Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/1049925-Ron-De-Santis-Florida-Utopia
Rated: ASR · Book · Cultural · #2293895
Express It Eight Current Poems Vol Two
#1049925 added May 21, 2023 at 10:49am
Restrictions: None
Ron De Santis Florida Utopia
Ron De Santis’s Florida Utopia

A few months after the trans bathroom bill was enacted into law
in Ron De Santis' “Anti-Woke Florida Christian Utopia,”
A number of horrific cases dominated the 24/7 news cycle.
In Miami, a white woman, a real “Karen” challenged a black woman using the library’s restroom
Saying to her, “You don’t look like a real woman to me, show me your BC”
The black woman told her to mind her own business, ignoring her demands
The Self-Proclaim Christian warrior killed her and was acquitted because she felt threatened.
The governor applauded the acquittal as a victory for upholding Christian values.

Author notes; for non-Americans and Americans who don’t follow the Right-wing news much here are some helpful author notes. The poem and my notes are my opinion, if you disagree so be it. If you comment, please be civil.

“Karen” is a pejorative term for a white woman who calls the police on black people doing ordinary things while black in this case using the library restroom.

Trans bathroom bills. Florida and Kansas have recently passed anti-trans bathroom bills which require people to only use bathrooms that correspond to their gender assigned at birth. The reason behind these draconian anti-trans bills is to" protect public safety and privacy." Of course, enforcing them will result in a massive invasion of privacy for LGBTQ person and be a total waste of police manpower.

Florida law allows anyone to challenge anyone else’s use of a restroom in a public facility, refusal to leave when challenged can result in being charged with criminal trespass. The Kansas law applies to all public bathrooms including in private business and defines gender as the gender assigned at birth. For some reason, the right wing has become obsessed with the alleged danger posed by people using the wrong bathroom, as well as refusing to admit that people can change their gender and be a different gender than one assigned at birth. Many believe that transgendered people are mentally ill and don’t really exist as gender is immutable once assigned by God at conception. Even after going through the transition, you are still the same gender as when God assigned your gender at conception. They justify this belief as being consistent with Christian values. The bible does not mention transgender people at all.

“Stand your ground laws” have proliferated recently. Under Florida’s version, a person is authorized to use deadly force if they are in a place, they have a legal right to be and feel threatened by another person. There is no duty to retreat, nor duty to warn the other person that they are armed. In other words, many people have gotten away with what used to be considered murder or manslaughter.

Gun shows in Florida and many states where most guns are bought at unregulated gun shows where you can buy weapons without showing ID and bypassing background checks.

This poem looks at the likely outcome of the trans bathroom ban in a state awash in guns and unhinged right-wing nut cases who believe that they are following God’s will in confronting sinful evil people like LGBTQ people.
The governor shares these views and vows to extend his anti-woke crusade nationwide anti-Woke crusade. Woke is a pejorative term by the right-wing covering things they don’t like that they don’t like including gender studies, feminism studies, queer studies, LGTBQ rights, gay marriage, diversity initiatives, inclusion programs, sensitivity training programs., discussions of race, sexism and gender in public school classrooms.
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