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Rated: 18+ · Book · Personal · #2017254
My random thoughts and reactions to my everyday life. The voices like a forum.
I do not know quite what happened or when , but my hubby and I now qualify for seniors' discounts at some venues. This creates a quandary; in order to save money, but not face, we have to admit to our age. HMMMM..... We definitely do not consider ourselves to be old. In this day and age ,when people as a whole are living longer and healthier lives why are 'young seniors', those in their fifties, like moi, considered 'old'?? It's so true that age is just a perception! "Maturity" is very objective/subjective, and I object! Whew, a few years have skittered by since I composed this biography block. Those "fifties" are in the rear view mirror and they are distant, fond memories. Oh, I do not plan to stop writing any time soon.
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September 15, 2021 at 10:25pm
September 15, 2021 at 10:25pm
September 15th Prompt: What was the most memorable meal you've prepared? Tell us who you prepared it for and the occasion.
         Picture doe-eyed children fainting with hunger and rocking in their chairs encircling a dining table. Their trembling hands clutch grumbling bellies. Their piteous cries pierce the air.
         I pull open the door and step out onto the deck. As I tug the lid of the propane barbecue smoke billows out and stings my eyes. I gasp. I cough. I wave away the dark cloud obscuring my vision. Red flames flare and flicker. I hear sizzling.
With a sigh I pierce the family's meal with a long-handled fork and wrestle each morsel onto the tray I am balancing.
         I permit the barbecue lid to slam shut. My free hand wrangles the door open and an elbow bends to catch it as it swings.
         Three hoarse voices exclaim, "It's about time. We're starving!"
          The tray clatters to the table and four sets of eyes stare. When no one attempts to spear the meat as I anticipated I go ahead and load four waiting plates. No one, none of the hungry, begin to stuff their impatient faces.
         While I wait, four forks hesitate and hover over my offerings.
          The children look to their father. He clears his throat and states the obvious.
         "This chicken seems to be burned."
          Before I can think, I snap, "Scrape the black bits off!"
         Peering at the silent offspring I begin laughing. My own poking revealed the chicken to be beyond seared. I had cremated our supper. Even the soot-encased bones crumbled.
         "Hey, this is sorta like blackened fish a Creole specialty," I snort.
          Okay, I confess barbecuing is often beyond my skill set. This is but one example of my prowess and the reason why my hubby would announce to his co-workers, "Well, I gotta go home now. The wife has fired up the barbecue. I can smell the smoke from here."
September 14, 2021 at 7:40pm
September 14, 2021 at 7:40pm
PROMPT September 14th

What is the worst movie you have seen? Tell us why you consider it the worst. Mine is The Star Wars Holiday Special.
         Hmmm, I don't seem to have a definitive answer to this prompt. I must've seen terrible movies. Not all movies are great and of course that's true. There's an opposite for everything, right? Good versus bad. Fantastic movies, mediocre movies, and forgettable movies. If they're so terrible that I cannot recall them then I have no memory of them at all. To preserve my sanity and my discernible taste I've not bothered to retain anything about them. I've forgotten them. They're not worthy of remembrance.
         Now I do know the genres I prefer to view. This sometimes clashes with the movies hubby wishes to watch. For some inexplicable reason he loves chick flicks, the sappier the better. He is enthralled by romance , the chase, the courtship, the all-consuming angst and the happy ever after fairy tale ending. He's discovered The Hallmark Channel which specializes in these favourites.
         I dislike the fact that all these movies follow the doctrine of romance novels such as the Harlequin offerings. A woman is pursued by a man, a man she never knew she needed or desired. During the course of their gradual awakening they experience pitfalls, doubt, misgivings, whatever. After tears and fears they realize their undying devotion / love for each other. Always the happy ending. Every setting in the world has been exploited. Many times either she's a widow with kids, or he's a widower with kids. Every holiday from Thanksgiving to Easter has been showcased.
         I find this formula stale and very trite. It's the same predictable script. Blah, blah, blah.
         Conversely, my partner likes action movies with thunderous explosions, screeching car chases, non-stop tension, hand-to-hand combat. He perches on the edge of his chair barely remembering to breathe and rarely blinking. He recoils. He flinches. He grunts and gasps. His muscles tense and he clenches his fists. I find his intense involvement to be entertaining. With each movie he experiences quite the workout and it leaves him drained. Perhaps he should've been a stuntman?
         Wait, wait, during this diatribe I've thought of the worst movies I've had the displeasure of viewing and they were not ones of my choosing. Any film created by Quentin Tarentino is ridiculous. He glorifies blood and guts, violence. During their regrettable running, I buried my nose in a book. Yikes, apparently I've not forgotten enough.
September 13, 2021 at 8:16pm
September 13, 2021 at 8:16pm
PROMPT September 13th

Who do you see as role model of yours, either a professional or 'everyday' person, and why should everyone else know about this person?
         Who did I look up to? Well, the answer to that question would be my parents. They married young and worked to provide for me and my siblings. They provided shelter, food and clothing with little money left for frivolities. Neither would purchase something before first paying the bills. They did not put their wants before ours. If a child needed new shoes he/she would receive them and my parents would continue to schlep around in their own worn out footwear. They supported us emotionally, too. We were hugged. An interest was shown in our pursuits. They were never distant or unavailable. Nope, I cannot complain about my parents.
         When I left home to attempt to live as an independent adult my parents would reach out to talk and/or listen. Of course they proffered advice whether I wanted it or not, but they did not demand that I accept it. They always seemed to be willing to act as sounding boards. Not once did I hear an "I told you so" , or a "Well, I would've done it differently." They loved me enough to permit me to make and own my mistakes.
         No, I've never known a professional role model. Is there such a person? Would I discover such a being listed in the yellow pages? How would they convey their ideas? Would it be similar to shadowing a parent-at-work day? Would I be expected to attend classes, workshops, or seminars? Ah, could I assume I'd have an exam, or an essay to write?
         Wait, what exactly is an 'influencer?' My memory is of my Mom expressing her belief that so-and-so was a 'bad influence' and might not be the best choice as a friend. Did I heed that maternal concern? That's a subject for another blog.
         Really, what is an influencer? This seems to be a phenomenon that is featured in movies now. Someone aims to collect followers and labels their online efforts to be those of an 'influencer.' Do people follow their every move, decision, act without compunction? If a certain young woman films her every hour in a day am I supposed to be impressed? Ooo, she applies a beauty shop load of make-up and professes to be the best guru? Nah, she's wearing a mask. At best she has an opinion, a biased one. Why should I care what she chooses to smear on her visage?
         This is definitely not my idea of a role model. Everyday people are the real heroes. Parents toiling to raise their children. Teachers promoting lifelong learning. The crossing guard on duty at a busy intersection. The janitor mopping the floors. The doctor, the nurse calming frightened patients. The truck driver running the gauntlet of relentless traffic. All of these people give of themselves to help others and they do it without accolades. They strive whether they are exhausted, or burdened by their own worries.
         They deserve my respect.
September 12, 2021 at 7:39pm
September 12, 2021 at 7:39pm
September 12th prompt: What part of your life has been disrupted the most by the stay at home orders? What have you done to adapt to spending more time at home?
          I'm certain I'm not the only one who bristles at orders that squash my socialization. Nothing compares to or replaces that interaction. What? Stay apart to stay together? Stand apart together? I never thought I'd live to experience this isolation, this enforced separation from family and friends.
         Phone calls and e-mails don't cut it. I missed hugs. I missed facial expressions conveyed face to face. I missed sharing meals. I missed board games. I missed crafting sessions. I missed long rambles where we exercised our jaws as much as our legs. My brain struggles with the Covid logic. Stay away from positive people?
         Before this pandemic I spent time alone, sometimes by choice, but I could always visit with anyone at anytime. Nothing was restricted, or denied. If someone wished to see me we arranged a get-together. Never did we worry about breathing on each other, or consuming the same air. Most likely germs floated all around us, but we were oblivious.
         Have I adapted? Possibly. I've grumbled. I've whined. I've complained.
         During my enforced Covid curfew I've kept busy reading, writing, and viewing all things British. I fill the hours with projects and entertainment. Most of the time, I've managed to ignore pesky housework. It's surprisingly easy to turn a blind eye to dust bunnies. They only make an appearance when they sunbathe. I appreciate their quiet presence. Who am I to deny their burrowing under furniture? I do not lay claim to that particular space.
         I've also refused to make any hasty, rash decisions re my bloated bookshelves. Yes, I concede that the books seem to be staging a mutiny. Many of them tower over me and they are in cahoots with the musty dust bunnies.
         Sigh. My baking urges have left me to devour most of what I create. Who can I share with? Maybe I could've stuffed fresh muffins into mail boxes, or door slots. Curbside deliveries are a thing now, but are they suited to baked goodies?This is not what I envision that ol' saying being. Let the cookies crumble. Who wants cookie crumbs?
September 11, 2021 at 7:34pm
September 11, 2021 at 7:34pm
September 11th Prompt What were you doing 20 years ago today? Of the events that transpired, what memory stays with you, almost haunts you?
          Twenty years ago? Wow, now that's a significant amount of time. Where was I? What was I doing?
         Well, I was far from the horrific destruction, snug in my home, until the glaring news' reports jolted my small, Canadian town awareness into hyper-drive.
         At that long ago time my youngest had just started Grade 12 and we were immersed in all things high school. In fact on that specific day she posed for memory photos.
          I was busy reorganizing a new year of Girl Guide activities and preparing for the local fall fair by polishing my craft entries. My two eldest were in and out working at their jobs.My career as a personal support worker hummed along. Basically, I multi-tasked as usual. Oh, and my eldest grandgiggle had just turned four months old.
         My mother phoned me to order that I turn on my television and see the emerging terror for myself. I remember not completely comprehending what the cameras were recording in real time. My mind preferred to believe that it was a staged bit of movie magic / manipulation. It had to be smoke and mirrors, too much smoke, special Hollywood effects, right? Tall buildings were not intended to be struck and destroyed, right?
         I paced and worried about strangers miles from my safe haven. How could this happen? Why? Sure, the United States bordered my country, and New York is at a physical distance, but it was still too close to home. Canada shares more than that border and some common geography with our neighbours. Americans and Canadians alike presumed they were free to prosper and cherish their families. No one could foresee such brazen brutal attacks.
         What still haunts me? Those images of soot-stained, stunned, vacant-eyed New Yorkers stumbling along streets of rubble and framed by billowing smoke are etched in my memory. New York resembled a war zone and it was mind-boggling. The smouldering remnants of the towers were a stark reality.
         I also remember with bursting pride the outpouring of love and support my fellow Canadians from Newfoundland provided to the many diverted flyers sent there because all flights were cancelled. No one had ever envisioned a mass influx of frightened American travellers, yet citizens stepped up to help. Those Newfies are my heroes. They selflessly sheltered and comforted. They made the best of an unprecedented emergency.
         I suppose the least any of us can do is remember. Far too many people died on 9/11 and those deaths were violent, unspeakable atrocities. That attack pales in comparison to those beloved victims. Their lives matter and they shall never be forgotten.
September 10, 2021 at 9:24pm
September 10, 2021 at 9:24pm
September 10th Prompt: What qualities do you value most in yourself? List at least three of them and tell us why you have these values.
         This is my opportunity to claim that I am a humble, uncomplicated person. I don't put on airs, or aspire to dazzle anyone. I am a what-you-see-is-what-you-get kinda figure.Basically, I am human with flaws and occasional flights of fancy. Sometimes, my imagination is a bit quirky. I may prattle on and on. I ask questions and I don't necessarily expect am answer, I think out loud. At times, I speak to myself which startles me. I will admit I like to laugh and not always at the expense of others. Humour appeals to me. I shake my head at what befalls me. I have accepted that I'm a klutz and will never ever be remotely graceful, or athletic.
         I value my family. They've loved, supported, cheered,teased, counselled, argued, disagreed, and laughed at me. We are intertwined for better or worse. We share a history and there's no doubt they provide fodder for my writing. They don't always understand why I write, but they don't discourage me either.
         I am drawn to creativity. Sure, I play with words and shape them into stories, but I also like to sketch, craft, and needlepoint. I admire those who express themselves with their creations. I see it as something positive. I cherish the quilts and paintings my Nanny gifted me. Made with love is real.
         As I've mentioned, I appreciate humour and I seem to find it everywhere. There's the ludicrous, the inexplicable, the unintentional, and they all tickle my funny bone.I suppose I learned this as an impressionable child.Sharing a laugh is magical. With this philosophy I refer to my three granddaughters as 'grandgiggles.' Now they never fail to make me smile.
September 9, 2021 at 7:55pm
September 9, 2021 at 7:55pm
September 9th Prompt: What health tips have worked for you? What would you like to do to improve your health?
          Is this where I share my diet tips and sprout spout healthy eating regimes? Notice the strong word 'regime.' Hah, I'm not, nor have I ever been a diet devotee. My eating philosophy is more of a see food, enjoy food . Basically, I've never consumed a calorie I didn't like.
         Yes, I will confess that I indulge in desserts on a regular basis. If cookies, cakes and muffins were meant to be forbidden why do they taste irresistible? Are egg farmers conspiring to sell their wares by including them in baked goods, emphasize 'good.' Not that I don't eat eggs in the form of an omelette once in a while. Eggs are nothing if not versatile.
         Despite my kinship with sweet treats I do imbibe veggies. I actually like them and they do not always have to be disguised in those delish confections although carrot, or zucchini bread is the best.
         Besides eating a balanced diet which sometimes is a cookie in each hand I attempt to exercise more than once a year. Not that I am so gung-ho that I wear and follow a Fitbit. I talk myself into a daily walk, well, that's my intention. I recognize that my health needs this burst of movement. My muscles don't wish to atrophy. Use it or lose it is real.
         Years ago, I not only financed a gym membership I attended said gym three times a week. I swam, partook of an aerobics class, and hoisted weights.My body and I cooperated in these endeavours. I achieved a sveltness, a level of fitness in which I did not wheeze climbing stairs.
         I'd like to say I aspire to be that devoted, that resolute again. Perhaps I will push myself in this manner, or perhaps I'll start with faltering, hesitant baby steps . There's no time like the present, so tomorrow I will venture forth to meander at a sedate pace. I just need to forewarn my knees. They prefer a bit of cajoling.
September 8, 2021 at 8:05pm
September 8, 2021 at 8:05pm
September 8th Prompt: A practice I can begin to help me let go of negative emotions and return to a state of peace is ...
          I suppose we're not referring to tantrums in which items are flung willy-nilly, unrepeatable words turn the air blue, feet are stomped, arms wave wildly, jaws clamp, eyes glare and a temporary meltdown ensues. This explosive behaviour seems to work for some people. A certain person once acted like this when he discovered that the cathedral ceiling he climbed up a swaying ladder to access was for some inexplicable reason not built square to the outside wall. Tools flew through the air and clattered to the floor. The ladder shook. Witnesses slunk away.
         After this physical and loud reaction, the homeowner returned to his dilemma with a clear mind and a solution. He realised that he could accept the limitations of an older structure. His renovations were not wasted. He had just needed to vent his frustration.
          What practice could I begin to achieve a sense of peace? First I would ditch any and all electronics. Going cold turkey I'd leave my cell phone at home. Nothing is that earth-shatteringly important. For a respite no one needs to communicate with me. In my youth I survived without someone tracking my every move.
          I would seek the solace of a woodland hike. Free of traffic noise, I'd amble along. No shrieking sirens, no blaring horns, no engine rumbles, no squealing brakes,no grumbling exhausts. I'd revel in the warm sun and a gentle breeze caressing my skin.
         Quite possibly I'd notice a muted chick-a-dee-dee-dee echoing around me. Leaves might rustle as they swayed in the green canopy above me. From lofty branches a chirring might mark my trek into the forest. Blues, greys and reds could flash overhead. Shimmering fingers of sunlight would beckon me.
          A daily retreat to hike without an end goal, or a set time frame could be revitalizing. Setting one foot in front of the other and breathing at a steady pace, sounds relaxing. What am I waiting for?
September 7, 2021 at 8:07pm
September 7, 2021 at 8:07pm
September 7th Prompt: You've been chosen to speak at a zoom conference in your chosen field. Over 5oo people will attend. Each is new to your field and want to hear words of advice. What will you say to them? What did you wish to know when you started?
          What did I wish to know? I'd like to have some idea of what Zooming is. I've never Zoomed. I'm not a Zoomer. Why is it called Zoom? Is this anything like Skype 'cause I do not Skype either. Wait, was this invented by a Twitterer? Did someone conceive of a tweet complete with a beaming face?
         Should I confess that most of my life I've been content to speak with people via phone lines without staring into their eyes at the same time? Face-timing is a new concept for me and while I enjoy seeing my two-year old grandgiggle we spend the majority of our call making faces at each other for laughs. Most of my contacts of an 'older' age do not Facetime. They prefer a face-to-face next to each other in the same vicinity for a conversation. If this is not possible, they will settle for a lengthy chat via a phone link.
          So, Zooming is for meetings and trainings? Really? Again, this is a concept foreign to me. Wouldn't there be a great deal of "can you hear me?" , or "hey, over here, look at me, can you see me?" I know of trainings in which at least one 'student' talks incessantly during the lesson drowning out the instructor's voice. Would a Zooming be any different?
         Five hundred strangers would tune in, or is it Zoom in to listen to me? That's four hundred and ninety-nine too many pairs of ears. I'm perspiring and cringing at the thought. This is too much like public speaking.
         Poof! Just like that the hydro has disappeared. I am now typing this on my cellphone. Huh, this could make for an awkward Zoom encounter. Five hundred teeny tiny floating faces...
September 6, 2021 at 6:54pm
September 6, 2021 at 6:54pm
September 6th Prompt: Do you love your job/career? Tell us why you love it, and why did you choose this career and not something else.
         Job? Career? For a few years, I've been my own boss. Some might say I'm semi-retired. Sure, I handle the paperwork and the accounting for 'our" transport truck, but I do not drive it. The hubby enjoys that aspect. I suppose I keep the home fires burning.
          Since it's believed that I have untold time on my hands, I am the one available to run errands upon request.
         Do I love my current job ? Meh, I don't dislike it. The tea is plentiful and hot. Sometimes, the management bakes scrumptious muffins and cookies. I enjoy unlimited internet access. I drive a company vehicle. There are no fixed hours.
          I have no plans to quit.

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