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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/1034669-Its-Not-Terrible-News-Today
Rated: E · Book · Sci-fi · #2209065
A blog devoted just to my scriptwriting. That’s all I’m going to blogging about here.
#1034669 added July 3, 2022 at 11:48pm
Restrictions: None
It's Not Terrible News Today
It’s Not Terrible News Today

Unfortunately, I didn’t get any writing done on either one of my scriptwriting projects today. But a lot of that was because it was my choice not to work on them. Why did I do that? It was because I knew that I probably wouldn’t be able to write too many single paragraphs or sentences on either one of them. So, I decided not to even try to do them.

Yes, I know that I have written in other blogs that even one or two paragraphs or a lot of sentences are better than none at all. But not doing too many isn’t the only reason I decided not to do them. It has been a long and tiring day today. I figured that if I did do any writing on either one of these projects, I would probably end up re-writing some if not all of them.

I was hoping to get back home from the long trip that we had to do today in the middle of the afternoon. Maybe about an hour after that. If even that long. But unfortunately, I was wrong about that. It was about two hours later than I was hoping. Combine that with us getting up at six-thirty WDC time, spells a very, very long day for us.

We were both very tired by the time we got home. I wanted to get some writing done. But I didn’t. That’s how tired we were. At least I didn’t when it comes to my scriptwriting. I did do some writing today. It just wasn’t my scriptwriting. No, I’m not writing about this blog entry. Even though, this is my writing too. I’m writing about the only contest entry that I am writing this month so far.

I wanted to get some writing done today besides this blog entry. And I didn’t want to risk doing it on either one of my scriptwriting projects because of the probable outcome. So, I decided to work on this Short Story. After all, what I do with it I can always change. And I probably will without too much trouble. But it’s easier to change this than it is to change single paragraphs or sentences.

The change isn’t my only reason for working on this Short Story today. It’s the only one so far. But sooner or later there will also be a WDC Short Story to write. And the way that I have been having problems lately with getting one Short Story written in a month, I will have two of them again this month. Does that make any sense? It’s a little bit confusing to me. And I’m the one trying to explain it.

Tomorrow is the fourth of July here in the United States. I’m not really into it like I used to be. But my brother and I are going to participate in it a little bit. It’s only going to take about an hour or two to accomplish it. So, I should have some time to get some writing done. Besides my blog entry for tomorrow, I’m not sure what that writing is going to be.

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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/1034669-Its-Not-Terrible-News-Today