Brunswick, North West as the tide turns. Apple installs a state-of-the-arts microphone on an outside metal pole. Rocking railings rumble due to squawking below where contrary Cantrillo's avid piping aviary calls to nature, welcoming approaching sea fowl with speedy doom, one block south.

When daylight vanishes an extinguished candle on the Atlantic Ocean, Peggy Cantrillo edges downhill pushing a dark netted pram. She marvels as storm clouds assault the Bay of Fundy. Reaching her destination, she dives inside the BYO Cafe, abandoning a makeshift stroller to the sidewalk.

Inside the BYO, Gina shouts "Order Up!!" Hands over a Tuna Club then whispers to her mate, "Peg's here, Bobby. In the back booth."

"Oh gawd," Bobby laments, delivering the Club. "Hi, Peg, nice to see you. H-how's the baby?"

Gina forewarns Tess, dipping plates into a rinse sink. As slow as molasses, nervous nilly Magilicutty holds up each piece of china, looks at her brief reflection, listens to rain falling so hard outside the BYO, she shudders anew. Merely thinking upon a former rental where vampires could be part of the local bloodline in far off PA, makes her wonder if she'll ever be clean again. 

Night assaults Bar Harbor as a dark and playful N'Easter robs the entire population of electricity all the way to Portland.

Peg Cantrillo bursts into the kitchen.
"Oh no. You can't hide from me!"

"Peggy? Hold on a darn minute, girl."

"Last spring ... When that blizzard closed I-78, you just left us there. Officer Schaeffer stood outside, herding motorists from stalled cars. Where the hell is he?"

"Peg, they told you down in Pennsylvania, he probably went under with the fluke meteor shower which slammed into the area. Peg? Listen ..."

Peggy's rain coat grows wider with irate twirps. Bulging eyes reveal angry fear as thick as a slab of Vermont Cheddar.
Bobby & Gina sail into the kitchen, holding weapons above their heads. Gina sports a rolling pin. Bobby brandishes a wrought iron skillet.

Tess braces, fingers a crucifix at her neck, which she never removes. In a cajoling voice ... "Peg, eyewitness accounts down south confirm how  ... you carried a baby seat from a car which held something you assumed to be human. It was a some kind of bird, Peg. I saw it from the greenhouse. My landlord kept a camera at the corner of his barn. Stop this, sweetheart, let this one go. Give up any beliefs you formed, Peg."

Gina lets out a bloodcurdling scream.
"Bobby, there's a shadow running around. No two of them. Oh Jesus have mercy!"

Bobby swings, misses, watching three more run about. Each entity about two foot tall. The kitchen is inundated with mysterious midgets. Their earsplitting sounds increase. The cacophony akin to noises from gulls or dolphins terrifies the crew.

Outside a server's swinging door, Apple loads a crossbow with a silver tipped arrow. He's steady and ready, also a man with great sympathy for misguided bird life. Be they land or sea origin, by nature intended.

"Peg!" Bobby shouts. "Tourists, living near you, swear you brazenly open your summer rental to a flock of birds. All those neighbors worry about you, hon."

"So what. Sure, I live in an aviary on the third floor. My business. I'm raising a child, you know. Have a heart."

Tess grabs a hose, squirts hot water at the befuddled patron. Peg's multi-pocketed slicker opens, feathers float in all directions.

"NO!" yells Gina, covering her eyes. Secretly, she's invigorated by the confrontation, totally appalled by kissing next month's mortgage payment good-bye. "It's Gina. Stand down, Peg. This is my business. Vamonos, Cantillo!!"

Bobby whacks polished surfaces. "WE don't believe in flying vampire offspring," he mimics, smack, smack.

Peg's coat front is a twitter of life. Inside each lapel one spies movement. Side by side, six fledglings cling to her macerated chest. Blood oozes from her torso, spreads across the tiles.

Gina's voice drains the air around her, "Oh my gawd, people.  She's nursing them."

Apple adds, "Always took her for a clandestine breeder."

"Looky here. God bless you, Peg; 'tis but a freaking shame." Tess announces, placing her tiny cross on Cantrillo's forehead. The sizzle reminiscent of a frozen burger on the grill. A blaze erupts. Cantrillo fades, folds upon the floor. Suddenly, overhead fluorescent beams light the place up like a Christmas tree.

Gina's a crumpled mess beside the dessert cart. Bobby revives his true love. Gina moans.

Apple scours the floor for vagrant feathers or wings. He finds a pair of baby shoes, he later orders bronzed. Tess washes the floor with her extended hose.

Bobby grabs his janitor broom, pushing stench of fleshy ashes outside.  Under BYO's rippling awning, he rallies temporarily as the sea rises. Aggrieved tumultuous waves smack stained glass corner windows. Salt streaks walls of BYO Cafe. When the ocean retreats an hour later, there's no stroller. Yet, feathers pour down upon Bar Harbor for a few more days.

Despite this paranormal ordeal as October relents to Wicked November, Gina keeps the BYO open for diner trade. People admire her innovative hairdo, a beehive taller than a witch hat. Pale cheeks highlight her tresses, prematurely akin to nearby whitecaps.

Bobby attends sunrise mass daily before mixing batters.  Apple goes with him, returns to the local library to research a new book in progress, CONFESSIONS OF A FLY-BY-NIGHT BIRDER.

Tess eats a continuous diet of fresh seafood. However, BYO Cafe crew unanimously eighty-six chicken. Poultry regretfully stricken from the menu to this day.

A fan base, customer list, aka BYO regulars, plead for the return of Carolina Chicken Salad. So far staff trio and one Apple in the sidelines keep singing ...
"No more chicken salad.
No more apple pie.
Have dinner with a Vampire
Maybe you will die."

Obligingly, Harbor Realtors contacts Graystone Terrace's owner. An internationally famous novelist in his own right, he travels north from Bangor. Peg's building is evacuated. Although many a seafaring bird finds solace from Maine's worst weather via flocking inside open windows and empty flats. High pitched keening and constant flapping of visible and invisible wings repels locals and tourists alike. 

Late at night, an obese figure in a fishermen slicker bends, tossing crumbs about for feathered friends. Nearby residents report various figures wearing black topcoats jumping from balconies, their arms akimbo.

Incidentally, most townies concur one sees what one wants to see in Bar Harbor when the moon is bright.

© Copyright 2009 TEFF MOFFETT (UN: teffom at Writing.Com)

This is from a Three Part Novel. TEFFITORAGEOUS ... plugged this out orig in opening blogs on "Invalid Item


Time of day
Architecture & The Bay of Fundy.

Needs Antique China, humour, completion. Recipes of Maine llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll
October 19, 2009 at 9:55am
October 19, 2009 at 9:55am

IF any of our 193 members are new to CLUB we boast a forum this morning with a writing prompt.

AT: "Invalid Item

So from time to time monthly NL, open to all whom may wish to script one (simply mail out) since Cauldron Time is upon us once more. This month of Shocktober, thus aiming for the jugular by slicing to pieces perfect tenses. Which we may toss out the window like unsolved crimes. Well, Jack The Ripper comes to mind.

Meanwhile: What of those beastly average, never use words pertaining to short stories? Toss: try, tried to, tries ... simply move to best verb possible ... instead of words to the effect --- these words to the wise .... as you keep reader interest, my friends.

Toss: Jane started to rebuild her dollhouse. Instead: Jane grabs her hammer.

Started, starts a sentence, starting to wimp into countless infinitives, too many starts ... started to awake makes me sleepy ... start over, lose the starts especially at story start ... Hook em large, kids.

Thinks, thinking, feels, feeling, had felt, is feeling, was feeling --- yes use proper most excellent vocab .. ponders, faints at all the extra verb sandwiches. A verb sandwich is a 2005 TEFFOMISM coined term for too many action words in a predicate, a paragraph or weighing down compound sentences.

E.g.: Not cutting the mustard in onsite reads with extra swaths of mayo, onion, relish, whole wheat, lettuce, tomato and pickle as excessive verbs (and verb contentions) make one foam at the mouth with --- gee whiz hurry up ... let me devour this thing ... uh, er? Please, as I read. Now adverbs I love ... yummy, delicately, tastefully, rapidly devoured platters of meaty writes. Who doesn't? Munch, munch. Suggest a quick eye witness of Sir Arthur Conon Doyle. Where short stories abound with the best of the best ----> Note a style is born and a star on or about: 1899-97 -- available in SHERLOCK HOLMES, THE COMPLETE NOVELS and STORIES VOL. I. Doyle's work always a great source for adverbs. Spot list: coldly, evidently, indubitably, conceivably, singularly, absurdly, instantly, extraordinarily ... unlikely, precisely ... blend blend into CLUB Cauldrons, stir & stew ... *Cat*

MORE NEWS: *Pumpkin* OCTOBER 2009 HI CLUB !!! How might CLUB be this very day?

Less than one month to deadline at ADC's annual --- "Invalid Item

Lot's of entries. Great reads. Any problems posting those fabulous stories from the CLUB roster again this year? Actually the first annual, online, on the Internet ... on WEBRING by association ...
 Invalid Item 
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#1518804 by Not Available.

Please, oh do recall that thrill of competition ... in the air with even more prizes in store ...

So gots this email t'other day and out jumps that facebook thing and here one notes ... WDC is emphasizing ... writing. Imagine that? Now when did this occur? Say did I miss something? Did it finally say writing as opposed to r-r-r-revving.

BOO!!! BOOO!!! I detest the facebook, not on, never will succumb. No apolgies. Aug 2012 edit.

Well, you folks know how I am. Critical as nature intended, too fast by far, farther down the road of Learn & Improve Avenues. All of us aligned along an important spice for authorship via another author venue, dubbed Interstate Research which runs coast to coast, north to south, east to west and is every place. Setting worthy, researching geographically certainly one way to bring it on in a story. The spooky house in Mississippi comes into play. So the city, the town? The curious, we like to know & travel from desk side, of course we do.

Teffy recalls: cunning historic writes as in Ripperology forever audience worthy, fun times researching horrors past, shivering moments spent over a screen or book.

PLUS *Ghost* *Idea* The feeling print is about to make a comeback on the local level. Eh, the witchy prediction steady, little ole Miss Teffy. Your pal, your awful extrovert CLUB prez, your NL correspondent.

Disappointed in your work? Start over or stop. Rest up, thinking is plotting. Research time, ladies and gents. So back to square one. The easy way to great writing is .... begins with the letter V. #1. VOCAB!

Next: Organization is paramount. Go five W's and watch 'er come together, boys. Lassies, an author-to-author thingy per journalist turns fictionist magic trick from the sealed trunk under any claw footed tub ... sorry what a crash ...


Sure rewrite the hook sentence. If you hate it well ... heavens above, satanic sentence be damned. Remember you are aiming to impress an audience of EVERYONE!! (Forget erotica in that rule of thumb, which don't impress moi.)

Setting is next for me. Well, my goal remains to script & finish a short story for every state. However, since I am a resident of the Keystone State, with a big mouth, tending to favor setting in the original Thirteen Colonies, fascination centers upon the New England States. The South? .. driving thru for nearly twenty years. Lived in WV and in NC on the coast. WV is in great trouble due to MTR. Mountaintop Removal is a wicked thing environmentally. Sorry, I digress.

ADC grew to 192 members since Sept 2007/ Nov/ 2007. When we do our own location physically, the split level, woods, city streets, coffee shop, circus ... we do favors for those who are not there. We inform them of Atlanta, Biloxi, N'Orlans ... if we can, when we can ... inside any story of value & worth. Let's hope so.

Now here's the last ... but a mood is striking me today as wild haired, pointy hatter morphing into proverbial Teacher Teff mode. (I passed education classes prior to 1992.)

To-day! Tweak a behavioral objective: the BO in this lesson plan, a goal, writing how to, when, what, where ... of the story itself, your stories or mine ... list to starboard, cadge a NL authorship short cut. If you so dare. MURDER those words we do not need! So ... ooops hold on. Keep the train of thought, TEFF ...

People, authors, may I plead with you now? Oh, yes, please, please consider giving up, foregoing perfect tenses. You must, you need avoid them where and when you can.

Yes, there's the opposite school, prevalent in much ENGLISH LIT from England. Oh, the bloody Brits, blame them for perfect tense slow down in a short story, a chapter, novels. Yes. Ruth Rendell adores perfect tenses. Making me skip them. Yes, we need them for sound on occasions. But hardly in every sentence or paragraph. The look back theory is also past tense.

Yes, I made, make, fall down, stumble with was watching ... seen so many, can't take anymore. ... oh shush, don't cry ... Teffitor, the monster ... who reads umpteen, stalwart repetition ala: have & had. Murder all these "has" attachments ... the ever popular have been, could be, should have been --- one simply must stop overusing perfect tense.

Draw the curtains, Holmes. Enter the HODGES' HARBRACE HANDBOOK with me now. Ride like the wind in Bradbury's SOMETHING WICKED THIS WAY COMES ...

llllllllllllllllllllllll SIDEBAR lllllllllllllllllllllll Okay? Are you ready? Do youse guys, y'all see a prompt too good to pass up ... on "Invalid Item   ???? llllllllllllllllllllllll end sidebar llllllllllllllllll

** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only **

From: HODGES' HARBRACE HANDBOOK, Thirteenth Edition, Harcourt Brace
College Publishers, crt@ 1998. Chapter 7. VERBS/ p.91: "Sometimes the simple past can replace past perfect."

So, we send Ruth Rendell a copy as a CLUB of course. Just fussin at ya. Now about this prompt. You may create a bitem if you wish or use your blog. If you answer the prompt in the forum --- you can then use: {post: xxxxxxx }
{entry: xxxxxx } if a blog or book entry. Use of the # shown in threaded or unthreaded version for forum posts.

Our MID-OCTOBER/ Autumn/ *Pumpkin* *Leaf* prompt is as follows:

*Pumpkin* Write a short story or poem without any perfect tenses whatsoever. Present is great, past tense is allowed.

A gypsy, a circus ... this is for the onset of the action ... that's plotting time. Add --- one dead body to the story or poem.

Don't be to dismayed by good old Cauldron Time, an ADC tradition. When my fiction bloomed last fall, two separate, then three serials took precedence until mid summer's nights dreaming on ... writing .... typing ... so if this author can motivate you, OH HO HO -- I will.

Let's agree, we've read site announcements introducing WDC's introduction & debut on facebook, inkspot, twitter. Presently entering brand new stages ... where wc notices a need for an innovative emphasis on writing. Since we're all over the place now. Which rather means we impress, we expose, we strut, we ride the writer's wave in all its glory. With each creation, our products, our ports of call beckon the land of "writing well" to achieve "writing grandly" during our seasons of everlasting genre details from all walks of life, from all ages, from everyplace we stand outside our doors, as we view unique happenstance in CLUB's ordinary time.

All of the above ours to cherish as entitlement of either budding authors or experienced writers. As is an author's place via WRITING!!

HAPPY Happy Happy All Hallow's EVE !!!!!!
"Invalid Item
"Invalid Item

My latest --- flash --- "Invalid Item

A MUST VIEW GUIDE from member Sunny Star, visit:
Web Page 1  (E)
Many Different Things
#1537827 by Sunny

Authors note: This is an overall letter, not aimed at anyone in particular, of course. Yet, addressing common mistakes in writing made by a few. We're all guilty of too much perfect tense. Like the word "get" we need weed out excessive words, decide what to use to lead readers as opposed to looking unsure. An author controls the story.

To our serious members of CLUB who've heard this all before from many sources ... thanks for your patience as we reach out to all levels of writers.

The most important thing is to admit if writing is struggling, and this I've heard said, best worry less, relax. READ!!! Not one single short story from rule book to final polished edit is meant to follow a certain form. Not in this day and age and never. Because when Sherlock Holmes debuted in print -- at that time, Doyle's endearing style marks the beginning of short stories in mystery genre. So dare to be different, Charlie Brown is always an option. The trick is to work within legitimate grammar rules, add slang or colloquial whenever feasible and let those stories sing with unleashed creativity.

Ah well, the sheer beauty of Cauldron Time. Watch out now for Spooky & Scary wandering in your back yard ... OH then too the crispy tales of autumn bugaboos. BOO!

Don't mind me, yeah one crazy dame offering tips which work and never forget Mrs. Mary Moffett kids around all the time. Make me laugh in the ADC forum and you'll be my friend for life. Wink ---
*Cat* <> <> *Pumpkin* <> <> <> <> *Dollar* <> <> *Leaf* <> <> *Ghost* <> <>

Lastly, conclusively --- TEFF is extremely glad as wc member and ADC person to remain hopeful for a firm emphasis on writing onsite first & foremost. For years it waxxed imperative for rewarding akin toward all about the reviewing which meant to 'improve' those writing. Allow for genre weekly NL. Which intend reaching center points of writing sometimes, of course. Can it be true due to the new spots where WDC lingers authors shall now be in the main spotlight? YES!!! There's a need.
When folks sit down to a story which pulls them mentally, they need not be cut off with low word counts. Au contraire! Thus, encountering both (traditional short story lengths & writing encouragement) ... NOW lurks around the corner. So, a wild guess runs toward more & more better pieces, which in the set up pleases all of us who r/r/r as well as write. ALSO ---> Shows the mettle on offsite .com spots (mentioned above) and certainly allows promo for ADC AUTHORS!!!! Precisely ...
Cordially Yours,
April Sunday

PS: Bit of a mouthful this Shoctober NL. Best not wing the messenger, nothing new within really. Kept this letter three days before sending since I sincerely pray nobody takes undue offense. Should this missive invite discussion --- "Invalid Item is open. Please enter onsite contests, compete, win and rule the world with your wonderful stories ... is one way to fly as high as the sky. And I'll gladly lend you my broom. Bye for now, thanks for reading.
October 16, 2009 at 8:14am
October 16, 2009 at 8:14am

NINE DAYS FROM SUNDAY has one reader. ONE!! Fandango has 119. Since Sept. Whoo-ee now thass exposure fer yee. On a brighter note there's a tub of flowers in the bathroom.
I don't know them.
Well, sure I do.
Nasturtium, Seedum, Feverfew.

There's a message in the story and webtv is gone. Oh my God now, I don't know you?

There's some parsley in the kitchen... some taters on the grill ... Guess since nobody else is gonna read me ...

Well when webtv comes back on ...

I won't type like an edjit
For a fucking
Mini screen
I can not see.
This thing
Microsoft & msn?
Call a safe, safe, secure
So not even you may
USE the damn
Archaic TING?

There's webtv in the bedroom, a mountain all in storm.

A Vampire who thinks he knows me ..

Oh GREENSLEEVES he moves on ...

There's some hope for at this station, I had to use my PC.

Whenever I see wc, I just love to have my my my my

October 13, 2009 at 10:07am
October 13, 2009 at 10:07am

AUTHORS ED: DUE US involvement with drone warfare, there's bunches of folks out there who feel Pres O should retrun his Nobel. I agree. 8/8/2012

This bog was ... in unedited form ...

"The Nobel Win came with $10 million smackeroos. Did you not know? Well it did. Then one finds everywhere one tries not to look Me: while avoiding ... online blogs ... the Nobel is scum to some. Nothing as in an empty award. Nada, prestige-less, a misguided choice from the Nobel Committee, sadly this form of critique runs. Not here, not at my house nor in the White House, either of course not.

Well, you find these folks who are always right. They most likely in true reality of their own silly predicaments and inside their consciousness (? sorry shouldn't attempt to think for this group pf self hailers) know in fact they could be, might be and in fact admit to being either unsure or less likely dead on accurate wrong. In which case they tell themselves late at night when the moon revolves, just for them, mind you, that they are still right. R-I-G-H-T or wrong right, no political pun intended. Some tell in a small sampling, tidbits of nicey-nice dosages how an author, any author might wish to change their story aka as an example --- "improving a poem." Yet, the poem & story are fine as is, finished and they even say how much they like the damn things.

What about all this dual sided, all this opinion bashing? --- All from a class of know-it-alls who class themselves as higher than the salt at the proverbial authors' table. Why? --- well they read. They may read that the Nobel Committee is not on the money by choosing our US President on the morning of Oct 9, 2009. They shall seek and find places that suggest he not accept this terrifically wonderful honor.

Huh? ... Now who in the world could think themself so highly conceited to assume such a plan? He accepted already. Seems like a decisive fellow to me, at least, one person out here in writer world, one among millions of e-writers, blogging on & on. Just like all the rest who like talking, reading, writing. Not necessarily addressing a lonely crowd with nerve to demand they are so right on disapproving the estimation of how fantastic a Nobel Peace Prize truly is after all. How come, why and what for ??? ... Well, gosh darn it ... there are folks who no matter what ... they are always right. So, take the granny who unless you wipe your feet, wash your hands, breath into a Breathalyzer at her door ... you aint entering her house for Thanksgiving dinner. She's right, captain of her domain.

Then there's that peculiar restaurant place where you won't sit down to a meal ever again ... because there's always that obnoxious couple in the corner booth breaking bread together. While as loudly as can be overheard in China they shout each other down for every damn thing that happened all week between them at their house. So, one simply signals the waiter ... to go tray, healthy tip, apologies, a nod over the shoulder at the public broadcasters who send all in the opposite direction. Then they have the floor, all alone ... but you can bet your last dime ... they both head home knowing they are perfectly, inequitably correct ... and they're democrats.

So now the better among us will not genuflect, they shall never bow at their fellow man. Why must they? They are always right. Above the norm and right, right, right.

These types wait in line for hot dogs, cheap hamburgers at Mickey D's and grab up a handful of napkins to last them a month. At chuch they are righteous, on the street they are legion and at my house they pass right on by. Seldom do I deserve a nod, a handshake, a double hand clap. You see, I am not as right as the right all the time crowd. Now, I could be wrong ...

Meanwhile to THEM creativity is also un-right. Never been seen before, somthing new ... not average. Thus can't swap a hole in one at a golf course for anything less. Therefore wrong. Below the line of conceit.

So there are some out there for years, waiting for full agreement with their rights. Their opinion of what is right must gather at least a semi affirmative or they will plead for this forevermore.
Kids, the always right perpetually plead for agreement, don't you know? A desire to be lauded, praised crosses their brow like an Interstate of red lines on an Atlas.

Here's a funny one to try. Accost your favorite tolerable right-right person at your earliest opportunity. Now, face to face, toss out your elation say --- well you choose --- but I am picking the Nobel Win which OUR President O won last week ===

Stand back, watch Mr Right's shoulder's droop. Poor guy, he didn't receive that one. He wasn't even nominated. Oh what a freakin shame. So, you are gabbing on and on about this Nobel Prize .... Mr Right here ... now he's turning pale. He bites his fist patiently awaiting your lecture mode to cease, can't wait until he's thoroughly rid of you. Then ... now here's your important moment during the Mr/Mrs Right TEST ...

Watch their eyes. Watch the look that goes toward the window, the out-into-space glance. The dismissal.

Next, concentrate on the furrowed brow grimace. See? So maybe Mr Right secretly knows he's wrong. But he need, due to personality quirks, maintain his status quo, especially with peers. Many of these folks are confessed egotists. Besides when he rather knows you (or thinks he does, but feels safer when he meets strangers) he may have some inkling of your thoughts, feelings, opinions on certain matters. ... However, must these types constantly try to change your logo? Suppose your modus operandi becomes at some point tolerance pushed. Sure, walk away --- no run! RUN!!!

So, let me get this one right. Okay, because you are always tight-lipped, tight-assed, generally incapable of lengthy exacting debate ... Yet, those among us Whom must come off as superior, aka how to be plausible right --- now you can have nerve to tell me I am wrong. Yup, that's how it works.

Reading online aggravates the likes of TEFF. That's okay, I've a gorgeous day, a spectacular skyline and a few chores known here at the house as bringing in the potted plants.

So, shall take my mistaken beliefs and carry on however I please. That's the beauty of it, you see?
October 11, 2009 at 9:17am
October 11, 2009 at 9:17am

Be back later, a tad busy bringing in plants ... bye .. Comment below on NOBEL PRIZE blog ... as follows, a temporary home, pertaining to one reader who's comment has been erased ... and I am hoping this reader shall redirect and find another place to lurk .. and perhaps explore without of the topic "writing" or writing.com ... a thing called common courtesy, aka respect and politeness. Which although learned at an early age, should never leave an adult with their mouth agape. People like that should expose themself to fifteen minutes of democracy.org or DEMOCRACY NOW, as seen on tv. Then work up to an hour. Yes, you'll feel differently, no it probably won't make you a better person instantly. Simply a suggestion to use or not use as it suits.

And let it be known I love & court an audience on the Internet. I *love* blog readers, group members, fellow poets, those whose work I r/r/r/, faithful contest entrants, short story crafters, novel writers onsite who try very hard day after day, all those with innovative ideas, people with something of value to say --- EVERY ONE and all folks from all walks of life, of all ages. Yet, this has been some time coming. And this morning I return from church to find that awful comment ... Thus ... Miss Teffy erases the jibing comment sent. Since she has purely had enough and is not a bit angry ... if that was also an original intent. For me .. highly disappointed came and went in August past. I believe I said bye.

During an onsite writing contest ... uh, last year ... in lieu of explanation this morning ... during that contest I wrote about anyplace where members of various sites not being required to align with members who may not be real. Or may inherit pen names and color cases and portfolios from other people, all on the same planet Earth. (TEFF edit: Later calling these plants ... clones.)

In short, how much do people change when they don't remember you as years go by and you were once site pals? Yes, a bit off the cuff. But incidentally possible. Suppose one year a person seems so very different. Which is in all cases generally taken for granted as helpful as things are shared between members. YET, may not be at all beneficial to either party.

We need never assume Aunt Ida from Idaho is Ida, she can be Felix. Well, the Felix, I once knew changed so dramatically there is hardly anything left of the original bio fitting him. A bio first read a few years ago. Not a problem either for everyone boasts freedom of speech and may certainly hide their identities online. Although, we are never alone. There's a geographic site which if you click on it, supply an email address, anyone can bring up an aerial view of that ISP user's location. Once a friend did me at a local library and it shows the tops of the trees at a formal rental. Nice photo by the way. So, no, I never rush in with unshakable belief for anything on websites online, on the Internet about people.

Why not? Because as we write chapters we see characters. Sometimes, seldom actually, folks make up themselves, their bios, their ages, their kids. Now imagine if we feel sorry for fake kids who grew overweight, were bullied at school --- whatever ... sure it happens hourly and by the minute. When time goes by and these fiction changes are obvious, one needn't feel had per se like a basket of grapes attacked by a pack of crows.

No? Simply ignore the situation is one way to wash off the scam. Without sympathy, of course. Next, lack of friendship, nada communication quickly ensues. So, ask where they live. If they have nothing to say about the place at all ... or deny an answer this is your first hint. Most people can spot the ruse in a NY minute. Others are unaware it is out there. And who cares really?

Rather than write a novel with seventeen characters this type person MIGHT continually make up their online ID and progressive & regressive happenings ala situations etc.

Sorry, believers, ... Bubble bursting all on a glorious sunny Sunday.

Last week Fandango dove into news media's superficial spin. So much similarity between fake people and fake news it is staggering. However, not to worry after 8 years online, only directly encountered this fakir person thingy ... twice. So enjoy this our fun time, wc site, enjoy research mode, enjoy writing and create, create, create. You see, some someones just can't achieve the latter so they wallow in lurking shallow pools outside the door of those adept at dabbling in all or any aspect of the above. My coat tails are fine as empty as a robin's nest come May. Thank you very much.

Now, TEFF she's real. Mary Moffett's Pen name on net54.com and on WEBRING is PaulaLaRue. Just so you know. And I am having the world of great fun today with family over for the NOBEL Dinner, our October woods walk. Culminating in fresh baked funny cake. Tonight, plan to shift into fiction scripting once more with my vampire, Greensleeves Von Broom. Who tells me he's aiming to embrace another spot in my fiction archives.

Gee whizzers --- certainly not my fault this happens. I made the ignore tactic known last summer. Instead of feeling sorry for myself, the followed one, I thought to escape. And I've no sympathy for ONE uncreative creature. I hope it stays the way it/he/she is. You understand the genderless if you want to, dear readers. I personally have no time for this particular, after wasting enough of my writing time already. Might I suggest we all move away from spin, propaganda, soft sell. Instead, Jesus above, keep it real as a way out of any quagmire from folks who really may or may not be whom they claim to be.

Yes, being played is never pleasant. So, one shares, tends to reply to direct questions, accepts a few gifts, both big & large --- paid for their involvement. My expertise previously picked over like plucking down from a duck. Hoodwinked by a non-helpful attitude from only one misdirected entity. Yeah, we can learn from this. This person can comment all they want on this blog, since they are unblockable ... however, not a word or thy name (to whom it may concern) shall live very long in the viewable *Check* box arena ... Sorry not on my watch. Never again on this BLOG.

Also, for all authors/ readers/ members --- last week, I sought some info pertaining to something else. So to assimulate an answer, re-checked the member agreement section. Best keep your eye on that also from time to time.

Ah well words to the wise.

This person has never commented here so don't shoot the messenger and don't think it is another commentor below. Nope, not here.

As by the weekly blog theme for October 4 to Oct 10 (last week) there are places which refer to their own digs as "conservative websites." This is not one of them. My exuberance on Pres O's Nobel shall last forever with utter respect from Fiction Fandango. When I want to enjoy such as this Nobel Prize ... why not leave it go and tell TEFF to each his own. I fear for the American Public due to the influence of an ignoble ignorant multiposting bunch, who in fact are legion. Meantime, try a brand new theme on for size and write a story of your choice. Ah, that's right, I nearly forgot. Some readers/ reviewers don't write very much or very often. But others do and they do quite well at it. So after all it is back to to each his or her own.

Au revoir.
October 10, 2009 at 4:25pm
October 10, 2009 at 4:25pm

UPDATE: *Pumpkin* <> <> <>OCTOBER 10, 2009 <> <> <> *Cat* <> <> <> <> <> <>

Well hello there my pretties, cackle cackle, sure it's Cauldron Time!!

Receive 2 --- two CONGRATS e's from wc. Apparently, teffom@writing.com celebrates the first day heading into my sixth year as a community group prez, a forum hostess, a blogger, a poet, a fictionist, a fiend. Who writes from the heart as realistically as possible. This month * last doing what TEFF does best. Read/ research/ comment on news via journalism Ahem, which is how I came up. Not too many views, nary nearly enough. So where's the exposure?

Yes, open on --- simply enter network54.com --- go to SOCIAL FORUMS and try to find ---

http://www.network54.com/Forum/652040/ CONFESSIONS OF A FREELANCE JOURNALIST.
Also: Linking recent FANDANGO blogs.

Nobody talks. Not enough reader views. Yet, my ideal goal is to sell these blogs. Why not? --- So what twenty readers read for free? Suppose just suppose one sold a blog for one measly dollar. Must one instruct --- duh maybe she's witty at this point? TO-DAY! Always, sparky --- wherever you may be.

The other day --- person drops by, comments on Fandango, invites themself to dinner then addresses me as Ted. Ted?

Another ... Person cries the blues about which & that or how to position same. Christ this aint really my thing --- teaching English or deciphering bogus rules, outdated rules, ridiculous how to writes. Suggest find your style, do the best you can. Dream about vampires then also see that online as if original ... oh please. Vampire genre can follow any format, comedy inclusive.

Well, onto the update --
<> <> <> *Pumpkin* <> <> <>
LIFE TOPICS WELCOME/ posts/writing tips/ a record/crt2005
#924861 by April Sunday
is RE-OPEN. This 2004 copyrt has 2,084 views. Former ancient posts offer in some spots fifty views per slot, few extra comments for years. Much appears as topics in newsletters under an umbrella guise for "inspiring authors."

Inside my portfolio ---
First came TEFF Oct 9 ---2004
Then came THE FILES, 2004
Then came RIPPER, 2005
Then came Junebugs, 2005/March
All the way to "Invalid Item
And "Invalid Item

Not a bit difficult to notice new posts, comments such as: Hey TEFF, how are you?
Not at all of any importance whatsoever.
Carry on.

So then comes this month an October new post on the New --- MOFFETT FILES TAKE FIVE! OFFICIAL TITLE CHANGE. Feels great from here.


A day in the life of Miss Teffy.

Up early reading NYTimes articles re: NOBEL WIN!!!

Take one page of notes ... also read same paper ... news feeds re: New Orlans. Ahh ... quite a mess ... start to wax sleepy find 'get' overuse from published columnist ... dare one enter get never-never land and critique, record, hunt down and shoot down faster than a crow on a wash line? These mundane, boring 'gets'?

Eh ... well the notes ... the notes, no responders here to great blogs filled with info, entertaining wit, all from me. Then witness Paula La Rue, myself out there for sale like a leg from a Gingerbread cookie.

So ... think ... In his acceptance speech in the Rose Garden (not broadcast live), Friday morning --- one hears the voice of Pres O's speaking style ... he runs up against a wall with ... " ... get an education ..." Thus while reading that NYTimes text, time for coffee, eggs, bacon sparingly doled out a serving of 1.5 pieces cut into three strips. Greasy buttered toast on whole wheat, toasted twice ...

Get an education? Pursue an ed ...

Then the word, HORRIBLE little get getting it on all over itself as authors laziness persists in constant usage. To the point where verb sandwiches wax monotonous. Then the adroit disappointment laying down a book. This week weed out the bothersome culprit almost fifty times in ten pages of a bothersome nature inside HEART AND SOUL, 2009 crt from Maeve Binchey. Oh the humanity of saying ... get inside the door --- enter, Maeve.

Well, this changes bad to worse. Readers need rebel. Authors need turn the tide.

Forget about "get."

Got it?

Cackle, cackle. Can't cook these babies they're to hard shelled, really clinging to modern fiction and daily articles like barnacles . Git ... git ... shoo shooo..
depart (get lost) vamoose g-e-t!

And also this week the moon takes a hit ... well bye for now. To be continued.

October 10, 2009 at 3:01pm
October 10, 2009 at 3:01pm
Yesterday's exuberance RE: the topic below --- reaches out in letter form ---

SourceSubject:[Group #1353654]
from TEFF MOFFETT (80)

HOPE this evening epistle finds you well.
Pres Obama won a NOBEL PEACE PRIZE on OCTOBER 9, 2009. TO-DAY! For diplomacy, strength in drawing nations together, stategies & tactics for peace & his honorable action for disarmament in 2009. Nine days into his presidency, Our President became nominated in Jan. 2009.

TO-DAY! as he is so proud of saying, marks a milestone for the USA.

TEFF, a freelance journalist receives this news via a newsfeed --- breaking news @ 6am from the Chicago Tribune ... the short version visible on "FICTION FANDANGO, A WRITER'S BLOG "  where several comments ensue re: reaction. WOW!!!

So sharing this with y'all. All week writing about the shameful conduct of sham news corp etc. Now this great momentutm.

Briefly, making one realize that highhanded slander of President Obama, disloyalty of his own party voting in Congress and all liars who lead a lying life ... should be stalled by this achievement. Spin doctors, talking heads, media news corporations hopefully use their iota of brains, cease repeating on websites and airways racially stupid things to the public at large.

TEFF also put some time in this week writing articles, even steadfastly viewing Michael Moore interviews on Free Speech TV (FSTV) Yes, all now sifts into a neo news (reality genre) nuance of no more blame game. Breath in, breath out Nation. He won!!!

The Nobel Committee on the phone about 7am on ABC with this quote to all anchors who dare to think to use them as scape goats in their media wind outs ...

This quote "President Obama has nothing to fear from us. We chose him & value his outlook & actions. WE never discuss our choice."

Many authors whom write from all walks of life, from all locations can add this to the times. Dare to impress, store your research, praise this man.

Came buy to ask you all to join:
"Invalid Item
Where monthly informal newsletters talk writing approach. So much easier to communicate to both groups at once. Then whenever emails fly about wearing
*eitchhat* 's ... the time and days changing when ... one kinda fades into autumn. Seasonal and oh so sincere.

Hope to add your names. Whenever you check our forum or the FL forum communication flows. Hoping to reach everyone @ "AUTHORS DISCUSSION CLUB"  easier, faster via rare quick notes.

UPDATE: OCTOBER *Pumpkin* teffom@writing.com on WEBRING now, construction in progress.

So hope you check out --->
 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1322156 by Not Available.

Contest in progress:
 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1518804 by Not Available.

Oh and while working on NEVER BUY A VAMPIRE LUNCH on my fifth wc birthday ... Oct 9, 2009 --- (also today) it came to pass, decide to email a FRIDAY night note ... on a cloudy, windswept, heartfelt night of pride for this Keystone State resident to my friends, pals, fellow members @ FRONTLINERS.
Congrats to President O!!

For us here on the East Coast it feels like the Inauguration all over again.
Cordially, TEFF keeping it real.

<> <> <> *Cat* <> <> <> *Witch-hat* <> <> <> *Leaf*

October 9, 2009 at 8:40am
October 9, 2009 at 8:40am

"ON OCTOBER 9, 2009 Pres. Barack Obama wins Nobel Peace Prize for 2009. According to the Chicago Tribune for "his work in diplomacy" ... in drawing nations together, talk decisively RE: world peace negotiations & tactics. For: speaking for & implementing disarmament this year." April Sunday

"TEFF surprised like all the rest. Happy as all git-out. Take it around the block abit ... realize one channel is talking about Letterman's alleged affair.

Wonder what Michael Moore is thinking right now. Never seen a guy 'move right and go left' this fast in the history of new administrations. (maybe yes, maybe no)


Fry that in your k-rations, soldier ....
Or laugh when happy ... one and all.


FINALLY SOMETHING HUGE to be so happy about, read, write, blog about ....

Thank you, Jesus.

Guess I'll bake a cake. Oh boy oh boy.

Exuberant! from TEFF

TEFF EDIT: Aug 8, 2012 Since the guy feigned left but went right, continuously with first Afghan escalation early on in his capacity as Commander in Chief, and now with the drones already. Yeah, he should return the prize. Tsk, tsk ... shame on you, Sir!
October 5, 2009 at 12:49pm
October 5, 2009 at 12:49pm
Organized AND!!! AND!!! Transcribed so much already, must admit so glad to own the six pocket trench coat, beige, falls to the knees, matches my ancient Volvo. Keep a steno pad in the pocket.

There are no hidden behavioral objectives from Teacher Teff at this time. Well, promo and construction of the new places comes to mind.

Perhaps, more than a few --- probably hundreds and thousands of TEFF readers T0-DAY!! missed Junebugs, the blog. Ah well, sales pending.

Meantime came across an astonishing post re: adverbs & adjectives which really threw me for a loop. So stay tuned, stay safe, stay well, stay focused on WRITING and keep a little spark of attitude on the side. Just in case you need it someday.

wc cutes
October 3, 2009 at 11:41pm
October 3, 2009 at 11:41pm

RECAP: Please recall, if you have a moment, a report below, penned Sept 19 on Fandango Crossroads of the duo filmmakers, James Okeefe III and Hannah Giles who carry out a sting upon the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now. Known in the press and across the nation as ACORN.

Well, garnishing the attention of Congress on Sept 14, this crazy bunch of hipsters denies fed aide to ACORN for 2010 with some senators jumping the gun, actually citing the bogus films and their producers (currently under investigation) in Maryland. Breitbart, blogger extraodinaire of biggovenment.com is also sued by ACORN DC, Director, Bertha Lewis who reports the fraud to Att Gen Patricia Jessamay of Maryland.

So, now begins the who said what now and when. Natch, as expected this slanderous, rumor story of the duo posing as a pimp and a whore, and their films which aired as early as Sept 10, prior to the Sept 14th vote to defund ACORN is dying down. But has not drowned out yet on what are called by the brass and the fans of "conservative websites." These are forums, yet most often blogs.

Instead we find on the scene, one crazy guy known as a contributor, a commentator and hailed as a spokesman for the far right ala redstate.com. I do not believe I shall ever linger there ever again. What graces that place in late Sept is no longer available. Folks who post in disagreement of the owner, Erick Erickson, complain only a handful of fans of the man manage to voice comments via an open post section. One must join to post as is the way with these things these days. Who cares really. Very few folks of intelligence. However, what one viewer refers to as "venom" from the likes of Erickson measure in wholeheartedly as superficial opinionated buffoonery by many. Others mention ala specific warnings pertaining to these type of Obama bashing writers and their websites that danger lurks for prerequisite software which may or may not set one's PC to tingle like a fine tuned harp.

Briebart, foxnews, redstate and hotair.com from Michelle Malkin allude constantly to conservatism. Not only are some republicans not up to par they are not conservative enough for these people. And they make damn sure the ACORN scandal lives and breaths with an alligator's baited breath.

Suffice to say it didn't take a deaf mute last year to realize McCain forged a kinship with at least some type of reality. When he chose Palin as VP candidate, he told the nation he didn't want the job.

Anyways -- only found Erickson while researching Ed Morrisey who also falls into the net of so-called be-all, right wing --- their term, a label to avoid.

Now here comes the one post, TEFF shall now address. During the last week of Sept we see Erickson be one of the first to put the sting (the planned scam & Okeefe & Giles vids) to the test. He decides to slam a republican named Dede Scozzafava competing for a seat in NY's District 23. Erickson titles his very brief, uninfomative, badly written blog as follows: NY REPUBLICANS PUT UP ACORN BACKED CANDIDATE IN NEW YORK --23.

Apparently, Ms Scozzafava is held in high esteem by a group called The Working Families Party which enters the arena with aiding and abetting ACORN via community activities.

DING ding DING --- a bell goes off. What kind of nutcase criticizes anything whatsoever to do with upstate New York? Nice place, fine folks, community minded, neighbor helping neighbor, crime watchers, hard workers, Catholics, Protestants, Jewish citizens, African, Latinos --- Americans all working to fill the absentee seat. That erickson, Teff thinks, is not from NY. Me? I love New York. Find New Yorkers fascinating, especially admire their vocabularies, how they tell stories, their humor and wit and keen sense of both justice and forgiveness. And the premise is right. Some of redstate.com's erickson profiles taut his involement in Macon, Gerogia politics. (Note more than one source since the place keeps changing.) There are no heavy doses of adverts on Eric boy's site. At all. So info there says he's from Georgia. While territoriality goes without saying in old New York. So why's he butting in? The slam is an ACORN slur, a condemning, in case we missed it on foxnews.

Erickson writes of the candidate, Scozzafava (R) "She's backing paying insane criminal organizations trafficking in 12 yr old sex slaves."

IT was a verbal sting --- Okeefe and Giles said they were planning the above --- ACORN is blameless as is Ms. Scozzafava. You see all desinged to anger, purport anger and rile people. Poor TEFF is as Irish as the next person. But am I tempted to post a reply? Not on your life. How come? Believe you me, bub, it aint up my alley to act below my dignity for such balderdash. Simply pointing out what this "conservative" think tank creep does for a living. Oh and his credentials, short version as per sound bite aimed to impress, claims Mr. Erick Erickson is "a contibutor to msnbc and CNN." Oh my. Really gives one the shivery shakes. No? How, when, subject never makes a single sentence.

Also, both briebart.com and erickson.com script their crappola in short as all get out style. This often spells --- less said --- less to be debated.

And Erickson doesn't want "an ACORN backed candidate infiltrating the GOP in Congress." Lordy --- two assumptions in one idiotic sentence. Wow!

He also adds in that one particular blog --- that Ms. S is a candidate for "The Conservative Party." Gee whiz man. He renames the entire party. Wild man, I think I hate you. Teff's reason --- Entitlement, by age and thirteen original colonies --- territoriality.

Okay, here at the house, things became rather awry at the desk since I first had the misfortune to read anything EE wrote. My notes now akin to rather loosely misplaced, kinda like Colombo tapping his trench coat or looking for things in his Volvo. But we do find another scrap of information from redstate.com. Which incidentally makes full claim to being the fifth most read political website on the Internet. Oh, please. Whose doing the counting? Diabold? The voting machine corporation?

Oct. 3, 2009 "I finally realized," blogs Erick Erickson (sorry, common homosapiens blog, the lofty egotist Erick commentaries --- "the left are without any standards. With Obama we are unpatriotic if we show the office of the president any more respect than its occupant."

What the hell does that mean?

Now, me, I wrote, in May 2003, a war protest story titled: CONFESS WITH THE DEVIL, published in Surrey, England. The story is set in Hell's Kitchen. Nineteen pages long, over 10,000 readers, never heard a single word. No problem, all as it should be. Also I coined "gurj bu" then.

One Erickson poster manages to make it to online viewable --- for now anyways.
In response to what "Obama thinks" after Rio is chosen for the 2016 Olympic site over the Windy City. Now people few dare venture into what a president thinks.
a. No one can tell
b. redstate.com's ownwer, manager, whatever perpetually zings President O with out-of-context remarks he's made as far back as erickson so desires. Oh he is a very bad man, this political democrat party hater, a true nasty.

Sorry, I digress. Joey Fredrick tells Erickson, "I am sure you have moronic fans. You are mean spirited and stupid. But a majority of Americnas are clear headed and intelligent and would find you laughable."

Doug Smith is more to the point: "Go screw yourself you worthless S.O.B."

Now thass classic.

So what do we learn from this? Well, we know we hate to even watch fox news. Dental surgery is better. But a path is woven between these folks blogs as unruly label wise as it gets, with content longer than a zillion miles of Pinochio noses.

The Question now is are the ericksons wannabes, me: the one's at the top of their game ... scripting those standard media think tank one liners? The repetitious rants aired on tv 24-7?

They are gungho on who has it first, tell each other to be the firt to twitter their praiseworthy news items. So how hypothetical is this routine? Akin to Halloween scary since media moguls are corporations. Oh, my heart.

Do recall THEY say ... all news is tellable in a paragraph of fifty words, so runs philosophy leading to twitter-ization of a nation. And I
strongly disagree.

Hell, you decide.

It's boiling down to a kaleidoscope of drop a name, like you know something, slam anything, anyone, anytime. Gee, just like in 2004.

Strange, very strange indeed.


Ahah, perhaps FANDANGO NEWS BUFFS ... might by now accept this two sided reason to follow: ACORN FREEFALL, AUTUMN TWENTY NINE .. for simply put Mary Moffett's report follows timeline for spin, corporate, talking head, propoganda led and ... Ah ha Watson ...

how it was done categorically which starts the no funding for worthy, helpful programs which perhaps city dwellers and outlanders alike depend on ... Sea to Shining Sea.

8/8/12 the above are slammed as austerity cuts. WISCONSIN SPRING, repug gov, Scott Walker nixes union jobs, opts selling state college, city buildings, parks to the private sector.

By the time Pres O sells his soul to Satan ... slaughters civilians with drones (warfare machinery currently under few stipulations, sold to US police departments) not ONLY MIL USE .. say where are we ...

See this ACORN SERIES from Investigative, Research, Historic Reporter, Mrs. Mary Moffett/ owner of FANDANGO ---- CRT BELOW. 2009/10/12



Now I ask you, in editor state, yeah ... likgis one.


Back t'Junebugs call ladies pretties, gents .. wiseguys.

Allow for order in the house.

Oh hello, flirt, wink, puff ..

Just entering FANDANGO?
Plenty of room back in the corner, least you'rE outah the rain.

FANDANGO in the mawning early ... early autumn ... hoping for same since June.

MASS fall weather oh so very very cool.

Of note -- nary a comment from the wc contention.

... WISEGUYS ALL? Chicken shit!
Can't TEFF ever take home a comment?

Aug 10, Fri ... hmm ... why WHITE CLOUD SPRING then

R we receiving acid rainwise metalic, heavy chemicals by land, by water, by sea, by soil?

WATCH ---->

GASLANDS, A DOC FROM JOSH FOX, 2011 AS THIS NATIVE SON TRAVElS ACROSS devasted, destroyed lands across THE COUNTRY. Afterwards learn a lesson from a city called Fort Worth tonight as Richmond burns.



Where's OUR gieger counter, Hotshot?

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