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by jaya
Rated: E · Book · Entertainment · #2241827
Poems written for Poetry activity hosted by {user:Solace.Bring}
#1004519 added February 15, 2021 at 8:53am
Restrictions: None
elements, white lilies, magnetic, enigma, on track, Despair.

2-1-2021 Prompt images: Images of Alert Foxes or Flat Tyre

On track
A flat tyre? Not a big deal
for those who know the skill
a spare tire, wrench and jack
and voila! You’re back on track.

It teaches: be able and ready
face sudden setbacks steady
know what to do with things at hand
like the monkeys "At Woodward's Gardens"

From Robert Frost's "At Woodward’s Gardens"

I don't believe everything

My mind's ever an enigma
a bit mad, a bit innocent
a bit right, a renegade rare
I try to convince, I try to control
Inject some sense
yet... it goes its way
falling for the wrong kind
leaving the right behind.


2-3-2021 Prompt: Despair or Appear

Thankfully, despair deletes
itself from my life.
If it appears I wave
my magic wand for 'hope'.

I can't let myself
be buried in a hole.
I can't let beauty of life
pass by me. I don't despair.

2-4-2021 Prompt : names of old movies.
A found poem(collage)

A walk in the sun
brings me face to face
with a field of dreams
made of right stuff.

pushes me on to
do the right things
at the right moment
and all that jazz.

2-5-2021 Prompt words: Dapple or Moment


That was the moment
still strong and singular
when I felt I met you
before, a long time ago.

The pull was magnetic
Nothing could snatch it
nothing ever replaced it
a moment lasting a life time.

7-2-2021 Prompt: Images of a colorful lion, suprecell Nebraska and snow and bird

The stunner

Stunning scary supercell
nature's war on human kind
avenge rampage and rough shod
on mother earth's hallowed space.

Tumble weed, furious, frightful
shooting slamming arrows at
those that dare come across
storm chasers chased away.

8-2-2021 Prompt words: Cave or Answer

I rang you again and again
there was no answer
causing questions to crop up
suspicion to squeeze my mind.
The very next day
you appeared at the door
with an impish smile and
a bouquet of red roses.

9-2-2021 Prompt: Names of movies such as “Stranger Tides”.

The night was pitch dark
the ship left Durban shore.
Two hours after midnight
a gang of blue whales sliced
through the rippling waves
of stranger tides, surrounded
the ship in blue luminescence,
swam along with amazing grace.

10-2-2021 Prompt words: Purpose or follow
The purpose

"The purpose is not to sleep
but to become aware" said
the master looking at his
followers lying on the mats.
So I resolved to come out
of my body and look at it.
what do I see? An empty shell
that would mix with elements.

11-2-2021 Prompt: picture prompts: Pottery or Flying acrobats


Flying acrobats hold us in a thrall.
What control, what balance!
Their courage and revelry
the height and the agility

dexterous as they hang, clap, turn, leap
across the trapeze. swift, change, dive
as the drums crash in crescendo.
I take a bow to their rare art.

12-2-2021 Prompt words: Remnants or Concern


Remnants of past joy and pain
linger on through the dense forest
of memories hanging like a thick
web of smoke that ever clings

long after the cinders die
and mere ashes mixed in
the holy river, years after
the priest had done with service.

13-2-2021 Prompt words: Bouquet- Bleak- Suppose-Nosey

White lilies

The bouquet of white lilies
you left on the threshold
persuades me to recall a night
on the white sand, sea and
surf, a sailing moon on
a cloudless star-studded sky.
I suppose it is a bleak life
without your loving presence.

15-2-2021 prompts quotation-Prompt 1
"Live in the sunshine, swim the sea, drink the wild air."
~ Ralph Waldo Emerson


The tall structures shadow my sunshine,
thick layers of flotsam and jetsam stop
my steps into the sea for a soothing swim
those factories with dusty smoke choke me.

My spirit craves for a shower of sunshine
My body longs for the touch of pure salty sea
my soul yearns to take in lungful of fresh air
before I finally melt into life-giving elements.

© Copyright 2021 jaya (UN: vindhya at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
jaya has granted Writing.Com, its affiliates and its syndicates non-exclusive rights to display this work.
Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/1004519-elements-white-lilies-magnetic-enigma-on-track-Despair