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There is a lot within me Other Than Scriptwriting. This blog is devoted to those stories.
#1023468 added December 20, 2021 at 11:25pm
Restrictions: None
Another Typical Monday
Another Typical Monday

I’m not doing too good on my second Short Story for this month. This last week I have wanted to work on it after I got home from work. But it didn’t work out that way. Usually, I can get one or two sections written during my work week. Not this week. That’s how hectic it was at work. One problem after another stopped me from working on my scriptwriting project.

No, I didn’t work on that when I came home from work. But because of what happened at work I let it affect me working on it after I got home. Unfortunately, today hasn’t been too much better. It has been a typical first day off from work. In fact, it has been so bad this is the first chance that I have gotten to open my laptop. Let along get any writing done on it.

It hasn’t been a total loss, though. And in a way, I did work on it after I got home from work. Then again, I didn’t. Does that make any sense to you? It doesn’t to me neither. And I’m writing this blog entry. What I am trying to write is that I did get a little bit of my writing done today after all. I only did it before I went to sleep last night. That what I mean about it is after I got home from work after all.

What am I going to do now? Will I continue to work on it after I get done writing and posting this blog entry? That is what I plan on doing. As for if I will, the answer is probably no. What is the usual reason why I don’t get any more writing done after my Monday blog entry? That’s right. It’s the lack of sleep last night. Unfortunately, that is the reason for it this time too. Once again, I didn’t get too much sleep last night.

Also, Unfortunately, I may not get too much of it written tomorrow either. I’m hoping to get at least three or more parts of this Short Story written. But that’s a lot of words. About eight hundred of them. I can get that many written in one day. Used to do that every day for quite a while back in the Stone Age. But I’m not going to count on anything until it happens.

I know that there are a few things that my brother and I have to do tomorrow. But I don’t think that it will take us that long to do them. Of course, I have written that before. And for one reason or another, it didn’t work out that way. I hope that this isn’t one of those times.

If it doesn’t take us too long to do what needs to be done tomorrow, I may have a chance to get a few more sections done. As for doing four more, there’s a very good chance I won’t get that many written no matter when I get the chance to write them. I may be lucky if I get one or two more written.

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A blog devoted just to my scriptwriting. That’s all I’m going to blogging about here.
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What you are about to read is true. Nothing needed to be changed. After all, this has already been translated into a language that we all know and understand - English (German, French, Italian, Russian, etc.).

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