Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/1051569-Body-Snatchers-Capgras-Syndrome
Rated: ASR · Book · Cultural · #2293895
Express It Eight Current Poems Vol Two
#1051569 added June 25, 2023 at 12:50pm
Restrictions: None
Body Snatchers Capgras Syndrome

Body Snatchers Capgras Syndrome

Sam Adams One day came down
With Capgras Syndrome
Convinced that everyone
Was being replaced by body duplicates
From the Borg universe
He told his therapist
That he thought
that she was part of the conspiracy


Salieri Syndrome

Antonio Salieri was an Italian composer and has long been associated with a rivalry between himself and Mozart. Salieri Syndrome is the name for a phenomenon where people who may be quite talented feel like they are being overshadowed by someone more talented and go out of their way to undermine their would-be rivals out of a sense of envy.

Capgras Syndrome

Capgras Syndrome is the belief that someone, or something, close to you has been replaced by an exact duplicate. Typically, someone suffering from the syndrome will believe that a person close to them like a loved one has been swapped, but a person can also believe certain objects and pets may have fallen victim to the same replacement scheme.

Stendhal Syndrome

The Stendhal Syndrome is when someone is overwhelmed by the art they see. Those who experience it may endure dizziness, hallucinations, heart palpitations, and panic attacks. Researchers attribute it to taking in so much historic and remarkable art that it overwhelms the senses in what is sometimes called an Art Attack.

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